• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 1,313 Views, 44 Comments

Geometry - ADRNEL

Sometimes geometry can be complicated, especially when applied to relationships.

  • ...

Fifth Degree


At Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac is in his room standing in front of a mirror, making sure he has put on his suit properly. The suit may be cheap, but it still looks respectable. After feeling satisfied with how he looks, he leaves his room and goes downstairs to see Applejack in her dress and trademark stenson talking to Granny Smith. Applejack sees him come downstairs but is shocked to see him in his suit.

"What in tarnation is th' suit fo'?" asked Applejack.

"Fo' th' anniversery party, Rarity invited me." replied Big Mac.

Applejack is surprised by the reply, Why would Rarity invite him t' th' party?, Applejack asks to herself in her head. It better not be because she's playin' matchmaker again.

Applejack then notices the time on the grandfather clock in the living room, realizing that she needs to leave now to make it to the party on time. "Ah's gonna have a long conversation wif Rarity about this." she mumbles to herself out loud. Applejack and Big Mac say their goodbies to Granny Smith and walk together to the library in town.

At around the same time, Fluttershy, wearing a dress similar to the one she wore at the gala, has reached the library, she hopes that the party would distract her from her feelings for Big Mac. She knocks on the door, after a about a minute, the door opens to reveal Pinkie Pie, also wearing a dress similar to the one she wore at the gala.

"You made it! Welcome to the Anniversery Gala! This is going so great!" happily greeted Pinkie to the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy walks herself in while Pinkie goes off to do something else. She looks at the surroundings, the entire place decorated to look like it takes place in a ballroom, complete with a stage where Octavia and her band are playing classical music.

"Fluttershy! You made it!" exclaimed a familiar voice. Fluttershy turns to see Rainbow Dash, also wearing a dress, happy to see her. "For a moment there, I thought you were not going to show up!" said Dash.

"Well, this is an important night for Twilight, and it will mean a lot to her if we all came." explained Fluttershy, happy to be around her friends. Fluttershy looks around only to be met by an unexpected sight; two members of the Wonderbolts are here. "Dash, look!" pointed Fluttershy to their general direction. Dash turns to where she's pointing and is shocked to see Soarin and Spitfire, both wearing their Wonderbolt uniforms, at the party talking to Twilight and Time Turner.

"Oh, this is how my dream always starts," said Dash to herself, in a trance like state. "Now all they need to do is walk up to me, compliment me, offer me a spot with them, gladly join and then we celebrate with a three-way until dawn."

"Dash?" said a very disturbed Fluttershy.

Dash quickly snaps herself out of the trance and then realizes what she said. "I said that out loud didn't I?" said an embrassed Dash. Fluttershy just nods in agreement. "MY LIFE IS RUINED!" exclaims Dash to the ceiling, she then quickly flies off before the two Wonderbolts notice her, leaving Fluttershy alone.

"Don't worry about her, you know what they say; 'It is not gay when it's in a three-way'." chuckled Rarty, walking towards her, using her magic to hold a glass of punch. Rarty then changes the subject, "You look wonderful darling, it will mean so much to Twilight that you came."

"Where's Applejack?" asked Fluttershy, having met or seen all of her friends except Applejack.

"Oh don't worry about that, I'm sure she'll be here soon," said Rarity, she takes a quick sip of the punch. "Until then, why don't you go and congradulate Twilight and Turner, and I'll be making sure Dash isn't having a mental breakdown in the kitchen." Rarity then walks off to the kitchen.

Fluttershy then walks up to Twilight and Turner, "Congradulations on a wonderful year together." Fluttershy said timidly to the happy couple.

"Thank you, so glad you made it!" smiled Twilight as she brings Fluttershy into a three-way hug with Turner. Fluttershy and Turner then happily hoof-bump eachother.

Several minutes pass as the party continues.

Fluttershy is sitting alone on the couch, watching all the ponies talk or dance with eachother. She then sees Rarity walk up to her and sits down next to her.

"Great party isn't?" said Rarity, trying to get a conversation started. Fluttershy just silently nods in agreement. "I've been debating with myself all night over this, but there is something I should tell you before it's too late-" explained Rarity.

Before Rarity could say anything more, she hears Pinkie Pie yelling. "ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF APPLEJACK AND HER BROTHER BIG MACINTOSH!" Rarity and Fluttershy turn to the front door to see Applejack and Big Mac walking in from outside, greeting Pinkie Pie.

"Too late." says Rarity to herself. She turns to Fluttershy to see her face and body petrified with fear. She waves one of her forelegs in front of Fluttershy's face, but get's no reaction. "Fluttershy? Are you okay?" asked a concerned Rarity.

After a about a minute of silence, Fluttershy gets off the couch and then quickly gallops off. Rarity quickly goes after her, but is blocked by Applejack standing in her way. "We need t'talk!" said a very serious Applejack to Rarity.

At the same time, Big Mac is greeting Twilight and Turner.

"Hey Mac, been a while since we talked." greeted Time Turner.

"Eeyup." was all Big Mac says to him.

"I never expected you to show up." said Twilight to the red stallion, happy that he decided to show up anyways without an invitation, or so she thought.

"Jest wanted t'show mah support, Twilight, if yo' need anythin', I'll be thar t'help yo'." explained Big Mac.

Twilight was caught of guard by the fact that Big Mac spoke a complete sentance, she quickly regains her focus. "That's very sweet of you, I'll always consider you my best friend along with your sister." explained Twilight. Big Mac was a little hurt that she called him a friend, but at least she is still in his life. "By the way," asked Twilight looking around, "Where's Applejack?"

"What do you want to talk about?" asked a nervous Rarity, knowing full well that Applejack knows what she is up to.

"Yer playin' matchmaker again are yo'?" snapped Applejack, wanting to get to the point. "Yer trying t'get Fluttershy and Big Mac together again arn't yo'?"

"I know it sounds wrong, but I'm doing this with the purest of intentions." defended Rarity of her actions.

"Yer playin' with emotions hyar," angrily stated Applejack. "Ah warn yo', if either Flutters o' Mac git hurt, yo'll be loosing a friend in me." angrily warned Applejack, she put up with this last time, but she will not make that mistake this time. Applejack then walks off to greet Twilight and Turner. Rarity is stunned and at a loss of words, she then quickly remembers Fluttershy and trots off to find her.

After greeting Applejack, Twilight takes Time Turner to an empty corner of the room. "Want to sneak off to my room upstairs? I have a personal surprise for you waiting." whispered Twilight into Time Turner's ear. Turner just blushes, thinking that they'll be sneaking off like they always do to either cuddle or make-out, but the fact she said "surprise" was diffrent.

"What's the surprise?" asked a confused and anxious Turner.

"You'll find out." grinned Twilight. Twilight then trots off upstairs, with Turner quickly following her with a smile on his face.

Along the way to the bedroom, Twilight and Turner pass by the bathroom, where Rarity trying to open the bathroom door. The couple ignores it and continues their trot to Twilight's bedroom.

"Open the door Fluttershy, I know you're in there! With Dash hiding in the kitchen and the basement locked, this is the only place you can hide!" yelled Rarity to Fluttershy inside.

The only thing Rarity can hear from her is a small "Eep!", Rarity then begins to pound on the door.

In Twilight's bedroom, both Twilght and Turner are making-out with eachother on Twilight's bed. "This is so naughty." said Turner, between kisses. "Oh, I know." responded Twilight. After a few more minutes, Turner finally decides to ask Twilight about the "surprise" she's been talking about. "So what's the surprise?" asked a grinning Time Turner being cheeky.

Twilight just giggles and gets off of the stallion, she then gets off the bed and seductively walk towards a drawer, to make her coltfriend think she is getting something. "Close your eyes, and don't open them until I say so." grinned Twilight, turning on the charm. Turner just chuckles and decides to play along with her. "If you say so!" he said before closing his eyes.

While his eyes are closed, he can hear more giggling, followed by the strange sound of fabric dropping to the floor. After more sounds of giggling and laughter coming from Twilight, he finally hears the order. "Okay, you can open your eyes now." said Twilight.

Turner opens his eyes to find Twilight standing in front of him naked and her mane no longer tied in a bun, but freely flowing. The fact that Twilight was naked didn't phase Turner, it was what she's planning that concerned him. "Why did you take off your dress?" asked a nervous Turner, not knowing where this is going.

"We've been dating for a year together, and I really wanted to show how much I loved you, so I thought that doing this on our anniversery would be perfect," explained Twilight. "So what I'm trying to say is," Twilight then turns around, lowers her forelegs, sticks her rump up into the air along with her tail, exposing her marehood. She twists her head to directly look at Turner face. "Will you take my virginity?"

Turner is stunned and confused at this and has no idea what to do, one part of his brain is saying "Rut her! Rut her until she sees her cutie mark before her eyes!", while a second part is saying "IT'S A TRAP!" repeatedly, while a third part is doing nothing but playing funk-rock songs. He thinks about this for about a minute and sighs.

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry...but...I can't." Turner managed to say, trying to not hurt Twilight's feelings. His heart aching from rejecting her.

"Why not?" asked a shocked and saddend Twilight, she then gets up and turns her body around to face him. "Don't you love me?"

Time Turner could see Twilight getting sadder by the second. "No, no, no...it's not because I don't love you, I love you very much and I would be honored to take your virginity," said Turner trying to calm her down. "It's just that...I don't want to ruin something that we've worked hard to built." explained Turner. "Sex ruined my previous relationship seven years ago, and I don't want to risk it." Turner then gets off the bed and quickly holds her tight to comfort her. "I love you too much right now to do this." calmly whispered Turner into Twilight's ear.

"Really?" was all Twilight was able to say as they briefly let each other go. Time Turner just silently nods in agreement. They then resume holding on to each other again. "I love you too much too, but I thought you wanted this because that's what most stallions want." whispered Twilight into Time Turner's ear, feeling ashamed and embrassed.

"Haven't you learned anything about me?" chuckled Time Turner, trying to make his fillyfriend feel better. "I'm not an ordinary stallion, remember?" he says being cheeky again.

Twilight just smiles at the statement. "I'm sorry that I put you in this situation." said Twilight apologizing.

"That's okay, we all make bad assumptions sometimes." reassured Time Turner. After what felt like several minutes of holding each other, they quietly part. "I love you Turner." said Twilight.

"I know." responded Turner.

Rarity has been sitting in front of the bathroom door for an hour, waiting for Fluttershy to come out. "Come on Fluttershy, you're an element of harmony, you've faced down dangerous creatures and helped save the kingdom many times over." said Rarity to the door, hoping Fluttershy can hear her thru the door. "You can be so brave and confident when the situation calls for it, and by Celestia's mane, this is one of those times, a time to be the brave Fluttershy who wouldn't let her shyness and timidness get in the way of getting the job done, the Fluttershy who would never DARE let her friends and herself down. Don't do this for me, Fluttershy, do it for yourself, because before you know it, Big Mac will be dating somepony else, marry her, and then move away from Ponyville to start a new farm where their foals will roam free. Do you want that to happen? Do you?" asks Rarity, trying to motivate her. After a minute of silence, she then sees the bathroom door slowly open with Fluttershy nervously peaking her head from behind the door.

"Did you really mean all of that?" nervously asked Fluttershy.

Rarity is glad that Fluttershy has come out. "Of course darling, you are one of my friends." assured Rarity. "Ready to face Big Mac?" she asks. Fluttershy reluctantly leaves the bathroom and steps into the hallway with Rarity.

"I'm ready." said Fluttershy, in a rare moment of confidence.

Rarity and Fluttershy finally reach downstairs and rejoin the party, Rarity scans the room looking for Big Mac, after a while, she manages to find him standing next to the punch bowl. She then whispers into Fluttershy's ear. "Okay, when we get to him, we'll greet him, then I'll walk off so you two can get to know each other, got it?" instructed Rarty. Fluttershy doesn't say a word but goes along with the plan anyways. They both make their way towards Big Mac just as Twilight, with her dress back on, along with Turner, nervously sneak back into the party.

Big Mac is standing in front of the punch bowl, just watching the ponies have fun with their dancing and talking. He couldn't find his sister anywhere, but knowing her, she's probably overdoing it on the punch.

"Oh Big Mac!" he hears a familiar voice exclaim. "It's nice to see that you made it here." Big Mac looks to see Rarity walking up to him, with Fluttershy hiding behind her.

"Good evenin' Miss Rarity," nodded Big Mac to Rarity. "Miss Fluttershy." he said to Fluttershy. The act just causes Fluttershy to hide behind Rarity more.

"Well, I'm glad that you are finally showing suport for Twilight and her special somepony." explained Rarity. Big Mac knows she's lying, knowing full well that she invited him so she can match him up with somepony, but Big Mac let's her continue. "Anyways, I really have to go now and make sure Pinkie Pie doesn't eat herself into a sugar coma again, but I'm sure Fluttershy would just LOVE to keep you company." Fluttershy begins to get nervous. "Bye." waved Rarity as she walks off, leaving Fluttershy and Big Mac alone, just as planned.

"Enjoyin' th' party?" asked Big Mac to Fluttershy. He knows that Rarity is forcing her to talk to to him.

Fluttershy tries to say something, but nothing comes out of her mouth, just a barely audible "Eep!". She then begins to feel her heart race as her body begins to be drenched in cold sweat.

"You must stay away from all stallions Fluttershy" said her mother's voice echoing in her head. "All they want is to rut you until you end up living a life of sin." Fluttershy could feel her mother's voice getting louder and louder, she collapses onto the ground as she uses her forehooves to plug her ears, wanting her voice to stop. But it dosen't stop as the voice continues get louder and louder until she finally couldn't take it.

"STOP IT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Fluttershy screams from the top of her lungs, causing all the guests to stop what they're doing and watch her. Fluttershy gets up from the ground glad that she's no longer hearing her mother, only to be met with stares from all the guests, including her friends. She then sees Big Mac also stareing at her, but with concern for her.

"Yo' alright?" said Big Mac, genuinely concerned for her health.

Fluttershy just continues to look at all those stares. She then begins to cry and gallops off towards the main door. Big Mac just stands there stunned with concern and guilt for her.

Fluttershy finally reaches outside and is about to fly off, but only got five feet in the air before she felt something pulling on her tail. Fluttershy looks behind her to see a ball of magic holding her in place by her tail. She then looks down to see that it was Rarity that was doing this.

"What happend Fluttershy, what's going on?" asked a concerned Rarity.

"Let me go, please!" ordered Fluttershy, desperate to leave, not wanting to face the ponies at the party, especially Big Mac.

"You can't run away form your problems you know!" said Rarity, trying to calm Fluttershy.

"I said let me go!" demanded Fluttershy more forcefully, rage beginning to build in her by the second.

"Do you want to live alone for the rest of your life?!" exclaimed Rarity.

"LET ME GO!" Fluttershy screams with pure anger, she then takes one of her hind legs and bucks Rarity in the face, causing Fluttershy to released from Rarity's magic. Fluttershy then realizes what she has done. "Oh no...what have I done?" whispered Fluttershy to herself, ashamed at what she did and starting to cry. Then with speed rivaling Rainbow Dash, flies off to her cottage. The sound of Fluttershy crying echoing across the night sky.

Rarity manages to get her bearings and sees Fluttershy fly away. Rarity then realizes that her left eye is swollen shut, she has a black eye. Rarity gets up and begins to gallop towards Fluttershy's cottage only to have Rainbow Dash standing in front of her. "Don't Rarity, you'll only make it worse." explained Dash to the injured unicorn.

Rarity just begins to cry as all the party guests and friends flood into the street to see what just happend. Not only did she upset Fluttershy, but she also ruined the party for Twilight, Rarity prays that it doesn't get any worse.

"Ah told yo' that was gonna happen, but did yo' listen, no!" said an angry and slightly drunk Applejack, walking up Rarity. "Yo' reckon that just because yo' know how romance works, it gives yo' an excuse t'play matchmaker!" rhetorically asked Applejack. "Well, no it does not! This hyar is what playin' with your friends emotions an' buttin' into their personal lives gits yo';" Applejack then points to Rarity's blackeye. "a blackeye!"

Rarity feels ashamed of herself, and finds that she has nothing to say, Applejack has a point.

"From now on, yer forbidden from ever bein' near mah brother an' we're no longer friends!" spat Applejack to Rarity. She then walks off, her brother reluctantly following behind, feeling sorry for Rarity.

A piece of Rarity's soul dies as she sees Applejack walk away. Rarity feels nothing but shame and guilt over what happend, not only did she ruin Twilight's party, but she lost Applejack as a friend. Rarity just breaks down and cries in the middle of the road in front of the library. Twilight, Turner, Pinkie and Dash feeling sorry for her.

"Okay everpony, party is over! Nothing to see here! Go home!" ordered Twilight to all the guests.

The walk home to Sweet Apple Acres was tense between Big Mac and Applejack. During the walk, Applejack revealed that Rarity was trying to match him up Fluttershy a while now, and that seeing Fluttershy upset was the last straw for Applejack. Big Mac is still confused, why would Rarity work so hard to match him up with Fluttershy?

"Why did Rarity wanted me an' Fluttershy together?" asked Big Mac to his sister.

Applejack just sighs, knowing that Big Mac was going to ask that. "On account o'...Fluttershy has a crush on yo', always did." she explained.

Big Mac is stunned at the revelation, he's been so focused on Twilight that he failed to recognize that Fluttershy had a crush on him the entire time. Now Big Mac feels even more guilty and sorry for Fluttershy.

Big Mac walked the rest of the way home with his head down in sadness and shame.

At the library, Twilight and Turner are picking up any garbage and taking down the decorations. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie left a few moments ago, leaving only the two of them.

"I'm sorry the party did go as you planned it." apoligized Turner, trying to make her feel better. "Do you think Rarity is going to be okay?"

"That's okay Turner, it wasn't your fault." responded Twilight. Fluttershy will probably never show her face again, Applejack and Rarity are no longer friends and her special night ruined by drama. "I think Rarity will be fine, its her friendships with Fluttershy and Applejack that I'm worried about." said a concerned Twilight.

Twilight walks over to Turner and hugs him, "I love you Turner." she says, trying to find comfort in his hug. "I love you too Twilight." assured Time Turner.

Twilight could feel in her heart that everything is going to change, whether or not it's for the best or worst, remains to be seen.

Author's Note:

Long chapter! Took me a long time to get this done.

Anyways, we have passed the halfway point of the story, thanks for the positive reviews.

The last half of the story will focus on Fluttershy confronting her personal demons, Big Mac realizing his feelings for Fluttershy and helping her, and Twilight trying to get Applejack and Rarity to be friends again.

NEXT TIME: The Day After The Night Before