• Published 1st Jun 2023
  • 276 Views, 3 Comments

I Love the Star in You - Twilyx360

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Chapter 27

Guards finally flooded into the room and arrested the sons of the Zephyrs on the spot.

As Shining was looking for Argyle. The guards got her and pinned her down. “Argyle! Help!”

As the chaos died down Argyle heard her. “Shining!” He immediately took off his wing disguise and ran to her.

“Stop! Earth pony!” Said a guard.

“Let her go! Don’t hurt her!” He screamed.

Suddenly two guards appeared behind him.

Haven looked behind her and witnessed this whole scene unfold. As the guards took control.

Argyle kneeled down. “I surrender! I’ll do anything! I’ll give you the crown for the unicorn just PLEASE DON’T HURT HER!”

Argyle watched as the guards were dragging Shining across the floor and muzzled her.

Argyle was suddenly enraged. “She’s not dan-“

“Guards!” Shouted Haven. “Listen to the earth pony!”

Argyle stood up and the guards let go of Shining.

Argyle held the crown out to the guards. And they took it immediately.

“Now… give her.” Said Argyle.

Shining slowly walked towards Argyle as the guards de-muzzled her.

Her walking turned to speed walking, the speed walking to running, the running to ramming.

She charged right towards, and she screamed. “RUN!”

Argyle turned around and rammed right into the guards behind him. Smashing through them like bowling pins.

The guards immediately gave chase. Argyle and Shining ran upwards towards the stand running right past Haven. “Ah!”

They kept going until they charged right towards the broken window, and they jumped out falling into the city below.

As they fell. They tried reaching their hooves out to each other as if they were swimming in mid-air.

With much struggle they did it. They held onto each other’s hooves as they continued to fall.

Down, down, down. Until they saw some scaffolding. They moved close to the castle walls, and they hugged each other closely and fell right on top of it.

“UGH!” They both said with a thud. They fell on top of a pony working there knocking him out. As they both stood up, they briefly looked at him before looking to their right.

They were right next to the elevator shaft. Full of broken glass and near floor sixteen. “Ohhh! Her story!” Said Shining.

Looks like Haven blew the elevator open more recently than originally thought.

“Hah! Look, we're actually higher than floor sixteen. And it’s coming down!” Said Argyle.

The glass hole was just large enough for them to fit in as the elevator came down.

“This is our ride.” Said Argyle.

And the elevator arrived in front of them and continued downward. Immediately they jumped on top of the elevator and started going down with it.

Soon the elevator arrived at the lower floors. Shining opened the top hatch and they both just barely escaped the elevator before the doors closed.

They immediately ran downstairs to the abandoned train station and gathered their things.

“We’re leaving.” Said Argyle. “Agreed," said Shining.”

They immediately got in their train and charged it up. The train took off and left Zephyr Heights completely.


The guards handed over the crown to Haven. The priest looked at her smiling as she put the crown on her own head. And she stepped up.

“Ponies of Zephyr Heights. I am Queen Haven!

And I promise… I will be more than your leader. But your mother! Have you got that?

When we start this new age. A Zephyr Heights clean of betrayal and lies.

Remember that!

I will make the core of this Queendom. A mother who cares for her children.”

She announced to a jubilant crowd who now bowed before her and cheered for her.

“Queen Haven. The ponies we rescued yesterday are making a swift recovery.

The castle medical staff says that they would like to thank you for rescuing them.” Said a messenger.

“I shall like to visit them. But it’s good to hear.

Considering they only got rescued yesterday I would imagine they might need some company.

A sign of hope to keep them going.” She said as she stepped off the stand.

“I would also like to attend a long overdue doctors visit myself.” Said Queen Haven.

“As you wish your majesty.” Said the messenger.