• Published 29th Sep 2023
  • 558 Views, 169 Comments

Applejack at the Edge of the World - MagicS

Applejack is called upon to solve a problem at the very edge of the world.

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Caravan Trails IV

“And now—my great assistant Applejack—is this your card?” Vahar said as she held up a playing card for Applejack and the (small) audience to see.

“Nope,” Applejack shook her head.

And fought back a grin, as this time it was all part of the show.

Vahar smirked. “Hehe, and that’s because-” she reached her hoof up under Applejack’s hat and swiftly pulled out another, different, card. “The real card is right under your hat!”

Applejack smiled and nodded at the King of Hearts in her hoof. “That’s right, you’ve found my card!”

“Of course! I am the Wondrous and Majestic Vahar after all!” She flashed a smile at the audience. “Are you amazed by my miraculous powers?”

There were a few claps and nods, most ponies didn’t seem bored at least. And she hadn’t failed any tricks to annoy them either. The audience may have been even smaller but this was definitely going a million times better than her last show. Going by what Vahar had said this might be her first truly successful show. Applejack wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing but everypony needed to start somewhere. Also helped that these ponies here were the types who didn’t get entertainment like this often—and the levity of a silly magic show would also help on lifting the sad atmosphere this whole part of the world had.

Even though these ponies lives were probably pretty much the same as always, Applejack could sense the malaise in the air. That dread that seeped over the horizon, coming from the west, it was here too. Everypony could feel it.

“And now for my final trick!”

The voice of Vahar knocked Applejack out of her thoughts and she stood by as the merpony went for the grand finale. Which may have been overselling it by quite a bit. It at least wasn’t juggling though.

“I shall make my own hat disappear!” Vahar announced to the audience and took off her pointy hat. A pretty simple illusion but something she still had a lot of pride in. “Be wowed by the Wondrous and Majestic Vahar’s wondrous illusion!”

Applejack fought the urge to roll her eyes while the audience was watching.

“It was the best! It was the best show I’ve done on this entire trip—ever since I started traveling with this caravan!” Vahar excitedly told Applejack when they were back in their wagon together later that night. The merpony was prancing up and down on her hooves, totally unable to stand still.

“Yep, I think that went pretty well too. The locals liked it and all,” Applejack said.

“Eeeeee! I’m so happy! The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar can be a great magician!” Vahar hugged her.

Applejack once more had to push the pony off her. “Okay, okay, that’s enough hugging for the day.”

“I’m just so happy I can’t control it! I finally feel fulfilled for once! The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar will live up to her name and the pony who inspired her. This is the true start of her story as the greatest traveling magician of the world!” Vahar pointed to the sky—or more accurately the roof of the wagon once she finished her spiel.

Applejack had to rub her forehead in exasperation, too tired to continue on with the exuberant merpony. “That’s nice too, but it’s real late now and the two of us should probably get to sleep. I know you probably want to do more but I really want to be well-rested for when we arrive at Al-Karamaretel. For the rest of the trip there I’m going to take things easy. Already am going to have to do a lot of lifting and moving once the caravan arrives at that shanty town right outside it too.”

“The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar understands,” Vahar nodded a few times. “She also will likely crash from exhaustion at some point soon, so perhaps sleep is truly for the best.”

“Yep… don’t even know what time it is but it sure is dark outside right now,” Applejack said as she took a brief look outside the covered wagon.

There were a few lantern lights on in the buildings of the small settlement but beside that the only source of light were the stars above—the moon being blocked by some clouds drifting by at the moment. This place was probably always pretty dark at night with hardly nothing else around, and there was no extra light from the caravan anymore either. Probably even quieter too since she couldn’t remember seeing any animals around when it was a bit lighter either. Normally in a place like this Applejack would find it really calm and peaceful. Relaxing. A nice place to walk through and visit. But with what was ahead of her—what was so close now—she still couldn’t shake the feeling of trepidation in her heart. It was a constant now. Applejack was feeling restless and she knew the feeling wouldn’t go away until she arrived at the Citadel of Al-Karamaretel.

“I still need to clean up a little in here and put my things away...” Vahar said as she took off her robe and wizard hat, some cards, rings, and a small mirror accidentally falling out from them and clattering to the floor. “Oops.”

Applejack sighed and helped her pick the stuff up. “Don’t worry about it, I’ve known klutzier ponies. At least you don’t have any fireworks stashed away that could go off.”

Vahar’s eyes sparkled. “Fireworks? I knew I had forgotten something! If I had fireworks my shows would be even better and more spectacular!”

“Oh no… Vahar, promise me you won’t mess around with fireworks until you get better at the actual tricks first. And without getting a lot of experience with them too. You really don’t need to accidentally blow yourself up or some other random pony.”

“The Wondrous and Majestic Vahar promises: she will not use fireworks bigger than sparklers until she is ready,” Vahar calmly promised.

Applejack narrowed her eyes but didn’t say anything. She wasn’t sure about that promise.

“Now let’s hurry up and get to sleep! We can discuss fireworks again in the morning,” Vahar grinned.

“Fine,” Applejack rolled her eyes, too tired to bother. She spotted one more card on the floor of the wagon and picked it up. “Last one, here you-”

Vahar was passed out on the floor, already fast asleep, sprawled like a dog with her chest steadily rising and falling.

“Crash huh?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at the merpony. “Putting it lightly, that sure was sudden.” A smile still came to her face though as she watched her comfortably sleeping friend. “Well you just sleep soundly now, you earned it.”

Applejack went to throw a blanket over her and put a pillow under her head before yawning and taking a big stretch herself. What an exhausting day it had been, even getting roped into helping out in Vahar’s magic show… as much as Applejack liked the mare she was also thankful that nothing like that was going to be happening again. She carefully took off her own hat and for a moment looked at the two colorful roses that were embedded in it before setting it on the floor.

“The beauty of friendship… sure is a nice thing,” Applejack yawned again and got some bedding of her own, quickly lying down and closing her eyes. The wagon was still and nearly quiet aside from the sound of Vahar’s breathing. The rest of the caravan had gone to sleep well before the two of them.

Applejack opened up one eye just a bit and peeked out the back of the wagon to see a few stars shining in the dark sky.

“Aint long now,” she rolled over and shut her eyes again, drifting off to sleep in just a moment.

“Since we’re going to be getting there tomorrow and you’re going to be helping us out when it comes to unloading and delivering some of this stuff, I figured I should go over what you’re going to be doing,” Aquamarine said to Applejack the next morning as the two of them walked beside one of the large cargo wagons in the caravan. “The shanty town that sprung up outside the Citadel is a big and messy place—and there are a lot of ponies in there who wouldn’t think twice about robbing you for that matter. You won’t have to deliver anything alone but it’s still best if you know who’s getting what.”

“I understand,” Applejack nodded. “And I appreciate it but you don’t really have to worry about me. Anypony who tries to rob me is in for a rude awakening.”

Aquamarine grinned. “I think I’d agree with you on that. But still—best not to go to any of the bad spots and drum up trouble for no reason.”

“Yeah, true enough,” Applejack agreed.

“You’ll be with a group of three other stallions who have been to the Citadel before. They’ll know where to go and you’ll mostly help out with the heavy lifting. Now, there’s the possibility that the ponies who we’re supposed to be delivering to aren’t going to be there anymore for whatever reason. It’s happened before. If it does again, then frankly, just give the supplies to the first pony willing to pay for them,” Aquamarine shrugged. “And if you do end up on your own, just avoid going to the spots that are more just tent towns and lookout for buildings that have black X’s painted on them, those are gang spots.”

Applejack grimaced. “Things really are bad there huh?”

“Desperate ponies...” Aquamarine trailed off. “Anyways—the names of the ponies you’ll be delivering things to are Artsy Hooves, Ivory Grace, Cloudsprint, Father Wool, and Voltbeat. They’re all businessponies or well-known figures there in the shanty town. Some of the ones who’ve so far still managed to hold onto their money or even make some in the situation. Everything is paid for already so all you’re going to need to do is deliver the supplies to them.

“Okay,” Applejack nodded along before pausing and raising an eyebrow at Aquamarine. “Wait, hold on a minute. If this stuff is already paid for then why can’t we just give it away if the buyers aint there anymore? Why make some other ponies pay for it again?”

“Because at the end of the day I’m still running a business and want to make as much profit as possible. Sorry Applejack, I’m not so selfless where I’d just give this stuff away like that,” Aquamarine answered, shaking her head at the other mare.

Applejack frowned. She understood it but she didn’t like it. A little kindness and generosity in a place like this could go a long way. But it was Aquamarine’s caravan. She had a lot of responsibilities and a lot of ponies to look out for—and she had let Applejack come along like this and shown nothing but good will when she really didn’t need to. It disappointed Applejack a little bit to hear this but in the end it was just good business sense, wasn’t it?

“Well, that’s fair I suppose,” Applejack sighed.

Aquamarine patted her on the back. “You’re a good mare, Applejack. Let me show you the actual boxes you’re going to be taking out there.”

She walked around to the back of the wagon and opened up the flap, with Applejack following her the two of them stepped up inside and Applejack took a look around. As expected, the wagon was filled with wooden crates, boxes, and chests, with a few heavy burlap sacks lying in one of the corners as well. Some of it was labeled as “Food” or “Medicine” but just as many were left blank. A familiar smell caught Applejack’s nose and she looked inside one of the burlap sacks to see it filled up with potatoes.

“Mostly food that we’re carrying around but there’s plenty of building supplies and other things too,” Aquamarine said.

“I’m surprised there’s still enough money cycling around these parts to pay for all this stuff. How many trips back and forth from the Citadel have you made since they closed the bridge?” Applejack asked.

“Quite a few. And yes—supplies and money are both dwindling and eventually we’re going to run out if nothing changes,” a frown came to Aquamarine’s face. “But… but I can’t imagine this is going to last that long. It can’t keep going forever, can it?”

“I hope not,” Applejack muttered.

“Well anyways—these are the stacks of boxes you’ll be dealing with,” Aquamarine said and pointed to two stacks of boxes rising up to the roof of the wagon. About a dozen boxes in total and each one had a red sticker on them, probably to indicate which group needed to take them. “Now these are only the ones you’re going to be distributing, I’ll want you to help unload everything off the wagons before distribution begins.”

“That’s fine with me, I don’t mind working out my hooves some,” Applejack said.

Aquamarine smirked. “Good, it’s just best we stop the whole caravan right outside the shanty town and can unload everything in one spot where I can keep watch over it. We’ve had a couple of times where ponies try to steal from the wagons so we’ve gotten a little better about that. Thankfully there are a lot of stallions who are going to be unloading the wagons too so it really shouldn’t take long. Oh yeah—ignore any beggars that come around, you can’t trust them as far as you can throw them.”

Applejack winced but nodded. Aquamarine was probably right about that too but it still left a sour taste in her mouth. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Watch out for younger fillies and colts in particular. If you see any of them on their own, not with an adult or anything, it means they’re a pickpocket or working some kind of scam or theft operation. Don’t trust any kid that asks you for money or help, okay?” Aquamarine told her. “I’m sure you don’t want to lose what’s in your saddlebag.”

“Definitely don’t but… ugh, I’m gonna feel awful if some poor kid comes up asking for money and I have to just ignore them,” Applejack rubbed her head.

“Just remember that they’re not some sweet innocent kid and they don’t need your help. They’re trying to see if you’re an easy mark at best or outright rob you blind at worst.”

“Ugh… got it.”

Aquamarine squeezed her shoulder to reassure her again. “Try not to let it all get to you. Sure, things are bad there now but every caravan makes it a little better at least. Nobody’s starving either. Once this all gets taken care of things will go back to normal in no time.”

“If it gets taken care of. You said nobody even knows why this all started in the first place,” Applejack said.

“Yes… it’s a mystery,” Aquamarine frowned.

Applejack stared ahead, looking out the front of the wagon to the west. She huffed lightly and exhaled through her nose. “Well, I don’t expect you to just believe me all willy-nilly, but I plan to help out and fix whatever I can at the Citadel too. There’s no way I can just cross that bridge without trying to fix everything wrong here.”

“You’re a bit of a strange mare,” Aquamarine raised an eyebrow at her. “I thought you were just a traveler but you’re talking like you’re some kind of hero.”

Applejack blushed. “Well—I wouldn’t call myself that either. I like to just consider myself a pony who helps those in need.” A harder look came to her face as she stared at her temporary boss. “And knowing what I do now I’m certain that whatever is going on at the Citadel of Al-Karamaretel needs to come to a stop.”

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