• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 6,690 Views, 459 Comments

Outsider's Game: Turning Wheel - Bluecho

Skullgirls/MLP Crossover. Painwheel won her freedom, and it's an entirely hollow victory. Perhaps forced emigration to Equestria will soothe her pain.

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07 - Sore The Next Day

Ch. 07 - Sore The Next Day

“...just want...for coming...”

A very drowsy human flipped her head from one side to another, grunting. She could hear voices.

“Oh it's not a bother at all, darling. But are you absolutely sure you're alright? Your mane is a mess, and it looks like you haven't slept in days.”

Sleep. Yes, sleep is good. The human nuzzled her head deeper in...whatever it was supporting it. It was soft.

“Yeah, Sugarcube, ya'll look like ah did when I tried bucking the entire crop that one year.”

“To tell you the truth...yawn...I have been up all night. Taking care of our...guest had me pretty busy. So busy I just haven't had the time to nap. So much to do.”

The human certainly didn't envy whoever was talking. She felt like she was in the best place in the world...wherever that was.

Where was she anyway?

“I mean, I had to find binding spells strong enough to hold her when she woke up.”

What? The human tried to turn over from her back, attempting to lift an arm. It stopped immediately, the iron manacles she wore refusing to budge an inch. The minute movement also stirred the parasite in her arm, eliciting a cringe. She settled back where she was, letting the parasite settle down.

Oh. That's right. She was captured.

Painwheel frowned, leaving herself where she was. Pain and being bound were problems she would much rather deal with later. She relaxed her body, intent on falling back into unconsciousness.

It didn't help that things felt strangely drafty. And that the voices wouldn't stop talking.

“About that. You sure these things will hold it? Shouldn't we have a cage?”

“I'm sure Rainbow Dash. This is the best spell I could find that wasn't the effects of some magical artifact or high level binding ritual. They'll hold, even on that bothersome rotating blade.”

In spite of her desire to leave everything for later, Painwheel's curiosity was piqued. She tried to turn the Buar. It clicked a bit, but was otherwise not moving. She sighed quietly to herself, wishing she could turn onto her side.

And it was still drafty.

“By the way, Dash, how are you feeling?”

“Much better. Those guys at the hospital fixed me up and let me go in no time. Said some malarkey about 'taking it easy' and 'not doing anything that could reopen the wound'. It's totally lame.”

“Rainbow Dash, please take this seriously...I mean, if that's okay...”

“Fluttershy is right, Rainbow Dash. You mustn't strain yourself.”

“Yeah, yeah. Ugh...cut still hurts anyway, so I guess I'm grounded. Anyway, Twilight, it can't have taken you all night just to find one lousy spell.”

“Ah agree. Why didn't you sleep after that?”

“Well yes, it didn't take all that long to find the spell. But I didn't want to be caught sleeping in case she woke up and could get out anyway.”

“Yes, and how long, may I ask, has the creature been asleep?”

“The spell was a basic magical sedative, useful for eight hours...”

Should have been longer. Painwheel nuzzled back into her...pillow?

“...but I didn't see her wake up at all. Hey Spike! Did you see her wake up when I wasn't looking?”

A distant, unfamiliar voice called from elsewhere, strangely muffled, “Naw, I didn't see anything. Slept like a rock.”

“See? Our guest has been sleeping for nearly an entire day. I suppose the strain and injuries from yesterday took their toll.”

Oh, that's considerably more. Painwheel debated whether now would be a good time to give up trying to sleep.

No, she could probably put off business for longer. She still felt tired. And drafty.

Why was she so drafty?

“So while I waited, I decided to research as much as I could about her. That meant thorough physical examination.”

Wait...what was that last part?

“It's really fascinating just how much punishment she took and still remained active enough to pose a threat.”

What's this about an examination?

Painwheel finally opened her eyes, blinking in the presence of the sunlight. She was in some kind of basement. Machines and beakers crowded her peripheral vision. She turned her head to look towards the sound of talking. Right there were five mares, milling around. Twilight Sparkle stood before the rest, attempting a detailed lecture that the others only looked slightly interested in.

Then Painwheel looked down at herself.

“...cuts closed and bruises shrunk measurably over hours of observation. Or at least they did once we hooked her to an IV...”


The assembled ponies flinched at the noise, looking over at their captive.

“AH! IT'S AWAKE!” Rarity shrieked, backing away quickly.

Painwheel was altogether done trying to sleep. She struggled against her bonds, grunting and panting. Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. She was strapped to some kind of reclining padded chair, with glowing chains looped through her wrist, ankle, and neck bands, as well extended over her stomach. Other than those metal bands, she was stark nude.

It pissed her off. “Let me out of here! You can't do this to me!” she growled, trying to disengage herself to no avail.

Twilight Sparkle trotted over, a confident smile on her face. “I think you'll find your bindings to be inescapable. They're the best magic I could apply, the kind used for high profile Equestrian criminals. There's no breaking free.”

Painwheel stopped thrashing – the act was doing more damage to herself than the chains – but refused to calm down. “Fuck you, bitch! And why do I have to be naked?” She looked down at her emaciated, ugly form, then back at the ponies. They could see everything. Painwheel blushed heavily.

No it's not blushing, she thought. I'm just angry! Angry as hell!

The purple alicorn looked back and forth between Painwheel's face and body, blushing lightly herself. “Oh...oh my, he he he.” Twilight giggled nervously. “I...wasn't aware the human species was so uncomfortable with public nudity.”

“No shit!” Painwheel said, moving as close as possible to the pony in spite of her bindings. “No shit I...wait what?” Rage fell away by a huge increment, replaced with mild ire and confusion. “...how do you know I'm a human?”

“Yeah, ah was wonderin' the same thing myself,” Applejack spoke up. It made Painwheel a bit less angry that Applejack seemed to understand her plight, and held her hat in front of her face to block the view. Right behind her, Fluttershy had taken to simply covering her face entirely, blushing heavily. “What's a human? And how do you know that she is one?”

The alicorn beamed. “I'm very glad you asked!” She stood right next to Painwheel.

“Hey Twilight!” said Rainbow, growing worried. “Should you really be getting that close? I don't want you ending up like me or worse!”

“Oh it's fine, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, waving a hoof is dismissal. “Our captive knows that if she uses her spikes to harm or even kill any of us, the others won't hesitate to punish her. Probably through summery execution. That, or the authorities will. Isn't that right?” She looked down at Painwheel.

You're so lucky you're right you cocky bitch, Painwheel thought, scowling. The urge to flex a parasite to punch a hole through the pony at that range was staggering. Stupid consequences, always getting in the way of her totally justified rage. “Hrm...”

“Anyway, discovering her species name requires some explanation,” Twilight said. “And I figure the best way would be to show you directly. This might sting a bit.” Her horn lit up.

“Wait whoa,” Painwheel said, looking up at the light. She squirmed in her seat. “What are you doing?”

Twilight's horn shot a cloud of aura that enveloped Painwheel's body. It tingled, she found. Barely even noticeable compared to the regular pain coming from the parasites.

The parasites that she suddenly got to see as her entire body went transparent.

“Whoa!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Nelly!” Applejack said, dropping her stetson.

“Oh...my...” Fluttershy said, peeking between her hooves.

“My word! That's just disturbing,” Rarity said, looking to find the sight of exposed internal organs repulsive. Despite that, she couldn't turn away.

“What the hell!?” Painwheel shouted, looking back and forth between her body and the alicorn. She was naked already, and the pony decided to strip her down even more. “How dare you...you...” Painwheel stopped, taking another look down at her see-through form. She'd hardly realized the first time, but she COULD see them.

She scowled.

“This, everypony...or rather, every-body I suppose,” said Twilight Sparkle, waving a hoof before the human, “is another spell I found. It came from a medical textbook. It was created to make medical examination easier. As I understand it, the spell is utilized in some major hospitals and universities, but it's quite complex so only a limited number of specialists can use it. You can no doubt see the applications...as well as the operative problem...” She pointed, but everyone already focused on the sight in question.

They could see the parasites. Painwheel could too. She clenched her hands, barring her teeth.

Ugly things. Black, pointy, ugly masses of tendrils snaking their way around her body. Like the roots of a particularly persistent weed, they burrowed in almost any spot they could find. They even coiled around internal organs, holding them hostage. There were six, though they intertwined so readily it was difficult to count. But if one knew where to look, it was easy; just count the number of ends terminating in the nail-like structures sticking out of her shoulders, thighs, and the back of her head.

You, she thought, the rage palpable. It's your fault. Because of you.

“...I can see you're already aware of them,” said Twilight, coughing into her hoof. “It was these things that clued me into your true nature. I had originally assumed the spikes she could manifest were a natural facet of her biology. But when I used this spell to study the internal damage from the fight, I realized they weren't.”

“Wait, how can you tell?” Rarity asked, tearing her eyes away from the grotesque sight.

“Because if they were part of the organism the spell was cast on, they too would be transparent,” Twilight answered. “But they aren't, meaning we're looking not at specialized offensive organs, but rather creatures living in symbiosis with the host. From what I can tell, harmful symbiosis. In a word, they are parasites.

“They are also the source of our subject's constant pain.”

The other ponies watched Painwheel; watched her seethe in resentment. It was uncomfortable, and profoundly sad.

Painwheel found herself rather like a stray dog, infected with stomach worms or skin parasites. Moaning and writhing in pain, stressed eternally, yet incapable of doing anything about it. This uncomfortable comparison all the more apt because like that stray dog, she had no home, no aid, no source of good food or adequate rest.

And now she could see the source of her pain. If she'd been free, Painwheel would have taken a knife to her body in an attempt to dig them out. That she wasn't free, and that she'd end up doing more harm than good, was the worst sting of all.

“Oh, you poor baby,” Fluttershy said, rushing over. She threw her legs over the human, shocking the latter to attention.

“Gah!” Painwheel said. Briefly the urge to shoot the Gae Bolga into the pony returned.

“It must be so awful, living with these inside you,” Fluttershy said, hugging the human's transparent flesh. Admittedly the effect disconcerted the pegasus, but her compassion overruled it. “Don't worry, we'll find a way to remove them. I promise.” She nuzzled her snout into Painwheel's stomach.

Then she looked up into Painwheel's face, and saw it looked unamused. “Hrmm...” Painwheel growled. The Fluttershy was certainly not Painwheel's favorite.

“Oh...um...I'm sorry...” Fluttershy said, taking herself off the human. “Maybe I should give you some...personal space...if that's okay...” She ran back around to stand behind Applejack. She peeked around the farmer's rump, still watching Painwheel.

Applejack just sighed at the sad display she was roped into. “Ah reckon that's pretty sad and all,” she said, “but what does that have to do with learnin' what she is?”

Twilight Sparkle shot to attention. “Oh right! Well, when I was done finding a way to contain her, I began researching what she was. But few species have among their traits things like spines or quills. Fewer still were large enough, fewer than that could manipulate theirs anywhere near like she could...and not even a single one of those were bipedal. Dragons can walk upright and have spikes, but it's obvious she isn't a dragon.

“It was only once I gave up and moved to using this spell to examine her insides that I realized the spikes were a red herring. Both they and the mechanical blade tail are artificial, outside additions to a more mundane template. With that in mind, I began researching bipeds in general.” The alicorn ran to the other side of the room, shuffling around stacks of books. She found one already open, and levitated it over. “It's then that I found an obscure zoological reference to a rare creature: the Human.”

Painwheel strained her head, trying to get a good look at the book in question. In spite of her pain – in spite of her spite, ironically – she was very curious.

“'Human. Mammalian, bipedal, omnivorous,'” Twilight recited. “'Lacks significant amounts of body hair. Sapiant, and intelligent. Capable of complex speech. Possess fine manipulators in the form of fingered hands, like primates. Used primary for created complex tools.

“'First encountered in low numbers by Pack Watcher, natural philosopher in the employ of the burgeoning Canterlot University, while in the Smokey Mountains. Origins unknown; Pack Watcher merely being told the humans came from far away.'” Twilight looked up from the book. “This particular tome cites what appears to be a book of anthropology penned by Pack Watcher himself. Unfortunately I don't have a copy. When I sent a letter to Princess Celestia, I requested the book be searched for in the Canterlot Castle library.”

She returned to the book. “'Notable features...' It's strange, but the author seemed to have crossed out the phrase there...'Mostly Harmless'...and substituted a larger paragraph. 'An apparently social species, Humans seems to also possess violent tendencies when threatened, as well as malice. They also show signs of compassion, depending on context, stress, level of understanding, and other mysterious factors. Humans possess capacity for great good and great harm, in apparently equal measure.'” Twilight put the book down. “That's all it says on the matter. It doesn't even have a picture.”

“Well that don't sound encouraging,” Applejack said, scratching her head. She looked to Painwheel. “By any chance is any of that accurate?”

Painwheel tilted her head, squinting one eyes. She thought back. Her parents of course loved her, at least before her transformation. Filia had been compassionate (as far as Painwheel's experience went; Filia did betray her), and had been learned. Had been; Painwheel wasn't so sure since Filia became...who she was now. Brain Drain – assuming he ever was a human – would certainly qualify as intelligent, and very evil.

Painwheel nodded. Intelligent? Capable of good and harm in equal measure? Sounds about right.

A giddy Twilight hopped up and down. “Oh, this is so exciting! To have a chance to research a creature barely mentioned in Equestria's long history! This is going to be so much fun!”

“Um, Twilight? Dear?” Rarity said.

“Huh?” Twilight said, coming down off her intellectual high. “What is it?”

“You mentioned having sent a message to Princess Celestia, did you not?”

“Yes, that I did. Right when we got back, I had Spike write a quick letter to the Princess telling her what happened, but that everything was fine. Then this morning, I was able to submit a fuller report on my findings so far.” Twilight beamed with pride. “Celestia messaged me back shortly thereafter. Unfortunately she's got pressing business in Canterlot, and so won't be able to come inspect the captive personally until tomorrow.

“Which gives me plenty of time to interview you now that you're awake,” she said, turning to Painwheel. The human leaned back, the alicorn's face getting dangerously close, smiling creepily.

Painwheel felt physically ill. She'd never liked doctors. Thanks to Brain Drain and Nurse Valentine, she liked them even less now. Now she was at the mercy of a crazed researcher with ties directly to Equestrian royalty.

Whatever Equestria is. Painwheel suddenly realized the knowledge of her basic surroundings were woefully limited. And it looked like Twilight Sparkle had every intention of steering discussion back to Painwheel herself.

“First question...and I'm sorry for not asking it earlier,” Twilight said, smile decreasing in intensity due to embarrassment, “What is your name?”

Blink. What does one say to that? Painwheel really wasn't in the mood to answer questions. Both because she began to feel the effects of her injuries on top of the usual parasite discomfort, and because she didn't particularly like anyone in the room.

However, all eyes were locked on her, watching expectantly. No matter what, these ponies weren't going to leave her alone unless she told them such a basic thing. They wouldn't very well call her “creature” or “human”. Or they would, if they had nothing to go on. The idea was frankly insulting. No, she had to give them at least that, annoying as it would be to divulge her secrets. She was still very angry.

Then there was the practical concern. What should she answer with? She supposed, since she was in a new world, freed at least from her old masters, she ought to cast off that unfortunate sobriquet and finally call herself Carol again.

And yet. “Painwheel.”

The ponies around her frowned, some mild, some acute. Twilight Sparkle looked confused. Rarity looked shocked. Fluttershy looked crestfallen. None of them looked amused.

“Pain...wheel?” Applejack asked, adjusting her hat nervously.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said, whispering.

“What kind of name is that?” Rainbow Dash said.

“I must agree,” Rarity added, “what parents name their child Painwheel?” She shuddered at the thought. “Seems awfully cruel.”

If only they knew, Painwheel thought. Although, upon further reflection, they seemed more concerned with what the name implied than the fact that “Painwheel” was not a name. Then again, one of them was named Rainbow Dash, so she supposed her codename fit in better with the naming scheme if nothing else.

Nervously, Twilight took hold of a nearby clipboard and scrawled some notes. “Well, I guess that's the answer to that.” She looked to her friends. “This is probably what I'm going to be doing for the next day or so. You girls can leave if you want. I'll keep you posted on what I learn.”

As the others filed out, Rarity stayed behind a moment. “Are you sure, dear? It might not be safe. One of us could stay around, if you need it.”

“Oh no, I doubt that'll be necessary,” Twilight said, jotting down notes on her pad. “Spike will be around if I really need help – or avenging I suppose, he he – and I won't be doing anything strenuous. I'm sure, after this interview, I'll have plenty to report to Princess Celestia. No doubt.”

Hours Later

“Please, please, please! Just tell me something! Anything! Please!”

“No,” Painwheel responded for the hundredth time.

Twilight Sparkle put her head in her hooves. Her interview wasn't going as well as she'd hoped.