• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Thirty-Seven - Keep It In Mind

As Cotton stepped out of the throne room box and back into the hallway of the inner castle, she quietly closed the door, then stopped short when she found her friends all staring at her.

“Holy horseapples, girl, what the buck just happened to you?” Flarechaser asked. “You were a completely different pony in there!”

“And you said you didn’t have any power in the court,” Harmony laughed.

“I think Mr. Line and Mrs. Stitch would say otherwise,” Daisy added.

Cotton put a hoof up. “Woah, woah, stop!” She let out a quick breath. “I’ve been in the court enough times that I’ve picked up on the way Aunt Celestia speaks.” She pointed at the door. “She’s never done that to me before, though.”

“Done what, Cotton?” Solar Song asked, still guarding the door.

Harmony turned to her and answered, “Princess Celestia had Cotton go up on the throne! Well, Princess Twilight’s throne. A throne. Still! A throne!”

“And she presided over two cases, and made the final calls on both!” Daisy continued. “She even got to swing the gavel! I was totally joking about that, by the way.”

“Woah, I didn’t actually make that last call with Mrs. Stitch,” Cotton said.

“Horseapples, Cotton, you obviously got Princess Celestia to do more than she was gonna. Don’t know what, but we could tell,” Flarechaser said.

Harmony shivered. “Yeah, that telepathy spell creeps me out. I don’t think I wanna learn that one.”

Daisy cocked a brow at her. “Why not? That could be really useful.”

“I dunno, it just seems creepy to jump into somepony else’s brainpan like that.”

“Eh, fair enough,” Daisy responded. “But Cotton seems just fine with it.”

Now I am, but believe me, it was weird for me the first time, too,” Cotton said. “All my aunts can do it, so they wanted me to know how they used it as a precaution if they ever needed to talk to me privately in public. Uh, wait, I mean—”

“We know what you mean,” Harmony giggled.

Cotton smiled. “Okay, good. Anyway, Auntie Celestia tried it with me when I was thirteen. I had a migraine for like, five hours.”

“Yeesh,” Flarechaser said.

“Yeah, she felt terrible about it. We didn’t try again for a month. Even then, she had Aunt Twilight do it instead. I got it down pain-free with all three of them after like, six months. I actually had to train with them.”

Harmony’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “Yeah, definitely don’t wanna learn it now.”

“Your friend isn’t wrong about it being useful, though,” they heard Solar Song say.

Turning around, Cotton asked her, “Wait, you know how to do that spell?”

The guard smirked. Better than your aunts, actually.

Cotton flinched. “What? But I didn’t even see your horn glowing!”

“Wait, what?” Daisy asked.

“She just used it on me!” Cotton said. “Woah, you are really good at that. Why haven’t I ever seen you use it?”

Solar Song shook her head. “I’ve actually used it around you plenty of times, but like you said, you haven’t seen it. My horn did glow; it’s just so faint that it’s practically invisible. My skill with telepathy is why I’m at this post. Most ponies need to be able to see who they’re speaking with when they use the spell. I don’t. I use it to speak with Raven through the door if necessary. And she can use it to speak with the Princess. She’s known how since she was young.”

Flarechaser let out a breath. “Woah, that’s gotta be hard, though. It really doesn’t hurt?”

“Yeah, I would think talking through a wall would be much harder,” Harmony added.

Solar Song shrugged. “Well, everypony is different. I happened to master it quickly. It also does tend to be somewhat easier and less painful between two unicorns—or alicorns—since both ponies can put effort into keeping the link connected. Otherwise one pony has to do all the work.”

“Yeah, there’s more to it than just, ‘hey, I wanna talk to you,’” Cotton said.

“Well… if it really is that useful…” Harmony began, shrinking back a bit, “…then… could… could you try it on me? Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to know it… and you obviously know what you’re doing.”

Solar Song raised her brows. “Are you sure? I can, but you shouldn’t feel forced—you don’t need to learn it if you don’t want to.”

Nodding, Harmony responded, “Yeah, I’m sure. Go for it.”

With a shrug, Solar Song said, “Alright. You might want to close your eyes the first time. I’ll tell you when it’s coming.”

Harmony sat up and closed her eyes. “Okay.”

“Ready… here I come.” Cotton saw the guard’s eyebrows rise a fraction of an inch for a second.

Harmony’s eyes scrunched for a moment. Then she opened her eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, I could.”

“You want to try answering?”

“O… okay.” She nodded, then closed her eyes again.

“Alright, here I come,” Solar Song said, her brows rising once again.

Harmony’s eyes scrunched again, then even tighter. After they relaxed, she opened them with a small smile. “Hey, that’s pretty cool.”

Solar Song chuckled. “Glad you got what I was going for with the ‘testing’ bit. How do you feel? Any pain in your head?”

Shaking her head slowly, Harmony replied, “…No, not… not really.”

The guard smiled back at her. “Looks like you’ve got a natural affinity for that spell, kid. Now you just need to learn to initiate it. After some practice, you might be pretty good with it. Maybe as good as me,” she said with a wink.

“Could you teach me?”

Solar’s eyes widened. “Woah, kid. I may be willing, but I’ve got a post to keep.”

Harmony sighed. “Oh, right. Sorry.”

“Hey, no harm in asking.”

“Maybe I’ll ask my three-twenty-four professor if he knows it,” Harmony said. “He may help me practice it if he does.”

“Talk about extra credit,” Cotton said with a smile.

They all heard another voice. “Solar Song, are you teaching advanced spells to a minor?”

Cotton turned around and found her Aunt Twilight coming around the corner with a small smile and raised eyebrows.

“I told her she didn’t have to, but she asked, Your Highness,” Solar Song responded.

Harmony nodded and raised a hoof. “I can vouch, Princess.”

Twilight frowned. “How many times have I told you not to call me ‘Your Highness,’ Solar? Even Cotton’s friends know to stick to ‘Princess’ at most.”

Solar Song shrugged. “Sorry, Twilight. Force of habit with Princesses Celestia and Luna.” She tilted her head at Cotton and smirked. “Why don’t you give Cotton a tiara so I can do it to her, too.”

Cotton whipped around and pointed a hoof at her with her brows furrowed. “Don’t even think about it.” Solar, Twilight, and her friends all laughed. Then Cotton giggled and turned back to Twilight. “So what are you doing down here, Aunt Twilight? I thought you had a meeting with Dad and Ember.”

Twilight nodded. “We’re done; we finished sooner than we expected, so your father is seeing Ember out. I came to see if your Aunt Celestia wanted me to take over for her and start Dusk Court early.”

“And that’s where I come in,” Solar Song said. “Is that it, Twilight? Anything else you want to say to Raven or the Princess?”

“No, that’s all,” Twilight replied. “I’m just offering Princess Celestia a reprieve.”

“Sounds good.” With that, Solar Song closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she opened them again and sighed. “Just a second, she’s finishing up a case with Bee-bee-three.”

Twilight snorted. “Ugggh. Is Blueblood ever going to give it up?”

Solar Song shrugged. “No idea. Clearly his arrogance has rubbed off on his grandson, though. Oh, hold on.” She closed her eyes again for a few seconds, then chuckled as she opened them again.

“So?” Twilight asked.

“She said, ‘Pleeease.’ She even dragged out the ‘e.’ Raven said the Princess is going to call a fifteen-minute intermission so she can talk to you, then send you in.”

Nodding, Twilight turned to Cotton’s friends. “So, what did you think of Princess Celestia’s court? I used to watch her myself when I was her student. It’s pretty cool, huh?”

“Bu— I mean, heck yeah,” Flarechaser said, censoring herself.

“Did the Princess bring you up on the throne with her, too?” Harmony asked.

Twilight giggled. “Actually, yes. She even let me swing the gavel o— Wait, did you say ‘too’?”

Cotton blushed. “She let me sit on your throne.”

“And she’s drunk on authority from it.” All six mares turned and found Celestia walking up to them from the opposite side of the hallway, sporting a wide grin. “I hope you don’t mind, Twilight.”

As Harmony, Daisy, and Flarechaser bowed, Twilight shook her head. “Uh, no, not at all. But what kind of authority do you mean?”

Celestia looked at Cotton, still holding her smile as she raised her brows. “Cotton?”

“Umm… I, uh…” Cotton shrank into herself, rubbing the back of her head.

Celestia chuckled. “You have no reason to be worried, Cotton. You were quite an impactful presence up there, particularly for that little colt. However, you do have some homework; you have a meeting in about two hours and a conversation to have with your aunt.”

Sitting up on her haunches, Cotton said, “Oh, yeah. When should I go talk with Aunt Luna?”

“I’d wait until after our meeting with Mrs. Stitch. That shouldn’t take long; just enough time that Luna will be finishing breakfast, and not have gone into the dream realm yet.”

Twilight shook her head. “Okay, what am I missing here? What was Cotton doing on my throne? And no, Cotton, I really don’t mind. I’m just curious.”

Celestia smiled and patted Cotton on the shoulder. “Your niece just presided over two court cases, and did a wonderful job with both. Perhaps I should send her in with you and let her sit on my throne, Twilight,” she chuckled.

“Woah, woah!” Cotton cried. She pointed at Flarechaser, Harmony, and Daisy. “Friends here?”

“We could leave,” Flarechaser said with a smirk.

“Not helping, Flare,” Cotton deadpanned. “Seriously, though, I think I’ve had enough court for one day. Especially since we have that meeting in a little while, Auntie.”

Leaning down and giving Cotton a nuzzle, Celestia said, “Of course, Cotton. I’m only teasing. You know we wouldn’t force you to do anything like that.” She lifted herself back up and smiled. “Though you do seem to be good at it.”

“I’ll say,” Daisy commented.

“Besides, it looked like you had knowledge the Princess didn’t!” Harmony added, before she blushed and nervously shifted one leg. “Uh, sorry, Your Highness.”

“No apology necessary; you’re absolutely right. Punch Line’s case was a perfect example.” Celestia looked at the clock sitting above the door to the court box, then turned to her fellow princess. “It might be a good idea to survey your upcoming audience before intermission ends, Twilight. Though you did manage to wiggle your way around dealing with Blueblood, there are a few other nobles in the line.”

Twilight snickered. “Hey, be happy I arrived early. Now you can fit in a snack before this meeting you’re supposed to have with Cotton.”

Celestia smiled. “True, very true.”

Harmony’s eyes suddenly widened as she looked at the clock herself. “Wait, it’s almost five? Shoot, I have a study circle tonight! I actually do have to go!” She turned and galloped for the door, then called back, “See ya, everypony!” before pushing it open and rushing out.

“Yeah, before I left the Badlands hive I sent a letter to Zora saying I’d be back today,” Flarechaser said. “So yeah, I oughta head out, too.”

“Same,” Daisy added. “My parents were expecting me like, an hour ago. They say Earth ponies are better at predicting exact times, but I still dunno if I believe them.”

Cotton let out a nervous chuckle. “Whoops. Sorry girls, I didn’t mean to hold you up.”

“No worries. See ya around, Cotton!” Flarechaser smiled as she and Daisy turned and made their way to the main hall doors and left.

With a nostalgic sigh, Twilight said, “I remember study circles.”

Celestia raised a brow. “You always studied by yourself, Twilight.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t remember them,” she replied.

“Oh, hey,” Cotton suddenly said, “the girls left before I could bake.” She shrugged. “Oh well, I have two trays to make for Raven anyway.”

With a little smile, Celestia lightly nudged Cotton in the side. “If you’re making cookies for Raven anyway, is there any chance you could make me a tray?” she asked, licking her lips.

Cotton smirked. “If you have something other than cake before our meeting, then maybe.”

Celestia pouted, plopping onto her haunches. “That’s not fair.”

Cotton giggled and nuzzled into Celestia’s side. “I’m just teasing, Auntie. Of course I will. After I have dinner and talk to Aunt Luna, though.”

With a giggle of her own, Celestia responded, “Okay, I set myself up for that.” She unfurled a wing and pulled Cotton up against her, squeezing her tight. “Thank you, Cotton. And I’m glad to see you have your priorities straight.”

“Every now and then I get ‘em right,” Cotton said. “Oh! Before I forget, I need to bring another bag of flour to work tomorrow. I’m running out.”

“Talk to Tasty Twist,” Celestia said. “You know he’s the only one that knows where all the dessert ingredients are.”

Cotton giggled and nudged her aunt in the side. “Gee, I can’t imagine why.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes and looked down at Cotton. Then she stuck her tongue out and started tickling Cotton’s neck with her wing, before proceeding to her belly.

“Ah! Auntie! Stop it! Stop it!” Cotton cried as she rolled on the floor, giggling uncontrollably.

As Celestia laughed and released Cotton from her torture, Twilight and Solar Song laughed along with her. “Keep that in mind next time you want to insult your aunt and her royal snackery, Cotton.”

Cotton rose to her hooves, letting out her final giggles. “Alriiiight, alright. You do tend to spoil your appetite when you snack before dinner, though.” She repositioned a hoof, ready to retreat should her aunt attack again. Then her stomach rumbled. She looked up at Celestia and said, “Uh… maybe we should go have dinner now?”

On cue, Celestia’s stomach growled as well. She chuckled and said, “I believe that question was just answered for the both of us.”


“Great to see you as always, Ember,” Spike said, clapping her on the shoulder. He extended his other arm before he started, “You surrrrre—”

“Hey, the hugs are still a no. That will not change.”

Spike put his claw to his hip. “C’mon. What about that time back—”

“That was an exception,” Ember growled. Then she smirked and poked his chest. “Tell you what—you give me kids, I’ll give you a hug.”

Spike’s eyes narrowed. “Emberrrrrr.”

Ember laughed. “Hey, worth a shot; can’t blame me for being persistent. Cotton seems to be pretty keen on the idea, too, y’know.” She bonked his snout with the Bloodstone Scepter and added, “Just keep it in mind, alright?” She then lifted her other claw and pointed a talon at him. “I do want to get to know Cotton a little more, though. She sounds like a cool kid.”

“That I can arrange. And believe me, she is,” Spike said with a smile. “But you’d have to come here; I’m sure you’d understand that Cotton would be a little uneasy around lava.”

“Oh, but the Dragon Lands would be a perfect vacation spot!” She grunted, crossing her arms. “You think I’m stupid?”

Spike chuckled. “Have a safe flight home, Dragon Lord Ember.”

Ember smiled and punched him in the shoulder. “See ya around, Sir Spike.” Then she lifted off and flew back in the direction of the Dragon Lands.

As he watched Ember fly off, Spike sat down on his haunches. He crossed his arms and let out a deep sigh.

Maybe one of these days, Ember. Maybe. He turned and walked back toward the castle doors.

Maybe I’ll get that hug from you.

Author's Note:

Big thanks to Shah for prettying up a bunch of lines in this chapter (even though I did argue in defense of some of them). Geez, I don't know what I'd do without the guy.
And he comes up with some of the best little phrases. 'Royal snackery' is just gold to me. :rainbowlaugh:

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