• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 1,314 Views, 44 Comments

Geometry - ADRNEL

Sometimes geometry can be complicated, especially when applied to relationships.

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Fluttershy's Eighth Degree

My mother always told me that I was an accident, the result of a one-night stand with a pegasus stallion, and that my father was a member of The Wonderbolts, never knowing that she was pregnant with me. She raised me by herself and refused any help from her parents. She was a great mother, but very overprotective and increasingly eccentric. She once claimed to have invented the question mark. My mother was also very strict and demanded I do everything perfectly the first time. Her usual punishment was leaving me outside alone at night, but luckily, Dash always let's me sleepover at her place when that happens. Then after I earned my cutie mark, she became paranoid about stallions and warned me to stay away from them.

But then one day, everything changed...

Six years ago...

Fluttershy is in her room, peacefully sleeping in her bedroom, until she is woken by her mom barging into her room.

"Hide Fluttershy!" ordered the mother to her daughter. Fluttershy knows not to second guess her mother's strict order and immediatly dives under the bed.

"What's going on mother?" asked a confused Fluttershy from under the bed.

"Just stay under there and don't move or make a sound!" snapped the mother, she then quickly leaves the bedroom, closes and locks the door and gallops away, leaving Fluttershy alone under her bed.

Suddenly, she hears something break thru the front door and a voice yell out: "THERE SHE IS, GET HER!" followed by her mother yelling "YOU MAY TAKE ME AWAY, BUT YOU'LL TAKE AWAY WHAT I BELIEVE IN!", then sounds of fighting, breaking furniture and struggling can be heard. Fluttershy just puts her hooves over her ears to drown out the sound.

"THERE, WE GOT HER!" announced a voice to another. She can hear sounds of her mother screaming and being taken away from the house, followed by an eerie silence. "Mother?" Fluttershy quietly says to herself, worried. She slowly gets out from under her bed but then hears somepony walking towards her bedroom. Fluttershy just stands there, frozen in fear as the door opens and a bright light blinds her.

My mother was taken away by several royal guards, apperently she was a member of a terrorist organization called "The Weeping Angels" who were responsible for bombing the Rainbow Factory, and she was wanted for her involvement in the plot. She was going to be put on trail, but she was found to be unfit to stand trail for reasons of insanity and was sent away to Cloudsdale Asylum.

My friend Dash offered me a place to stay, but I decided to live on my own instead. I tried to visit my mother in the asylum, but she always refused to see me, I would also write to her, but she always returned my letters without opening them. Dash told me it was because she wants nothing to with me anymore, but I refused to believe that.

But nothing would catch me off guard more than my first estrus without my mother.

One year later...

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are in a diner in Cloudsdale, eating together and talking about their day.

"So, who are you going to ask to the dance Flutters?" asked Dash, eating her meal, she has braces and her mane is a wild mess.

"Oh...I don't know, I was never really allowed to be with stallions." quietly reminded Fluttershy, her mane longer than present day.

"Come on, your mother is gone! You need to stop worrying and start living the life YOU always wanted!" stated Dash.

Fluttershy just sighs, her mother has refused to contact her for a year already and she did have a stallion to ask to the dance with. "Fine...well, there is...one...stallion I always wanted to ask." explained a blushing Fluttershy.

"Really?" asked an intrigued Dash. "Who?"

"Rapidfire." shyly answered Fluttershy.

"One of the best fliers in Cloudsdale? Really? That's awsome!" exclaimed a happy Dash. "When are you planning on asking him?"

"He's already going with somepony else." said a saddend Fluttershy. "Some mare named Lighting Dust."

Dash tries to cheer up her friend. "That's okay, you can ask somepony else instead."

"But I don't WANT to ask somepony else," she explains, "he's nice, strong, caring, full of heart and has a way with words." sighed Fluttershy, not realizing that her wings are now fully extended.

Dash sees this and tries to tell her. "Uh...Fluttershy..." but she's interrupted by a loud voice.

"HEY LOOK EVERYPONY, SHY HAS A WINGBONER!" yelled out a pegasus stallion known as Hoops, to everypony in the diner. All the customers turn to look at her while Hoops and his two friends start laughing at her. Fluttershy quickly hides her face behind her mane in shame as she begins to cry from the embarresment.

"They're so dead!" angrily growled Dash. She's about go over to them and beat them up, but sees Fluttershy fly out of the diner crying.

I have never been so embarresed in my life! I spent the rest of the day in my house, crying, but little did I know that tomorrow was the first day of estrus, my first one without my mother. Normally, whenever estrus hits, my mom would force me to take an ice bath until the urges subsided or I stopped shivering, whichever came last. I grew to hate the ice bath so much that I decided to go thru it without it. But I guess I underestimated myself.

Three days later...

Fluttershy is on edge, she is not sure how much longer her self control can last, this only the third day of what is becoming her worst estrus yet and couldn't take it anymore.

"Just four more days, you're almost half-way there!" Fluttershy says to herself, laying on her bed, drenched in cold sweat. She was wishing to be in an ice bath, but didn't have enough ice to last herself a week. Fluttershy decides that maybe opening a window to let some fresh air in would take the edge off.

Fluttershy opens the window only to be met by the smell of estrus heat. The smell sends her over the edge, but strangly relaxes her as dirty thoughts about stallions flash throughout her mind. Her wings become fully extended, and a blissfull grin forms on her face. "Oh...my..." she says, in a husky voice.

I didn't know what came over me, but I guess it was the fact that I had feelings for a stallion and that I was enjoying something that my mother forbid, caused my body crave the feel of a stallion. After that I felt like I wasn't in controll of my body anymore, as some kind of primal urge as taken over me, the urge to rut.

At a house in Cloudsdale, a black coated, blue maned pegasus stallion is inside eating his lunch. He suddenly hears the sounds of somepony screaming, the sound seems to be getting closer and closer until all of a sudden, a blue pegasus stallion with a yellow mane crashes thru his roof and lands on the table the black stallion is eating his lunch on. The black stallion looks at the unconscious blue stallion.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, I guess he didn't have the energy to continue." said a husky feminine voice. The stallion looks up to see Fluttershy flying overhead. "Which is a shame because I'm still unsatisfied." the yellow pegasus mare explains. The mare gives the stallion a mischeveous grin. She flies down and lands in front of the black stallion. The stallion looks at her nervously. "Do you mind satisfying me?" whispered the mare into the stallion's ear.

In the skies outside of Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash is keeping her mind out of her estrus by practicing her flying maneuvers. After finishing she decides to head back to her house and relax. As she's flying towards Cloudsdale, she encounters a strange sight; countless pegasus stallions flying away from the city. She quickly dodges them as they fly past her, she is greatly confused and so she grabs the hind leg of a random stallion flying by.

"What's going on?!" demanded Dash, putting her face up against the blue coated, blue maned stallion that she caught and grabbing him by his neck.

"There's a crazy yellow mare rutting every stallion she comes across dry!" explained the desperate stallion, wanting to be let go so he can get away from Cloudsdale.

"Yellow mare?" asked a shocked Dash. "Does she have a long pink mane and butterflies for a cutie mark?" she questioned, wanting to make sure.

The stallion just nervously nods "yes". Dash is in shock and lets the stallion go, who proceeds to fly away. "It...can't...be." she says, stunned.

"COME OUT!" yelled Fluttershy, looking for three stallions who have gotten away from her. She gallops the city streets looking for them until she looks down an alleyway and sees the three stallions she's looking for.

The three stallions, known for teasing her and her friend Dash since they were foals, were perfect targets for a heat crazed Fluttershy just shows a very large grin. The three stallions, Billy, Hoops and Score, huddle together in fear, to scared to do anything.

"Look, I'm sorry for embarrising you at the diner, just spare us!" begged a scared Hoops, not wanting to be milked dry.

Fluttershy just ignores their pleas. "So boys, how are we going to do this?" Fluttershy asks seductively and ominusly. "One at a time, or all three of you at once?" she then starts to laugh a laugh that can pierce your soul.

"FLUTTERSHY! STOP!" yelled a voice. Fluttershy turns around to see her friend Dash standing behind her. "What's going on Shy? This isn't like you!" said a concerned Dash, walking up to her friend.

"We'll unless your planning on joining in the fun, I suggest you leave me alone!" snarled Fluttershy, determined to not be interrupted. This hurts Dash's feelings.

"Fine, then you leave me no choice!" said Dash, regretting what she's about to do next. Dash gears up and charges up to Fluttershy, knocking her down and tackling her. "GO!" yelled Dash to the three jocks, trying to hold down Fluttershy. The three jocks quickly fly off as Dash and Fluttershy physically struggle.

"THEY'RE MINE!" yelled Fluttershy, trying wrestle Dash off of her.

"STOP IT RIGHT THERE!" boomed a voice. Dash and Fluttershy quickly stop what they're doing and see a large of Pegasus Royal Guards flying towards them. They surround the two mares and forcibly grab Dash out of the way as another group of guards tie up Fluttershy's legs and tie down her wings. Fluttershy continues to struggle, even bucking a guard, before another guard sedates her.

I woke up in a "cold room" at the hospital, where they kept me there until my estrus stopped, my friend Dash was not allowed to see me. Four days later, it ended and I was finally released and escorted to Canterlot to have my crimes and my punshiment revealed to me.

Fluttershy is sitting in a room, the only furniture being a metal table and chairs, plus a two-way mirror. Her wings are tied down and her face hiding behind her mane in shame. Everything that happend finally hitting her.

The silence was broken when the door opens to reveal a white Earth pony stallion with a blue mane. "Sorry I'm a little late, normally Captain Armor would be doing this, but he's off taking care of his ill sister, so I'll be filling in for him." explained the stallion, he opens up Fluttershy's file a looks at it. Fluttershy is nervous and intimidated because she has no idea what's in that file. "Did you know what you did?" asked the stallion.

Fluttershy just shamefuly looks down and quietly mumbles; "I forcibly rutted five stallions dry."

"That's right, but since this is your first offence and it was estrus, I've been told by Princess Celestia to give a deal." explained the stallion.

"What is it?" asked a quiet Fluttershy.

"According to the doctors who treated you, this was caused by deep psychological and emotional problems that you've been surpressing since your mother was sent to Cloudsdale Asylum." explained the stallion. "So she has decided to give you two choices; you either A, agree to undergo treatment at the Canterlot Mental Health Clinic where you'll have access to the best doctor's and treatment's in Equestria, but this incident will be forever marked in your records, or B, move out of Cloudsdale and have all records of what you did sealed and exponged." stated the stallion. "The choice is yours."

Fluttershy doesn't know what to do. "But let me tell you, even if you choose B, there will always be space for you at the mental health clinic if you choose, just say the word." added the stallion.

Fluttershy sighs and makes her decision.

I naturally chose the second option because I didn't want other ponies to know what I've done and I didn't want to end up like my mother, locked up in an asylum. After that I moved out of Cloudsdale and moved into this cottage near where I earned my cutie mark to distract myself by taking care of the animals. Shortly afterwards, Dash also decided to move here so she can be closer to me and make sure I'm doing fine.

Fluttershy finishes her story, looking sad, she didn't want to tell this story, but she knew it was for the best. She looks at Big Mac sitting next to her on the couch, "If you want to leave, I'd understand." she sadly stated.

Big Mac just looks at her with concern. "Now why would ah's want t'leave yo'?" stated Big Mac, rubbing Fluttershy's back with one of his forelegs. "All yo' need is professional help, ah reckon."

"So you're not going to leave me?" asked a shocked Fluttershy.

"Only if yo' promise t'git some help." explained Big Mac.

Fluttershy just smiles and begins to cry tears of joy, she then jumps on top of Big Mac and gives him a hug. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaims joyfully through her tears. "I promise, I'll get some help and I'll make sure this works out!"

Big Mac just returns the hug. A few minutes later, Fluttershy's cries have been replaced by snores, having fallen asleep while snuggled next to Big Mac on the couch. Big Mac, not wanting to disturb Fluttershy decides to sleep where he is, on the couch next to Fluttershy. "Good night, ah love yo'." whispered Big Mac into Fluttershy's ear.

Just as Big Mac closes his eyes to sleep, he can hear the sounds of the storm outside fading away.

Author's Note:

This was my toughest chapter so far, having been through coutless rewrites.

Only 2 more chapters to go!
Thanks for the reviews!