• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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In a Very Short Time

"If I could just build Nancy's womb from scratch, y'know?" Props stammered as she sweated beneath a series of gutted manaconduits inside the engine room. Using her forelimbs, she ratcheted several pipes together and tightened them to the breaking point. "Nnnngh... I could make handsome's ship sing! Instead, all I have to work with is clutter and mothballs!"

"You're doing a great job, Propsy," Ebon Mane said from the sidelines. "Don't let anypony tell you different."

"They can tell me whatever they wanna tell me," Props muttered, tossing her blonde mane out from her eyes as she squinted at an intersection of tubes. "Still isn't going to change the fact that we're all better off remaking the womb instead of trying to salvage what's been doubly, triply, and quadruply done on this!"

"Yes, well, one mare's womb is another's pit of snakes." Ebon turned to Eagle Eye, grinning. "Right?"

Eagle Eye grimaced. "Wrong."


"Stick to cooking... for real..."

Props giggled, then batted her eyelashes from where she lay beneath the pipes. "Manatuner?"

Eagle levitated the item in question from the bench to where Props was. "I'm just glad we were able to shut this off before we left Rainbow Dash in the dust. You can never know when her dizzy spell kicks in."

"You can never know anything about her period," Ebon Mane muttered. "Especially as of late."

"Yes, well, we all know the weight she's been carrying."

"Of course we do!" Ebon exclaimed with a nod. "All the reason—y'know—for us to revevaluate things... maybe..." The stallion fidgeted.

Eagle Eye squinted. "What are you getting at?"

"I can't be the only pony who's thinking it."

"Thinking what, Ebony?" Props squeaked in mid-tinker.

"That... well..." Ebon scratched his head and shrugged awkwardly. "Maybe we should have somepony else take the leadership chair for a while."

"Heh... like who?" Eagle Eye smirked. "Floydien? Belle? The first is nonsense and the second is no show. I'd vote for Pilate, but he's kind of lacking foresight at the moment... or at least just sight."

"What about Josho?" Props asked.

"HA!" Eagle Eye held a hoof over his smirking muzzle. "Oh please. That old stallion would run the Noble Jury into the ground."

"I'd rather worry about the ship than about us," Ebon said.

"How do you mean?"

"Do I gotta spell it out for you?" Ebon glanced at the doors on either side of the long engine compartment and spoke in a lower tone. "Maybe Rainbow's saved the day for us before, but lately she's developed the coaching talent of an alligator. She stands around, saying nothing, and if you get too close to her she hisses."

"I think pegasi are warm blooded..."

"You could have fooled me!" Ebon exclaimed. "With the way she's been holing herself up lately!"

"Just have some faith in her," Eagle said. "She'll come around."

"EE, she passed up an opportunity to talk to her Moon Princess last night!"

"She did?" Props blinked.

Eagle sighed. "Ebon, let's not bring that up..."

"Why not?!" Ebon shrugged. "We can't just bury the issue, can we? Then we'd be adding to... y'know..."

"To what?"

"The misery that seems rampant as of late." Ebon frowned. "I know what they say about 'misery loving company,' but that isn't what I signed up for! The pegasus who smuggled us out of Blue Nova believed in something, and at this rate it's gonna take more than time and circumstance to jump start her back into action!"

"Ebon, I'm all for sunny skies and rainbows, but I really don't think now's a good time to challenge the status quo."


"We're hovering high over the Frozen Sea. It's already been a week and we still haven't reached the Strip of Flurries. Rainbow Dash may not exactly be her usual, cheery self, but she's no less dedicated to this crew and everypony's safety." Eagle smiled as she said, "Let her do what works for her. The problem isn't in the leadership, but just the overall mood on board the Jury. That, the rest of us can work on. We don't need a charismatic head hauncho to be charismatic, y'think? I mean, listen to us! We're striking a good chord, just the three of us, aren't we?"

"Yeah!" Props grinned. "And I don't even know how to play guitar!"

After sighing, Ebon smiled tiredly in the mare's direction. "Maybe we could vote you in charge of the Jury for a while, Propsy. Your smile's bright enough to melt a path through the Flurries."

"You think?" Props blinked her blue eyes. "You want that I should put a veil over it or something?"


"Hey, uhm..." Eagle's ears flicked. "Is there a steam leak?"

Props turned towards him. "Huh?" She peered through the mess of pipes. "Shouldn't be. I went over the pipes with a fine toothed comb just yesterday."

"I swear, I hear... like... a hissing sound."

"You know, I hear it too," Ebon said, nodding. "It's more of a crackle than a hiss."

"Where's it coming from?" Props asked while tightening another pipe.

"From across the room, I think. Almost as if it's coming from the bench."

Thud! Props head struck the pipes, sending a resonating clannnnng throughout the engine compartment. "Owie zowie!" She slid out, breathless. "The communicator!"


"It's picked up something! Somepony be a gentlecolt and help me up!"

Ebon and Eagle Eye bumped into each other to reach Props. Wincing, Eagle resorted to giving the mare a boost with his telekinesis.

She sprang across the room and threw her hooves deep into a mess of wires and electrical dials. "Oh please... oh please..." She bit her lip and sweated as she adjusted the frequency, causing the fragmented spurts of white noise to come in slightly better clarity. "Come on..."

"Seems like a crazy mess there, Propsy," Ebon asked.

"Yeah, you need any help?" Eagle added.

"Shhhh!" Props frowned. "You stallions just stand there, being cute and quiet! But mostly quiet!"

In a jerking motion, Ebon and Eagle pressed themselves against the wall like wooden soldiers.

Bellesmith climbed her way up to the middle deck of the ship. She paused, gazing down the crawlspace to where she had just finished chatting with Pilate. After a sigh, she turned and resumed her lonesome lurch back to her room.

She froze in place.

The door to her quarters hung fully ajar.

Turning pale, Belle galloped in a yellow blur towards the room. She flung her head through the doorway.


The filly was gone.


Her yelping voice echoed across blank bulkheads and empty bedspace.

Panting, hyperventilating, the mare looked all around. She dashed from room to room, unabashedly flinging the doors open and gazing inside. "Kera?!" At one point, she startled a groggy Josho awake, but moved right along with a frown when there was no filly to be seen. "Kera?! Where'd you run off to?! Please, for the love of the Spark, answer m-me!"

By the time she peered into the lavatory and infirmary—both with no success—she was starting to collapse. Tears sprang from her eyes and her muzzle choked on a sob.

It was around that time she heard a faint voice from the next compartment towards the stern. Breathless, Belle dried her cheeks and limped into the mess hall. Between the hallway and the long table, a pair of figures sat on the sofa that filled up most of the tiny lounge. One was Kera, slumped sideways against a hoofrest with her legs curled up. She gazed into the distance while Zaid squatted in front of her. The stallion had a glossy metal bowl full of fresh grapes, and he was plucking them one at a time off a tiny set of stems.

"...now here's a bit of a secret, only it isn't one, really. And yet it is, cuz I've carried it with me for so long." The stallion smirked and raised a goblet to her tiny lips. "Strawberry and cranberry juice. Good stuff, right? Here, take a sip, sweet pea."

Kera's lips tensed and untensed. At last, they pursed wide enough for Zaid to pour a tiny amount into her mouth.

"Ah! There we go. No need to drown you in fruitgasm, though that'd be a fitting thing for a tombstone." He winked, lowered the goblet, and held the bowl of grapes up. "Now, give it a second or two for the taste to settle. 'Kay? Now... let's have ourselves a nice purple grape, shall we? Just what the doctor ordered... the doctor of awesome." He held it to her muzzle, giving it a tiny shove against her lips. "It's alright. Don't be afraid. It's the green grapes that'll murder ya..."

Not long after, Kera nibbled, then inhaled the tiny piece of fruit in question. Zaid hoofed her another, and she gobbled it down more liberally.

"Yeah... and one to grow on!" Zaid smirked. "Now, here's the part with enchantment and kitten sparkles. Ya ready?" He picked up the goblet again. "Same juice, right? But—alas... if we just take a sip..."

He tilted it to her lips. The tiny filly swallowed a miniature gulp. Once Zaid lowered the cup, Kera remained still, but her ears twitched slightly... then twitched again. There was the hint of darting movement to her eyes.

"Eh... ehhhh?" Zaid grinned from ear to ear. "Where'd the strawberry and cranberry go? Was it suddenly and inexplicably replaced with a muzzle-ful of sweetastic heaven?!" He slapped his two hooves dramatically in front of her. "Pshhhhhh! Magic! Killer, huh?" He smirked as he picked the bowl of grapes up again. "I learned it while having to ration fruit on top of one of Khao's ships. I tell ya... those long journeys over the Ledomaritan mountains were boring as stones, but I found a way to jazz up the situation. Amazing how sweet life can get if you just squeeze out the bitter, y'know?"

It was around this point that Belle finally regained the breath to speak. "Zaid...!"

The stallion looked over his shoulder. "Hey-heyyyyy! Look who's up'n'at'em!" Zaid winked at Kera. "She's a very funny mare, your mom."

"What do you think you're doing?!" Belle stammered as she hobbled towards the sofa.

"Uhhhh..." Zaid blinked awkwardly with the bowl in his grasp. "What I do best? You don't have to be in demolition to break through walls." He popped a piece of fruit into his mouth and held the bowl out to her. "Mmmmmf... how 'bout some nibble for your tribble?"

"Did you steal Kera out from our room?!" Belle growled.

"Ew, and commit Grand Theft Filly on a Tuesday? No thank you."

"Answer the question!" She stamped a hoof.

Zaid choked on a grape, wheezed, and waved a forelimb. "Alright! No need to get all Riversaddle on me! Jeez!" He slapped his own chest, inhaled sharply, and said, "I heard somepony whimpering. Figured it was her. Thought the little scamp could use some food, so..."

"Zaid, I've got Kera taken care of!" Belle frowned. "If you wanted to see her, you should have asked me!"

"Uhhhh..." Zaid's eyes darted left and right. He smirked awkwardly. "I think I can see her just fine. What, do I need your permission to use my eyes?"


He scarfed down another grape. "Mmmf... cuz if you ask me, Pilate's overdue in that department—"

"For Spark's sake, Zaid, do you ever stop joking for once?!" Belle brushed past him and picked the Kera up, draping filly over her flank. "In case you haven't been paying attention, this poor little pony's been through a lot!"

"Uhhhhh... yeah..." Zaid gulped down some grapes and shrugged. "So I figured... y'know... sweet fruit, companionship, sunshine? The girl's catatonic, not a vampire."

"She needs rest and peace, Zaid!" Belle grunted. "Not to be carted around the ship at random and force fed fruit! There's no telling what a change in her diet will do to her stomach!"

"Yeesh. Chillax, chestnut!" Zaid remarked in a drawling tone. "She isn't exactly getting any better in that sarcophagus of a room you keep her in!"

Belle stared daggers his way. "Are you insinuating that I don't know how to take care of her?!" she spat.

Zaid tongued the inside of his mouth, eventually murmuring, "Ya think... uhhh... that maybe I should be?"

Belle fumed and fumed some more. At last, she stomped away with Kera in tow.

"Y'know, Belle, the girl used to eat grasshoppers and dodge chaos snakes. I think she can handle a tasty grape or two—"

"Kera is not the girl we used to know!" Belle threw angrily over her shoulder. "And until you're sharp enough to realize that, Zaid, I don't want you anywhere near her!"

"Belle, c'monnnn! I was just—"

"I mean it! Stay away!" Belle was hollering from halfway down the hall at this point. It only took three more heavy steps, and she was inside her quarters, slamming the door shut behind her. She stood there, breathing heavily. After a half-minute, she calmed down, knelt by the bedside, and lay Kera down again.

She pulled a blanket over the filly's tattooed body. Kera stared at belle... through her. The mare reached a hoof over and stroked her mane. As the seconds wore on, so did Belle's resolve. Her eyes glistened, and by the time her muzzle twisted in a sob, she had buried her face into the mattress beside Kera, crying in tiny little salvos of bitter breath.

"So... uh..." Eagle Eye leaned forward. "What do you think it means?"

"Shhhh!" Props hissed, tweaking and adjusting the dials of her communication array.

Eagle gulped, then leaned towards Ebon. "Hey... what do you think she thinks it means?

"To be perfectly frank?" Ebon shrugged. "We're probably not alone out here."

"You mean over the Frozen Sea?" Eagle asked. "Who else would be dumb enough to get stranded out here in the middle of the Spark-forsaken cold?"

"Pizz Fah Wizz!" Props jumped in place. "I knew it I knew it I knew it!"

"Mind telling us the it that you know?"

"I only got it for a second—like a ghost signal—but I'd recognize that frequency in my sleep! Heck—while doing backflips in my sleep!" Props spun, her cheek rosy as the edges of her happy bright eyes glistened. "It's just gotta be him! Him and nopony else!"

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