• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

  • ...

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Getting the Hang of It

Rainbow Dash lay on her side, stirring ever so slightly in her sleep. The mare's muzzle tensed while her ears flicked one after the other.

As soon as a brown hoof reached up from beneath the hammock and gently stroked the pony's chin, Rainbow Dash murmured an unintelligible noise.

"Rainbow Dash..." Roarke's voice spoke. "Rainbow...?"

"Mmmrmmf... hrmmmm..."

"You must get up," Roarke continued. "Please. I insist. This will only take a moment."

"Grff... so m-many moments..."

"I know. I know." Roarke's forelimb pushed Rainbow Dash straight up in a sitting position. "Now, open your eyes."

"Mrnngnhhhh... f-fiiiiine..." Rainbow's eyelids parted ways. A pair of jaded ruby pupils squinted at the starry night beyond the observation room's windows. "What am I looking for?"

"Do you see the Yaerfaerda simble?"

"Guhhh... yes..." Rainbow yawned. "Of course..."

"Is it straight ahead of us?"



"Snkkkt-zrkk-huh? What?"

"The symbol..."

"Oh. It's... it's..." Rainbow lazily rolled a hoof through the air. "A bit to the right..."

"How much?"


"How far to the right?"

"Eugh... I dunno. Just—like—to the edge of the windows. Starboard side." Rainbow's head teetered. "Not sure what it matters anyway."

Roarke was busy craning her head towards the vertical crawlspace behind her. "Forty-five degrees towards starboard! Bend south!"

"Yes yes yes!" Floydien's voice echoed back down. "Adjusting to your metal muzzle mutter!"

Rainbow blinked. "Uhhhhh... Roarke?" She glanced aside. "What are you doing—?"

"Look now, Rainbow," Roarke said as the Noble Jury stopped pivoting. "Are we facing it now?"


"The symbol. Is it dead-center with the windows, now?"

"Uh... n-no?"

"Where is it, then?"

"Like—just a sneeze to the left. Why—?"

Roarke tilted her head towards the cockpit again. "Fifteen degrees to the north! Port side!"

"That is one elusive glimmer shimmer!"

"Since when did you chart the stars with a space elk?" Rainbow droned.

"How about now, Rainbow?" Roarke asked.

"Roarke! For pete's sake!" Rainbow sat up, fidgeting. "Just what is going—"

Thwump! Roarke shoved Rainbow back down into the hammock. She leaned in, her metal lenses pistoning outward coldly. "You will tell me when it is centered. Do you understand?"

Rainbow gawked at her. She gulped and said with a cracking voice, "Just a tinnnnnny hair to the right."

"Floydien! Five degrees to the south once more!"

The Noble Jury pivoted slightly.

"There... uh..." Rainbow pointed a weak forelimb straight forward. "We're lined up, now."

"Are you sure?"

"I... I-I guess so..."

"Hrmmm..." Roarke took a deep breath. At last, she trotted over to the crawlspace and shouted up, "Stay on course! Do not meander north or south from this direction unless I tell you to!"

"Whatever the megaphone boomer says!

"But Roarke..." Rainbow winced from where she lay in the hammock. "Val Roa is—"

"Not our priority right now. You are." Roarke trotted up to the hammock and stared at the pegasus. "Don't mistake my actions for single-hearted heroism. I have the will of the entire crew backing me up."

Rainbow shrugged. "I wasn't assuming anything."

Roarke's pistons retracted. "...oh." She tilted her head down.

Rainbow gulped and produced a nervous smile. "But... uhhhh... that's really swell of you, Roarke, to be thinking of me."


"But... for Celestia's sake!" Rainbow's brow furrowed. "What is this going to accomplish?"

Roarke pointed out the window. "Something out there has a connection with you. If, perhaps, you are indeed destined to be Austraeoh, then helping you attain it might assist in your well-being."

"Roarke, I dunno if anypony's told you, but I'm infected with a bunch of chaos crap." Rainbow clenched her jaw. "I was dying long before I figured out any of this Austraeoh stuff and I'll be dead long after."

"Then you have given up?"

"No!" Rainbow sighed. "I didn't say that. It's just that Val Roa is insanely important and I've put it off for too long! Now's not the best time to be flying after a wild goose chase. I wanna know that I died doing something that mattered—"

"Even if that meant denying your own purpose?"

Rainbow blinked. "Huh?"

"Do you believe it's a complete coincidence that you stumbled upon Stratopolis, the remains of Commander Hurricane, and Sword of Solstice all within a short frame of time?"

Rainbow simply gawked at Roarke. "Uhhh... uhhmm..."

Roarke leaned forward. "And do you think the harmonic end to the Ledomaritan conflict could have been accomplished without you? Or the illumination of the Durandanans? Or the—"

"Roarke..." Rainbow gulped. "What do you believe in?"

Roarke stopped dead in mid-speech.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, staring at her.

Roarke leaned back on her haunches. After a long breath, she said, "I believe that going to Val Roa will be pointless without you."

"Heh..." Rainbow slumped back in her hammock. "I see..."

Roarke hung her head. "And the same can be said of many... other th-things..."

Rainbow turned her head towards her.

Roarke sat in melancholic silence.

Rainbow smiled weakly. "I thought I'd be dead before I ever heard you buying into all this 'Austraeoh' stuff."

Roarke took a dee breath, nodding. "It c-certainly is close enough..."

Rainbow bit her lip. She closed her eyes with a sigh. "Roarke..."

"You should get some more rest." Roarke turned around to leave the observation room. "Thank you for your assistance in plotting a new—"

"We picked a lousy time to kiss each other, didn't we?"

Roarke's body froze. Her ears folded back. Slowly, she pivoted about, shuffled back towards the hammock, and nuzzled her cheek up against Rainbow's.

Rainbow's face flushed as she reveled in the soft, fuzzy gesture.

Roarke finished by running a hoof through Rainbow's mane and gazing straight way at her. "...does that answer your question?"

Rainbow gulped. "In sp-spades," she sputtered.

"My faith in you is not a trivial thing," Roarke said in a firm tone. "You have transformed my life from a metal-cased corpse into something that lives and breathes. If miracles can happen once, then surely they can happen again."

"Heh..." Rainbow smirked. "And I like the way you squeak when I featherstroke your hooves."

Roarke opened her mouth, lingered, then muttered with rosyc heeks, "I concede to your superior statement of affection."

"Heeheehee!" Rainbow clutched her blue tummy as she smiled. "Dang straight, you do."

Roarke's lips almost curved, but a sudden paleness overwhelmed her. She stared shudderingly towards the side.


Roarke looked up.

Rainbow gave her a thin-eyed grin. "You're pretty cool, y'know... shoutin' orders like that. Getting the Noble Jury to follow you."

"As I said, this is a coordinated effort, Rainbow—"

"Horseapples! You know how long it took Floydien to take a direct command from me? Face it, you're a natural-born leader."


"You're the Jury's natural born leader, and if I should—"

Roarke braced Rainbow's shoulders with both hooves. "You should concentrate on feeling better." Her lenses rotated. "Relax now and save your strength for whatever it is we might find when we reach the symbol you see."

"Roarke, we don't even know how far away the dang thing is."

"Which is why I've ordered Floydien to be as swift as he can."

"Heh... ya see?" Rainbow smirked. "You're totally on top of the game."

Roarke gulped and nodded. "I've had divine inspiration."

"You know what? I believe you."


"I... am sorry for having to wake you," Roarke muttered. She shuffled backwards on her hooves. "I had better check on the rest of the ship."


"I... I believe..."

"They can handle themselves for a while, Roarke..." Rainbow fought a wave of dizziness and stammered, "Don't ya think?"

Roarke bit her lip. "Then... then what am I to do...?"

Rainbow blinked, her eyes lighting up. "Stay here with me?"

Roarke stared back at her. She glanced at the hammock, then back at Rainbow. At last, she stood up on her hind quarters and slid her forelimbs under Rainbow.

The pegasus rocked awkwardly in the hammock. "Uhhhh... uhhhhh—Roarke—?"

With sudden grace, Roarke slid herself into the hammock beside Rainbow. She shimmed and squirmed until she was lying against the net with Rainbow's back reclining against her.

"Whoah..." Rainbow wheezed.

"There..." Roarke spoke as the hammock slowly rocked to a stop. "Is that not more agreeable?"

"Oh..." Rainbow gulped. "I agree. Heh... I agree whole-heartedly." Rainbow glanced at the net with a slight giggle. "I-I'm just killing myself on the inside, trying to figure out how you did it."

"Mmmmmm..." Roarke's forelimbs wrapped around Rainbow from behind. "...pegasi are not the only equines with poise and grace."

"Me? Poise? Grace?" Rainbow chuckled and leaned her head back against Roarke's chin. "If you say so, girl..."

"I will stay here as long as you wish me to," Roarke said. She leaned down to nuzzle Rainbow's ear. "Be it a long flight or not."

Rainbow gulped. "Yeah... that's..." She exhaled with a squeaky voice, "That's cool..."

Roarke's brow furrowed. "Uhm... Rainbow? Is there something wrong with your—?"

"Just don't mention 'em!" Rainbow blurted, her cheeks blood red. "They'll... uh... th-they'll relax soon. I promise."

Roarke cocked her head to the side. "Ah... I see..." Her lips curved slightly as she stroked Rainbow's mane. "I understand now why you were never on your back the other night."

Rainbow wheezed and murmured, "Th-they're not as fragile as you think."

"Is that an invitation?"

"Uhhhhh... uhhhh..." Rainbow gulped. "I... th-thought the whole point of this was for me to relax."

"But of course..." Roarke kissed the top of Rainbow's head and held her closely. "I promise you, one way or another, you will get to your destination safely."

Rainbow sighed with a bittersweet breath.

"Do you not believe me?" Roarke murmured.

"It's not that," Rainbow said. "Just... being here... like this?" She closed her eyes and nuzzled Roarke's chest from behind. "...I almost don't care what happens to us."


The hammock broke from the weight of the two.


The two landed on the floor in the exact position as they had dangled, with Roarke clutching Rainbow from behind.

As the metal mare's lenses rattled to a stop, Rainbow blinked dumbly towards the ceiling.

"... ... ...then again... ow."

Roarke bit her lip.

"...snkkkt—heeheehee!" Rainbow curled up in Roarke's embrace.

Roarke exhaled. Her lips closed as she held Rainbow close. Soon, a dry chuckling sound escaped her mouth, joining Rainbow's squeaky chorus.

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