• Published 24th Jul 2013
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Gods Among Us - Gravitiaxis

You are an ancient god who dates back to times of the beginning. However you have been lost to time due a major wound that you had gotten a long time ago, turned you into stone. A few thousand years have pasted and you're now reintroduced to the

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Chapter Thirteen: She Spoke of the Fall

Luna walked back and forth repeatedly as you just finished telling her of today’s events. She appeared to be just as shaken up as you were. “The Fall of the Second and the Return of Strife… I remember The Primordial mentioned something about the first prophecy, back during the war. I don’t think I’ve heard about the second one though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so agitated.” Luna said placing her finger on her chin.

“I have a reason to be agitated, Luna. The Fall represents something very important to me, as do a lot of things. The Return of Strife means that something from our past is returning.” You said while sitting on top of a large pillar, watching as Luna’s pacing began to slow down.

“You know, you never actually explained what the Fall is.” She asked hoping to get an answer out of you.

“And I don’t plan on it. It’s one prophecy that I hope will never come too pass.” You said rubbing your face.

“But that doesn’t explain what it is.” She huffed. “Maybe if you stopped keeping secrets all the time we could find out a way to help you.”

“Luna. The Fall holds my greatest secret. If I were to ever tell you or anyone else what it is, I will be betraying all that I am or every will be.” You said staring off into the distance.

Luna frowned as she could feel the emotions that were running through you. “I can feel your pain brother, your anger, your confusion and also…your fear.” She said flinching as you turned your eyes back to her. She recovered upon seeing you let out a large sigh. “The sooner you learn to trust us, brother. The sooner you will be able to overcome your fears.”

“I am the God of Death. I am not afraid of anything. I’ve faced my fears a long time ago. The problem is whether or not you've done the same.” You said staring at her with an absent gaze.

“What do you mean?” She asked curiously.

“I don’t know…maybe I’m over thinking this. Maybe Delirium was mistaken.”

“I’m sorry to say this brother, but I highly doubt that. When has Delirium ever been known to be mistaken about anything?”

You let out another loud sigh. “That’s what I’m afraid of. The possibility that she’s not just sprouting out random bullshit and that she actually is foretelling something.” You said shaking your head at the thought that your younger sister was right about the prophecy.

“That’s relatable. I mean we’re all afraid of what Delirium sees with her eyes of madness. I mean she’s insane, but she’s the smartest out of all of us, right?”

“Honestly sister…I believe that Delirium maybe the sanest out of all of us.” You said causing Luna to burst into one of her laughing fits. She only stopped upon seeing how serious you were.

“S-surely you must be joking. I mean this is Delirium we’re talking about.”

“I'm not…I think her insanity is just a different form of coping mechanism that her brain has developed. She sees things no mortal or god should ever see. Her insanity keeps her sane…” You said hopping off of the pillar. “But I’m just rambling. You shouldn’t be listening to an old man as he talks nonsense. It’ll poison your young mind.” You said placing your hand on Luna’s head. Even now you were still taller than her, much like how a big brother should be. “Besides. Should you be dream walking?”

“You’re right I should be doing my job right now.” Luna said acknowledging the fact that she had spent most of her night talking with you. “I’ve got to go. We’ll talk later okay?” Luna said looking at you with caring and worried eyes before fading from your dream into the next one, effectively making you feel more alone than you’ve ever felt before.

You paid a passing glance towards a large door that was bolted shut. It was the only entrance into the large compound. There was a steady tapping sound that coming from the other side of the door. It was the kind of sound the one makes when the repeatedly tap their finger against a hard metal surface. The sound reminded you of an old melody, a melody that you haven’t hear or dared to think about for as long as you’ve been alive.

The Traitor will heed the call to claim the lives and souls of all he loves
She shall return when the fall is won,
When a piece of harmony returns from a forbidden place with a secret known by none.

The warrior will crack,
Darkness will descend
Oh how beautifully reality will bend

None will live
All will die
The Forbidden one will one day rise

The Feared one shall fall
Bringing freedom to all
The gods will fade
And The First will usher a new age…

You soon began to hear the song play in your head. You remembered a time where you used too enjoy this song. It was a long, long time ago. Who did you use to listen to it with? Was it Celestia? No. She wasn’t born yet. It wasn’t Gaia, she’s younger that Celestia. Maybe Forever…highly unlikely. You tried not to think about it. Now was not the time to remembering.

The dream slowly began to end as the song began to fade. The voice you heard let out on final phrase before disappearing into the depths of your mind. “Soon. Letum. Your time is coming to a close…” The voice echoed through your head, sending a cold chill throughout your entire body.

“I know…” You replied. It was all you could say…