• Published 29th Sep 2023
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Applejack at the Edge of the World - MagicS

Applejack is called upon to solve a problem at the very edge of the world.

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Everypony Needs a Friend

“Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Vahar loudly cried into Applejack.

“Oh would you just shut up already?!” Amethyst screamed at her. “You’ve been crying for three hours!


Applejack sighed and rubbed her temple, giving a pleading look to Amethyst. “Look, could you just cut her a little slack. Vahar’s uh… she’s a bit of an emotional mare.”

“She’s bothering the other cells too,” Miss Valentine said, looking at the cells next to their own.

“Uh, sorry about all this, folks!” Applejack waved to the other cells. “J-Just give me one moment.” She looked down at Vahar and started gently shaking the merpony. “Vahar, come on, you gotta stop crying.”

“Things can’t be that bad, honey,” Valentine added.

“You don’t see the rest of us crying,” Amethyst muttered.

“Vahar, please-” Applejack insisted. “Come on, things aren’t so bad in here and you’ve still got me. I promise I’ll help you get out of here and we’ll go get your stuff back too.”

“Wouldn’t mind finding where they took all of my clothes either. I feel naked without my clothes,” Valentine said, shivering a bit.

“You are naked without your clothes,” Amethyst glared at her.

Applejack rolled her eyes and ignored them, (though internally happy that the guards hadn’t taken her hat away) rubbing Vahar’s back to try and calm the merpony down. “Come on, Vahar, where’s that majestic and wondrous magician I know?”

Vahar sniffled but managed to look up at Applejack with her red eyes. “S-She’s still here...”

“That’s the spirit,” Applejack smiled. “Just buck up, okay? You’ll see that there’s nothing to cry about soon.” Applejack let her go and stood up, cracking her neck and walking over to the bars so she could talk to the adjacent cell and even the far one on the other side of it. “Hey there! You’re all ponies from around who got imprisoned here for breaking the rules while you were in town right? And some of you came from the other side of the canyon too? I heard from another pony in the other prison that the ones who fought with the guards or caused any disturbances and whatnot were brought here.”

“You’re right about that,” a mare said, stepping up to Applejack. “We tried breaking into the Citadel through the sewers a month ago.”

“And I socked a guard in the face when he tried taking me down to that prison,” a stallion said.

Applejack grinned and nodded. “Okay. Well I’m sure you’d all like to not just get out of here but get back at the Citadel and Warden?”

The ponies looked at each other in a bit on confusion before the mare nodded back at Applejack.

“Of course.”

“Well you just sit tight then. It’ll be dangerous, but I promise I’ll help you out,” Applejack said.

“What are you talking about?” Amethyst asked her with a sneer.

Applejack ignored her and went over to Valentine. “And you, Miss Valentine, what can you tell me about the Warden? You seemed to know something.”

“Probably not much more than you to be honest,” Valentine shrugged. “Don’t know what he is or where he came from before he turned the Citadel of Al-Karamaretel into this. But. I did hear something juicy from the guards while I was snooping my way through here before I was caught. Supposedly on this top floor of the building, there’s a room that overlooks the canyon on the far side of the Citadel. It was some kind of luxurious office for the old rulers of the Citadel. And no guards are allowed into it. They aren’t even allowed down the long hallway that leads to it. I’m certain the Warden has to be in there.”

“Seems as likely as anything else. I figured he was up in that tall tower,” Applejack said.

“You’d think so—but from what I’ve heard that’s actually just where a bunch of griffon and pegasi guards stay and watch over things. Make sure there aren’t any pegasi out trying to fly somewhere they shouldn’t.” Valentine said. “And why, honey, do you want to know exactly where the Warden is anyways?”

“Well when I break us out of here I’ve gotta go take him down of course,” Applejack shrugged nonchalantly.

“Ahahahaha!” Amethyst erupted in laughter. “Oh please—you can’t be serious. First of all how are you even planning on getting out of here? And second, have you seen all the guards in here? Absurd.”

“I wouldn’t doubt her if I was you,” Birdseed mumbled.

“I’m completely serious. I’m breaking out of here and I’d like all of you to help me bring down this Citadel and return things to normal. That’s why I let myself get caught in the first place,” Applejack said. “Once I get us out of this cell we’re going to go break out the other prisoners and then I’ll take care of the Warden. That’ll be all it takes. These guards don’t care about nothing except getting paid, so if the Warden’s out of power they won’t fight anymore.”

“And just how are you planning on getting out of this cell in the first place? Valentine-”

Miss Valentine.”

“-couldn’t pick the lock and the cell is enchanted so magic doesn’t work on it. I’ve tried,” Amethyst explained.

“I’ve got a way,” Applejack smirked. Her face then became more serious. “But, I want your word that you’ll help me out. Knowing your history and all I want to make sure you don’t cause any more problems out there. Will you promise me that you’ll change your ways? And that goes for you too, Birdseed.”

Amethyst snorted. “Now I know you’re joking. If you can get us out of this cell then the moment that door is open the five of us are getting out of here.”

“Aint joking at all,” Applejack shook her head. “I’d just like you all to help me out and turn over a new leaf before I let you out of here.”

“Turn over a new leaf? You think it can happen just like that?” Amethyst asked incredulously.

“She wouldn’t be an Element of Harmony otherwise...” Opal grumbled.

Applejack nodded. “I sure do.”

“You’re nuts!” Amethyst threw up her hooves.

“No I’m not. I can take a look at the five of you and see pretty plainly where your choices have led you. Your friends have even been saying themselves how badly things have turned out for them. Sounds like a life of crime hasn’t treated you too well,” Applejack said. “So why not stop? Turn your back on that sad life and try and do something productive instead!”

“Pff,” Topaz flapped her gums. “Easy for a pony like you to say whose never had to make a tough choice in her life.”

“Yeah, what’s an Element of Harmony know about what we’ve been through?” Opal said.

“We only started doing all this because we could never fit into Equestria! We’ve always been losers, I-I mean, outsiders, that can’t adjust to ordinary life!” Diamond whimpered.

Emerald just sighed.

“And we don’t want that normal life. We will be special, celebrated, appreciated, ponies will grovel at our hooves one day. That’s what I—we’ve always dreamed about!” Amethyst glared at Applejack. “That boring life is not meant for us, we just haven’t succeeded at our true goals yet, but we will some day. That’s what we’re meant for!”

Applejack exhaled and looked pityingly at Amethyst. “Are you really sure about that? If you’ve failed and failed and failed at being criminals and trying to get fame and power, maybe it means you’re really not meant for it at all. Maybe it means you’ve been trying the wrong thing this whole time.” She looked at the others. “You’re right that I can’t really empathize with what you’ve been through, you’re wrong to think I haven’t had any tough choices or nothing to worry about, but I’ve always had a home and family with me. Yeah—there have been sad moments, but my life has been a nice one, I’ll give you that.”

“Exactly. So just leave us alone. Despite… setbacks… I’ll have the five of us back on track soon enough,” Amethyst declared.

“Do you speak for all your friends?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at her.

Amethyst’s face fell. “O-Of course I do! They’re my lifelong friends, I’ve always led them on the right path.”

“Really? Cause I haven’t gotten the feeling that you’re friends at all,” Applejack said. She looked behind her at the other mares. “You four! Are you happy with always listening to her? Do you like the way she treats you and talks to you? Are you friends?”

Amethyst turned to them and sent a glare at the four other mare. Daring them to say anything.

“We...” Opal hesitated before finding her courage and glaring right back at Amethyst. “We’re sick of the way you treat us. And sick of everything bad that’s happened because we listened to you.”

“You’ve only ever thought about yourself,” Topaz nodded.

“You say mean things to me and Emerald...” Diamond whispered while Emerald shrugged.

“Ungrateful little-” Amethyst growled and ran up to them. “You’d all be nothing—less than nothing—if it wasn’t for me! I was going to make us big! Important! We would’ve been able to accomplish anything if you fools weren’t so useless!”

“And that’s why you couldn’t accomplish anything,” Applejack said.

Amethyst whipped her head back at her and growled.

“How could five mares who aint even friends do all that? If you don’t really care about the mares you say you’re looking out for, then of course it was bound to fail,” Applejack shrugged. “You’ve known them your whole life but you were just using them for tools by the sound of it.”

“You’re wrong! Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Opal, they’ve always been my friends. As much as I get annoyed by them, I would’ve left them behind long ago if I didn’t care at all!” Amethyst denied. “I’ve known them my entire life! The only reason I get angry at them and blame them for everything going wrong is because if I don’t then I’d have to blame myself!”

Amethyst’s eyes went wide and she clapped her hooves over her mouth. “Ah-!”

Opal blinked. “Really? Is that the problem? You just don’t want to accept any of the blame yourself?”

“You can’t stomach thinking you’re a loser?” Diamond asked.

Topaz snorted in amusement. “Of course...”

“I don’t want to be a failure… I’m not a screw-up!” Amethyst shouted, wetness gathering at her eyes. “After everything kept going wrong again and again, I couldn’t take it! I can’t stomach the thought that maybe I’m the one at fault. That maybe you were all right...” She sniffled and wiped at her eyes. “I’ve always wanted to be special but nothing ever turned out right! And each time I failed I just kept wanting more and more to prove the voices in my head wrong...”

She felt a pony embrace her and looked to see Emerald hugging her.

“Stop that, you idiot… I don’t deserve a hug from you,” Amethyst grumbled, ashamed. “I know why we’ve always failed… it’s because Applejack is right, I didn’t see you as true friends. I never respected or helped you or believed in you like I should have. That’s why everything always fell apart. How could five mares that didn’t believe in each other ever succeed at anything?”

“You’re not the only one who’s to blame in that case then,” Opal grumbled.

“I’ve never been able to believe in myself,” Diamond shrugged.

“You shouldn’t really treat it like such a big deal,” Topaz sighed and looked away. “We’re all equally screw-ups.”

“Fantastic, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” Amethyst said, clearly not happy. “And this silly pony who has everything she could ever want in life is just going to tell us to “Stop being bad”. Hilarious.”

Applejack shrugged. “I’m telling you it really is that easy.”

“Maybe she’s right about that too though? I mean… could it really be worse than the past year?” Opal said.

“If we’re going to try at something again maybe we should try doing something good for a change,” Diamond suggested. “I don’t really want to be a lowlife who can’t hold down a job anymore...”

“So what? Give up on the big aspirations and just become farmers somewhere or something?” Amethyst snorted.

“Hey—what’s wrong with being a farmer?” Applejack frowned.

“I think we can accomplish big things if we all believe in each other,” Opal said. “I mean—right now we’re being given the opportunity to do something good aren’t we? Maybe this is our time. If we listen to Applejack and help her out here and it all goes well then wouldn’t that be a sign that we were always capable but just going the wrong way in the past?”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to say!” Applejack repeated. “Y’all have been on the wrong path! Just change your ways and work to help other ponies instead of just yourselves! Even if you don’t become rich and famous or whatever you want, I guarantee you you’ll still feel a whole lot better!”

Amethyst looked at the others, uncertain, but hopeful. “Well?”

“I’m good with that,” Opal grinned.

“Eh, me too I guess,” Topaz said.

“Me too,” Diamond hesitantly smiled.

And Emerald enthusiastically nodded along.

Amethyst sighed and recomposed herself, pulling away from Emerald and standing up straight before Applejack. “I don’t know how well it will go but… we’ll help you.”

“And help yourselves in the process,” Applejack smiled.

“Yeah,” Amethyst managed a small smile. “I promise that we’ll do better from here on out. You… you Elements of Harmony are special but… I think you all must’ve been special in the first place before you became famous for that.”

“Ahem,” Miss Valentine coughed to get Applejack’s attention. “Not to rain on the parade, honey, but these mares didn’t just try robbing a store or something like that. They seriously attempted to brainwash and take over an entire Kingdom, and probably were planning on doing worse after. You’re just gonna let them off the hook for that? Not only that—but trust them and send them off with a smile after this is over? Just after one little talk and therapy session?”

“Yep!” Applejack nodded.

Miss Valentine raised an eyebrow. “I… I’m not sure I share your optimism, honey.”

“I’ve known ponies and other creatures who have come back from a lot worse,” Applejack said and smiled towards Amethyst and the others. “I believe they’re genuine right now. Let them make up for what they’ve done in the past.”

“If you say so,” Valentine shrugged. “I suppose whenever I make my way back to Diminuendo I can tell the Prince that they won’t be causing trouble anymore. If it’s true from any point of view that should be good enough.” She snorted. “Besides, I suppose I don’t have much moral high ground with the way I was in the past either.”

“Great!” Applejack said. She looked over at the lone stallion in the cell. “And that leaves you, Birdseed. Can I count on you too?”

“What? You want me to promise to not commit anymore crime or take up bad jobs in the future?” The stallion asked her

“That’s right,” Applejack plainly confirmed.

“Please. This is what I’ve been doing my entire life, I don’t know any other way of living,” Birdseed snorted.

“And it hasn’t gone well for you, has it?” Miss Valentine sniped.

Birdseed glared at her. “Partially because of you.”

“Enough,” Applejack held up her hoof to stop them both. “But Valentine’s right-”

Miss Valentine.”

“-You oughta do the same as Amethyst here. What’s the point of living a life of crime anyways? Do you like being locked up?” Applejack asked.

Birdseed rolled his eyes. “Like I said, it’s all I’ve ever known. It’s not about liking or disliking it. Everything has just been a job to me.”

“Then get a new job,” Applejack furrowed her brow at him. “One you like.”

“Easy for you to say,” Birdseed said and pointed at her Cutie Mark. “I learned about you after our last encounter. An apple farmer—a pony lucky enough to spend her whole life doing what she’s best at. What she was meant to do. I found my Cutie Mark when I was just a dumb colt, family had stopped over in some small town while we were on the road. There was an old mare there who kept a lot of birds, had her whole own aviary and everything. I snuck away from my parents one afternoon to go see it cause I was curious. The mare let me in and see all her birds, she even let me feed a few, and I had my Cutie Mark just like that.” Birdseed shook his head. “When I went back to tell my parents the only thing I got from them was a smack across the face—and being told that there was no time to take care of birds on the road, not when there was money to be made and work to do. And it’s that same type of work I’ve been doing ever since. Now what would I do anyways even if I wanted to? It might be my talent but I don’t really know how to take care of birds or where to even begin! I’ll take my pointless life of petty crime and mercenary work, thank you very much.”

“And what if I told you I knew a mare who could get you started on taking care of birds?” Applejack offered.

“Huh?” Birdseed blinked.

“You heard me right. Got a best friend who’s the best mare there is at taking care of animals. And she loves birds. Not only that—she’s the kindest mare you’d ever meet and she’d be more than forgiving of anything you did in the past so long as you were honestly regretful and trying to make up for it. If I send you her way after I’m done with things here, do you think you could turn over a new leaf yourself?” Applejack asked.

“You’re saying… I could really raise and take care of birds? You’re really giving me that chance?”

“That’s right. What do you say?”

Birdseed blinked a few more times and scratched his head. Inevitably, he shrugged. “Well—alright then. I’m in.”

Miss Valentine gawked in disbelief while Applejack smiled.

“Okay!” Applejack walked up and patted Birdseed on the shoulder.

“How do you do that?” Miss Valentine looked from Birdseed to Amethyst in wonder.

“Haha!” Vahar cheered. “Applejack is almost as Wondrous and Majestic as myself!”

Applejack shook her head. “I don’t think I’m anything special, just a pony trying to help others. And speaking of that...” She grinned and walked up to the cell door. “Everypony? It’s time to get out of here.”

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