• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Forty-Six - Not Going Anywhere


Spike roared as he spotted a quarray eel retreating back into the mountainside after rushing out at him and biting at his side. He stopped short before turning and yelling, “Where did you come from?!”


Looking down, Spike saw a pony holding a sign that said, ‘Now entering Alchera.’

“I’ve never heard of that town. I must be farther than I thought. But I still need to pick up the pace if I’m going to get to the Dragon Lands in time to help Ember. I haven’t even made it to the water yet,” Spike said aloud to himself. He continued on as the wind whipped by his face.

When he passed another mountain, a second quarray eel shot out and bit him. “AHHH! Another one?!”


“Will he be okay, Dr. Cross?” Celestia asked the older stallion, sitting on her haunches as she applied pressure to the bandage that had been wrapped around her foreleg. Spike lay on the floor, the bat wings of the stretcher having sprouted heads and eaten the taffy that held him before flying back out through his doors and out of the castle.

The doctor peered into the dragon’s wound, trying to gauge how far the harpoon had penetrated Spike’s body. “Frankly, Your Highness, I can’t guarantee anything.” He stepped away from the wound and up to his tool tray, which he enveloped in his aura before it disappeared. “But though Sir Spike is unresponsive, he is still breathing, however ragged it may be. And his vitals are stable, so that’s a good sign.”

Celestia let out a breath as she nodded. “All good signs are welcome, Doctor.”

“I’ll see how many I can provide, Your Highness.” A moment later, the tray of tools returned to the floor, ten times their normal size. “Ah, it’s a good thing Spike taught Papyrus to enchant more than just parchment.”

“Thinking ahead is a trait Spike received from Twilight,” Luna added from beside her sister, a bandage wrapped around her hind leg.

“Among other things,” Celestia said. “Doctor, how did you get here so quickly? You were here before I was.”

“We sent Tacca for him,” Luna replied. When Celestia tilted her head at her, she clarified, “Our spy.”

Dr. Cross nodded. “Yes, the boy nearly knocked down my door. Then he collapsed as soon as he gave me your summons.”

“But Luna, how did you know to send him? You got here after I did with Spike.”

“The moment We heard thy cry and witnessed Discord’s growth, We knew something was amiss,” Luna answered. “When Spike was not within Our view, We suspected that he was the cause.”

Celestia chuckled. “You always have been quick on your hooves.” Gesturing her head at Luna’s leg, she asked, “How are you? Was that a serious injury?”

Luna shook her head. “‘Tis but a scratch. The wrap is merely to prevent discomfort.”

Smiling, Celestia nuzzled her sister and simply said, “Good to hear.” Turning back to the doctor, she asked, “Where is Luna’s spy? Tacca? Has he been tended to?”

Dr. Cross nodded. “He has. I instructed one of my nurses to treat him until he is fully hydrated and has regained his stamina.”

“We thank thee, good Doctor. We request that he be transported to one of the castle suites for a much-needed rest when he hath recovered.” She smiled. “He doth deserve better than the barracks for all he hath accomplished this day.”

The doctor nodded again. “I’ll see to it, Your Highness.” He called over a nurse and spoke with her for a moment, then she nodded and walked out the doors. He turned to Celestia and asked, “If I may, Your Highness, how exactly did everything end? Did that earthquake cause the griffons to flee?”

With a sigh, Celestia answered, “That was no earthquake, Doctor.” She stared over her shoulder at Spike’s doors.

“Then what was it?” He asked.

“T’was chaos unlike anything We have ever seen,” Luna replied.

“None of them had a chance to flee,” Celestia finished.


“Cotton, stay here with your aunt Tia. I need to see if Tirek’s going somewhere in particular or if he’s just going on a random rampage,” Spike said, gesturing the two ponies behind a boulder.

“Who is this guy?” Cotton asked. “Is he seriously just going around taking ponies’ magic?”

“Among other things,” Celestia replied. “He has a lengthy history; you’d be better off asking your aunt Twilight about him; she’s the one who fought him last. She would know if he has other motives this time.”

Spike nodded. “But now isn’t the time. After we’ve defeated him we can talk about him all we want. First we— AHHH!” Spike reached for his side. “Of course there would be bees hanging around.”

“Daddy, are you gonna go after him? You can't go anywhere, I need you!”

Shaking his head, Spike replied, “No, sweetie, I’m just going up for a better vantage point; with the way Tirek is moving he probably won’t see me. Don’t you worry, I’m not going anywhere.” With that, he shot up into the air.


“Daddy? Are you in here? I thought I heard—” When Cotton opened the doors to her father’s room and saw her aunts and Dr. Cross, as well as several nurses beside him, it only took a split second for her to realize something was wrong. “DADDY!”

As Cotton rushed towards her father, Celestia caught her in her aura and lifted her a few inches above the floor before she got too close. “Cotton, please.” She took a breath. “Your father will be alright.”

“Does that look alright?!” Cotton cried, flailing in her aunt’s magical grasp. “What is that?! It looks like a harpoon!”

“That’s exactly what it is, my dear,” Dr. Cross responded. “And we need to get it out, and soon. But your father is still breathing and his vital signs are stable, so like the Princess said, he should be alright. He’s just going to need a lot of rest for a while.”

Cotton took a few calming breaths and stopped squirming in Celestia’s aura. “Can… can I at least go sit next to him?”

Seeing she had calmed down, Celestia lowered Cotton back to the floor, then turned to Dr. Cross. “Doctor?”

The doctor took a quick glance at Spike, then turned back to the two of them and nodded. “You may, but be very careful around where we’re working. And remember, your father is in a deep sleep, so he may not respond to you at the moment.”

“Of course,” Cotton said. With this, Celestia nodded as well and released her hold on the filly.

Luna reached out and hugged her before she had a chance to move. “Fret not, dear Cotton. Thy father shall recover.” Cotton leaned into Luna’s embrace. “If it doth ease thy mind, We shall maintain Our vision fixated upon him while he doth sleep.”

Cotton giggled briefly, then broke from her aunt and quickly cantered around all the nurses and carefully approached her father’s head. “Daddy, please, get better quick.” She crept up to him and kissed his cheek before sitting on her haunches next to him. Curling her eyebrows up, she continued, “You can’t go anywhere; you said you’d always be there for me if I needed you. And I…” She sniffled, leaning her cheek against his. “I need you,” she whimpered.

She flinched as she felt a soft rumble from his cheek, and saw very faint wisps of smoke coming from his nostrils.

“M’nt gon nwr.”

Author's Note:

Despite the fact that Equestria had a massive dragon, two alicorns, a giant army, and the Spirit of Chaos, there may be some of you that still might say it’s unrealistic that a war would be so short. Well, let me assure you, it’s happened in real life, too:

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