• Published 1st Jun 2023
  • 276 Views, 3 Comments

I Love the Star in You - Twilyx360

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Chapter 6

At the beach. Nopony else was out there. And the streetlights above as well as the moon made everything perfectly visible.

“Ready?” Asked Shining.

“Yeah. Which one of us will be the better Rainbow Dash?” Asked Argyle ironically.

And Shining booped his nose again. “Maybe you. You know I’m more of a Twilight Argyle” she said grinning.

Argyle blushed again. And her happy grin was just irresistible to look at. It was just so adorable, and it made him feel so fuzzy on the inside.

Argyle stepped into position. And so did Shining.

And just like that the race had begun. And the two galloped away.

As the two rushed along the beach. The two couldn’t help but look at each other as they went along.

“You really think you can beat me?” Asked Argyle.

“Well Twilight won the race, right?” Shining said. A reference to one of the stories in the first book.

Argyle suddenly went faster until he suddenly disappeared. “Wait. Argyle, where did you go?” Asked Shining.

She looked up to see Argyle on the main walkway.

“Heyyy no fair” said Shining giving him a half-lidded look.

“Well, if I’m going to be a flyer. I may as well be above the track.” Argyle said, hanging his head over the walkway rail.

Until he fell over. “Agh!” Shouted Argyle. Shining immediately went under the walkway and Argyle landed on her back.

Argyle couldn’t help but laugh though. “What is it with you and saving my life?” Asked Argyle with a grin.

“Oh, you’d be fine. It will be painful but fine.” Said Shining with a chuckle. “I just saved you from falling again.”

Argyle walked over to the shoreline and Shining followed. And the two walked together in a circle around each other.

“This is not a race.” Said Shining.

Argyle walked around in front of the moon. Giving Shining the same half-lidded eye expression she was doing.

“No. But we still have to get back to the lighthouse.” Said Argyle sitting down. Shining sitting next to him.

As the waves of the water moved up towards their hooves. And the bright full moon right in front of them. Giving a beautiful glistening effect to the water.

They stared at each other. And immediately looked away blushing. The moment was just too perfect. Both of them just couldn’t deny how romantic it was even if they didn’t know.

They literally read about this exact scenario in best selling romance novels. And here it was happening right in front of them.

And so Argyle spoke up. “Have you been ok lately?” Asked Argyle.

“Yeah, why?” Asked Shining.

“Well I’ve just been kinda… dealing with something. Something that I don’t know if I should take seriously.” Said Argyle.

“Hey same!” Said Shining. Blushing again. “I mean. What do you mean?”

“It’s a bit of a blur honestly. It’s like something is telling me that I want this thing I really lov- I mean like!

Anyways. I don’t think it’s a mind over matter or a head to heart conflict situation as it is a the same thing telling me to do it and to not do it at the same time.

What about you?” Explained Argyle.

“Well you kinda took the words out of my mouth. I don’t really know if it’s normal to feel both excited and terrified at the same time.

That doesn’t mean I’m bipolar right?” Asked Shining.

“Uhh… no. Not at all. I’m actually kinda feeling that way now.” Said Argyle nervously.

Shining pulled her hat down a bit further “I mean… imagine how I feel. I can’t even show my face out here without wearing this thing.

And I’m already really anxious around other ponies.

It’s really like my mask covers my metaphorical mask.

It makes me wonder if it could work, you know? Like if I actually put myself out there they would like me even if I was a unicorn right?

And things would be correct for me to live here?” Asked Shining nervously.

“I wish…” said Argyle.

“I don’t mean to get off topic but it’s because I don’t want you to get hurt. If I get hurt somehow.

And that’s what I’m afraid of. My Heart is telling me to go for this ‘thing’ but my head shows me reality. And how dangerous that reality could be.

Or if I even really want it as much as I say I do. It’s just a simple question of is it worth it? But it doesn’t have an easy answer.

It’s well uh… you understand right?” Said Shining shaking.

“Yeah… I do.” Said Argyle sighing.

He & Shining sat up and walked back to the lighthouse. Before, walking turned into running.

“Why are we running!?” Said Shining smiling.

“I don’t know! Our race ended right?!” Said Argyle smiling back.

“Yeah well- it’s back on then!” Said Shining, galloping and cheering.

“Yeah. I DO TOO!” Shouted Argyle. “Wahoo!” Said Argyle. “I feel so free!” Said Shining.

The two ran as fast as they could back to the lighthouse before crashing into the front room door panting.

“So… *pant* is that. *pant* a tie?” Said Argyle.

“Sureee. *pant* Why not.” Said Shining walking over to the couch.

When Argyle closed the door he asked. “So. You want to read that last chapter?”

“Sure.” Said Shining as she got the book out. “Volume 3 Chapter 13: Magical Mystery Cure.”