• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 6,679 Views, 459 Comments

Outsider's Game: Turning Wheel - Bluecho

Skullgirls/MLP Crossover. Painwheel won her freedom, and it's an entirely hollow victory. Perhaps forced emigration to Equestria will soothe her pain.

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04 - Spin For Blood

Ch. 04 - Spin For Blood

“Don't you dare touch them! You varmint!”

“Applejack!” squeaked Apple Bloom, looking hopefully from the shadow of a...of a...

“What the world is that ghastly thing?” Rarity said, strapped as she was to a heavy cart full of fabric rolls. Had she really insisted on bringing them all with her? Yes, she had, what of it? Fabric is expensive. “And what is it doing to my sister!?” The concerned fashionesta dropped an octave in outrage. “Sweetie Belle! Get away from there!”

Twilight Sparkle for her part whispered to Rainbow Dash. “Do you think you can...?”

“No problem, just keep it distracted,” Rainbow Dash said, flying off in another direction.

Twilight noted how Rainbow's departure confused the creature further. Not that she could get a very good read on it anyway, what with the expressionless leather mask. Or was that just its face? They were a fair bit of space away, so it was difficult to tell.

Not that Applejack had any intention of keeping still. She advanced several steps.

“I told ya to get away from them fillies!” she shouted, a display that only served to earn a glower from the monster. “Apple Bloom! Are you alright?”

Painwheel chanced a glance down at the fillies, who flinched under her gaze. She returned to staring at the orange pony. It was only then, when her eyes were elsewhere, that she felt the rush of wind, and saw a rainbow cascade in the corner of her eye. “Gah!?” she grunted, seeing the fillies were gone.

Rainbow Dash flew right over her friends' heads, circling around to reunite. “Got ya!” she said proudly, gripping the three crusaders in her front legs.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo beamed, abject terror changing into ecstatic admiration. She hugged Dash's leg in gratitude.

“Heh, that's my name. Don't wear it out,” said Rainbow, landing down behind the group of ponies. “Well okay, maybe I can afford to hear it a couple more times.”

Pinkie Pie jumped up and down in place, hopping towards the flier and her grateful charges. “Oh my gosh Rainbow Dash, that was so cool!” she said. “First you were like 'I'll be back',” Pinkie said, emphasizing her “quote” by growing serious and monotone. “But then you were like 'As in right now'! You were amazing! You...”

“Applejack don't!” Twilight shouted, ignoring the commotion behind her. “What are you doing?”

“What I shoulda done,” said Applejack, closing the distance to the monster. At the last second, she spun around and coiled back her rear legs for a good, old-fashioned, Apple Family style bucking. “How do you like these apples?” Her legs shot towards the monster. No way a living thing, even a monster, walks away intact from one of those bucks.

Painwheel fell to all fours, anticipating the attack. The Buar blades swung over her head and formed a barrier. She felt the force of impact travel through it to one of her hands, which she used to brace against the blow. She slid back maybe a foot, but remained unharmed. “It's nothing!”

The assembled ponies gasped, both at the complete nullification of Applejack's assault and because...

“It can talk!?” Twilight exclaimed. This creature, whatever it was, looked unlike anything she'd ever seen in any reference materials. Whatever it was, it could talk. The alicorn was torn between the dueling feelings of intense, joyous discovery and abject dread. To study it, and to flee.

Applejack mainly felt shock. “What the hay?” she whispered under her breath.

The monster pulled its blade around and revved up the spin. Applejack gazed up at it, wincing at the offensive noise coming off of it. Then the monster spun around, preparing to whip the thing at her. “Gah!” Applejack yelped, jumping away in time to see the blades spin just shy of her rump.

“Applejack!” Rarity shouted, holding her sister protectively. Nearby, Apple Bloom gasped.

“What the hay is this thing?” Applejack screamed, retreating several paces away. She settled to the ground, keeping her eyes firmly locked on the marauding monster. “It just ain't natural! What is it Twilight?”

“I don't know!” Twilight shouted, eyes also set on the creature. Every aspect of the thing was worthy of note. Tattered, bizarre clothing; visible black veins; lack of body hair; heavy iron bands around the wrists and ankles; ugly leather mask; bright red eyes; even nails seemingly embedded in its shoulders and thighs. And now she realized its “tail” wasn't a tail. It was a massive, motorized pinwheel. No, not a pinwheel. “It's a swastika!”

“A what?” said Rarity, turning from the display. “The creature is called a Swastika?”

“No Rarity, the shape of the blade!” Twilight said, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Pointing towards the creature, she said, “It's used by certain Neighponese and Ti-bit-en monks to symbolize auspiciousness.”

“I really don't think this is quite the time, darling!” Rarity said, eyes going wide. “Applejack won't care what it's called if she's struck by the thing and sliced in half!”

Twilight face-hoofed, realizing her lack of focus. Looking next to her, she saw Fluttershy just staring, shaking in fear. “Fluttershy, now's your chance. Go talk to it!”

The yellow pegasus flinched, tearing her gaze from the battle. “Oh no, I can't do that...it's too scary...”

“Fluttershy!” the alicorn princess barked. “You were the one who wanted to calm it down. So do it already. Otherwise Applejack might get seriously injured.”

“Oh...oh my...” Fluttershy whispered, checking back on Applejack, who kept on guard opposite an equally weary bipedal creature. Was the poor thing just scared? It seemed kind of sluggish to Fluttershy. Maybe it was having a bad day?

It certainly didn't look to be in a good mood. Fluttershy gulped, then walked slowly up.

“Um...excuse me...um...ma'am?” she said meekly.

Painwheel turned to face the new voice. Standing stock still, Painwheel issued a low rumble from her throat. Who were they sending in now?

“...um...hi...” the yellow pony said, almost so quiet as to be inaudible. Painwheel grunted questioningly, causing the pegasus to shake fearfully, ears flat against its head. “I...w-was wondering...could you please...if you wouldn't mind terribly...not being so angry? Pretty please?”

What the actual hell? Painwheel looked over at the orange pony where she still stood, and even that one looked on dubiously.

“It's just...” the pegasus began again, “you look like you've been having a bad time. You're all skin and bones...and terrifying muscles...I mean...! I mean you look like you've been through a lot.” The yellow one put on a tentative, hesitant face, but one of warmth. It was...disarming.

Why did this pony make Painwheel's rage cool? She looked so pathetic. So nice. Completely unoffensive. Like her kindness was bottomless.

“Filia?” Painwheel whispered, so low it couldn't be heard, and surely couldn't be seen behind her mask. This pony seemed kind, just like Filia...

“So how about we calm down,” the pegasus continued, “and we'll see about making you comfortable. Maybe some good food, and...” She sniffed, growing just the most subtle shade of green. But she maintained that warm facade. “...and maybe a nice bath.”

Painwheel stepped back, still unsure. The mare started up again, “It's okay. No one's going to hurt you. Everything's going to be alright.” She cautiously stepped forward, reaching a hoof out.

Carol lifted a hand up, the heavy iron ring shifting on her wrist. She was already so tired. Maybe she could afford it. Maybe it was time to calm down, and let someone...someone kind help her again. Like Filia.

She chanced a look to her right, and saw the orange pony in the cowboy hat. She'd walked much closer, and seemed ready to pounce. When their eyes met, the mare sucked air.

No. No, not again. Filia was Carol's friend. But Filia betrayed her.

Painwheel tensed back up again, growling back and forth between the two ponies before settling on the pegasus. “You lie!” she shouted, spinning up the Buar Drive. “You're just like all the others!”

“Fluttershy!” Applejack called, frozen in place suddenly.

As was Fluttershy, who remained transfixed, a look of horror and hurt about her. “But I...I'm not...”

Painwheel wasn't going to be betrayed. Not again. Not by another girl faking kindness. The Buar raised up in preparation to strike. Not again. Never again.

“Oh no you don't!”

Rainbow Dash slammed into the creature in mid flight, sending it tumbling away. Equestria's greatest flier – or the one who called herself that anyway – flapped up above her opponent triumphantly. “Fluttershy, you okay?”

Fluttershy nodded frantically, hyperventilating. She rose tentatively to her feet and flapped on back to her friends. Almost back to the group, she turned her head back and said, “Rainbow Dash...don't hurt her, okay?”

Dash gawked at her oldest friend, the one she knew from flight school. Then she narrowed her eyes. “No promises.” It didn't even bother her that Fluttershy frowned. She'd recover. Dash had every intention of making sure the monster that almost killed her wouldn't.

Speaking of, the creature rose groggily to its feet again, looking around to find what hit it. Dash shouted from above, “Up here! Bet you can't get me! I'm the best flier in all of Equestria! What do you got?”


In response, Painwheel crouched, then jumped into the air. Of course, between the Buar Drive and the parasites, Painwheel was naturally pretty heavy. It made her slow. But there was one advantage her Buar Drive possessed that compensated for her decreased mobility.

Rainbow Dash looked on as the blades began spinning. But they were directed above the monster...causing it to rise into the air at the arc of its jump.

It was just like Tank's little enchanted propeller. “IT CAN FLY!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, mesmerized. She almost lost control of her bowels, it was so horrifying. What the hell was this thing that it could even fly? So unfair.

At the peak of her jump, Painwheel gave herself a bit more forward momentum with the propellers, then brought the blades back into attack position in a flying charge. The pegasus seemed so shocked by the display that she was wide open for an attack.

Time to shut that big mouth of yours, Painwheel thought, heading right towards her.

And then pain. A searing pain against her side, along with a bright light. A bright violet light. “UGH!?” she spat, sent off course.

The beam sent the creature flying into a nearby building. Impact caused it to bounce painfully off the surface, before falling to the ground. Across the road, breathing hard, the purple alicorn's horn gave off smoke.

“Twilight!” Rarity exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and elation on her face.

Folded in her forelegs, Sweetie Belle chimed in, “Nice shot, Twilight!”

“Yeah, do it again!” Scootaloo exclaimed, secretly very glad her idol was unhurt. She might even die herself if anything happened to Rainbow Dash. But that would never happen, not when Rainbow was so rad. And not when she had such rad friends.

Twilight Sparkle clenched her teeth, breathing heavily. This beast – whatever is was – was just full of surprises. That mechanical prosthetic alone warranted in depth study. Was it indeed a prosthetic replacing a lost limb? Or was it a modification? It was certainly a useful tool; extremely versatile. But none of that mattered, Twilight realized. It tried to hurt her friends, her students. Additionally, it showed no signs of stopping or leaving peacefully.

Loathe was she to actually hurt it. But Twilight knew they had to stop it. Contain it. Bring it down. “With pleasure,” she said, charging another bolt of magic.

Painwheel stood, only to feel the bite of pain again when another beam slammed into her. “AAAAH!” She staggered backwards, one eye nearly blinded with a huge spot where the light flashed into it. Looking ahead with her unblinded eye, she saw the purple pony with wings charge her horn and fire another shot. “OOOH!” Painwheel screamed, feeling another sharp bite in her stomach. Doubling over, she felt like she was about to puke. Shouldn't have eaten so close to a battle.

But then again, she wouldn't even need to fight if these onerous asses would just leave her alone.

Another bolt, but she was ready with the Buar Drive this time. It moved in front of her, blocking the stream of energy. “Stop it!” she shouted. Another two shots flew out, pushing her right to the wall of the building behind her. That unicorn...pegasus...whatever, simply would not let up.

At this rate I'll be trapped, Painwheel thought. Damn bitch! She's just like...

“Bet'cha feel all lonely, don'cha?”

“Bomb's Away!”

“Garbage Day!”

“Look out below!”


“HRAAAH!” Painwheel screamed. She planted the Buar next to her, charging its spin. More bolts landed right on her, but Painwheel was so beyond caring at that point. If anything, the pain only made her more pissed.

Twilight Sparkle, exhausted from repeated shots, stole a look out at her target. It wasn't blocking anymore, just spinning its wheel. A wheel spinning parallel with her current location. And the creature was starting to grow red all over.

She gasped. “Everypony scatter!” she yelled, diving to one side.

Painwheel shot off, rolling over the street with her Buar Drive as a big wheel. It shot sparks from the pavement as it dug in for traction.

“Oh my word!” Rarity exclaimed, tugging Sweetie Belle away with her. Luckily she'd decided to ditch the cart she was strapped to before, otherwise she would have been right in the path of oncoming death.

The rest of the ponies hit pavement as the creature slammed bodily into the cart, shredding through the wood and sending rolls of nicked or tattered fabric flying everywhere.

“Whoa!” said Rainbow Dash, flying towards the crash alongside Applejack. “Did you see that?”

“Cream gravy!” Applejack exclaimed in response, eyes fixed.

Everypony groaned where they lay. Pinkie Pie was the first to rise. “That was amazing! You think we could get her as a performer at a race party? Ooh, or we could put her IN the race against the best runners of Equestria and see who's fastest! She might even be the fastest thing alive!” Pinkie hopped up and down while her friends returned to their feet uncomfortably.

“Pinkie Pie, please!” said Twilight, scowling at her very high strung friend.

“Yeah, Pinks,” said Rainbow Dash, hovering nearby. “If anyone's the fastest thing alive, it's obviously...”


The ponies all halted as a mass arose from a pile of wood and fabric. Soon the familiar red eyes and leather mask became visible between two sheets of cloth. It flailed about, trying to shake off the encumbrances. When that didn't work so well, it revved up its blades, desperately trying to cut its way out. But that two had only marginal success, the cloth draping over its body or knotting as it caught on the blades. Only through concerted effort and lots of furious attempts to pull the cloth off did the rest of the fabric come loose.

Well mostly, with one sheet clinging to the creature's leg. When it noticed, it screamed and brought the whirling saw down on it severing the cloth from a solid sheet. Then it grabbed what remained and tore it free, throwing it to the ground. “Fuck you!” it yelled impotently at the tattered sheet, stomping on it three times. It stood idly, breathing deeply and looking relieved to be out.

Twilight Sparkle didn't give it a break though. Now was their chance. She almost felt bad, really. Looking at such a sad display made Twilight see less a wild monster and more a frustrated child having a tantrum. It would almost be adorable...if the creature wasn't also terrifying. “Hey! Over here!” she said.

Painwheel looked back at the princess. Her horn was glowing again, so Painwheel brought her Buar up again to block the shot. She was ready this time.

But the shot never came. Painwheel just saw the alicorn smile smugly – so infuriating – and drop the glow to her horn.

Painwheel felt a shadow come across her. She looked up. “What...?”

The mangled remains of the fabric cart fell onto her head.

Getting back out – again – was harder than the first time. She used the Buar to push the bulk from her body, then tried crawling away. But...it was just...such a long day. A long couple days. Painwheel's head hurt. Hell, everything was hurting. And she was so tired. Shouldn't have walked so far into town. Should have just wandered off to rest. She tried to get up, but slipped and fell down, rolling onto her back.

“Now's our chance!” said Applejack. “Dog pile it!”

So Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and a very excited Pinkie Pie jumped onto the downed creature. Twilight even lent her magic to the task of restraining that unruly prosthetic. Surely it wouldn't be able to hurt anypony without it. Right?

Painwheel groaned under the weight. No damnit, she thought, I can't go like this. I fought that nurse. I fought off Brain Drain's control. Filia, the princess and her army, even that annoying...

“Why're so bad at video games?”

“AAAAH!” Painwheel made a fist, digging her black fingernails into her palm until it drew black blood.

And the Skullgirl! Painwheel grimaced, her arms pinned by two heavy ponies while a third, heavier pink pony pinned her legs and stomach. I beat the Skullgirl! I beat her and her mountain of bones! I can't lose! Not to a bunch of colorful...fucking...PONIES!

Pinkie Pie was having fun, sitting on top of the girl. Maybe after this they could play some party games. Would she be good at the game where one spun a color and hoof and had to put it on that grid of colored dots? Pinkie knew so many party games – and so many party guests – that she sometimes forgot the names here and there. Not that they'd ever admit to...

Twitchy twitch. But not in her extremities. This one was new. Pinkie's blood ran cold.

It was a twitch in her chest. “EVERYPONY GET OFF!” she shrieked, diving off the girl immediately.

Applejack had long learned not to question Pinkie Pie, and frantically started rolling off.

Ironically, it was Rainbow Dash who was slow on the uptake. “Huh?” she looked around confused, then looked down.

Painwheel's whole body tensed. This was going to hurt. But hopefully, it would hurt them as much as it did her. “SCREW YOU!”

Every spike shot out all at once, producing a pin cushion effect across her whole body.

Applejack cleared it in time. Rainbow Dash was a second slower. A single spike caught her as she jumped away, raking across her side.

“AAAAAH!” she screamed, flopping mere feet from the monster before flapping frantically away. She only got a meter or two farther before crashing, clutching her side. “It hurts! It hurts!”

The rest of the ponies watched in horror. Watched Rainbow Dash flop around, bright red blood pouring from her flank. A trail of it dripped from the mass of prickly needles shot from every part of Painwheel's body. The whole lot of them witnessed it, hearts clenched.

Pinkie was the first to speak. “RAINBOW DASH!” she cried, tears forming in her eyes.

“Rainbow Dash!” said Scootaloo, trying to run towards her idol. It was like a nightmare. But she was stopped by the outstretched hoof of Rarity, who looked about ready to cry herself. Rarity shook her head towards Scootaloo. The filly grabbed Rarity's arm, trying to push through it to no avail. “Let me go! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!”

The mass of needles shrank, and the group had to look back. Even Scootaloo, and the prone Rainbow Dash, stopped to look back. Back at the monster. Twilight Sparkle's blood felt like ice. She placed a shaky hoof over her mouth. What in Tartarus was this thing?

Whatever it was, it stood up clumsily. In all the commotion, Twilight had let go of the blades. It took the opportunity to raise it up behind it again.

Painwheel cast her gaze towards the writhing pegasus. Finally, one of these bastards would bleed.

It was a start. “Must...kill...”