• Published 23rd Feb 2012
  • 15,072 Views, 568 Comments

The Judas Kiss - friedlambo

A long and epic story of heartbreak and betrayal, focusing mainly on Spike and Rarity.

  • ...

Eve of Realization

Spike approached the bottom of the staircase, listening intently to the conversation that was taking place upstairs in Rarity's boutique. Why did Rarity just ask that?, thought Spike.

"Well, you...is all...curious." came Twilight's reply to Rarity. For some reason, Twilight's voice sounded very muffled, and very hard to understand. It sounded as if she were in a closet or something.

She must be trying on a few clothes that Rarity made or something in her closet, Spike thought, unable to come up with a better explanation.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the question, darling. Spike is a good friend. He helps me out a lot, and I appreciate it very much." Rarity said, clear as can be, as opposed to Twilight's voice. She was obviously not in the closet with Twilight.

"But...maybe something...more...at all?" Twilight responded. Spike cursed under his breath at not being able to understand her. What was she asking Rarity, anyway? What's she trying to pull? Spike gulped a little. The curiosity was killing him.

"Something...more? What do you mean, Twilight?"

"Well, Spike has been...a lot lately, and...you. Don't you...any way....at all? Even...little?"

Spike hissed at Twilight's reply. He may have not been able to make out some of the words, but he understood enough to know what she was asking: she was trying to find out if Rarity had any romantic feelings for him. Spike clenched his teeth slightly, a little angry at Twilight's ambitions.

"For Spike? Oh, Twilight, me and Spike...well, simply put, we just...cannot be." Rarity said.

Spike's heart took a little plunge upon hearing this. Before he could do anything else, he was interrupted as Rarity continued on.

"Spike is a sweetheart, darling. He comes over to visit a lot, and offers to help me out quite often, and although I do admire his actions, I simply could not ever find myself to ever date the young dragon. Think about it, Twilight: he's a dragon, and I'm a pony. It would simply never work out."

Spike felt a tear involuntarily make its way down his left cheek.

"Besides, do you have any idea how embarrassing it would be to be seen dating a small dragon like him? Oh, it would be horrible. Everypony would give me us funny looks, and they would just snicker behind our backs, most likely something nasty about our relationship."

"I see...well, I...with him." Twilight said, disappointment clear in her ironically unclear voice.

Spike could barely even stand at this point. From his own crush's mouth, he found out that he was...an embarrassment. To her, he was nothing more than someone that offered to lend a helping hand for her. Another tear made its way down his other cheek, followed by another, and another, and another. Before he knew it, he was silently crying and letting tears stream down his face freely and without care. He didn't even bother to wipe them away.

He turned and darted out of the boutique, tears falling off his face with every step. He ran for about a minute before stumbling due to the box that he had in his hands. He fell to the ground, and the box flew forward and opened up, the outfit falling out of it and onto the ground. Spike growled a little and stood up, and looked at the "gift" in front of him. His eyes just stared at it, and the longer he did, the more tears came down his face.

Am I really that pathetic? Am I really an embarrassment to be seen with her? Is that....truly what she thinks of me? All this time, I thought...I thought...

Spike, wanting to scream, ended up falling to his knees and began sobbing. He cupped his hands over his face, trying to prevent the tears from coming, but to no avail. They had to fall. His heart had broken clean in two. Ponies would walk by and see him sob, and he knew it, but he didn't bother trying to hide from them. He didn't care who saw.

After a few minutes of crying to himself, he looked back up at the outfit that had sprawled out onto the ground, and silently huffed. He didn't even feel like picking it back up. Hell, he didn't even want to look at it. All it seemed to do now was remind him of Rarity, and for once, he actually didn't want to think of her in the slightest. He wanted to think of anything but her. Standing up, he turned around and began walking to the library, leaving behind the very thing that he had cherished not ten minutes ago.

He slouched as he walked, looking as if he were some kind of mummy. Once he finally reached the library, he walked in, knowing that Twilight was still away, and went upstairs to his bed and lied down on his back. Another tear had found its way down his cheek. He cursed to himself for still weeping.

"He's a dragon, and I'm a pony. It would simply never work out." Rarity's words were repeating in Spike's head, stinging him more and more he thought about them.

"Besides, do you have any idea how embarrassing it would be to be seen dating a small dragon like him? Oh, it would be horrible."

Spike growled a little, not very happy with the tone Rarity had used when she had said that particular sentence. It sounded almost as if she knew he was overhearing her. It was almost as if she wanted him to hear her.

Before he could reminisce on the thoughts any longer, he heard the door to the library open downstairs. Twilight was here.

"Spike, are you here? Have you looked at the list I left you yet?"

Spike growled to himself again. He had forgotten all about the tasks that Twilight had left him to do, but it's not like you could blame him.

"Yeah, I'm up here, and I forgot about the list. I was kind of...lost in thought for a bit."

Twilight huffed. "It's fine, Spike, just start on them now. It's no real rush, anyway."

Spike simply nodded to her as he walked down the stairs to retrieve the list that Twilight had posted on her desk. Twilight noticed the slouchy and gloomy way that he was walking.

"You okay, Spike? You're walking really strange."

"I'm fine, Twilight," Spike lied. "I'm just tired, that's all."

Twilight, obviously aware of his lies, simply shrugged the topic off for now. She was in no real mood to start any arguments with him at the moment, for she too was a little disheartened of the same news that Spike had overheard.

Twilight was too still thinking about the conversation that she had had with Rarity earlier. She watched as Spike looked at the list and began the first written task, which, in this case, was to take out a few certain books that related to her new report that she was about to begin. She sighed, feeling sorry for Spike. Was dating a dragon really all that embarrassing for a pony? Did it truly matter at all? Shouldn't love be the one to decide that, and not one's simple misunderstanding of two different species? As long as the two were in love, then shouldn't it just not matter at all? All of these questions were clouding Twilight's mind, and she couldn't help but let her ears droop in sadness as she too let a single tear fall down her face.

Poor Spike. Twilight thought, he likes her...no, loves her so much, and she doesn't even give him the light of day.

As Twilight thought about it some more, she began to realize just how hurtful Rarity's comment really was. Sure, she may not have meant for it to sound rude, but her tone wasn't exactly very appealing nonetheless. Twilight was only thankful that Spike wasn't there to hear it. It would have broken his tender, loving little heart.

Oh, if only she knew.


Meanwhile, at Rarity's boutique, Rarity was just finishing cleaning up and putting away her dresses that Twilight had volunteered to try on. Twilight had been a great help for her. Most of the dresses looked satisfying when worn on her, but other simply didn't have that "pizzazz," as Rarity would say. Then again, that was the whole purpose of the "fashion show," as she now knew which ones still needed some extra work before she could think about selling them.

As she was putting her dresses away and sorting them about, her thoughts immediately made their way to the conversation she had with Twilight. She gulped a little, nervous about the whole thing. She remembered the look on Twilight's face when she told her her true views on Spike, and how she simply didn't see anything much in him.

Why did she bring that up? Rarity thought. She knew Twilight well enough to know that she wouldn't just talk about anything if she wasn't up to something, or even if she knew of something that she didn't. However, that wasn't the case at all. She already knew of Spike's feelings for her, and her stomach seemed to rise a little the moment she thought about it. She couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Spike loved her, and she didn't love him, and for some reason, that was reason enough for her to tell Twilight directly like she did.

But that didn't seem to rid the uneasy feeling that she was currently feeling in her stomach.

Suddenly, Rarity heard her door burst open downstairs, followed by a high-pitched 'Rarity!"

Rarity knew all too well who that was.

"Yes Sweetie Belle, I'm up here, darling." Rarity called out to her sister. "What is it that you want? Why are you here?"

Sweetie Belle could be heard running up the stairs, and she soon walked into Rarity's room.

"Hello, Sweetie. What brings you he-?" Rarity paused when she saw that Sweetie Belle was holding a rather torn-up box in her muzzle. "Goodness, what's that?"

"I found this on the ground outside! I brought it here because it looks like one of your works, so I wanted to make sure that you didn't lose this or something." Sweetie Belle responded, dropping the box down in front of Rarity. She inspected the box a little bit, and then let out a little gasp when she looked inside.

"S-Spike's outfit? Why was this on the ground outside?" Rarity asked, a little shocked to see that Spike had apparently left it out and had not taken it with him home.

"Wait, that's for Spike? Did you make that for him?" asked Sweetie.

"Yes, yes I did, but that's not important right now. What's important is that Spike forgot this, and it must be given to him. The poor dragon deserves it." Rarity said. However, she still felt a bit suspicious, and a little scared. She knew Spike would never ever leave behind anything that she would give him. She didn't want to sound too conceited, but it was true. He was head-over-heels for her. Something wasn't right.

"Well, you look pretty busy, sis, so if you want, I can go over and give it to him for you!" Sweetie proposed.

"Actually Sweetie, I think I should go over and give it to him personally. I want to make sure he gets it."

Little did Sweetie know that Rarity was more interested in finding out why it was even left out on the ground like that in the first place. She wanted to make sure that Spike didn't get hurt. Rarity used her magic to pick up the box, and hurried down the stairs to the front door.

"I'll be back soon, Sweetie. Stay here until then." Rarity called out behind her just as she walked out.

A faint "okay!" was all she could hear she she closed the door, and made her way to Twilight's library. The more she trotted and the closer she got, the more her stomach started to turn. She didn't know why, but she felt so...nervous. She felt as if she was about to find out about something that she wouldn't want to find out about at all.

Oh, please tell me he's alright, she thought as she began to trot faster, the box floating in front of her as she did.