• Published 1st Jun 2023
  • 276 Views, 3 Comments

I Love the Star in You - Twilyx360

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Chapter 36

Argyle suddenly woke up having the worst headache.

“Ugh… Shining? Wha… are you awake?” He asked.

“Yeah… but I wish I wasn’t.” She said groggily.

“Let’s get some water.” Said Argyle.


Both of them drank up their water and their headaches passed.

When suddenly they saw their rental outfits scattered across the floor and sofa. “Oh please don’t tell me we messed those up…” said Argyle nervously.

Shining ran over and inspected them. “No, there's nothing on them.

And I don’t see any noticeable wrinkles.”

“Oh thank goodness.” Said Argyle.


After a month had gone by things were largely normal again.

They had taken the decor down and they had finished pretty much everything they wanted.

Now they were back in the lighthouse having their desert after dinner. The last of their cake.

“Welp it was a good one.” Said Argyle smiling. “We should do it again sometime.” He said eating up his piece.

Shining ate up two pieces. “Yeah. This is so good. I would love to.”

“I would think so. You actually ate more pieces than me.” Argyle remarked.

“That doesn’t upset you does it?” Asked Shining.

“No. It’s delicious but it was just a cake.” Argyle smiled.

Suddenly Shining got a creepy leer in her eye.

“It wasn’t just a cake! It was bettet than that! It was my first cake I ever ate!” Shining shouted.

Argyle stared at her awkwardly.

And her expression returned to normal. “Sorry about that… I don’t know what happened there.”

“Well uhh… it was the first cake you ever had? They didn’t have that in bridlewood?” Asked Argyle.

“You were there so you would know!…

sorry sorry, sorry.

Ugh! Why the random outburst!?” Shouted Shining.

Argyle just tried to resume the conversation to normal. “Ok. I’m happy we made that cake then.”

And Shining booped his nose and smiled. “Yep. You’re right. I appreciate it a lot.”

And then they settled in for the night.


Two weeks went by. And Shining was getting sick.

Neither really knew what the cause of the sickness was.

But the whole situation concerned Argyle a lot. He basically became a doctor.

When suddenly Shining had a guess. “Wait…” she was starting to get an idea of what it was.

“Wait a minute!… it can’t be…” she said thinking more about it. Everything came crashing down on her.

Multiple feelings were all felt at once. Then she thought.

Another symptom.

No. It wasn’t possible, right?

But what if it was. She had to consider this possibility. And if she was right, she wasn’t going to tell Argyle until she was ready.

So she thought of a plan, and took matters into her own hooves.


“Yep. I’m pregnant.” Shining was sitting on the sofa with Argyle.

And he was completely bewildered.

“Uhh Argyle?” Said Shining waving a hoof in front of him.

He didn’t know how to react. Or what to say. This was a complete bombshell.

“Did I break you?” Asked Shining.

And he finally spoke. “Yes… you broke my face and you blew my mind.” And he shed a tear.

“Hun… are you ok?” Asked Shining.

“Yeah but I… I… I’m just trying to process everything.” Argyle laid down on the sofa head in hooves.

“Aren’t you proud.” Asked Shining.

“Yeah I am. But what do we do?” Asked Argyle.

“I think we’ll already have a plan for that. Trust me.” She said holding his hoof.

“I just can’t believe this… I didn’t think I would be a father.

Will I even be a good one?” Asked Argyle.

“Hun. You’re golden father material. You really are everything a pony would want in a father.” Said Shining as Argyle teared up again.

“Ok… I guess I really am.” Argyle immediately reflected upon how he really did care for other ponies. And now with this idea of stopping hatred between ponies. What would that mean for their kid?

“So… how far… are you?” Argyle struggled to speak between sobs.

“Two months. It’s been three weeks since I first found out.” Said Shining, holding him close.

And Argyle smiled. “Thanks love.”

“You’re very welcome. We will be good parents. I promise.” Said Shining snuggling into him. And she was crying as well.


By month three Shining decided to stay in the lighthouse. Both Argyle and Shining knew the potential consequences of what would happen if maretime bay knew how she looked now.

And if their first visit to Zephyr Heights taught them anything. It’s that wearing a cloak can only hide so much.

So by month five, Argyle largely went outside on his own. Both literally and figuratively doing the heavy lifting. And even building a crib by himself.

Next he went into the lighthouse attic and looked around for a family treasure.

After looking around for several minutes he found it. “Ah here it is! The family blanket!” He pulled it out to see it was thankfully undamaged.

And he hugged it. And dusted it out.

He was going to show Shining but not just yet. That was going to wait until the big day.



When Argyle and Shining went to Zephyr Heights a second time.

They ultimately had to craft brand new wing disguises this time though because they lost the others. However this time it was a lot more easier and enjoyable.

Upon arriving. Both Argyle and Shining were able to do all sorts of bizarre things they couldn’t do in maretime bay. Zephyr Heights was much more restfully, relaxing. And everypony was enjoying themselves again.

Probably because the “Royalty Affair” had finally come and gone. And Queen Haven ultimately nursed Zephyr Heights back to health.

One night they were able to see a news broadcast of the Queen and it brought a smile to their faces knowing she was doing well.

And more importantly they were able to see her two daughters. Who were born not too long ago.

From a Princess to Queen to Mother. She had come a long way. And Argyle and Shining were proud that they were able to help in some way.

Just overnight it seemed she had transformed Zephyr Heights back into a prosperous utopia.

But what was going to become of her daughters though? So small yet so much potential.

And what were their names?

-End Flashback-