• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 579 Views, 23 Comments

As The Sun Sets - Noobblue

Princess Cadence is called by Princess Luna to reform an dark magician from ages past

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Dear Beloved Niece

Dear Princess Cadence

Dear Caden

Dear Beloved Niece,

Firstly, I would like to say that I have missed you, your smile and disposition distinctly alter the mood of the Canterlot Palace. I write to you to request your aid in a project of mine own.

Although, before I continue I would like to posit that you keep knowledge of said project to yourself, not even my Sister knows of this and for the time being I would appreciate it staying as such.

A long time ago, a night court magician by the alias of Dusk Swirl was imprisoned much the same way as Discord, and for similar reason. He had a part in the starting of several wars, among being a practitioner of black magic, and committer of many a crime. He also had a hoof in my fall to Nightmare Moon. He is a Criminal of inordinate magnitude. That being said, whether or not he remains imprisoned is up to debate to begin with, and in leu of any guarantee to his imprisonment, I have made the decision to release him, and "get a jump on it" as they say today.

This is where I require your aid my Niece. Due to my personal connection with Dusk Swirl, I have believed myself incapable of handling this process on mine own, thus, after considering all of the details, I have come to the conclusion that you are best suited to reacclimate Dusk Swirl to the modern age; and potentially bring him to the side of harmony.

I confidently believe this is a task you are capable of, and request your presence in Canterlot Castle within the coming month in order to pursue said task. I eagerly await your response, and I am dually hopeful to see your smile fill the halls of this place again.

Aunt Luna

Dear Auntie Luna

Hello Auntie! It's been wonderful to receive mail from you, your particular delivery style is something I will never tire of. (Though Shiny might begin to have heart problems)

I'm not sure what to say for your request however, I don't want to seem rude, but I also deign to be as honest as possible, I have the crystal empire to run, and along with keeping such a task secret, (and with the paparazzi chasing us royals around it'll be a lot of work) plus what you've described as an incredibly dangerous creature. I don't believe I'll be able to simply take a trip to Canterlot. At least, not unless I have more information.

Could you possibly tell me more about him? Is he a Stallion? Or some other creature? and I don't want to pry into wounds closed so long ago, but how could he have been present for Nightmare Moon? Is he a fellow immortal?

And dark magic Luna? What does that entail? You claimed he started several wars? Are you sure that you require me in particular? Not Twilight? Or maybe a host of guards?

As I've stated before, I just need more information before I can commit to leaving my Kingdom for any amount of time, I'm sorry I can't fly over there immediately, you know how much I find ruling to be... grueling. Although I will make plans regardless come running of the leaves to visit the castle to say hello to you and Auntie Celestia.

Thank you for your letter, and please let me know more so I can try to help.

Much Love,

Dearest Niece

My apologies for not being more succinct with you regarding my request. I don't know how much I am truly capable of saying of Dusk Swirl. For you however, as far as timing goes, I would request your presence in Canterlot for a week at most, with one half of a fortnight to release and try to reform Dusk Swirl, if such is not possible, than he will likely have to be returned to stone afterwards regardless.

To try and answer your questions in a meaningful order: Dusk Swirl is in fact, immortal. I am not privy to the details, but at some point during Discords reign of Equestrian he acquired agelessness, as such, I would hope to befriend him for the coming ages.

He is also, in fact, an earth stallion of visible age of around thirty to forty years and is indeed a practitioner of all kinds of dark magics. During the rise of Equestria, he was Starswirl's counterpart, or more accurately, his rival. He is likely just as talented in dark magics as Dear Twilight Sparkle is with friendship, and is capable of doing both incredible and terrible things in equal measure.

As far as who he was, I haven't much to say. He may have had a hoof in starting several wars, but such was more a product of circumstance than his direct influence. In most cases he simply would push for conflict as is his nature, rather than diplomacy. I, at the time, tended to agree with him, and as a note, he was often correct in many of his presumptions.

Suffice to say, he is a mystery to me, he is not insane like Discord was, nor corrupted like myself when I fell to darkness or like Sombra with his own insanity. As far as I know, Dusk Swirl was imprisoned with a completely sound mind, which brings me to another detail. Celestia states that Dusk Swirl's imprisonment is self inflicted, she claims that one day, he simply walked out to the gardens and turned to stone, which leads me to believe that his imprisonment is on a timer, or he is simply waiting for a particular moment to escape, or even more likely, that he is not imprisoned to begin with.

In hindsight it occurs to me that Dusk Swirl was very lonely. Much lonelier than I, which is why I believe you are the one to assist him in the changing of perspectives. You have the particular skill of which to personally connect with ponies; which will be a requirement for this particular task. From my memory, Dusk Swirl was not a bad or evil stallion. He was always simply misguided, and too stubborn to accept any other path. I believe that if he had someone of which he could view as an equal, or a friend, he would be willing to listen to reason, or would perhaps simply "relax" as Discord has. I myself vouch that he is not a danger to the wellbeing of you or any other pony within the castle or otherwise, and like Discord, he tends to be merely a hazard, and often an annoyance.

I hope I have done well enough to more accurately describe what I have asked of you, and indeed wish to see you regardless come the holiday running of the leaves at the end of the fall season.


PS, what of your prince's heart issues? Are my letters perhaps too loud? should I deign to have them transported by hoof? or perhaps find an alternate spellform?

Dear Auntie Luna

First of all, I'd like to thank you for elaborating and not taking my word as anything but mixed curiosity. I can absolutely assist you in this venture, although I will need to discuss it with my Husband so he can cover my presence within the empire. You have my word his lips will be sealed on the topic.

I will be arriving the week after the next on Tuesday evening, and look forward to discussing more of the details in pony.


PS, Please do not change your form of delivery, it brings me incredible joy

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