• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 579 Views, 23 Comments

As The Sun Sets - Noobblue

Princess Cadence is called by Princess Luna to reform an dark magician from ages past

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The first actual chapter with things happening in it

Cadance ended up taking the evening train to Canterlot that Tuesday. It was mostly reserved for cargo transport, exports and the like. She herself had signed the papers for the trade between Equestria and the Crystal Empire, and likewise found herself wandering out of her boxcar to inspect the crates during her journey to the capital.

"Do you think we should produce bigger boxes?" She said during the trip, directed towards one of her personal guards, shadowing her. Shining, while supportive of this plan had insisted that she take two of her best, a deep green mare of the name Crystal Brazier, and a sky blue stallion of the name Fog Runner.

Crystal Brazier was either quicker on the uptake, or Fog Runner was too distracted to respond quickly enough. "Bigger boxes?" She said, "do you mean the cargo? Is it not big enough your majesty?"

Cadance turned towards the boxes again. "It's the storage shape" She gestured at the boxes, "they're just smaller than the right size to take up all of the space in the rack. if we had a bit more height or width, they'd fill the rack completely, they'd jostle around less no?"

"I'm sure we can write in a request to have them set to a larger scale if you'd like your majesty." Said Fog, a bit to sternly for Cadance's tastes.

"No, I'm sure there's a reason they're like this..."

Well... Guards aren't much for conversation I guess

Several hours later, Cadance made a hasty exist from the Crystal Express out onto the Canterlot platform. The Moon was up in the sky fully now, and the stars distracted her from the coldness of the cobblestones of the platform.

"Dearest Niece!" A voice, only Luna's to be clear, turned Cadance's head towards the front of the train platform. A flew flaps and Luna was hugging her, Cadance stumbled for a moment before returning the hug with a vengance.

"Luna! It's so good to see you!" They separated "How have you been these past weeks?"

"To practice in honesty Cadance, I must say I have been anxious. Anxious around what I've called you here for, yet that is not a discussion for the open. That and you have just arrived! Let us 'catch up', there is a stagecoach waiting for us outside the station where we may discuss the finer details of your presence."

With that, Luna began to take long strides towards the edge of the train platform, nightponies were in the midst of unloading the Crystal Express, though several of the Canterlot ponies were giving her mildly surprised looks. Cadance followed, hoping the word wouldn't travel too quickly, her guards moving swiftly after her.

"How goes the bureaucracy of the Crystal Empire?" Luna asked without looking over, instead deigning to focus on not falling down the too slim stairs off the platform and onto the street.

"Oh please, I haven't touched most of it, you should be asking shiny most of the details."

"Ah of course, I always forget you are a mare of the ponies, you make public appearances yes? Do you hold court during the day like mine sister?"

Candance giggled, "It's 'my' Auntie, not mine, new ponish has far more tenses than old ponish." Luna nodded, "and I do hold court, but very little comes of it, I normally spend all day looking through backlogs of paperwork, coming up with ideas and placating the old nobles of the Crystal Empire, I've thought of doing away with them entirely in all honesty."

"Aye, that is a fine idea dear niece. I find that the nobles in Canterlot, while they do shake things around, tend to be the cause of most disturbances as well."

Upon their approach of a dark enclosed carriage, painted in Luna's colours of course, two Thestrals saluted and opened the carriage doors for the two princesses, Cadance's guards saluted in return, and she took note of the little ritual the two guard branches engaged in as she entered and laid down across from Luna and onto of the large deep blue cushion's that filled the chamber. Which was slightly bigger than it seemed from the outside.

The interior was just as expected, blues and purples laid over wood and plaster, and a ceiling reminiscent of the night sky.

Candance felt the need to comment. "Your personal stagecoach I'm guessing? It's rare I travel in such lavish style."

"Indeed it is, do you like it?"

"It's wonderful and very soft."

The carriage started rolling.

A beat.


"Yes, it's best we begin my niece."

Cadance held up a hoof, "Before that, one Princess to another, I just need to hear it from you directly. Do you think this is safe?" Cadance looked Luna in the eyes, "I know how often 'great evils' tend to be loosened on Equestria, this isn't going to be another example of that right? I trust you, I just... Well like I said, I'd like to hear it straight from you."

Luna took a moment to respond. Cadance watched intently as Luna considered her words. "I do not know the particular outcome of all of this, however I am certain that this process will not result in any kind of harm to anypony."

"That's what I needed to hear, thank you."

"Of course."

Cadance thought about the details before deciding on starting simple, "When do you plan on releasing him?"

Luna tilted her head, "As I am entrusting you as his ward, I thought it pertinent to let you decide when he should be freed."

Cadence nodded, "Then we'll precede as soon as we're able, I made sure to sleep the day away today in preparation. Which leads us to what exactly we're going to do, I know you want me to handle most of this, but just so we're on the same page, what exactly is the plan? Also, I read your letters and, Dusk Swirl is just an alias? Are you aware of his actual name?"

"Unfortunately no, for all that knew him, he refused to ever give out his name, he claimed and was somewhat justified of the power of names, and wishing that none have such a power over him. Names have agency in certain kinds of dark magic you see," Cadence nodded in understanding, "To answer the other question, the plan is a little more complex than the reformation of Discord, but not much, by nature of what we have to go on."

"So to begin with, you just want me to get to know him?"


"Do you think he'll be willing to... well will he let that happen? You described him as the kind of stallion to not just 'go with the flow'."

"I believe he will at my request, along with that he'll likely take interest in the process. Although I should warn you that his interest will carry mal-intent." Luna turned towards the curtains in the coach, and used her wing to lift one to gaze out onto the streets of Canterlot.

"How so?" Cadance asked.

Luna took a moment before responding, leaving the curtain to fall back into place. "Dusk tended to engage in frivolities for the sole purpose of annoying others or derailing other pony's works or jobs. Its not unlikely that he will allow you to try and reform him simply to prove to you that you are incapable of such a feat."

Luna took another breath before continuing, "He is also likely to consistently point out flaws in your approach, and try and demoralize you from your goal. While he is not evil, he is definitely mean. I believed that his special talent is that of putting other ponies down."

Cadance scrunched her muzzle, "His special talent is bulling ponies?"

"If I remember correctly, his cutie mark depicts that of two silhouetted ponies pointing and laughing at a third silhouette, crouched and cowering."

Cadance frowned, "That... might be an issue... How can I connect with him if he's only interested in hurting my feelings?"

"In truth dear niece, we do not know. Dusk was not only a talented magician, but also a brilliant strategist. He published many theses' on the study of pony psychology and took pride in his ability to deconstruct ponies for who they really were. You will likely have to face him head on, and not break for him to respect you, and trust you. As I said in my letter, the hope is that if he sees you as an equal, he will accept your advice unconditionally."

Cadance kept her frown. "You think he'd just... do that?"

"Dusk was a strange stallion of duality in several portions. Sometimes he would fight a losing argument to the point of ridiculousness, and other times he would simply nod and accept he was in the wrong and begin contributing positively. I believe if you can prove that his perspective is wrong, he may just... accept defeat, and completely change who he is."

"Ponies can't simply change who they are."

"We shall see" Luna said with a grimace.

"One other thing," Cadance said as the coach rolled to a stop, "I want to be able to handle this one on one with him. What I don't want is for him to feel attacked by two alicorns railroading him with questions about his worldview. Once we have him out and about, I'll try and stick with him as close as possible, and I want full autonomy for how to reform him. I read a lot form Twilight's notes on Fluttershy's efforts with Discord; and I think a one on one approach is definitely the best idea."

Luna spent the majority of those statements nodding, and simply responded with, "I concur, you shall have your space to deal with Dusk as you see fit."

Cadance than lit her horn and grasped the coach door, before exiting right into the palace gardens. Luna stepped softly into the grass directly behind her.

"Thank you sirs" Cadance said to the two Night Guards who walked them here, they saluted and then returned to 'at attention' in front of the stage coach. She turned and trotted before slowing to a canter to keep pace with Luna's longer stride out into the gardens.

The air was crisp, but moist, so it was just in-between too warm and too cold, perfect for a night walk. The grass was perfectly cut, and the décor was framed by the light and the marble that made up the features in the gardens along with the menagerie of plant life that filled the pathway the two Princesses walked together.

"One other thing," Cadance said, turning and looking slightly up towards Luna to speak, "I know he is a talented mage, but you said in your letter that he is an Earth Pony?"

Luna spoke while looking straight ahead, "Ah, well as you know, the earth pony has magic all their own, among Dusk's many projects was enhancing his own magical power. Not only, but he was also the greatest runesmith of his day, as well as the leading expert on rituals and many forms of casting accessible to an Earth Pony."

"It's hard to believe that an Earth Pony could match Starswirl in magical skill, were they really rivals? And why have I never heard of him if that's the case?"

"My sister likely wiped Dusk out of history in rage of his absence, and his influence in my fall to the Nightmare; and I'd say far more accurately that Dusk was by far Starswirl's better as far as magical strength was concerned. Starswirl was the founding father of many a spells foundation throughout era's past, he was a scholar first and foremost, an adventurer and monster hunter second. Dusk Swirl on the other hoof, while not an adventurer, often found himself in dangerous situations. He was by far a better warrior, and trumped Starswirl as far as raw magical power."

"How did he do that?" Cadance asked, bewildered

"Mmm, I was never told in detail, but among the things Dusk bragged about was inlaying runic structures within his own body. One of his powers I know of for certain is an array of powerful magic gathering spells inlaid on his bones."

Cadance tried to keep the recoil out of her features as she responded.

"That is... ghastly... His bones? Really? He carved magic into his own bones?" Cadance was mentally trying to catch up with such an idea. The idea of defacing your own body for power definitely seemed like the decision of a madpony.

"Aye, and I would also like to re-warn you of what he will likely use to dissuade you from your task. Dusk has done many a morally questionable thing, and will more than probably bring them up to try and disgust or scare you." Luna stopped at a wall of a thick hedge, growing straight from the ground. "Do not let him. So long as you stand firm, I am certain you will be able to convince him and achieve your goal."

"Okay." Cadance stumbled out, she had anxiety building within her, the more she talked about this, the more it seemed like she was the wrong pony for the task.

Luna cast a spell and the shrubbery shambled to the sides, opening up a doorway into a clearing within a ring of hedges surrounding the statue of a pony. The statue depicted the stallion sitting and looking to the side, with his eyes closed and a distinct frown on his face, though his ears stood at attention.

This must be him

"This is the stallion" Luna said

Beyond herself, Cadance chuckled internally at the irony of her mental train of thought and Luna's confirmation, she welcomed the humor as a distraction from how quickly this was all proceeding. "So how do we do this... do we just, zap him?"

Luna turned to Cadance, "I am unsure, I have studied several spells that will likely aid us, but there's no telling how lon-"


The voice came from the side, and the two Princesses turned to the side to confirm the obvious. There on the stone plinth the statue of a stallion was no longer a statue, although his positioning had not changed, his colouring and the texture of his fur had. His coat was a strange offset of blue, Cadance could have mistaken him for a crystal pony if she didn't know otherwise, and his mane had a gradient from an almost purple at the base, to a red in the middle, and a fiery orange at the top, it hung around his head, puffed almost like a lions mane.

I guess it'll take that long

Cadance stepped up to the plinth, and brought up her courage, later she would realize that this was her 'Princess voice', "Hello Dusk, my name is Cadance and I-"

"Hold on, " He said, holding up a hoof, and coming to a stand, "Shut up for a moment." He had yet to open his eyes, and before Cadance had the chance to respond, he jumped down from his plinth and took two long strides up to her and got right up in her muzzle. After of which, he opened his eyes, almost touching snouts, he looked her straight in the face with grey eyes devoid of and emotion.


Cadance struggled to bounce back from his invasion of her personal space, at least verbally, physically she stood her ground and did not flinch, even though his eyes were distinctly off putting. Luckily Luna came to her rescue before the staring became an issue.

"Hello again Dusk Swirl."

"Princess Luna, what a pleasure it is to hear the 'cadance' of your voice again" He said, still staring Cadance down. He winked at the placement of her name, and then turned to Luna. Cadance stepped back.

"Your sarcasm is unwelcome as always Dusk" Luna spoke, a frown coming to her face.

"Well I could always just insult you directly, if you'd prefer, or her," He gestured towards Cadance, "I thought up plenty of material for her specifically since her coronation."

Cadance took the opportunity to jump in, "and how did you hear of that? I take it the stone you were in was porous?" She tried to give him a smile, and managed successfully, yet, he simply glanced to his side, and gave her an eyebrow before returning his gaze to Luna,

"Why are you bothering me exactly?"

Luna very quietly cleared her throat and answered. "I am here, along with my Niece to change you over to the side of harmony."

He looked at her, looked at Cadance, looked back at Luna, then Cadance. Then Luna. "Lulu... That's a child." He said, lifting a hoof towards Cadance. She tried to respond, but before she could get the words out, Luna stopped her with a wing,

"She is not. I trust her to do the task I have stated, and you will go along with her will or face the consequences." Luna took a step towards him and tried to glare him down, he simply moved to the side, closer to Cadance and smirked. He began to pace, totting this way and that, locking eyes with Luna, and pivoting his head to always be facing her.

"What makes you think I'd do that, or... anything really?"

"Because if you do not, I will imprison you myself." Luna said, the same terseness flowing into her words

He continued to pace for two... four seconds before responding.

"and what of the little princess? What stakes do you have in this, hmm?" His eyes had not left Luna, yet Cadance knew to speak.

"I want to help you, I don't know how yet, but I know I'll have to get to know you to begin with... I guess the stakes I have is doing a favor for my aunt, but also for you."

He made a humming noise, continuing his pacing for another couple of back and forths, Cadance noticed that his back left leg was dragging in the grass, almost like he was injured. He turned to Cadance. "You believe that huh?"

Cadance just nodded. He smiled. It looked wrong. Didn't fit his face, Cadance wasn't sure, it just made her shiver from the inside out.

"Well then. I think I've heard plenty of this drivel." He turned to Luna, stomped a couple of steps straight up to her. "I don't know where out of your hindquarters you pulled this idea from, but to make myself... perfectly... cleaar...." as he trailed off, he scrunched his face while leaning over, looking over Luna's shoulders, "What in Tartarus is that?" He pointed.

Cadance glanced to the side, towards where he was pointing, seconds before hearing heavy hoofalls, and moments after realizing her mistake. She wiped her head around to see him make a break for one of the corners of the hedge rectangle. Luna turned shortly after her and lit her horn.

There was a flash, blinding Cadance, and she heard Luna cry out, once she regained her sight, she saw Luna knelt on her front legs, a small strand of smoke coming from the tip of her horn, the ground was lit in a pattern easily recognizable as a series of runes, and Dusk just rounded the corner of the hedge maze as Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice

"Quickly Cadance! Catch him quickly!" The urgency behind her call and panic, one of the two stirred Cadance into motion without thought, she instinctively flexed her hooves and tossed herself into the air, spreading her wings and getting over the hedge line in one flap. The jump took a breath out of her, so she took a moment to glide in the direction he ran, inhaling deeply before flapping more and picking up speed. She caught a glimpse of his reddish mane over the hedge and dived towards it.

The chase was on, and all she could think about was how quickly this had broken down.

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