• Published 23rd Feb 2012
  • 15,072 Views, 568 Comments

The Judas Kiss - friedlambo

A long and epic story of heartbreak and betrayal, focusing mainly on Spike and Rarity.

  • ...

The Part of Her

When one experiences pain or sorrow, they are usually left to weep and bask in their own thoughts of how they can fix it, what they can do to prevent it from happening again in the future, or simply to reminisce on the very events that led them to feel such things in the first place.

For a particular magical, lavender unicorn, it was all of the above.

She felt as if this whole ordeal had been her fault, but for a good reason: she was the one who had started asking Rarity all of those cursed questions. It was she who had incautiously forced these hurtful answers out of the ivory-colored unicorn, and now, because of her selfishness, she had lost her assistant. She had lost her friend.

She had lost what was once to her a brother.

Shaking with both fear and despair, Twilight weakly got up from her bed, and made her way downstairs to prepare herself for breakfast. Surely, she didn't feel like eating, but she had to. She didn't feel like eating ever since Spike had run off to Celestia-knows-where, as a matter of fact. Lazily, she made herself some cereal, and ate at it slowly and unwantingly. After what seemed to her like an hour, Twilight finished up her meal, and tossed the bowl into the sink, not bothering to clean it. Her whole library was a complete mess. Books were scattered across the floor, papers and scrolls lay about torn and wrinkled, and even some of her past reports were lost and torn apart. Without her assistant, not only was she alone, but she was also hopeless.

She hadn't bothered telling Celestia about any of this yet. She was afraid of what she might say, or how she might scold her for asking Rarity those questions in the first place. She mainly didn't tell her because she was afraid that Celestia might want to take Spike away from her, fearing that the dragon was maturing and growing into a dangerous, threat-inducing beast. Celestia may have been the one to let Spike stay with her, but she was also the one that was very skeptical about the dragon's aging process, and how risky it would be to let such a creature stay in a pony residence.

Twilight huffed and sat down on one of the many piles of books in the library, and let out a big, heavy sigh. She wanted to cry, but she had already done so for the past three days, and she wasn't sure how much more of this she could take. She looked down on the pile of books below her, many of them being about magical spells and enchantments that she had already mastered long ago. One particular book, however, caught her interest. Not because of it's contents, but rather because of what it reminded her of. It was a book that she had used to read to Spike whenever he was still barely a hatchling. There were times that the dragon had trouble sleeping or falling asleep at night, and those nights, Twilight would read this book to him. He would always seem to fall asleep just fine afterwards, with a smile on his face that only Twilight knew oh-so-well.

The Mare and The Beast.

It was at this moment that Twilight, even though she had tried to fight it, let some tears fall down her face, leaving a darker trail of hairs where they ran.

As she continued to weep more and more, a particular owl made his way inside, and flew over to the crying unicorn, a letter gripped in his beak. Twilight, sensing the owl's arrival, lifted her head to see Owlicious, her secondary assistant. She toke note of the letter he had. Funny. She hadn't sent any letters to the Princess recently, so this was a bit rare. If Twilight ever received any letters from the Princess that weren't replies to her own, then that meant either really good news, or really bad news.

Obviously, Twilight had hoped for the first. She was going through enough "bad news" as it was already.

"Thank you, Owlicious." Twilight said in a low tone.

Taking the letter with caution from his beaks with her magic, Twilight brought it over to her and unrolled it, beginning to read.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

It is with my utmost concern and acknowledgement to tell you of a terrible act that has inflicted a potential threat to Equestria. There is not much time to explain all of this through a simple letter, and it would be easier to explain to you in person.

I will, however, tell you this right now; your friend Spike is in grave danger, and we are unable to locate him anywhere. I am not sure what happened to him or why, but I am sure that you can possibly tell me any details that you know whenever you arrive here to talk to me.

There is a chariot already on it's way over to you. By the time you have finished reading this letter, they will be about twenty minutes away from you. Please be ready.

With love, Princess Celestia.

Twilight felt her heart drop. Spike was in danger? How did she know that? Does it have anything to do with this so-called threat that the Princess is talking about?

Her head began to spin from all of the unanswered questions that she wanted answered too badly. This was bothering her. Not only was Spike now missing, but he was now also in danger? What exactly was going on?

"Twenty minutes. That's more than enough time to get anything ready. But wait...will I even need anything? She didn't exactly say that I would be doing anything about this...this threat...." Twilight said as she went upstairs to prepare for something that she didn't really even know if she was supposed to prepare for.

"Oh, this is not good! When if I never see Spike again? What would I do without him, and what would Rarity-?" Twilight stopped mid-sentence.


Twilight's eyes popped open. She knew all too well that Rarity wasn't fairing too well ever since Spike not only ran away, but screamed in her face at how horrible she was to say those things about him a few days ago. However, Twilight also knew very well that Rarity was just as concerned for the dragon as she was, and it only seemed fair to tell her of the letter that she had gotten from Celestia.


She didn't want to just tell her about it. She needed to go with her. Celestia may have not said for anypony else to go, but neither did she say that it wasn't allowed, and Rarity was just as involved with this as she was.

Without wasting another moment's hesitation, Twilight ran downstairs and sprinted to the doorway and out the door, leaving a very confused and seemingly-lifeless owl to stand in the very place that it had landed.



Twilight ran as fast as she could to Rarity's boutique, both excited and scared to tell her of the news she had received. She hadn't seen the unicorn ever since that fateful evening that both had grown to memorize, replaying the night's events over and over in their heads. She was worried about her, no doubt. Rarity was always one to be over-dramatic about a lot of things, and Twilight assumed that this was no exception. At the same time, she also knew that, although the white mare didn't really show it too much in a serious manner, Rarity was very emotional.

Finally arriving at the boutique, Twilight began to knock patiently, waiting for her friend to come down and open it. Just as Twilight was about to start another round of knocking, the door opened to reveal Rarity. Twilight's purple eyes met Rarity's eyes.

Her blue, blood-shot, half-opened eyes.

Twilight winced at the sight. She looked as if she had not slept in ages. Her mane was a mess, which was far from normal for her. Rarity barely looked like she was even able to lift her head.

She was taking this a lot harder than even Twilight herself.

"Rarity, I-I need to talk to you! It's important! Equestria is in danger! Not only that, but Spike-!"

"You've found Spike?!" Rarity interrupted, alarming Twilight. Rarity's eyes seemed to have shot open upon hearing the dragon's name, and a dead-hopeful smile slowly smeared onto her face.

"N-no, I haven't...but that's not it! I received a letter from Celestia, and she claims that a threat has been made on Equestria! She also said that Spike was in danger, but sadly, she too doesn't know where he is. She wants me to come to Canterlot to talk with her, but you are a part of this too, so I thought it would only seem right if I asked you if you wanted to come with me!" Twilight said, rushing through every sentence. Rarity gazed at her lavender friend, her smile fading away again at the news.

"Spike is...in danger? Why? What happened to him, Twilight?" Rarity asked, her voice peaking to desperation.

If only she knew the answer to that question herself.

"I'm not sure, Rarity, but we can find out once we get to Canterlot! So do you want to come, or do you not?" Twilight asked, realizing that the chariot that would take them to Canterlot would be arriving at her library at any minute.

Rarity looked at the ground below her. She stepped inside of her boutique, and closed the door slowly in Twilight's face.

Twilight was a bit shocked to see this. Rarity wasn't interested in going? Didn't she at least care about Spike at all? This didn't make any sense to her.

"I guess-I guess not, then..." Twilight said, letting out a long sigh.

With a feeling of disappointment, Twilight turned around in a slow, depressing manner, her head hanging low, and was about to make her way back to her library when she heard the door behind her open. Turning around curiously, she saw Rarity step out of her boutique. However, something was different about her. Her face was now full of confidence, and she looked as if she were ready to face anything. Her mane, while still rather messy, was half-heartedly combed back to it's original state. But that wasn't the thing that Twilight noticed the most. What caught Twilight's attention almost put a smile to her face.

She was wearing the fire-ruby that Spike had given her on his birthday.

"Let's go, Twilight. Spike needs our help." She said as she walked past Twilight, her voice fearless and full of pride. Twilight, now smiling at her friend's confirmation of going with her, ran to catch up with Rarity, and the two began to trot on over to Twilight's.

We're coming for you, Spike. I'm coming for you, Rarity thought as she trotted.

Comments ( 112 )

Yes! new chapter, I love this series:moustache:

This is fantastic!

Awesome chapter. :raritystarry:

Not Bad:ajsmug: Lookin' good so far

It looks like its time for Rarity to kick some ass. Oh, and Twilight too. :rainbowdetermined2:


Why is there a big empty space at the bottom?


Hell, I don't know. It tends to do that to me a lot.

Which song to cue? The begining of the 11th Doctor's theme or the piano signature for "Finish the Fight"?
11th Doctor's theme it is
*cue 11th Doctor's theme*

What kind of story is The Dragon and The Beast like? Is it like Beauty and the Beast?



Holy shit, how embarrassing. It's meant to say The mare and the Beast.

Good chapter. Really looking forward to the continuation. :pinkiesmile:

554624 That was an issue for me as well. Try the following: After you've typed in the chapter, press and hold the down arrow until it won't scroll any further (or pull the bar on the right side of the text window all the way down), then hit backspace until you arrive at one line below the last paragraph of the chapter (I think one empty line looks better than having the text sit directly on the edge of the window), then save. Empty lines tend to accumulate whenever you insert or remove something, particularly if (like me) you're in the habit of using the arrow keys rather than backspace to get back to where you were writing.

Anyway, looks like this story is picking up some steam - not that it wasn't running on full speed before, all things considered. Really interested to see what happens next.

"When if I never see Spike again?"
I do believe you mean what my good sir. :twilightsmile:

Dude i spent like ten min looking for a picture so buck it im useing words.

Awesome dude just awesome i want more now.

554734 Wow, that was a quick reply.:rainbowderp:
So it Beauty and the Beast
I guess I see why Spike sees himself having a chance with mares starting with that one that he was on a break with at the begining of the series and continuing with Rarity. His pimphood started with him being read The Mare and the Beast dozens of nights.
He probably couldn't sleep those nights since he saw that there were no other dragons around him and he forsaw no chance at romance/companionship and the story let him feel that he had a chance to get some tail.:moustache:

Edit: I see you already fixed it.

Oh man, I can just sense the action and adventure about to unfold! Haha, seriously though, I liked this chapter and was glad to see it updated so quick. Great job!

And Rarity's all out of bubble gum.

Fantastic mate, its amazing that the updates seem to be coming faster too. Love it all so much :raritycry:

Here we go! Discord, watch out! :raritystarry:

too short. i was sinking into its awesomeness only to b yanked out too soon.

I bet Spike is the one behind the threat to Canterlot. I hope so anyway. I always enjoy Spike on a ramage. :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway, good story though. It's held up to its promise so far.

I always read these when they come out. I really want to know how this turns out. Often, I'm not a fan of Spike and Rarity shippings, but you've made quite the exception. Well done. Keep up the fantastic work, friend.

"because of her selfishness, she had lost her assistant." Ok, wait, what? Twilight was selfish for asking Rarity things she meant to know to better help Spike get the girl of his dreams? How's that selfish? If you say she told Spike of Rarity's responses, okay, that'd be on her, but she did nothing to rush what happened.

And secondly, Spike's been absent for three whole days, and Twilight's done nothing to find him? He left for a bare half night that Twilight went with Owlowiscious to bring him back, and now three days passed she's done nothing? No search party, no rescue team, no movilizing all Ponyville to help? And nopony else noticed how Twilight, Rarity and Spike just dropped from the face of the world?

I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound too realistic.

I feel as if the more I read this story, the shorter the chapters. I must have more!

Good chapter, don't get me wrong but it was way too short. I suppose in terms of plot content it was a bit heavy but it was only one step forward in the story this chapter. That's just how it came across to me.

why yes, this is how love works, first be a total uncaring bitch about to some(one/pony/dragon) that loves you, then shatter his heart, then feel bad and wish to die from the pain of the guilt, then try to solve it.

I "REALLY" hope rarity suffers for what she said, it will be so funny to see that:pinkiehappy:

Awesome story, hope to see more updates soon:twilightsmile:
person above is sadistic as fuck:pinkiecrazy:

After reading a 24k chapter and a 14k chapter, this was surprisingly short. Lol Great chapter still, like the direction this is going.:pinkiehappy:

Ugh... I want to know what is going to hapeeeeen!
keep up the good work :pinkiehappy::heart:

Awesome can't wait for the next chapter.

555277 Well, it's not as the selfish act was caring for Spike, of course not. But the fact is, that she was driven to know about Rarity's feelings for Spike because she KNEW of his crush. The sole fact that her curiosity was the cause of all that happened later, in her mind, is described as her own selfishness. Imagine that you lost someone who you have been with since you were a child, was your almost brother/sister, your assistant, and your best friend. No matter what truly happened, if you acted on something, and that same action made indirectly that same person you cared about leave, you start thinking that it was your fault. In here, that applies. While the fault stands on Rarity, Twilight can't help but feel that it was she the cause, esecially, because she starting to question was the origin of it all in a sense. It's a matter of mind state.
As for the other thing, Twilight (nor Rarity for that matter) CAN'T ask Celestia to movilize something to look for Spike, especially if neither of them wants someont to know WHY Spike run away. This chapter more or less shows the reasons on the why. Not to mention that Twilight IS smart enough to go looking without so much as a clue, even against her feelings. Rarity in her case, is pretty much a wreck, so she going to look for someone, even if that someone is Spike, when she is wailing in her own faults and dooming herself for the things she did, is out of the question. Besides, even if Celestia wanted to find Spike, not only she doesn't even know WHERE to start, but she also can't have guards or the like to leave their post when it's pratically sending them on a goose chase, as well leaving something unprotected, which is BAD in all ways of speaking for a co-ruler. And as for the thing of no one noticing Twilight, Spike or Rarity, ironically, those 3 are precisely the characters who spend less time out. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are pretty much all day out, except for the ocasional nap of Rainbow, and Pinkie working at the bakery, which somebody HAS to go in at some point. Fluttershy would be another case, but she also needs to get supplies for herself and the animals, so she going out in the town is pretty much a given, even if she is the most introverted out of them all. Applejack is all day long in Sweet Apple Acres, but since the place is outdoors, someone seeing her is also an almost given, especially since Sweet Apple Acres is quite big. Rarity and Twilight (and Spike for that matter), both usually stay a lot indoors, both attending a shop and the library respectively. However, they are also known for doing projects in solitary and on their own, which is why sometimes closing the places wouldn't be seeing as something weird, given that we know just HOW much Rarity and Twilight both concentrate on said projects, and 3 days wouldn't be that long a time for them in the perspective to others, or at least so I think.

Okay, I really liked how you portrayed the of both Twilight and Rarity, not to mention the consequences of that same despair. I also liked that little preparation Rarity had. Not only it was very like her, but also shows with the fire ruby that she truly feels bad. Now we wonder what Celestia has in store for them...and what Spike is doing now. Dude, fret not! The ponies you care (and/or used to care) are coming for you!:rainbowdetermined2: See you on the next chapter!:twilightsmile:

awesome Chapter i can´t wait to know what´s about Spike and Discorde

The lack of MOAR is disturbing.

New chapter but... nothing much happened. It wasn't that good either I'm kinda disappointed.

wow very good chapter. it was well written and Kept me on edge.

Looking forward to the next chapter :twilightsmile:

557301 I agree, she can blame herself for asking things, and setting the whole thing in motion, but I don't think "selfishness" is the appropriate feeling. Meddlingness, curiosity, they could work, but selfishness seems out of place cnosidering she was doing the whole thing for Spike.

Of course she wouldn't ask Celestia. It's not like Twilight to go asking her teacher to solve her problems. But what of all of Ponyville's residents? What of the rest of the mane 6? They'd all be more than willing to help. Even if they don't know where to start looking, they still can start from somewhere.

557979 Agreed on what you think, but like I said, it's a matter of mind state. It's as she isn't feeling thse as well, but the sole fact of the HORRIBLE situation that just happened, pretty much screws her mind, and would probably screw any other mind. Meddlingness (thanks to you I just learned a new word:pinkiehappy:), curiosity ARE there, but the worst of them all that can be felt in related to those, is selfishness. And since her mind is hell bent on her own fault, selfishness is what she is feeling. Couple that with despair and a somewhat sense of uselessness and that messes up Twilight's mind like hell, which is way she thinks of the worst words she considers herself to be. And even more because she is quite on the extreme side (I mean, that one thing is either this or that, not the middle), her thinking a bit more...subtly and calm is out of the question, especially in this occasion

As for the other thing, also agreed. However, the same thing that goes with Celestia (and in her case, your other point of Twilight not letting her teacher do her work and stuff, which I had completely missed, thank you), can also be applied in here. As in, Twilight doesn't want anyone to know just what did Spike run away, let alone that nobody knows that he's missing, except now Celestia and Rarity. Not only that, but she would only blame herself and no one else, because she thinks it's HER fault, and not Rarity's. If she were to explain (and she WOULD explain because she wouldn't lie to her friends, and even less with for example Applejack, who has truth as second nature), then she would have to explain what happened in there. Even if she somehow made that the fault is directed to her and not Rarity, they would still go look for her, and like Rarity is, then she would explain that all is HER fault, and not Twilight's. Not only confusion may occur, but it could also give some bad vibes in the group, even if they have one hell of a friendship. In my mind, such a thing of blaming trips and stuff would not happen, but in Twilight's mind, she thinks it will. If she even thinks so of Celestia, the pony she trusts the most, then with her friends that "possibility" in her mind increases. This could be a little too far fetched in the story, but the possibility is still there.

Well... a very good set-up chapter there. Revealing how hard hit Twilight is and building up the suspense a lot...
Though there is a bit of Fridge logic as the others have pointed out, I rather like the chapter.

Nice work. With that in mind, though...


554729 I feel like Doomsday from doctor who fits pretty well with almost everything in the story to this point.

FOR THE NEXT HOWEVER LONG IT TAKES U TO WRITE MORE EVERY FREE SECOND I HAVE IM GOING TO CHECK IF YOU POSTED A NEW CHAPTER :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage: Good story I cant wait for more:heart:

more, you magnificent bastard!

You changed the cover art i see which is fine and all but for some reason Spike looks like a girl to me in it.

And now to go find 30 more Sparity pics/fics to make you approve on DA :pinkiecrazy:

557301 dude I know its a rant in comments but for the love of everything BREAK IT UP SOME. My eyes cried out in horror at the wall of text:raritycry::fluttercry:

564572 Yeah...I think I should have done that shouldn't I?...Note to self: make your rants readable. Got it. And I'm sorry I made your eyes hurt:pinkiesad2:. Usually when I rant like that...I pretty much forget anything that has to do with how It's written. Like my penmanship:rainbowlaugh:. I also didn't know exactly WHERE to divide the thing:applejackunsure:

565028 Yea i do that but then i go over it like a hawk. Figure if I'm gonna go off on someone I wanna sound smart doing it.

565054 Something like that yeah...only I'm careful not to make that much like that. I'm expressing opinion, NOT bragging. Besides, there's nothing worse than that feeling when you think you got it all...and then you get OWNED. That, my friend, is NOT a good feeling. Either that or I don't know:rainbowlaugh:.

565078........ my response is to never get owned :eeyup:

565111 My response is to TRY and not get owned...but if I do get owned in a logical, correct way, then I learn and say "Well said, brony. Well said":eeyup::rainbowlaugh:

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