• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 1,314 Views, 44 Comments

Geometry - ADRNEL

Sometimes geometry can be complicated, especially when applied to relationships.

  • ...

Ninth Degree

The next morning...

It is a beautiful day in Ponyville, Celestia's sun was shining and there was not a single cloud in the sky. Many of the Ponyville citizens leave their homes after being forced inside by the storm to enjoy this beautiful day.

In the Ponyville clock tower, Twilight wakes up in a cot with a smile on her face, she looks around the room, reminding herself of last night and sees her coaltfriend Time Turner sitting at the table, looking out the open window. Turner then turns to see Twilight awake and smiles.

"Good morning sleepy head." grinned Turner to his marefriend. He sees that Twilight's mane is a mess from last night.

"Good morning Turner," she says while stretching, she then remembers what they did last night. "Did we-?"

"Yes, yes we did." answered Turner with a smile on his face. "It was awkward, uncomfortable and I think you almost singed my mane with you magic, but it felt GREAT!" explained Turner, describing what happend last night.

"Well what did you expect?!" exclaims Twilight, getting off the bed. "It was only my first time you know!"

"And your second." added Turner with a saucy grin. They went at it twice last night.

Twilight just smiles but then sees outside to see that it is daytime. "What time is it?" she asks.

"I believe it is nine o'clock." answered Turner.

"NINE O'CLOCK!" yelled Twilight, panicking. "I have to go home, my friends are probably worried about me!" Twilight then gallops out of the room, leaving Turner alone and confused. A minute later, Twilight runs back in and kisses Turner. "I love you so much!" she says. "I know." responded Turner. Twilight then gallops out of the room again to get to the library, leaving Turner alone.

"I'm going to get married," says a smiling Turner to himself. "BRILLIANT!"

At the Golden Oaks library, Rarity and Pinkie Pie are in the main room having a conversation with each other, until they hear the door slam open.

"Sorry I was late, the storm kept me out all night!" exclaimed an exhausted Twilight from her sprint to the library.

"That's okay darling," asurred Rarity. "Me and Pinkie were keeping ourselves entertained." she explains. Rarity then notices something diffrent about Twilight, like she's more comfortable in her own body now.

Twilight looks around to only see Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "Where's Applejack and Rainbow Dash." she asks, noticing their absence.

"Well, after me and Applejack worked things out, we spent the night here until the storm passed, Applejack left immediatly after to the farm to make sure the crop was okay, while Rainbow Dash left an hour ago with Fluttershy." explained Rarity.

"Rainbow Dash left with Fluttershy?" said a confused Twilight. "To where?"

"They didn't say, something about taking care of something that they should've done years ago." said an unsure Rarity. "But Dash said she'll be back soon."

Twilight is still confused, but was in too good of a mood to delve into the subject further. Rarity then decides to finally ask Twilight a question that has been developing in her mind since this morning.

"Twilight, do you mind if I ask you something?" stated Rarity. Twilight looks at her confused, but nods in agreement. "Did you have sex last night?"

A big red blush appeares on Twilight's face, while Rarity says "I'll take that as a yes!" and Pinkie just falls on the floor with laughter.

At Fluttershy's cottage, Big Mac wakes up to find himself laying on the living room couch, he looks around to see that it is morning, but no Fluttershy in sight.

"Fluttershy?" yelled Big Mac, wondering where she went. He continues to look around until he notices a letter with a single yellow feather attached it, next to him on the couch. Big Mac is curious, he opens the letter and begins to read it.

Dear Big Mac,

Last night when you agreed to be my special somepony, I've never felt better about myself and future. I always loved you and dreamed about this, but I was worried that my problems will get in the way. So last night I've decided to follow your advice and get myself some professional help, I have no idea how long I'll be gone, but I promise, when I do come back, I'll make sure that we'll be together as coaltfriend and marefriend.

If you love me, don't contact me or look for me, all I want you to do is to continue your life and wait for me. I left behind a small piece of myself for you to remember me by, and don't worry about the animals, Angel and my friends can take care of them.

I love you Mac, and I'll always will, I'll be thinking about you when I'm gone,

Love, your marefriend.

Big Mac puts down the letter and looks at the single yellow feather. He takes the feather and puts it on his ear.

"I'll be waitin' fo' yo', no matter how long it takes." says a determined Big Mac, willing to do this for her. He then gets off the couch, walks out of the cottage, and closes and locks the door.

A few minutes later, Big Mac finally reaches the farm to see Applejack, looking at him suspiciously, waiting for him in front of the farmhouse. "Big Mac, where have yo' been?" Applejack asks suspiciously.

Big Mac doesn't say anything, Applejack looks at him until she sees a yellow feather on his ear. Applejack just gets angry, knowing what that feather on his ear symbolizes.

"Gosh darn' it Mac!" she angrily complains, throwing her stenson hat on the ground.

"Don't git angry," said a nervous Big Mac, trying to calm his sister down. "we didn't do anythin' last night, ah swear!"

Applejack just continues to give him a dirty look.

Just outside of Canterlot, there is a large gothic building called the "Canterlot Mental Health Clinic", in front of the building, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who is carrying several saddlebags, land.

"Are you sure you want to this?" asked Dash to Fluttershy, wanting her to change her mind. Fluttershy just has a determined look on her face.

"I'm sure, I need to do this, not only for myself, but for Big Mac." she explains. Dash just looks at her, not sure what to say next, she didn't want Fluttershy to go, but there is nothing she could do to change her mind.

"I'll miss you Shy." said Dash, hugging Fluttershy, and starting to cry. "I promise to write you whenever I can!"

Fluttershy also starts crying, sad that they won't see each other for a while, but she knows it will be worth it. "And I promise that I won't forget you, all of you." she explains.

They let each other go and say their goodbyes, "I'll miss you Shy." said Dash, waving goodbye. "I'll miss you too." responded Fluttershy. Dash, with tears on her eyes and a smile on her face, then flies off, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Fluttershy just waves her off until she is out of sight.

Fluttershy then turns towards the building and begins her slow walk towards the enterance. "Do this for Big Mac!" she says to herself with a look of determination, being more sure about this anything else in her life.

Inside one of her saddlebags, is the Smarty Pants doll Big Mac gave her, she took it to remind herself to why she's doing this and Big Mac.

How long will she be there? She has no idea. Will it work? Who knows. Fluttershy reaches the front the door and with a brief sigh and a look of confidence, she opens the door.

Author's Note:

Chapter #9
I hope everyone enjoyed my attempt at drama. Thank you for the comments.
Anyways, the next chapter is going to be an epilogue, so look forward to that.

Until then, enjoy this chapter.

NEXT TIME: Epilogue~The Final Degree~