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Etyco Filly

Just your average Etymologically Correct Filly that equally adores cutesy and/or dramatic romance, as well as horrifying, grimdark tragedies. And any mix of those!

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New fic, spiritual sequel to FotW · 5:24am Sep 27th, 2023

So hey, I have a new story. Been writing it since I finished FotW, actually, but only recently started publishing.

TWhere Only Silver Shines
Two young ponies attempt to unveil the mysteries of The Tower, a strange and cruel place that seems to defy many laws of nature.
Etyco Filly · 105k words  ·  27  4 · 448 views

It's kinda-sorta a spiritual sequel to FotW1, and the setting is inspired by Fallout: Equestria2.
Anyway, it's a story about about a pegasus guard, a relative nopony, who gets swept up in a political plot and ends up in a completely isolated community, unlike anything he's known so far.
It's set many centuries, perhaps even millennia, after something known as the Great Calamity wiped out civilization. Ponies have rebuilt, but are still struggling.

Overall, it's definitely my best story to date, but it's also fairly experimental. Though, if you liked part 3 of FotW, you'll probably like this. Part 3 of FotW was where I found my writing style, and I've expanded upon it in WoSS.

The story is done (just needs a few editorial brushes), and I'm publishing a new chapter every Tuesday. I was actually waiting to have three chapters out before I started advertising it (it pains me to see it receive so little attention lol).

1: It was originally meant to be a full-on continuation of FotW, with Candy's kid as the protagonist. Then, I decided on a different ending for FotW, which kind of made this continuation impossible. Still, there are cameos. It was never really meant to be a full-on sequel, since many of the themes would be different. I also changed the protagonist's gender from the first draft, just because.
In the same vein, the fic was originally written to be a Fallout: Equestria story (I mean, obviously), but set in post-post-apocalypse pony UK (which was hit very differently from Equestria, thus has a very different political climate, with feudalism making a return and all that). But also with more eldritch fuckery, because why the hell not.
2. That is, Trotland as a whole is inspired by Fo:E, but WoSS is set in a place so damn eldritch that the connection is less than obvious. In hindsight, this maybe isn't the best story to introduce the universe. If/when I write more of this universe, it'll become a lot more obvious. Also, I'll adjust reading the order.

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