• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 13,397 Views, 293 Comments

Gods Among Us - Gravitiaxis

You are an ancient god who dates back to times of the beginning. However you have been lost to time due a major wound that you had gotten a long time ago, turned you into stone. A few thousand years have pasted and you're now reintroduced to the

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Chapter Fourteen: Something is Coming...

You opened your eyes to see that it was morning. Not that you actually cared in the first place. The morning rays of the sun poured through the upstairs window of the Ponyville library, casting a radiant yellow light across the room. You groggily pushed you head out of the tangled mess of cloth and blinked in defiance to the sunlight.

Shaking off the last remnants of slumber from your mind, you slowly untangled yourself from the makeshift net that was your bedclothes. “I need more time.” You huffed out, slowly rising from your bed. “I need more time…” You repeated while shaking the sleep from your eyes.

“You need more time for what?” A voice asked, startling you.

You looked to your left to see Dawning Zeal getting dressed in front of you. “Nothing.” You said letting out a sigh that was somehow mixed with a groan. You got up from your bed and began to stretch. You large wings expanded immensely causing Zeal to look at you in amazement. “Feeling pretty comfortable getting dressed in front of another aren’t you?” You asked giving Zeal a playful smirk before popping your neck in order to loosen up the tension.

Zeal gave you a small smile as he finished putting a shirt on. “Technically gods don’t have a gender. You choose one that best suits your next incarnation, right?” You gave Zeal a quick nod before taking a look outside of the window. “So I don’t need to show common courtesy if you’re technically not even a person to begin with. You’re just an all powerful being that likes to play dress up.”

“That’s racist, but I won’t lie, that’s me in a nutshell.” You said letting out a small chuckle before turning your gaze back outside. The sunrise looked beautiful as it rose it rose over Ponyville. At least something’s never change. You thought, as a warm smile began to form across your face.

You would have spent longer looking at the sunrise, but something within the town caught your attention. There was a small figure, female in nature, standing next to a nearby home. It was wearing a large brown cloak that hid away everything but the lower part of her face. The female had a large smile on her face that looked almost deranged in nature; it easily sent a chill through your body. As you focused your gaze on her you noticed that you had seen this pony before, you don’t remember where but you are sure you had met her.

At that moment you heard a voice. You didn’t recognize it as Zeal’s; it was more feminine and more commanding in tone. It was directly in your head. “Something is coming…” The voice said fading out once more. You watched as the figure slowly raised its hand, giving you a creepy little wave to tell you that she was acknowledging your existence. As you tried to adjust your eyes again, you felt someone place their hand on your shoulder.

“Hey did you hear me?” Zeal said snapping you out of your daydream.

“What?” You looked at him blankly before looking back out of the window. The figure had disappeared. “Figures…” You mumbled to yourself. “What did you say?”

“I was asking you what your plans were for today. Are you feeling alright?” He said taking a few steps back so he could look at you properly.

“I fine. I’m just a little tired that’s all.” You lied. You were at the top of your game. “Why are you asking if I had plans?” You asked.

“I’m not doing anything today. So I decided that I would do my job today and protect you and all that.”

“Could you stop saying that you’re going to protect me. I am a god, and I’d like to be treated as such.” You said.

“I wish I could, but Celestia is paying me a lot of bits, just to sit here and talk to you.” He said making a money sign. “That’s money I can use for my family.”

“Do whatever what you want.” You said taking another look out of the window to see if the figure was still there, but quickly let out a sigh of relief when you didn’t see it. “So where’s Princess Twilight?” You asked not really supporting the idea of referring to Twilight as royalty.

“She’s downstairs, stressing about something.”

“Stressing…like how?” You asked curiously.

“Like pulling hair out hair type of stressing.” He said mimicking, as if he was actually pulling out his hair.

“Ohh, that’s bad.” You said causing Zeal to nod his head.

“Depends on how you look at it.”

“What do you mean?”

“If we can just walk right past her, without her noticing, we can skip helping her out with whatever her problems are.” Zeal stated.

“What? Not in the mood to do some manual labor?”

“No. I’m not. Are you?”

“Heck no. If she’s anything like her mentor, we’re going to be working all day.” You said almost whining.

“You think she’s going to ask us?”

“Three heads are better than one right? She has every reason to ask us for help if she sees fit…given the fact that we’re living in her home, besides I support the idea of not having to do any labor. Twilight seems like a workaholic and I’m not in the mood to be worked to death.” You said inciting a groan from Zeal.

The two of you exited from your room and proceeded downstairs to see Twilight with a load of books scattered across the floor. The sound of Twilight huffing and puffing could be heard practically anywhere in the house. “Why can’t I find that book?” She yelled at the top of her lungs.

The two of you hid behind a thin wall that separated the hallway from the library. You looked at Zeal with a confused look on your face. “She’s stressing out over a book?”

“I don’t know. She likes books.” He whispered back. “Lets just hurry up and sneak past her. I’m breaking out in hives man.” You pointed to how close you were to the front door, and signaled Zeal to walk first. He nodded his head a slowly began to creep out into the middle of the library. At first it appeared that Zeal would actually make it across, until a small audible, Crreak, caused Twilights right ear to twitch.

“Oh, so close.” You thought.

“Spike is that you?” Twilight asked as she quickly whipped her head around to who was there. She tilted her head in confusion upon seeing Zeal in mid-sneaking pose. “What are you doing?” She asked.

“Just stretching. I just woke up with Letum a couple minutes ago.” He said pulling you out into the opening so Twilight could see you.

“Morning, Twilight.” You said awkwardly.

“Umm, were you two trying to sneak out of here without me noticing?” She asked causing both you and Zeal to look at each other before giving Twilight a quick, awkward no. “Oh okay…Look! I need you two to help me. Think you can do me a few favors?” She said looking at the two of you with pleading eyes.

“Not real-” Zeal elbowed you in the arm before answering for you. “Yeah we’d love too. Tell us what you need us what’s wrong.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She said placing a large book back onto the bookshelf. “I have so many things that I have to get done, but I don’t really have enough time to complete them all.”

“Just tell us what you need done.” You said.

“Rainbow Dash needs coaching with her flying, the Cakes are out of town so Pinkie needs help with the bakery, Rarity needs help making clothes, Applejack’s brother sprained his knee, so she needs help with her farm work and to top it off I need to find Trader and pay him the necessary bits for that ancient tome that purchased from him.” She whined. “Plus I have a whole lot of reports that I have to do.”

“Ever heard of a planner?” Zeal asked.

You elbowed him in the arm for being rude. “I’ve been a little side tracked lately; Spike has been wandering off ever now and then, so he hasn’t been much help to me.” Twilight said rubbing her arms nervously. “So will you help me?”

The mention of her friends made you think about Fluttershy and that little chat you wanted to have with her. You made sure to do that before it got dark, today, but before that happens, which choice should you pick?