• Published 29th Sep 2023
  • 557 Views, 169 Comments

Applejack at the Edge of the World - MagicS

Applejack is called upon to solve a problem at the very edge of the world.

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Caravan Trails III

Surprisingly, Vahar was seemingly in just as high spirits as ever the following morning. Perhaps she was ignoring everything that had gone wrong but the mare was all smiles and small talk as she and Applejack went to get breakfast together once more. Now they were back in their wagon, sitting at the back of it and looking out at the road and the landscape as they passed by it. And the merpony magician would simply. Not. Stop. Talking.

“Do you think these grits are a little runnier than yesterday’s batch?” Vahar asked.

“Uh, I can’t rightly tell a difference-”

“And don’t you think the desert just looks beautiful this time of morning with the way the sun hits it just right?”

“Well it is kind of-”

“It’s a good thing we don’t have to travel through those mountains over to the south isn’t it? Getting over them would take forever.”

“Yeah that’s-”

“By the way what kind of food do you think they’re going to have to eat at-”

Applejack clamped a hoof over Vahar’s mouth and glared at her, wrinkles under her eyes. “Vahar—I know this is going to sound mighty rude, and I’m sorry, but please. Stop talking.”

She removed her hoof from Vahar’s mouth as the stunned merpony stared back at her.

“You’re a very nice mare but… uh...” Applejack stopped as she saw tears quickly filling up Vahar’s eyes. “Oh boy...”

“WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Vahar cried loudly as tears cascaded down her face, she brought her hooves up to her eyes and tried to wring the overflowing tears out to no avail. “APPLEJACK HATES ME TOO!”

“Whoa, hold on! I don’t hate you and—what? You mean you know how the others here are talking about you and all?” Applejack tried shaking her gently to get her to calm down.

“Of course I do, I’m not deaf!” Vahar cried and snorted, bellowing and blubbering in the most unseemly and undignified way possible.

Applejack grimaced and looked back towards the front of the wagon, it was closed and it seemed like nopony else had heard Vahar’s crying yet at least. “Could you just calm down for one second? I don’t hate you. I promise. I’m still staying here in the wagon with you, aren’t I?

“But you think I’m annoying and you want me to shut up and it’s only a matter of time before you ditch me too!” Vahar sniffled, wiping away snot from her nose.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “I promise I won’t leave you all alone here. We’re… we’re friends, Vahar. Friends get annoyed with each other too.”

“A-Are we really friends?” Vahar managed to stop her crying long enough to look into Applejack’s eyes clearly.

“I’ve had way worse beginnings to friendships and made friends with mares who were a lot worse than just a little annoying at first,” Applejack shrugged.

“So you do think I’m annoying?” Vahar sniffled some more.


Vahar threw herself down to the floor of the wagon and started crying some more. “Waaaaahhhhhh!”

Applejack sighed and picked up the merpony. “Vahar, if you know other ponies think you’re annoying then why do you keep acting like this?”

“B-Because-” Vahar sniffled and rubbed her eyes for a second. “Because a while ago I met the most wonderful and extraordinary pony ever. She was so cool, and confident, and different! And she saved my life and my entire village! I wanted to be like her—I just wanted to emulate her and be cool like she was! I just wanted ponies to like me! I had never left my village before, after meeting her I thought Equestrians and other ponies must’ve thought she was the coolest and most amazing pony ever, so if I acted like her...”

“Why don’t you just be yourself instead?” Applejack asked.

“Because myself is boring! I spent my whole life before this in a small village cut off from the rest of the world doing nothing and seeing nothing! I want to be the Majestic and Wondrous Vahar!” Vahar glared at her. She sighed in defeat and turned around, staring into the corner. “But I haven’t even been performing for a year yet… I love magic tricks and putting on these shows but I’m still so bad at them… money has been tough to come by too, I don’t have my own wagon to carry my stuff in or anything. I’ve been traveling around like a vagabond for months now with one failed show after another.”

“Nopony didn’t put any effort or practice into what they do. It takes hard work, especially if you’re starting late, to become great at something like this,” Applejack said. She rubbed the back of her neck and looked around the wagon, seeing a few of Vahar’s things lying around. “You’re still new at it, like you said, just keep working hard and don’t get discouraged. You’ve obviously got a real passion for performing magic tricks if you’re willing to keep doing it after everything you’ve been through.”

Vahar glanced over her shoulder at her. “Do you think I can be a successful magician?”

“Uhhh… I think you’ve got the drive to be a successful magician,” Applejack grinned awkwardly.

She was immediately tackled by Vahar and hugged with enough force to nearly break her ribs. “Thank you for believing in me! The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar will surely shine like the greatest and brightest of stars one day!”

“Y-Yeah...” Applejack wheezed and peeled the merpony off her. “Good luck with that.”

Vahar smiled at her. “The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar will not let anypony else or any new failures get her down. She will continue to be confident and emulate the amazing pony who set her on this life in the first place! I shall wow and mystify pony after pony with my great tricks and illusions! One day, despite not having magical power of my own, I will be known as the greatest stage magician the world has ever seen!”

“You just went through like three different ways of referring to yourself in one breath...” Applejack exasperatedly rubbed her temple.

“The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar is still working on that!”

“Then do you mind if I give you some other advice that you could maybe work on?” Applejack asked.

Vahar tilted her head. “Like what?”

“Ditch the juggling.”

Eight hours of slow wagon-pulling later brought the long train to the next place they were stopping on their trip to the Citadel of Al-Karamaretel. For the night they would spend it at a hole in the wall even smaller than Station Ponywares was. It was centered around a single well that still drew up water and the only buildings were made from adobe clay. Square and small, there was no real business here, just a few houses and a few places for storage for ponies traveling down the road to other more important spots. The moment the caravan came to a stop, ponies got out to stretch their legs and the stallions pulling the various wagons unhitched themselves to rest. Applejack knew by now that soon dinner would be served and Aquamarine would likely make an announcement about ponies not getting too busy with anything else before coming back to the wagons for lights out.

Vahar had other ideas.

“Come, Applejack! Come help the Wondrous and Majestic Vahar convince Aquamarine to let her put on another show again!” The merpony said as she dragged Applejack to the front of the caravan.

“Vahar, can’t we just get some rest instead? It’s been a long day and after the last performance I think most ponies are just going to want to rest...”

“Then we’ll put on a show for the ponies that live here!”

“We—wait. We’ll put on a show?” A pit was forming in Applejack’s stomach.

“Yes! I know many magicians have assistants, perhaps that’s what I’ve been missing this whole time!” Vahar grinned.

“Oh no...”

Despite Applejack dragging her hooves and not hiding her apprehension and reluctance, the far more excited Vahar was able to easily pull her along. They passed by the other wagons and their passengers, quite a few looking on in a mix of confusion and amusement as the well-known magician dragged her new friend along. It just embarrassed Applejack even more. But she just didn’t have it in her to outright refuse the silly magician, she was too pure-hearted and friendly, Applejack didn’t want to make her cry again.

They rushed up to the front wagon pretty quickly, just in time to see Aquamarine hopping off from it and kicking up a little dust on the side of the road.

“Aquamarine! Trail Boss!” Vahar called out.

The white mare looked over, her red locks and yellow eyes just visible under the brim of her hat. She had a smile on her face—it wavered slightly when she noticed Vahar but managed to mostly go back to normal once she saw Applejack was there too. The boss tilted her hat back to give herself a better view of the two other mares and slowly trotted over to them while they came to a stop before her.

“Vahar, Applejack, what can I do for you?” Aquamarine asked.

“I would like to put on another show tonight!” Vahar said and smiled widely.

“Um. No,” Aquamarine shook her head.

Vahar’s face fell completely. “But why not?”

“Because I know how your performance went last night. It did the exact opposite of relax and entertain everypony in the caravan. I really want everypony to just have a quick moment to themselves and then get to bed so we can get moving bright and early tomorrow. We’re almost at the Citadel and frankly a lot of other passengers are getting stressed out the closer we get,” Aquamarine explained.

“Then a great magic show is just what they need!” Vahar pleaded.

“Can you put on both a great and successful show?” Aquamarine raised an eyebrow.

“Umm...” Vahar gulped and looked away.

“Exactly. I’m sorry, Vahar, I know you’re trying your best and you just want to entertain others, but we both know how things have gone on this trip. I’ve seen too many of your shows. At this point, why don’t you just practice in your wagon until you can pull off your tricks without a hitch?”

Applejack sighed. “I’m sorry, Vahar, you’re probably disappointed but there’s-”

“What about for the locals?” Vahar pushed her face right up into Aquamarine’s face. “What about putting on a show for them? I wouldn’t be bothering any ponies from the caravan that way. Please, please, please, please, please let me just put on a small show for them, I promise it will be better and I’ll make sure it’s quiet and out of the way! We can do it on the other side of the buildings away from the road!”

Aquamarine rolled her eyes and looked over to Applejack.

Applejack shrugged back at her.

“Hahhh...” Aquamarine shook her head. “Fine. I won’t forbid you from performing for the locals—it’s the last opportunity you’ll get before getting to the Citadel anyways. Just keep it simple and try not to get them annoyed with us.”

“I promise!” Vahar loudly shouted.

Aquamarine frowned and glanced to Applejack. “Will you make sure about that?”

“I guess I’m her minder now?” Applejack snorted. “Well fine… I’ve already been roped into helping her out anyways, I’ll make sure things don’t get too wild.”

“Thank you both! The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar is colossally grateful to you!” Vahar yelled to the heavens.

Aquamarine winced. “And if you’re so grateful would you please stop shouting so loudly?”

Vahar coughed. “Yes, of course.” She grinned at Applejack. “Now come, my great assistant, we must meet the locals and tell them of the show I will be putting on.”

“Do not call me your assistant,” Applejack glared at her.

Vahar pouted at her. “Pleeeease? I need to refer to you by that during the show...”

“Just refer to me as Applejack!”

“But that’s not as professional!”

“You’re not a professional!”

“Please, the both of you, leave,” Aquamarine growled through gritted teeth.

“Right away ma'am,” Applejack tipped her hat and grabbed Vahar, taking her back to their wagon.

“This is going to be amazing! It will be my best performance yet, I’m sure of it!” Vahar said while Applejack dragged her along.

“I wish I had your confidence...” Applejack shook her head. Unfortunately, Vahar’s optimism was not exactly contagious. Even though some of that may have been pretty nice to have for the rest of Applejack’s journey—and not just the silly magic show they were going to put on.

“Wondrous and majestic? Aint those words pretty much mean the same thing?” Poncho—head of the small stop—asked after hearing Vahar introduce herself and announce her plans for the magic show.

“The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar assures you they are not merely repetitive! They are the most accurate descriptors of the greatest magician you will ever see!” Vahar proudly stated. Her wizard robe fluttered in the wind while the cone of her cap sat lopsided.

“Whatever you say,” Poncho shrugged. “I mean if you want to put on a little magic show then be my guest, don’t expect anypony here to pay you though.”

“I don’t!” Vahar beamed.

Poncho looked at her weirdly but just brushed it off. “There are only seven other ponies living here right now, I’ll spread the word and you can go get set up. Can’t say everypony will care to come watch but maybe some will be interested. We don’t exactly get many traveling magicians out here… how do you perform magic without a horn anyways? You’re not a unicorn.”

“Not that kind of magic,” Vahar shook her head. “And thank you for your support! I will get ready while you tell your friends about what is happening.”

“Won’t take long,” Poncho said and started walking away.

Vahar turned to Applejack, right beside her, with a very confident smirk. “See? This is surely going to be a happy occasion! These ponies will be utterly amazed by the tricks I show them, it will be like mesmerizing foals who have never even heard of magic before.” She looked the apple farmer up and down. “Also you should really be wearing a cape or something too.”

“Absolutely not,” Applejack shook her head.

“But my assistant needs to be majestic and wondrous too!”

Applejack frowned.

“My… my friend needs to be majestic and wondrous too...” Vahar corrected.

“The hat is good enough for that,” Applejack pointed. “Afraid you’re not getting much else from me.”

Vahar pouted. “Oh fine… just be up there with me and be ready to hoof me anything I need. And be sure to smile as bright and wide as I do. The audience needs to see how happy and excited we are!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “I’ll try.”

Out of the blue, Vahar stepped forward and hugged her. “I really really do want to thank you, Applejack. I’ve been… lonelier than I want to admit ever since I left my village. It’s been exciting, seeing the world, performing, but I never got used to not having anypony around to call my friend. Or got used to ponies being downright annoyed by and angry at me. Every now and then there’d be somepony who put up with me for a little but they’d all get fed up and leave me soon enough. You’re the only one who’s actually tried helping me and listening to me.”

“Don’t mention it, Vahar,” Applejack smiled and returned the hug. “I like helping a pony out—you’re nice, even though you can grate on my nerves a bit. But don’t expect me to be a very good assistant.”

Vahar giggled. “It’s alright, I’m certain my wondrous talents will be more than enough for these ponies.”

“I… I’m sure they’ll be very entertained,” Applejack said, honestly.

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