• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,696 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

  • ...

Chapter XIII: Meet the Parents

Chapter XIII

Meet the Parents

Fear. Pure fear was felt by Crimson as he saw his girlfriend’s right eyelid twitch and pieces of her hair beginning to stick out in multiple directions. Twilight opened her mouth to scream but Crimson quickly put his hand over her mouth.

“Twilight, whatever you do, don’t panic” He said in a pleading voice. “Who do you think they’re gonna be more surprised by, you or me?” Twilight calmed down and her hair returned to it’s normal shape. Crimson got up and quickly threw his shirt on. The two then heard a knock on the door.

“Twilight?” Crimson recognized the female voice from when he met Twilight’s mother in Canterlot. Crimson gulped and saw the door opening. Crimson hid in the corner and Twilight pressed her body against the door, but her mother already got her foot in.

“Sorry mom, I’m still getting dressed.” Velvet’s eyes were the size of pin tips and Twilight followed her gaze. The mirror on the opposite side of the room showed the man hiding in the opposite corner. Crimson was frozen on the spot in fear and gulped. Velvet had a coy smile on her face and heard her husband yell from the foot of the stairs.

“Velvet?” He asked.

“Twilight is still getting dressed dear.” She’ll need another,” She looked at the two young mages. “ten minutes to get ready.”

“Okay, Spike is making pancakes.” He said as Velvet closed the door to the scholar’s room. Twilight’s face was pale and Crimson finally let out the breath of air that he was holding. Twilight sat on her bed and Tried to slow her heart that was beating a million times a minute.

“Twi,” Crimson snapped his fingers in front of her and got her attention. “disregarding what just happened I’m gonna scram, get a change of cloths on and come back here. Okay?”

“O-okay.” She said in a nervous tone. Crimson gave her a peck on the cheek before jumping out the window. The man quickly made himself scarce and headed towards the guild. He was so sick with worry that he didn’t even see the green haired girl until he barreled into her.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going.” Ivy said as she shook her head.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re standing?” Crimson shook his head and saw Ivy. “Oh, sorry about that Ivy. I’m just a bit...distracted.” He said as he helped her up.

“You okay? You look kinda jumpy.”

“Twilight’s parents are here.” Ivy’s face went pale. She had known the fear the man was experiencing all too well.

“You poor bastard.” The woman then took flight and soared into the sky. Crimson quickly made his way to the guild and opened the door to see the other warriors eating breakfast.

“Hey Crimson.” Cobalt said with a wave. “Crow called and-”

“Not now.” He said in a rushed tone as walked over to the kitchen.

“You okay?” Rouge asked.

“Don’t wanna talk about it.” He groaned. The group shrugged and continued about their business as the red mage poured himself a cup of coffee and tried to calm his brain. Soon the man walked up to his room and saw Sunny coming out of hers.

“Morning Crimson.”

“Meh.” He said as he opened his door.

“You okay?” If it was anyone else Crimson would have blown them off, but Sunny was easily more sensitive than Fluttershy. Crimson sighed and looked at the golden haired Changeling.

“Twilight’s parents are here and almost walked in on us in bed together.”

“Oh dear.” The Changeling gulped.

“Exactly. So if Crow calls again, tell him I’m busy.” He said as he opened the door.

“Got it.”

“Thanks.” The man walked into his room and walked over to his closet. “Now what to wear?”

The indigo haired mage was donning a lavender shirt with a dark purple, knee length skirt. Across from her was a woman with a white blouse and tan khaki pants. Her hair was a snow white and had a line of purple like her daughter’s. Next to her was a man in a pressed blue suit that matched his neatly combed back hair. His yellow eyes were like two focused lasers ready to pick up anything that shifted.

Twilight was catching them both up on her studies and things that have changed around town. Both parents were surprised to see Spike’s wings and newly acquired scar. Twilight convinced them to meet Crimson first before she tried explaining what had happened. The young dragon hybrid did his best to prevent the purple magical time bomb from exploding, but he couldn’t stall much longer.

“So Twilight, where is this mystery man you spoke of in your letter?” Velvet said with an innocent grin.

“H-he should be here soon.” She said with sweat forming on her brow. The opening of the front door made Twilight sigh in relief. “That’s probably him now.” Twilight got to her feet and walked to the main floor of her library to see the blue winged flyer and the purple haired Changeling.

“Hey Twilight.” Cobalt said with a smile.

“We wanted to ask-” Rouge then saw the two visitors. “Oh, are we interrupting something?”

“Not really.” She said as she looked at the older couple. “These are my parents. Velvet and Nightlight Sparkle.”

“Hello.” Velvet said with a wave, Both warriors let out an ‘oh’ sound and understood why Crimson was so on edge. Rouge felt a small shiver and looked at the man. The man’s eyes glowed for a second before he frowned. “Something wrong dear?”

“No need to call the guards Mr. Sparkle.” Rouge said as she snapped her fingers. Her illusion shattered and the two gulped at her appearance.

“Oh, you’re a Changeling.” Velvet said in a slightly nervous tone.

“I take it you don’t see many in Canterlot.” Cobalt said as he scratched his neck. “No need to worry about Rouge here. She’s harmless, most of the time.” The Changeling stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend.

“So what is a Changeling doing here?” Night asked. Rouge rolled her eyes. She’d gotten the cold shoulder like this ever since the Changeling attack.

“I’m a Ranger with the Academy.”

“Really?” Velvet said in surprise. “I had no idea the Academy had Changeling agents.”

“We have a very diverse staff.” Cobalt said with a smile.

“So you two know this,” Night looks at his daughter. “Crimson was it?”

“Oh yeah. We’ve been on the same team since we were kids.”

“What can you tell us about-” The man was cut off as they heard a knock on the door. Twilight got to her feet and hurried over. She felt weight off her shoulders as she saw the man with a red collared shirt and his signature dark red coat. His hair was combed back and had a bag in his hand.

“Sorry I’m late. Had to get freshened up.” Crimson said as Twilight lead him inside. He noticed his two friends standing in the library. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Nothing, we were just leaving.” Rouge said as she took her boyfriend’s hand and they walked out of the large tree. Crimson watched them leave and turned back towards the couch where the two adults were sitting. He gulped when Velvet gave him a sly smirk and he remembered the woman almost walking in on him and her daughter. He didn’t need to look at Night’s gaze to feel the sharpened eyes ready to cut down anything he said.

“Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend Crimson Storm.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you both.” He said with a smile. Velvet shook his hand and smiled.

“Nice to see you when you’re more presentable.” Both young mages faces went red.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Night asked in a rough tone. Crimson felt the man’s eyes turn to daggers and were now focused on him.

“Well, I ran into Crimson and Twilight a few months ago while they were visiting Canterlot and I may have overreacted when I saw him.” Now it was her turn to blush.

“You hit him over the head with your typewriter.” Twilight said in a flat tone. Night gave a grin at the words and chuckled.

“Don’t worry about it. I can take a hit.” Crimson said with a smile. Night then stuck his hand out.

“Nightlight Sparkle.” As Crimson reached for his hand he felt Twilight’s own wrap around it and pulled him down next to her.Crimson raised an eyebrow at Twilight and saw a worried look on her face. Night frowned at the action and sat down next to his wife. “Now if I might inquire why my son has wings and a scar over his eye?”

“Oh, that.” Crimson said with a gulp.

Back at the guild Sunny was looking around the conference room when she saw the communication beacon blinking. She walked over to the small gem and tapped it twice with her finger. The gem glowed a lime green and the image of the cane wielding man came into view.

“Hello Crow.” Sunny said with a smile.

“Morning Sunny. Where’s Crimson? I need to talk to him.”

“Sorry Crow, but Crimson is busy today.”

“Is he on a mission?”

“No, it’s more of a personal engagement.” Crow rolled his eyes at the blandness of the words.

“Could you be a little more specific?”

“He’s meeting Twilight’s parents today.” Crow froze and blinked. Twice.

“Oh. I see.” He said as he adjusted his glasses. “Well, just tell him to call me when he gets the chance.”

“Okay. I’ll be sure to tell him.” She smiled as she cut the magic flow.

Crow sat behind his desk twiddling his thumbs with the crystal ball sitting on his desk in front of him. A thought came to him and the man grabbed his cane. He walked out of the door and saw a woman with dark brown hair, sporting a brown suit writing notes.

“Hazel, hold all my calls.”

“Where are you going Crow?” She asked as she adjusted her horn rimmed glasses on her nose.

“Just making a personal call.” He said with a wicked grin as he chuckled.

Nightlight and Velvet had just finished listening to Crimson about how Spike was injured and how he grew wings.

“So to set the record straight.” Night began. “You took Spike on a mission, he took down a massive creature with his fire. You are then attacked by the Bandit King’s right hand man.”

“Woman.” Spike corrected.

“Right. A few weeks later you and a few other agents raid a bandit meeting where you fight this woman and discover that she is one of your teammate’s long lost sister.”

“Correct.” The red haired man stated.

“And she is now currently living at the guild as she passes off info about almost every-single bandit organization in Equestria.”

“To sum it up, yes.” Night sat back and looked at the man. Velvet’s right eye twitched at the story and looked at Spike who was whistling to himself. There was a long silence in the room.

“Well, that was certainly a story.” Velvet said hoping to break the awkwardness.

“Yes, it was.” Night said as he stood up and heard the tea perking. “I’ll get the tea. Velvet care to give me a hand?”

“Of course dear.” Crimson watched as the two went into the kitchen. Crimson turned towards Twilight and saw her relax.

“So far so good.”

“Yeah, why didn’t you let me shake your dad’s hand. It’s kinda rude not to.” Crimson said in a flat tone. Twilight sighed and looked at the man.

“My dad is a really, really powerful sensor.”


“When he shakes people’s hands he can use his magic to scan other peoples’ magic and learn about them.”

“Learn about them?”

“He can detect their personality and the type of magic they use.” Crimson still looked confused. “I’m worried he might find out about your.....um.” The girl said as she pointed to his chest.

“Oh. Right.” He said as he saw the two adults come back in with a tray with a pot of tea and a few cups beside the pot. Crimson poured them each a cup and they continued to talk.

“So what exactly was your job again?” Night asked.

“Dad.” Twilight said in a flat tone.

“Relax Twilight.” Crimson said with a smile. “I’m a Zealot ranked agent and I’m the Fable guild leader.”

“Fable guild?”

“The guild at the far edge of town near the Everfree forest.” Crimson rolled up the sleeve on his right arm to his shoulder and showed the same emblem that was on the sign. “We still only have a few members, but we get the job done.”

“And there are other mages like you there?” Velvet asked.

“Not exactly like me, but we do have a lot of different people there.”

“What kind of magic do you use?” Velvet asked. Crimson and Twilight gulped at the question.

“Well, I can use a variety; some fire, a little ice and a few others.”

“I think what my wife is asking is what your specialty is.” Night said as he sipped his tea. Crimson looked at Twilight who had an uneasy look on her face.

“Most of the time I use shadow magic.” Night sputtered into his tea. “On occasion I use blood magic.”

“Blood magic!?” Both adults said in shock. Blood magic was categorized as a forbidden art, even amongst the most skilled mages.

“I take it you’re familiar with it?”

“Only that it’s a forbidden art.” Night stated. “Where did you learn it?”

“It’s inherent magic from my mother’s side.” Crimson said in a flat tone.

“What do your parents do?” Velvet asked trying to lighten the mood.

“Unfortunately they are no longer with us.” Velvet immediately regretted asking.

“Oh I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay. It happened a long time ago and I had a good upbringing.” He said in a calm tone. “They were both Zealot agents in the Academy. They both dies in the demon attack sixteen years ago.” The group then heard a taping at the window. Velvet got up and saw a black crow tapping it’s beak against the window.

“Shoo, shoo!” The woman said as she opened the window and waved her hand in a sweeping motion. The bird squawked and flew into the kitchen. “Oh dear.” She said as she watched the bird fly towards the couch. The bird landed on the arm rest of the couch next to Crimson and preened it’s wings.

“Damn it.” Crimson said as the bird burst into a cloud of black and green smoke. The group heard coughing and saw a a man in his mid forties, sporting a black suit with a dark green tie. A pair of wire rimmed rectangular glasses were perched on his nose and a black cane with a silver raven head was as the handle was clutched in the man’s hands.

“Oh good, for a second I thought I had the wrong place.” He said with a chuckle. Velvet and Night’s jaws dropped at the man.

“Y-you’re Crow Blackbird.” Night said with a gulp. “Seventh seat on the council.”

“And you must be Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle.” He said as he extended his hand. Night had never met anyone from the magic counsel in his life and here he was shaking his hand.

“Wh-what brings such a distinguished mage here?” Velvet asked. Crow put a hand on Crimson’s shoulder and smiled.

“Well, I heard that my son was meeting his girlfriend’s parents so I decided that it was fair that you meet me.” Velvet and Night both looked at one another in shock.

“B-but Crimson just told us that his parents are dead.” The woman stated. Crow frowned and looked at the red haired man.

“You didn’t mention me?”

“I was about to when you came in and joined the conversation.” Crimson said in a stagnant tone. “Crow here is my godfather and looked after me after my parents died.” Both adults gave an ‘oh’ at the words. Bothe Sparkles saw the man in a new light. Not only was he considered a high level mage, but was raised by one of the most powerful warriors of their generation.

“So...I’ve got this thing.” Crimson snapped his fingers and a red scythe appeared in his hands. Velvet and Night looked at the weapon in shock.

“Is that a scythe?” The blue haired man asked.

“It’s also a customizable, high impact sniper rifle.”


“It’s also a gun.” He said as he made the scythe vanish. Soon, Twilight brought out another pot of tea and the group continued conversing. Through out the conversation Crimson felt the blue haired man’s eyes on him. Watching him like a hawk waiting to come in and yank the small rabbit out of it’s hole so it can have a meal.

“So you’ve really been to saddle Arabia?” Velvet asked.

“Yeah, had to handle a nasty Djinn that got loose.” Crimson said as he sipped his tea. “Thankfully Cliff and I managed to subdue her and the Sphinx she enchanted.”

“Who’s Cliff?” Night asked.

“Oh he’s Crimson’s dog.” Spike answered.

“What kind? I love dogs.” Velvet chimed.

“He’s...a special kind.”

“I’ll say. He can talk.” Twilight and her parents looked at the hybrid.

“He can?” The three said in surprise. Crimson scratched his head and saw Crow raising an eyebrow at him.

“Can we see the little fella?” The woman asked. Crow gave a snicker at the word little. Crimson sighed and got to the door. The man put two fingers to his lips and let out a whistle that echoed for miles and miles. Velvet looked down at her tea cup and saw the liquid trembling. The ground soon started to shake and heard a loud howl coming down the road. As the vibrations started knocking books off the shelves the parents stood up and gulped. The vibrations halted and the parent’s heard heavy breathing. Night noticed that the nearby window was being fogged up.

Velvet walked to the window and saw a wall of red fur. She yelped back when she saw the wall move and saw a large red pupil and a row of large white teeth. She heard the man snap his fingers and there was flash of blinding red light. Crimson opened the door and the group gulped to see a large three headed dog the size of a husky. The dog noticed the visitors and put it’s ears back as he growled.

“Easy Cliff. They’re friendly.” Crimson stated. The dog looked up at the man and sat on it’s haunches. “They also know about you talking.”

“Great.” The middle head said with a groan. Twilight felt her eyelid twitch as she saw the dog form words.

“Well, at least they look interesting.” The left head said in a higher pitched tone.

“I say eat them.” The right one stated. Crimson gave a sharp whistle.

“Th-thats a Cerberus.” Night stated with a gulp.

“Yeah, don’t worry about him. He won’t do anything without my say so.” The right head snickered. “Most of the time.” Twilight had met the dog before but now that she knew that it was capable of intelligent thought she saw it in a whole new light. Velvet slowly approached the dog and it sniffed her hand.

“Well, he seems well trained.” Velvet said with a small grin.

“Where did you get a Cerberus?” Night asked. He’d heard myths about the three headed dogs, but never believed that they were real.

“That is a very, very long story.” Crimson stated. The group heard Twilight’s clock go off and saw that it was already five in the afternoon. Crow felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out a small green gem. He ran his magic through it and the image of the brown haired secretary appeared before him.

“Hello Hazel. How goes the day?”

“All quiet for the most part.” She said as she adjusted her glasses. “Your special guest has arrived and is waiting for you.” Crow bit his lip and nodded.

“I’ll be there soon.” He cut the magic flow and sighed. “Terribly sorry everyone, but duty calls.” He said as he straightened his coat. “Wonderful to meet you both.” He said as he shook each of the visitors’ hands.

“Likewise.” Velvet smiled. Crow then shifted into the black bird and flew out the nearby window. Crimson made his way into the kitchen and summoned a few slabs of meat and started to cook Twilight was about to aid him but was stopped by Spike, much to her parents’ relief. The Cerberus had laid down in the corner and was taking a nap. Spike and Twilight continued to keep their parents entertained while crimson finished up dinner. The group sat down at the table and their eyes were boggling over the creation. It looked like a delicacy you see in those fancy Canterlot restaurants for fifteen bits a slice.

“What’s your preference to wine?” Crimson asked as he reached for the bag he brought earlier.

“Red.” Velvet smiled.

“Good. I wasn’t sure.” Crimson brought the bag over to them and unwrapped the bottle. It looked like it had never been touched by human hands. Crimson uncorked the bottle and poured each of the adults a glass. Spike settled for a can of soda. Velvet sniffed the wine as it breathed and her eyes widened.

“This is Cherry Rose wine.” She said as her husband had the same look of surprise. “They only sell this once every ten years! Where did you get this?”

“I know the brewer personally. He had a troll issue and I dealt with it. He was so grateful that he gave me unlimited access to his wine seller and I can take bottles out whenever I want.” He said as he gave a sip of his wine.

“Twilight. Marry him. Now.” Velvet said in a light hearted tone. The group chuckled at the idea of marriage centered around an alcoholic beverage.

“So what are we eating?” Spike asked.

“Flayed Ursa Major with a pinch of rosemary and garlic.” The group looked at one another in surprise.

“Did Twilight ever cook for you?” Night asked.

“No, I don’t believe she has.”

“Then you’re lucky.” Spike stated as Twilight shot him a dirty look from across the table. Night’s eyes were still focused on the man as they ate.

“So what’s Crimson like in your opinion Spike?” Night asked.

“He’s really cool. Took me on an awesome mission and he paid me.” The group raised an eyebrow.

“Spike did a lot of work. Including saved me from an overgrown tree. Figured he should get a reward for his efforts.” Crimson stated.

“He’s also taught Twilight a bit more magic.” He said as he took another bite from his meal. “The downside is the time.”

“Time?” Velvet asked.

“Yeah, I mean he studies with Twilight at crazy hours.” Both young mages gulped at the words. “I mean it’s normal for Twilight to go on crazy study binges but their lessons sound crazy.”

“How so?” Night asked as his gaze sharpened.

“I think Crimson might be teaching Twilight how to exorcise ghost cause I hear moans and-” Twilight kicked her brother’s leg under the table and he bit his lip in pain. Velvet only giggled as Crimson felt Night’s eyes getting ready to cut him down.

“Well, so long as you two are being careful. I don’t think either of you two want to be parents just yet.” Both Twilight and Crimson hung their heads in embarrassment.

“I’m confused. What do ghosts have to do with kids?”

“Spike, why don’t you collect the dishes and put them in the sink?” Twilight stated. The boy shrugged and took his plate into the kitchen. Velvet did the same and brought her daughter with her. Twilight shot Crimson a nervous glance as they exited the room. Now Crimson was sitting across from Nightlight Sparkle. Twilight’s father. Alone.

Night let out a long sigh and folded his hands. His golden eyes were still trained in the man looking at him with a blank expression.

“I don’t understand it.” Night stated.


“I don’t know why but there’s something off about you.” Crimson gulped at the words. “I can usually get a good read off of people but with you, it’s like looking at a scattered jigsaw puzzle.” He said with a sigh. “Apart from that you seem like a nice decent young man.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Please, call me Night. You’re practically family after all.” He chuckled. Velvet, Twilight and Spike made their way out and took their seats. Twilight and the others continued to converse with one another, but Crimson remained silent. He rolled several thoughts around in his head and let out a sigh.

“Crimson?” Twilight asked as she looked at her boyfriend. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Just thinking is all.” Crimson bit his lip and looked at the visitors. “There is something else you two should know about me.” His tone was serious and Twilight gulped.

“Crimson I really don’t-”

“They have a right to know Twilight.” Both parents looked at him in surprise. Crimson let out a long sigh. “How much do you know about the demon attack sixteen years ago?” Both parents thought for a moment.

“Not much. Only what we heard on the news.” Night stated.

“Our son was there.” Night stated. “He doesn’t like to talk about it and we never asked out of respect. He lost a few of his friends in that.” Crimson lowered his head. “We only know that it was a joint effort between the Magic Council and the Royal Guard. Together they killed the beats.”

“That’s....not exactly what happened.” Crimson stated. “It’s impossible to kill a demon. You can only seal it.”

“What?” Night asked.

“When the demon was weakened, members of the Academy sealed the demon spirit inside of a human body.” Both Twilight’s parents looked shocked at the news. “It’s not something we like to talk about.”

“So you know where this...thing is?” Night asked in disgust.



“The term you’re looking for is Conduit and yes I know him, as do you.”


“He sitting ten feet away from you.” A long silence fell over the group. Velvet looked at Twilight who had a guilty look on her face. Night gritted his teeth and glared at the man.

“Are you trying to be funny boy?”

“No joke. The demon that attacked Equestria is sealed inside my body.” Crimson said as the two had a shocked look on their faces.

“Now before anyone says something-” Twilight was cut off by her father standing up and glaring at the man.

“This is an outrage!” He pointed his finger at Crimson.

“Night dear, calm down and let him-”

“I will not calm down Velvet!” He yelled. “I will not have my daughter exposed to the likes of a demon!”

“Now hold on dad!” Twilight yelled. “Crimson may have something bad inside of him, but he has done nothing but help Equestria.”

“I don’t care what he has or hasn’t done.” He yelled. Crimson still held his composure at the man’s insults. “Worse is that he’s turned my daughter into some devil worshiping slut who-” The next thing the man saw was a flash of red and something pressing up against his neck. The group gasped when they saw Crimson holding his scythe edge to the man’s throat.

“Now it’s my turn to talk.” Crimson said in a dark tone. Night looked at the man and saw that the white’s of his eyes were black and his pupils were spliced. A pair of horns were also starting to sprout from his head. “You listen to me and you listen to me good because I’m only going to say this once.” Night didn’t dare flinch or gulp for fear of the blade cutting his throat. The sheer sharpness had already cut through his dark blue necktie. “Say whatever the hell you want about me. I’m use to it, but under no circumstances are you to insult my girlfriend like that and I will not sit idly by while she’s ridiculed by her own father.”

“Since you mean a great deal to Twilight I’ll overlook it this time, but only this time, because next time I’ll take off more than just the necktie.” Crimson removed the blade and made it vanish. The horns receded back into his head and his eyes returned to normal. Crimson sat down next to Twilight and let out a sigh. Night rubbed the area where the blade had once been and thankfully felt no blood. The man thought for a long time and finally broke the silence.

“Twilight,” Night said in a calm tone. “I approve.”




“Um, what?” The scholar asked in confusion.

“Any man who is willing to go that far for my daughter, even threatening me for your safety has my respect.” Twilight and the group let out a sigh of relief. “While you’re not my first choice, I suppose you’re not the worst.”

“Thanks?” Crimson said unsure whether to take it as a compliment or an insult.

“Now how about some desert?” Spike, Twilight and Velvet left the room to get some bowls. “That was quite the speech there Crimson.”

“I meant every word of it.”

“I sensed that. I also know that there’s more to your story than meets the eye.”

“It wasn’t like I had a choice to house this thing.” Crimson folded his arms.

“So what does my daughter mean to you?” Crimson sat back and closed his eyes as he thought about the times when he first met the scholar.

“Both my parents were killed in the attack and it’s only a haunting reminder of that experience. When you lose something that important to you it leaves a hole in your heart.” The man sighed. “Since I’ve met Twilight she’s helped me fill in those gaps and made the pain easier to bear. The least I can do for her is to make sure she’s happy while I’m still here?”

“And what if you don’t come back one day?” Crimson bit his lip. “ You obviously have a dangerous job. What if something were to happen to you? What then?”

“Then I can only hope that she meets someone who can keep her happy. Whether it’s with me or someone else.” He said in a low tone. “I’ll always try to come back and that’s all I can really promise.”

“I suppose I can accept that.” Night stated. “Now let me make a promise.” He waved Crimson closer and whispered to him. “If you so much as hurt my daughter in anyway then so help me I will ensure that every waking moment of your life is nothing but pure hell.” Crimson gulped and saw the honesty in his eyes. “Oh and don’t think you’re out of the woods just yet Crimson. You may have gained my approval, but you still have a real hurdle ahead.”

“Wh-what hurdle?”

“Tell me, has Twilight mentioned her older brother?”

“Not really. I don’t even know his name.” Crimson stated.

“Well, you are in for a treat then. If you thought I was bad then he is so much worse.” He chuckled.

“How old is he?”

“There’s a ten year gap between them. Twilight is more like a daughter to him and you’ll need a miracle to get his approval.” He chuckled. "I'll also be sending him a letter that we've met you." Crimson gave a nervous gulp. "I won't tell him anything involving what you are. Not my place to tell."

“Great," He said in a sarcastic tone. "and why are you telling me this?” Night sat back and sighed.

“I don’t trust you completely, but Twilight seems to trust you and I trust her judgement and there are some...redeeming qualities about you.”

“Enough that you’ll tell me about Twi’s older brother?” Crimson asked with a sheepish grin.

“Don’t push your luck.” He said in a flat tone. “But in all fairness, good luck. You’ll need it.” He chuckled. Twilight and the others came out with a few bowls of ice cream and cups of coffee. After desert, Velvet and Night departed the tree house and Crimson gave them the half bottle of wine they didn’t finish. Crimson gave Twilight a quick kiss and made his way back to the guild.

Time for some well deserved rest. He thought as he opened the door he saw Bandit and Cobalt fall from the upper levels and landed in a heap. Or not. Cobalt grabbed Crimson’s coat and looked like a train had run over him.

“The bread sticks.” Was all he said before passing out.

“Crimson!” The man looked up and gulped to see Ivory with two large bread sticks holstered on her back As she removed one, it made the sound of a sword being unsheathed from it’s blade. Seriously, what are those things made of? The woman pointed it at the man and grinned. “It is payback time!” She leapt off the bannister with the roll of destruction raised and everything went black as she brought it down on his head.