• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 580 Views, 23 Comments

As The Sun Sets - Noobblue

Princess Cadence is called by Princess Luna to reform an dark magician from ages past

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The Gala, part C

"What is that!"

Cadance heard Rarity cry from across the room. Glancing over, she saw that indeed Rarity was pointing with horror at Quick Silver. Who ignored the comment, and laughed, sampling some food they'd eventually gotten.

They'd been hearing mumbles throughout the crowd about the strange mare here as the Princess's plus all night. In addition to the several ponies who approached after Celestia.

Silver's hobo getup is working

Ponies saw Celestia laughing, Cadance had been glued to Silver all night, which was apparently enough to make Quick Silver the talk of the Gala. Some were disgusted and confused, others were sure that the unnamed mare was clearly a big deal, wearing such a 'statement' and getting the attention of all three princesses in attendance.

"Excuse me! Miss!"

"I'm sorry?" Silver turned to the approaching Rarity as if she'd not heard her clearly shout.

"Miss! I-" Rarity composed herself, "Oh, hello Princess Cadance." and gave a short bow

"No need for formalities Rarity, Cadance will do fine, and this is Quick Silver, and yes. She's committing a crime against fashion."

"In my defense, I did pick the colours and shapes for Cadance's ensemble."

Rarity took a double take at Cadance's midnight floral dress, "Ah yes, well, uhm..." Rarity tried not to criticize

Silver rolled her eyes, "Everypony's a critic"

"Maybe you could explain your ensemble to Rarity?"

Silver raised an eyebrow at Cadance but turned towards the white mare. "It's a statement of wisdom."

"A statement for sure, but of wisdom?" Rarity tried to be polite, but couldn’t help but grimace as she used her magic to levitate one of the many old coats Silver had on her shoulders.

"Poverty in riches my dear, I'm sure you know the value of bits when compared to that of what truly matters in the world yes?" Silver didn't give Rarity time to respond, "Many of these ponies wear their bits over their flanks, I, on the other hoof, know of true values, and instead choose to wear my experience."

Rarity slowly let out an "I see."

"To have so much, and yet so little." Silver said wistfully

Rarity hemmed and hawed for a moment "Yes, of course, but does it have to be spoken as 'homeless'?"

Silver laughed, "I guess not, but I couldn't come up with anything else."

Silver's dropped into a glare and focused it past Rarity.

"Uhm." Rarity said intelligently

Cadance followed Silver's glare to Discord, who was talking to Fluttershy, and... a green blob.

"I think I hear Sweetie Belle calling me, ta ta." Rarity bid a hasty retreat.

Silver was seemingly done talking, so Cadance left her alone and watched on.

Discord was being Discord, that was the long and short of it. Cadance understood the general mood. He appeared to be trying to get Fluttershy's attention, and was failing. Classic.

Silver never took her eyes off the Draconequus


"Shut up Cadance."

Okay. Wow.

Silver snarled and tore her eyes away from Discord and instead started glaring at the table.


"I'm getting some air." Silver's face returned to a normalized smile, and she was walking away from the table and through the crowd in the next moment. Leaving Cadance without company for the moment.

Oh dear. What to do

She wants to be away from Discord. As far as I know, they hate each other. That didn't look like hatred though, or even rivalry, that was pain.

Cadance got up and followed after Silver. She was stopped a couple of times in the crowd, but was Cadance a political gamemaster. She simply verbally maneuvered herself through the crowd with no issue, and managed to get back out into the gardens, where Silver had gone.

She couldn't see Silver though

"Can't leave me alone for a moment can you?" Silver approached from somewhere she couldn't see

"I can't be worried about you?" She tried to mix sarcasm and worry and succeeded, in her opinion at least.

Silver deadpanned a 'are you joking with me right now' look.


Cadance tried, "So, uh, that spell?"

Close enough!

"I said I'd tell you later, not that I'd tell you immediately at the next possible opportunity."

"I am asking you to explain it to me." Cadance said earnestly

It left Silver wordless, and she blinked away her annoyed look.

"Well I-"

There was a pitched scream. "Let me in!"

Cadance moved but was stopped by Silver's outstretched hoof, Cadance turned to Silver, and followed her pointing hoof towards Rarity, covered in green slime, and the ball of goop accosting another partygoer. The door opened and Rarity stumbled into the ballroom. Silver moved to get a proper look, as did Cadance. Making the right space between the entryway and the ball of goop.

Hey, is it bigger than it was before?

"Heh, look Cadance."

Twilight was giving Discord a dressing down, which he didn't really care about, but then Discord's attention shifted, and Twilight's posture changed.

Cadance felt a spark

No way

"Hehe, you see it too?" Silver bumped her shoulder, "My hoofwork, you like?"

Cadance watched Twilight pull Discord aside and they began talking earnestly. Discord mostly, Twilight seemingly just listened at first.

"Little Pri-"

Cadance quietly reached a blind hoof out to press over Silver's mouth, it seemingly worked, because Silver stopped talking.

Twilight said something to Discord, and he slouched and crossed his arms, muttering something. Twilight got some air and pulled Discord's face to meet her gaze.

They shared several more words, before Discord waved her off. Nodding and seemingly calming down, he teleported away after.

Cadance stood awestruck for a moment, before turning towards Silver like a door creaking open in a horror movie. "What. Was. That." She enunciated very carefully, a slow smile spreading across her features.

"I take it, you approve?"

"Approve?!" Cadance lowered her voice, but not her excitement, "Approve? Silver! Explain that this instant!"

Silver shrugged "Well, I had a hunch, and I gave a little push."

Cadance pranced in place and flapped like a filly on her birthday, "You're joking! You're joking?"

Silver shook her head

She's not joking!

Cadance did not squee, that was decidedly something Princesses didn't do.

"How?" Cadance begged and grabbed Silver by the shoulders

Silver placating removed Cadance's grip on her. "Now steady yourself Little Princess. There's no telling what happens now, I just gave them a chance."

"This is so incredible, why? Why give them a push?"

"So you noticed it too?"

"I did once when I went to visit Twilight but..." Cadance trailed off

Silver smiled and tossed a hoof. It looked strange with her hobo getup, but Cadance knew what it meant.

"I have so many things to do."

"Steady Alicorn of Love. Steady."

"How could I relax now?"

"Easy, let's go start the dancing."

They did, they were the best aside from Pinkie, nopony beats Pinkie enthusiasm.

They'd extricated themselves from the dancing ponies.

Cadance was personally surprised at the fact that Silver had only left her side the one time, before attributing that to the coin flip.

"You're quite the animal on the dance floor Little Princess. Hard beats or smooth chords." Silver said conversationally as they walked back to their table.

"Hardly, I barely exerted myself." She said, giving the smaller mare a raised eyebrow.

Silver smiled, "Maybe for the better, I don't think the ponies here are ready to see you truly throw down."

Cadance suppressed her snort, and laughed instead. "Where do you learn all of this lingo?"

"I told you already didn't I? I didn't spend all that time in stone."

"You mean you came and went?"

Silver nodded as they sat down next to each other on the cushions for their table. "That's right, I experimented, kept track of my bloodlines, and watched the new ages. I even saw you once when you were out in Minos."

"Wait... so if you kept track of your bloodlines?" She let the leading question hang,

Silver acquiesced, "Alright fine, yes, Sunset is indeed a descendant of mine. My uncertainty was a fib to keep you from going crazy."

"You certainly do that enough." Cadance smiled, "Drive me crazy I mean."

"I try."

They enjoyed a moment of silence, watching the other ponies enjoy themselves. Discord had a little corner to which he was tangoing with The Smooze under special lighting spawned from nowhere.

Cadance took another sip of her drink, the alcoholic buzz barely reaching her ears. "So this spell?"

"Ugh, Little Princess, please. Not with this again."

She laughed at Silver's over exaggeration of irritation, "Your aversion to giving me even a sideways answer is only making me more curious."

"You really don't want me to tell you." Silver said with a straight face

"Uh, really?"

"Well... you don't want me to tell you."

What does that even mean

"Explain?" Cadence said hopefully

"If I do, you're only going to get more curious." Silver monotoned

Cadance gave her a wry smile, "We're way past that now."

"It's a surprise. Something I know for a fact you want to find out for yourself."

Cadance didn't bother trying to use Silver's hints to try and work out what she meant. She was committed to weaseling a straight answer out of the mare.

"So I want to hear it, but you don't want to spoil the surprise?"


Cadance leaned over the table, "Tell me."

Silver deadpanned in her general direction

"Why not right?"

Silver's look continued

"Oh come on!" Cadance pleaded, "Please?"

"You're being very playful tonight." Silver slung

"You've been awfully preachy tonight too." She slung back at her

Silver huffed, "Turnabout is fair play I suppose."

"Cmon Silver, just tell me, I promise I won't be mad." She pleaded just a little more, she could tell she was making progress. Knowing how silly she was being, it was working though, and if it ain't broke.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't care about telling you." Silver lifted a hoof placatingly towards the Alicorn, "I know you'll care, so this is my last warning, ask me again, and I'll tell you."

Cadance spent a fraction of mental effort to consider the weight of Silver's declaration before settling on the running good natured humour she'd been seemingly stirring within Silver.

"Tell me." She said, less than a second after

Silver rolled her eyes, "It's a pregnancy aid spell."

Cadance's mind didn't so much as grind to a halt. Rather, imagine what would happen if you set the momentum of an object to zero relative to its planetary mass. The object hitting a relative mach eighty seven and plasmafying the atmosphere as the planetary mass flew away from it. That was a closer description.

"That's why it doesn't work on me. I'm not pregnant." Silver said evenly







With her expression completely unchanged from the moment before, Cadance's horn sparkled a wild twisting pink and blue colour from the tip. She then turned to the side and vomited onto the floor.


"I'm fine, really I am." Cadance said tiredly.

After vomiting, Celestia had sent her to the palace's hospital; they ran a couple of quick tests, including one that had verified Silver's claim.

I'm totally fine. I really am.

She lied to herself.

The other half of herself was screaming Pregnant! like a crazed madmare!

I'm going to have a foal!

Heavens, I'm going to be a mom...

A little pony!

Now?! I'm ruling a nation!

Pregnant! Pregnant! Pregna-



Cadance's eyes lost their 'staring off into Eternity' look as she locked onto the doctor clapping in front of her face, "Yes?"

"Are you sure you're okay Princess?"

This was the doctor that didn't know she was pregnant. At the thought, her mind tried to go wild again, but she clamped down on the emotions for the moment.

Act like a Princess Cadance!

"I'm okay. I am, my thoughts are elsewhere."

Only two ponies knew... four actually. Counting herself and Silver, the doctor who ran the test, and the nurse who was there when the doctor gave her the news.

She had stress vomited; apparently it was something that just happened when a pony was overcome so thoroughly that their body decided a good way to knock them out of their stupor was to eject the bottle of acid violently through said pony's mouth.

I'm pregnant

"Okay Princess, the doctors cleared you a while ago, I was just a little worried. You're free to return to the party whenever you would prefer." The stallion was white coated, and sky blue maned. His name was Test Tube, leaving his title to be hilariously: Doctor Tube. Which Cadance found funny enough to keep herself focused... Pony naming conventions were very strange.

"Is the party still going?"

"They're wrapping up by now most likely. Commander Thicket came to poach some of our janitor ponies a couple of minutes ago."

"Thank you Doctor Tube."

He grimaced, "Aheh, please call me Doctor Test, if you would."

"Of course, Doctor Test"

Apparently other ponies have found that funny too.

Cadance scooted off the examination plate, and onto her four hooves. Her subconscious made her feel like her stomach jostled as her weight settled, but it was just her imagination.

I'm pregnant

A wing unfurled to cover her stomach as her mind and emotions whirled, standing in that room. That tiny examination room, meant for ponies about a half of a head shorter than her. Cadance considered responsibility, joy and fear.

There was a knock at the door, and it opened just a crack to reveal Silver sans hobo outfit; who after making eye contact, opened the door all the way.


Cadance just stared dumbly at the mare, "You knew the whole time?"

"Since we met. Yes. It's hard not to notice when someone is carrying two souls in their body."

Cadance flapped her mouth, her wing still cradling her stomach.

I'm going to be a mom

"You didn't let me finish."

Silver's voice changed. It deepened, and took on a more masculine timber. Softer than Cadance originally thought, quieter than a whisper. Cadance wasn't exactly sure Silver had even said anything.

"That wasn't the surprise."

Silver stood in front of Cadance with sparkling eyes.

Cadance glared back, and half gasped out "How. Could that have not been. The surprise."

"They're an Alicorn."

Cadance's mind reeled, or rather, reeled more, as the barely wind-like voice flowed from Silver.

"You won't have to bury them."

Silver had rested a limb on Cadance's shoulder, not speaking another word as Cadance let the floodgates of sudden joy wash away her fear. Silver held her for a moment, awkwardly trying to give a light hug. Cadance pushed the smaller mare away and pulled herself together.

"Shining, I have to tell him."

Silver nodded seriously and began spreading sparkling powder on the exam room floor.

She had to ask Cadance for the magic to teleport back to her cave, which sparked a series of questions from the elated Alicorn; which Silver ignored.

After, they went through a portal straight into Cadance's bedroom. Which startled the Tartarus out of Shining.

"Who?!" He jumped up and out of bed, pulling a drawer out of their dresser with his magic and brandishing it like a weapon.

Cadance giggled, "It's just us Shining, party's over."

"Us?" He glanced over Cadance's shoulder at Silver, who gave him a half lidded smile, "Oh."

"That's actually a good point." Cadance gave Silver a jokingly hard look, "Stop warping into our bedroom."

Silver lifted a placating hoof, and rolled her eyes.

Good enough

She turned back to her husband.

"We need to talk."

Shining had the 'uh oh' look quickly pass over his features

"Don't worry Armor, I didn't do anything."

Shining glared at Silver, Cadance walked up to him and pushed him onto his flanks, and grabbed his hooves.

"I-" She stuttered

"Cadance?" He tried, the concern evident.

"I shouldn't be here for this probably." Silver idly gestured, which Cadance caught the tail end of as she turned to look at the pegasus. She turned for the still open portal before freezing.

"Actually." She turned around and her left eye lit with blue magic, there was a sparkle of arcane runes in the air, and she saw Shining glow from the corner of her eye.

A short moment passed. Shinning nodded from in front of her, and Silver left. Portal twirling closed and disappearing with a silent visible pop.

"What was that?"

Shining bit his lip, "Silver gave me some advice."

"She told you?" She frowned

"Uh..." He squinted, "No... said... Husband to Husband, then told me not to tell you."


She smiled

That's really sweet

"Okay" She pulled up Shining's hooves so they were in-between the two of their chests. "I'm pregnant."

She went for the cold send. Shining's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. The feeling in her chest vibrated, the elation, so she said it again, and why the heck not?

Her voice came out half broken, and she felt the whispers of tears trying to return, "I'm pregnant Shining."

"HAh!" He laughed and stood, taking a step back, Cadance was baffled until he started prancing in place, "You're pregnant!" He rushed up and hugged her, almost toppling her over, "We're gonna be parents! I'm gonna be a dad!"

He hefted her up, "Oh!" and started spinning her around, they spent the next several moments in laughter, Cadance joining in with the joy.

Still mid twirl, she tried to get out between laughs, "There's more!"

Shining was too busy being happy

"I will fwap you! Put me down!"

He did, but he didn't let go, "There's more? You're not..." He smiled wider, "You're not having twins are you?"

She shook her head, "They're an Alicorn."

Shining violently began coughing, "An Ali-" He caught his breath, "Cadance!" He teared up like she had. "Cadance!"

She hugged him tighter

I knew he'd understand.

Author's Note:

Sure anyone reading has gotten the themes for immortality and what it does to a living being. The pantheon, that being: Twilight, Discord, Celestia, Luna, Cadance and now Quick Silver, and their adjacent closest friends; are going to make consistent appearances to drive this point home.

I write in a way that doesn't explain much to the reader, choosing instead to try to get everything the characters are experiencing through subtle context. That being said (I'm not a great author) and the last moment is a bit difficult to understand if you're not the writer, since there's a lot of context not written in there.

In short, Cadance and Shining have talked before about her having to bury him. She's not afraid of losing him so much that she doesn't want him, and that conversation shook them both. Cadance because as it turned out, Shining was torn up too. He was worried about what he could do for her once he was gone. He was terrified that he couldn't just stick around to keep her happy; it's why an admittedly simple minded stallion like himself jumped into ruling a nation with a passion. He wanted to leave her with his legacy, also the same reason he wanted children so badly.

(None of that conversation, or it's fallout are ever pointed at directly in the story, besides the fact that the two almost never talk about it, and even then, only in reference, they agreed to enjoy being Alive Together rather than worry about when it was over. Hence why I mentioned it here.)

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