• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 6 : Galactic Patrol

It had been really easy to find the Galactic Patrol spaces, and finding one of their space stations was easy. But getting past the security was something else.

"So why are you in GP space, and why have you come to this station?" asked the patrolman, who had stopped them as they were leaving their ship.

Now normally, what they had seen as they landed had worried Twilight and Vomi a lot, for of the races there were banned in GP space, the top race was Saiyan's, for their kill count was the biggest of them all, and the number of planets they had blown up or killed everyone on was terrifying. Twilight was not really able to blame the Galactic Patrol for their fear of Saiyan's. But a good thing was they knew of only three Saiyan's alive right now, and they had all three of their mugshots shown as well, with their names under them. Lows Bounty was the one called Raditz, with His Bounty being 12,000,000 at millions. He had the biggest heir of them all, going all the way down, passing his butt. It must suck for him when he had to take a bath, for having to dry all that hair must be a nightmare, and do to him being a Saiyan. He is stuck with it, and for some reason, he reminds her of Goku. The next one was a bald man with a thin mustache, whose name was Nappa. Who's bounty was over double the size of the first, going all the way up to 40,000,000 at millions. The last one had the biggest of the bounty's, and His name did catch Twilight's attention, Prince Vegeta, for His name made her aware that Saiyan's had royalties; however, she would probably never be able to take Him seriously, for His hair reminded her of a doll back on earth, and she notice that all of them had names close to that of vegetables from earth, which gave her a bit of a chuckle, but his bounty was no joke. 180,000,000 at a million he must really be powerful to get this big a bounty. And with what Pybara had told them about the Saiyan's still around, they all work for Frieza, someone that she had been told everything Pybara knew about. But that is things for late; for now, they had just been allowed to go into the station. The patrol man who let them in did not think of her as a Saiyan, for all the female Saiyan's were dead, so she is not a Saiyan in their eyes, and it helps that she does not have a power reading. Which really disappoints Twilight, that a place like this got so lax security; sure, it was helping her right now but still disappointing, but as Her Mother always says, don't stop your enemy when they are making a mistake; sure, they are not her enemy's yet, but they might not agree with her if they learn what she is.

"You are free to go Lady's; however, we ask you to keep your pet close to you," said the patrolman as he was pointing towards Owlowiscious. which had Owlowiscious landed on Twilight's shoulder, which earned him a head scratcher from Twilight that he lean into. Sure, he was an android, but he was a self-learning and evolving machine, something she was not sure how on She did it, but he seemed to become more like a real owl with each day that went by. With that out of the way, Twilight, Vomi, and Owlowiscious started to walk into the station.

"Let's hope the station is more impressive than the guards who are defending it," said Twilight. as they got out of range of the door guard. "Else, it's a good thing that Pybara talks us into taking the pay card, so we are able to get something to eat and maybe buy some items to take home, for I think there is a good chance there might be some fun things we can get as souvenirs."

The station at least did not disappoint when it came to its technology; there were marvels nearly no matter where you looked. It's just a shame that the security system is not up to the tech's standards, for Twilight had been able to get into the systems without being spotted and was now downloading everything she was able to find without leaving anything to track her. but she would bring this data up for later. Right now, She and Vomi were looking around, and with Vomi's hand-held scanner, that would allow Her to copy down the blueprints of everything she was able to put it up against, and with no one there to stop them, they were able to get everything without a problem. which was really odd to them, for if they had been there to make trouble, then they would have been able to do it without a problem. It seems that the Galactic Patrol might be a bit too trusting. At least that is what it seems to them.

Otherwise, it seemed like they had walk into some kind of mall, which was fine by them, for then they could find a place to sit down and look over some of the data they had already gotten, so they looked around a bit for a place that would fit their needs. and they were really surprised when they found what looked like a Earth fast food store, and with them both having been away from earth for 7 years already they were starting to miss simple foods like what you get in a fast food store, so it became a easy pick, and it turn out to be a good one, for it turned out that it was just what it looked like, and looking into it in some of the data Twilight had download, it turn out that it had been copy from earth, and the meat had come form animals there had at one point been been taken from earth, and with some of the ship designs they had seen as they were landing, made Vomi realize that there was some farmers on earth who has been telling the truth, about their cows and chickens being taken in the night by a UFO. Something Vomi would make sure to tell her husband when she got back to the ship, for if they want animals from earth, they will have to pay for them in the future. But for now, it was time to relax and sit down with some new data.

With both of them now having their food and having gotten a good table in the corner where they would be able to sit in peace, while Owlowiscious had chosen to sit on a hanging light in the room, they started going over what they had gotten so far. With Vomi going over her new blueprints and Twilight going into some of the data she downloaded, And it was starting out good, for it allowed her to find something she found very funny yet interesting, which really should not be doing that, for it was a form of propaganda video, forming a group called the Ginyu Force, who are the high-ranking soldiers from King Cold's army, and King Cold being Frieza's father, where Twilight had already been told more than enough about Frieza himself and his family. However, she did not know of His Elite Soldiers, and it seemed that the Ginyu Force was the elite of the elite, where each of the 5 members had their own bounty's.

Starting out was the smallest member, Guldo, coming from a race of people who can stop time when holding their breaths, and he had been seen to be able to do high levels of telekinesis, something he had in common with herself. His bounty was the same as Vegeta's at 180,000,000 million; he was an ugly little thing, but how you look does not have anything to do with what you can do. Next comes a guy who looks like He might have lived on earth at one point, for He looks like a human who is just a small bit bigger then Her BBBFF, and that is a first for Her, She did not believe others had the ability to grow just as big as Him, but then again This Recoome guy, might not be from Earth, He just looks like He might be from Earth, else the bit of info they had on Him had Him do poses as He is fighting, He seem to enjoy toying with his opponents, and it seemed like he had the second biggest bounty of the force, and if Vegeta's had seen big, then Recoome was making him look like an ant with a bounty on 71,000,000,000 at Billions. Next was Burter, a blue guy who looked like he was part reptile. He is somehow bigger than Recoome, but where the reports talk about Recoome's power, here it talks about his speed; other than that, he had the nickname The Blue Hurricane, with a bounty of 68,000,000,000 billions. Then there is the Vice Captain Jeice; every picture she was able to find of him had Burter with him; the two seem to always be together; otherwise, there was nothing special about him other than his nickname, The Red Magma. He was the second-smallest on the team, but with a fair bounty of 64,000,000,000 at billions. Last was their leader, Captain Ginyu. He was in the middle of the group when it came to sizes, with two horns on His head, and purple skin, else He was said to dislike unfair fights, and He had been shown be loyal to his soldiers and men, but he had something truly terrifying about him. The report said that Captain Ginyu was a man with the ability to body change, allowing him to take someone else's body, which if this was true, she understand why Ginyu was having such a high bounty of 120,000,000,000 billions. All this information on them was something to keep in mind, for even if she would never meet them, learning about them would help her understand something that she had not really given any thought to before: what kind of crazy abilities are out there in the universe, do they have limits, and can they be learned? These thoughts were something Twilight was starting to think about when she was interrupted.

And it seems her mother had been interrupted as well, for there was someone who was talking to them, a girl who looked like she was from earth, who had long blonde hair and had a rainbow-colored hat on, and she was looking at both Twilight and Vomi like she did not believe what she was seeing.

"Are you two from earth?" asked the mystery girl.

"Yes, we are from earth, and who might you be, and why are you here? For from what we know, there are not any others who have a spaceship on earth who can get this far out into space," asked Vomi. While looking at the girl, she is sure she knows her form somewhere, but where she had seen her before was something she did not recall.

"I knew it; when I saw you, I was sure that you were both from earth. Oh, but how rude of me! My name is Tights Brief, and I'm here because of... ", the girl started to point towards Twilight Belt while becoming pale in the face. "Is that a tail?" The girl was stopped here by Twilight getting up and putting both her hands over her mouth.

"Before you start getting any ideas of screaming and getting a lot of people to come running, I will let you know a few things. First, yes, I'm a Saiyan. Second, no, I'm not an evil monster; I grew up on earth, and there has only been one time in my life I have wished death on anyone; other than that, I'm not dangerous, unless I'm forced to be. Do you understand that?" Ask Twilight while looking Tights in the eye. After getting a head nod, Twilight pulled her hands away and sat back down. "Well, now that is out of the way. You said your name was Tights Briefs, right?" Getting a head nod from the still-shaken girl, Twilight continued. "Well, I'm Twilight. This is my mother, Vomi. She found me when I was 4 and took me in. else, a small question You said your last name was Briefs, as in Dr. Brief?"

After collating herself and giving Vomi and Twilight another look, she smiled. "I'm sorry about that; Saiyan's are something the GP really fears; they see even a kid as a big problem. And yes, that's right. Dr. Brief is my dad; otherwise, I am only here for a small bit, together with one of my friends from the GP, Jaco, and His pander. Merus gave me a lift here, so I would be able to put up my new draft for a new book I am working on. My first book here failed, but I think this new one will hit the spot and become my new best seller. Otherwise, right now, I'm waiting for them to come back. They ran after someone at high speed. Else, is that not far too much food for just the two of you?" She asked as she looked at the small mountain of burgers that had just been set down on the table between them. "Can I take one? I have not had anything to eat today."

"Sure, you can have one, but this is just a small meal for Twilight, for you see, Saiyan's can eat a lot of food, and the unfair part of it is that not one bit goes towards becoming fat on her body, but then again, with how much she trains these days, even if it did go and become fat, she would probably burn it right off. Else, to answer your question about how we got here, we made a spaceship and have been traveling the stars for the last 7 years; it has been really eye-opening. We mostly set out to learn more about where Twilight came from, and now we are just looking a bit around before going back to earth." Said Vomi as she started to eat her own food.

"So do the two of you have any plans for when you return to earth, for if you are going to do it soon, then I might ask for a lift back to earth?"

"Sadly, I can't say that we are fully ready to go home. We are probably out here in space for at least 2 more years, but time will tell if that is how long we stay away from Earth. There are still things Twilight and I want to look into, and I am not sure how long it will take before we are ready to go back. So I'm sorry that you will have to use your friends for a lift back, but we can stay with you while you wait for them to come back. and besides, we still have some food to eat."

Late after all the food had been eaten, Twilight, Vomi, and Tights got up and got ready to go out and look around.

As they were walking out of the shop, Tights got a shock as Owlowiscious came flying out of his stealth mode and landed on Twilight's shoulder like it was nothing. "Where did that owl come from, and is he yours?" she asked Twilight.

"Owlowiscious is my pet, yes, and you did not see him, for he is a really special owl," replayed Twilight as she reached up and gave him a head pat.

And so the small group went out window shopping to see if there were any stores that might have anything they wanted, and they were having a good time. But that came to a halt when they were rudely interrupted by a man who grabbed Twilight from behind and held a small gun to her head while turning her around and coming to see two Galactic Patrolmen, who were now pointing their guns at him, all the while Twilight rolled her eyes. for this guy had just chosen the wrong person to take hostage. Before he was even able to get a word out, Twilight grabbed him by the hand and swung him over herself and into the floor with enough force that he was now stuck in it, surprising both the patrolmen.

looking down at the guy who had just tried to take her hostage. Twilight started to talk to him. "You really are stupid for trying to take a hostage like that. I mean, in a galaxy like this. Where many are able to lift over a ton, and then you do it with a gun, there might as well be a toy; you really do not know what you are doing, do you?"

Taking in what just happened, the two Galactic Patrolmen, the shorter of the two men, walk over to Tights and Vomi. "So that just happened. so now that this guy is no longer running." The man took a second to look at the guy who was still stuck in the floor. "Though we might need help to remove him from the floor, for it looks like he is kind of deep in there, else I am not looking forward to writing the report on this. Merus, can you handle the report on this one? I really do not want to try and explain why there is missing a floor tile from the station," said the short one of the two who was now looking at Twilight as she was still trying to teach the criminal off all the ways he had failed, which he was probably not hearing for he looked like he was passed out with his eyes open.

"Jaco!, You can't just pawn off all your work to Merus; I know he is fine with doing it, but that is no reason to abuse his kindness." reply Tights, to Jaco as he was coming on to her.

Merus, who had ignored Jaco and Tights fight, had gone over to Twilight. "I would like to thank you, Miss, for helping us stop this guy; however, don't you think you might have used a bit too much force on him?" asks Twilight. getting her to stop her lecture to the knockout criminal.

She was done looking down at the idiot who tried to use her as a shield. She looked over the two patrolmen. First, there was the smaller of the two Jacos. Who had a humanoid but alien build with light blue skin and yellow eyes. with the normal GP outfit on. Next was the guy who had come to speak to her. a head shorter than her, who appears to be a young humanoid with really light blue skin and white hair. with the same outfit as Jaco. But there is more to him, but what it was is something Twilight is not sure about yet.

"Oh, please, I barely touched him. He is just really weak. And you can't say that he did not earn it," she replied. as she was putting her hair behind her ear, something of a habit she had gained from Lazuli after seeing her do it a lot, something Lapis was making fun of them both for doing.

Else something was off to Twilight about Merus; where she had been able to feel the Ki of Jaco and the criminal, there was nothing she was able to feel from him. At the same time, looking at him, there was something that seemed off, but in a good way. It was like he had an aura about him that made him more than mortal. something she wanted to say something about but was stopped by Merus.

"Jaco I want to ask this young lady something, so please keep an eye on the criminal." getting a thumbs up from Jaco while still having his back towards him. allowing Merus to take Twilight to a place where they are able to talk in peace. "As much as you have questions, I can say that it's the same for me. Why do you have God Ki Saiyan?"

"Well, I think I can ask the same of a guy who is playing policeman: Why do you have God Ki, or at least something along that line, for I can't feel your energy fully, but just a small bit now and then, the flow of it is far too calm to be normal. In other words, if you want an answer, you will have to give one, which, if you ask me, is just fair. And please don't call me Miss or Lady; it makes me feel old, and I am only 23, so that is far too early to feel like that," she said. while giving Merus a smile, who looked shocked.

"The fact that you can feel my Ki at all says a lot. I will tell you a bit, but I can't give you a full answer, for I have some rules about me I need to follow. First, yes, my Ki is a form of God Ki; sadly, I can't go into details about that, but I can let you know that you are far more special than just your Ki, for even those who can feel the gods normally can't feel what I am; that is something only true gods can feel. I can't tell you what I really am, for I am not allowed to do that right now. But one day you will be allowed to know that, for I can feel and see that you will one day grow into someone who will catch the eye's of the gods in this universe, and when that happens, you can learn what I am. Else, I am sorry for making you feel old, Twilight." said Merus. while blushing and feeling a bit embarrassed, over making the young girl feel old. Earning him a giggle from Twilight, "Now then I told you as much as I could right now, your turn."

"Ah, you are cute when you are blushing," said Twilight with a smile, as she was looking at how embarrassed he was. "Well, to be honest, I was born with this Ki from what I know of, for I can only remember my life from the age of 4 years old, where I was found by my mother Vomi; otherwise, I have been learning everything I can about the use of Ki and fighting. In the start I did not understand why I wanted to fight, but then I learned that it's in my blood as a Saiyan. Else, I also got a big pink star on my back, which, from what we have been able to find out, is filled with magic. Any chance you know why that is?"

"I-I-I am not S-Sure, can yo-you show me?" Stuttering a bit after being called cute Twilight gave him a nod, gave him her coat, turned her back to him, and pulled down on the back of her body suit to show him the star on his backā€”at least the top of it. "I have never seen anything like this before," he said as he put his hand to her back, feeling the power of it and what it held within it. What he was feeling was harmony, a perfect balance of order and chaos. "Is there any chance I can see the full thing?" Making Twilight Blush now.

"I am going to have to say no to that. for then I would have to nearly fully strip, for parts of the star are on my hips." Realizing what he had just asked her to do, he asked for her forgiveness for overstepping. as she was pulling her suit back up again. "It's fine; you got caught in the moment. But it's good to see that even the gods can get embarrassed, given how some talk about the idea of gods. I was starting to fear the idea of becoming emotionless, just something there can do nothing wrong."

"You have nothing to fear there, for gods can mess up just as badly as everyone else can. Trust me on this; sadly, I can't give you any stories about it right now, but know this: the main god of our universe is far from perfect. else to tell you about the star on your back. It's filed with what I can only call harmonic magic, which I believe you are able to use as you see fit. Is this true?" This sounding right to Twilight gave him a head nod, not wanting to interrupt him. "Right, this means you have every kind of magic in you. Mind you, this is the first time I have ever seen this before, though I'm only 737 years old, but I do know someone I can ask about it, so I will give you something so we can talk when we go our own ways, then I can tell you what I learn about it later. Does this sound good to you?"

Surprised at how casual Merus was about being 737 years old and calling that young, she had to ask him about it. "Sure, that is fine, and I hope we will be able to talk more than just that after. Else, how is 737 years young?."

"Oh yeah, you probably don't know yet. Well, you see, God Ki can make those who have it live a lot longer, and the stronger the God Ki is, the more powerful this is, and you got the Ki of a True God, so it can't get stronger then that, and if you are around anyone for long enough, with you trusting them, it can go over to them as well, like your mother already has it, and it's strong with her, from what I can tell, she is around her late 60s, and yet she looks like she would be able to be your big sister. This is what your God Ki is doing is energize those you care about. How many more years it gives them, I am not sure about. While you are ageless, time will never take you, for the type of Ki you got is something you can't be trained to get; it can only be given, and it's lost from the one who gives it, so having been born with it is something that has not happened before, from what I know, and before you ask, no, it does not make you stronger than normal God Ki; you still have to train on your own. So 737 years for us is nothing, while the 23 years you have lived is nothing."

This information came as a big surprise to her, one that she is happy she got now instead of having to find out the hard way, which would only lead to sadness, but knowing now would let her prepare herself for that time to come. Other than that, she found it nice to know, for not having to worry about growing old and gray was nice. Twilight's thoughts were interrupted when Meruc handed her a small item, a flat circle with a sphere on one side; otherwise, it had the size of one of the earth's dragon balls.

"This is a universal phone that can call me anywhere in the universe. I will use this to call you when I know more about the mark on your back. It will probably take some time before I call you on it, but feel free to call me if you want to ask me something. The way you call me is to just say my name while looking into it, and it should call me up. Any questions before we go back, for I am probably needed to save Jaco from Tights, for he got a talent for making the Brief's girls angry." As he finishes saying this, they hear a loud SLAP!. which makes Meruc tense up.

"Well, I do have a single question for you. Why are you playing policeman? for with how you pull me aside, I take it you don't want Jaco to know about this side of you." Asked Twilight. while giving a light smile.

"Well, that is meant for me to learn more about what it's like to be mortal, and with there not being any work for me yet, So I am able to go out and do this to learn more about how mortals do things. There is more to it, but I can't really say anything about it."

"Ah, that makes sense, but may I ask how Jaco is your boss? He does not seem to be the leader type."

giving a sigh. "Sadly, you are right on that. But this came to be due to a mission Jaco had on earth; he was there looking for a Saiyan pod going there to take care of the kid in the pod; he never found it, but in his time there, he had an encounter with a man who was tired of other humans; he was living on an island for himself, and due to how the old man was looking at his own race, Jaco wanted to use a thing we call an Extinction Bomb." At this point, Twilight interrupted Merus.

"Wait, hold up! He wanted to use an explosion bomb on Earth! I read a bit about the bomb. and how it let's out a virus that kills everything on a planet but animals and planet life, and you are telling me he wanted to do this on my home planet just because of an old and tired man! " Twilight was about to get angry when Merus calmed her down.

"Calm down. I understand your rage, but don't worry, the old guy did talk him out of doing it, and Jaco did get called in to answer for nearly doing such a thing, which is why I am his teammate and I hold the bombs just in case. But in other matters, how do you know about the bombs? They are set as classified information. You would only know about those if you have been in our databanks, which is off limits to everyone but the top people of GP," asked Meruc as he looked Twilight in the eye, wanting to see if she would lie to him, but what she said surprised him.

"Well, the security was really weak; I got passed it on my second try, so I downloaded a copy of everything in the databases; I even made a copy for my mom to look at. Said Twilight. like it was a perfectly normal thing to do.

Surprised by the honesty, Meruc responded. "I will be honest; I believe that you would try to lie to me about this, for what you have done can be seen as a major crime. But with how our talk has gone, I am ok with you having this. But there is something I really want to ask you to do for us here at the GP. You probably saw the bounty of the tree Saiyan's on your way in." getting a nod from Twilight, he continued. "Well, we are trying to get people who are not strong enough to stop going after the Saiyan's, and if we can get more information on them, we can probably get people to stop trying. If you do this, I will get Earth and You set as protected; that way, you do not need to hide who you are in GP space."

"Before I agree to this, I want to know: if this is to stop people from going into something that will get them killed, why do you have bounties on the Ginyu Force?, for they are probably more dangers than the Saiyan's."

"To scare people away from them, for believe it or not, the only ones who go for anything over a million are those who know what they are doing, but do to how little is known about the Saiyan's many tries their luck on them and end up dead do to it."

"Alright, that seems more than fair for me, so saying no to this would be stupid, so I agree to this, for the information on the Saiyan race will not really give any weakness out; well, there is one weakness, but that can be trained away, and with all of them being warriors, they should have trained it away."

"If you don't mind me asking, what is this weakness?, for I can't really see anything in you, I would call you right out weak."

unfolding her tail and giving Meruc a wave with it. "Our Tails A tail that has not been trained will make a Saiyan lose all their power if it is grabbed. But I had a good teacher, and he made me train it so I no longer got weak from it; now I can hit just as hard with my tail as my fist, so if it's been trained, going for it can cost the life of the one trying. Also, how close have you been looking at my body?, for it's starting to sound like you have been looking really closer."

"I have not been looking at you like that, I swear!" Said Meruc as he was starting to blush.

while laughing at how Meruc was behaving. "Don't worry, I know you did not mean it like that. I am just playing around with something my mother has been teaching me. For you see, my mother knows how my looks will pull in guys in the future, and she wanted me to be ready for that. So she started to teach me how to be in control in a conversation, and one part of that is to use every advantage I have, and one of them is my looks, and this is the first time I had a chance to try and use it, for she was teaching me on our flight here."

After coming down a bit, Meruc started to talk again. "I will tell Your Mother that she knows what she is doing when she is teaching you. Else, back to what we were talking about. I will be honest, I did not see that coming, for if I am not wrong, your tail is what lets you transform into a great ape, so that being a weakness is such a surprise. Do you know if it's still one when you are transformed?"

Twilight looked like she was thinking for a bit. "If I recall right, then it still is; if it's not trained, then yes, it's still a weakness, for there was another Saiyan on earth, and I recall he was stopped by his friends by jumping on his tail, as he was going into a rage and would have probably killed them if not for that; after that, they cut the tail and ended it. Else something needs to be said: a Saiyan has a chance of learning to use its powers without becoming a Great Ape. something I call Wrathful, I can do it myself, but I am not fully sure how it came about, for I gained it one time when I was going to use the form of the Great Ape, but instead I went into Wrathful, and if any of the others get this, then they will become more powerful as they get more angry. What the limits for this are, I am not sure, for I had help to clam me down."

"Well, this information is probably already more than enough to stop nearly anyone. For being able to tap into power like that without having to transform into a bigger target is something many will fear. Sure, we do not know if any other Saiyan can do it, but we do not need to tell the bounty hunters that, so when you are talking to the people, you can say it like it's easy to learn. This way, these bounty's become too much work for too little earning. Now that we got this talk out of the way, I think we should return to the other; Jaco might have gotten himself into more trouble." giving Twilight a smile and then giving her a bow and putting his hand out for her. "Now then, shall we, my dear?"

Twilight took his hand. "My, what a gentleman you are. It seems I am not the only one who can play games. But seriously, we should probably not go back to them like this. You will give My Mother the wrong ideas, though you would not be a bad guy for me to bring home," said Twilight as she took her hand back.

"Well, I thank you for the kind words. Though I will be honest, I am not sure I will be allowed to have relationships in my line of work. Otherwise, I might be tempted to try for that. Now then, let's get... back... to them?." coming back to where Twilight and Meruc had left Vomi, Tights, and Jaco. The only ones who were still standing were Tights and Vomi, who, for some reason, had Jaco's gun now. While it looks like Jaco was trying to mimic the criminal who was still stuck, having left a small mark on the floor where he was, with an angry Vomi and Tights looking at him, while Owlowiscious was flying over heads Hooting angry at Jaco "What happened to Jaco?" asks Meruc.

"Well, Jaco got scared of Owlowiscious when he got out of his stealth mode and tried to shoot him, but before he had the chance, Tights and I smacked him down before he was fully aimed. and then I took his gun from him, for he is clearly a bit trigger happy."

Meruc and Twilight facepalmed at the same time.

Author's Note:

For those who want to know where the stuff about Jaco wanting to use a bomb on earth comes from, its from his own manga call 'Ginga Patrol Jako' it happens at page 38 and 39. form chapter 1. The story is a prequel to Dragon ball, it's 12 Chapters long so worth a read. This is also where Tights is from.