• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,696 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

  • ...

Chapter XVIII: Savior

Chapter XVIII


It was a bright day in the town of Ponyville. The morning sun, made the resident dew on the grass turn to mist, giving the town an erie look to it. Cobalt yawned as he sipped his mug of coffee and groaned as he saw Crimson coming down from the top with Ivy by his side. “Morning,”

“Rough night?” Crimson asked.

“Meh, just sore.” He said as the two walked over to the job board and picked up a request. “Going on a job?”

“Yup, we need to clear out some trolls. We’ll be back in a day.” Ivy said grabbing her bag. Cobalt smiled and returned to his meal. After he was finished he decided to go for an early morning flight.

He shook his wings and launched into the sky. The man loved the feeling of wind brushing against his face. He looked down to see a familiar orange winged flyer and her two friends. He touched down and smiled. “Morning Scoots.” The man raised an eyebrow as he saw a bruise on the flyer’s eye. “You okay? That’s quite the mark you got there.”

“Um yeah, I was practicing landing earlier and I landed on my face.” The girl said with a light chuckle.“So, what’s today’s lesson?” As she asked as a familiar rainbow haired flyer came down from a nearby cloud.

“Hey squirt,” Dash smiled. “want to watch me do some cool new tricks?” She asked in a proud tone.

“No thanks.” Dash’s expression shattered. Usually she’d have to fly all over Ponyville in order to hide from the young flyer to get a moments peace and now she was turning down a chance to watch her? “Cobalt and I are gonna train.”

“Train?” She said in surprise.

“I’ve been giving Scootaloo flying lessons.” Cobalt stated.

“What? Since when?”

“Since two months ago,” Scootaloo muttered under her breath.

“Why didn’t you offer me lessons?” Dash asked looking at the blue haired man.

“Because you’re a grown woman and you know how to fly.” He said with a raised eyebrow. “Scoots didn’t and I was more than happy to help her learn.”

“Why didn’t you come to me Scoots?” Scootaloo just stared at the cyan flyer like her head had just split open and three more had grown in it’s place. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she glared at the woman.

“I did! Like a million times and you kept blowing me off!” The young flyer yelled. “You probably just kept me around to boost your own ego! Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.” Dash opened her mouth, but her words died in her throat.

She had to admit that she loved the un ending attention she got from the beginner. “That’s what I thought.” Scootaloo said crossing her arms. “Well, go find someone else to be a brown nose. I have a real role model, Cobalt.” The blue winged flyer rubbed his face.

“C’mon Scoots, don’t get me involved in this.” The blue flyer whispered as he looked at the youth.

“He actually teaches me and he’s a better flyer than you’ll ever be.” That set fire in Rainbow’s eyes. She casted a glare at Cobalt and walked up to him so their faces were inches apart form one another.

“You, Me, Race. Winner take all!” She said while clenching her fists.

“All of what?” He gestured to the empty area around them.

“The glory!” Cobalt would have protested further, but he knew the stubborn woman wouldn’t backdown.

“Fine. When and where?” He asked.

“Noon at the center of town!” She said taking off. Cobalt sighed and looked down at Scootaloo.

“Why’d you get me into this mess?”

“What? You can take her.” She said.

“Scoots, I know you’re upset with Rainbow. Who can blame you? But that doesn’t give you the right to call her out like that and get other people, like me, involved.” The girl just crossed her arms and kicked the ground. “Anyway, I’d better get practicing.” As he was about to take off, he grimaced as he saw Angel walking down the road in his direction.

“Hey feather brain.” The white haired woman said with a less than pleased look on her face.

“Need something Angel?” Cobalt asked with a roll of his eyes. “If you’re looking for Crimson, he left on a job with Ivy early this morning.”

“I know that already, Crimson told me to give you this.” She reached into her pocket and handed him a letter. The man tore the envelope open and read it to himself.

Cobalt, keep an eye on Angel for me. I know you two don’t get along, but TRY to not kill each other until I get back. Cobalt sighed and looked at the woman.

“Just try to behave Angel.” The teenager only stuck her tongue out at him.

“Yes dad.” She said in a sarcastic tone. Cobalt and the girls went to the park and the flyer took off starting to practice his agility. Angel noticed the bruises on the child’s face and raised an eyebrow. “Where’d you get the shiner kid?”

“Oh...I uh...was playing wing-ball and the ball hit my face.” The girl said with a nervous laugh. Angel deadpanned at the girl.

“Right.” She said in disbelief. Word of the race between the two spread like wild fire through the town. The towns people had even set up a start and finish line close to town hall. Cobalt approached the line. He started to stretch as he waited for Rainbow to show up. A crowd started to gather as noon approached. The rainbow haired flyer in question soon arrived with a confident look on her face.

Angel was standing beside Rouge in the crowd. “Ten bits says the loud mouth beats your boy-toy.”

“I am not betting.” The changeling huffed.

“Twenty bits?”

“Done.” The girls shook on it as Cobalt continued to stretch.

“So where exactly are we racing to?” Cobalt asked.

“We’re going through Ponyville, past AJ’s farm, to that large mountain and back.” Rainbow pointed to the large mountain where she and her friends had that dragon encounter. “Remember, no magic.” Rainbow stated firmly.

“Won’t even need it to beat you.” He said as he got into starting position. At the sound of a horn the two took off at break neck pace. The two flyers wee little more than a blur as they raced through the small town. Thankfully word of the race spread through the town and the streets were vacant. The competitors made it outside the town and flew up high in the sky as they passed over the apple farm.

“Not bad,” Cobalt yelled over to Dash. “I might actually break a sweat.” Rainbow grit her teeth at the taunt and decided to use a few of the tricks she had up her sleeve. She went back down to the clouds and started kicking some as she flew by making them explode and gush the water they had stored. Cobalt saw this and skillfully dodged the vain attempts to slow him down.

Dash reached the mountain top and took a moment to catch her breath. Her breather was short lived as she saw Cobalt coming right behind her. The flyer had one last card to play and grinned in anticipation. She took off back towards the town and rose high above the clouds once more.

She prepared her wings and shot straight down towards the town. Soon a mach cone started to form around her and she soon became a streak of rainbows as she broke the sound barrier. A cocky grin spread across her face as she saw the finish line. As she got within twelve yards of the finish line a bright blue blur shot past her and took the victory. The blue blur shot past the line and slowed before crashing into the ground making a crater.

Rouge hurried over to the crater with some of the crowd. “You okay hun?” Cobalt gave the group a thumbs up before climbing out of the small crater. Rouge helped brush the dirt off him as Rainbow marched up to him.

“What was that?” She yelled.

“That was me breaking the sound barrier.” Dash’s jaw hit the floor and was at a loss for words. “What? You thought you were the only one who could do that?”

“Yeah, kinda!” Rainbow said as the realization hit her ego, hard. “Y-you must have cheated!”

“How? I couldn’t use any magic even if I wanted to. I didn’t have my sword or any of my amplifiers on me. It’s impossible for me to do it without them.” Cobalt stated in a pointed tone. “Besides, almost every flyer in the Academy system can do what I just did.”

“Y-you’re lying!”

“Sorry Rainbow, he’s not.” Rouge interjected. “Ivy, Crusher, and almost every agent that has wings at his level can do it. I can’t because Changeling wings and bodies aren’t meant for that kind of speed. Same for Crimson and Ivory since their wings are only temporary.” Rainbow’s eyes twitched at the words.

“I just don’t do it too often because I can only go in a straight line and I need to rest for a quite a while afterwards or else my wings could get seriously damaged. Something like that isn’t really useful in a combat situation.” Fuming Rainbow took off into the skies. Scootaloo then raced up to Cobalt and hugged him.

“That was so awesome! Can I do that?” She asked with hopeful eyes.

“You’re a long ways away, but if you keep training then you can do anything. One day you might even be better than me.” He said as he ruffed her hair. Cobalt winced slightly as he felt his wings throb. “Sorry Scoots, but I have to call it quits today. That stunt wiped me out.” He sighed.

Rouge grinned as Angel gave her the money they settled on before the race. The ice mage grumbled and crossed her arms as she grumbled to herself. Cobalt groaned again as he felt throbbing in his back. Angel snapped her fingers ad his wings became encased in ice. The flyer winced at the sudden cold feeling on his back and felt his teeth chatter. “That should help with the swelling.” Angel said crossing her arms.

“Thanks.” Cobalt said as he gave the ice mage a smile.

“I just did it so you wouldn’t start complaining.” Angel said as she avoided eye contact with the man.

“That just warms my heart.” He said as Angel muttered something inaudible under her breath. The rest of the day was spent with Cobalt watching Scootaloo practice flying and giving her some tips while he stayed on the ground. Angel had a book with her and leaned against a nearby tree to read. Hours past and dusk soon came to the sleepy town. Scootaloo laid on the grass panting heavily. “Looking good Scoot,” Cobalt said with a smile.

“Sweet,” She panted as she stood up. She looked at her watch and her blood ran cold.

“Something wrong?”

“I’m late! I gotta go!” As she jumped to take off she winced in pain and flopped on the ground.

“You’re too worn out Scootaloo. You can’t fly with your wings in that condition.” Cobalt went to get up, but his girlfriend pushed him back down.

“You’re in the same boat idiot.” Rouge said in a stern tone.

“I can take her back.” Angel said putting the book away. Scootaloo looked at the ice mage and raised an eyebrow.

“Uh, how are you gonna do that?” Angel crossed her arms and two demonic looking wings made of ice sprouted from her back.

“I can’t fly as fast as Cobalt, but I can get you home.” She said offering her hand. Scootaloo looked at Cobalt unsure about the woman. Cobalt paused and gave her a reassuring nod.

“She’s safe Scoot. She may look crabby, but she’s harmless for the most part.” Angel stuck her tongue out at the blue flyer. Scootaloo took hold of Angel’s hand and the two took off. Scootaloo spread her wings and glided beside the white haired woman. The flight was mostly silent apart from Scootaloo giving directions.

They soon arrived in front of a shabby looking cloud house. They touched down in Cloudsdale and Angel used a spell so she could walk on the fluffy surface. “This is where you live?” She asked.

“Y-yeah, you can go now.” Angel ignored her and walked up to the house before knocking on the door. The door opened a crack to reveal Scootaloo’s mother, Gale. Her light purple hair was a bit disheveled and Angel could see a black and blue mark on her collar bone.

“Y-yes? How can I help you?” She asked in a hesitant tone.

“Yeah, I’m here to drop off your daughter.” Angel stood aside and Scootaloo rushed into the house.

“Oh, are you one of Cobalt’s friends?” She inquired.

“More like business acquaintance.” Angel took note of another bruise on the woman’s neck. “Are you okay? You look a little worse for wear.” There was the sound a of a bottle shattering coming from deep in the house. Angel could see fear in the woman’s eyes as she looked back into the dark home. She looked towards Scootaloo who had the same look on her face and was nervously rubbing her arm.

“Y-yes, I’m quite fine dear. Thank you for bringing Scootaloo home.” With that the woman closed the door swiftly. Angel bit her lip and started to return to the guild. As soon as she was on the ground she stormed into the guild hall and approached the front desk.

“Hello Angel,” Sunny smiled. “is there something-”

“Where’s Cobalt? I need to talk to him.” Sunny was surprised at what the ice mage was saying. For all she knew she could barely stand Cobalt, or anyone that wasn’t Crimson for that matter. She pointed up the stairs on the far side of the building.

“He should be up in his room.” Angel quickly made her way to the second floor and searched for Cobalt’s room number. She found it and pounded on the door. After waiting a few seconds she tried a more direct approach. With a firm kick the door broke of it’s hinges and fell on the floor with a loud slam.

“What the hell?” Cobalt shot up from his bed suddenly causing his girlfriend to tumble off him. Rouge frantically pulled the covers off the bed to cover her naked form.

“What is your problem ice Queen?” The changeling hissed.

“Can it. Cobalt, we got a problem.”

“Yeah, you kicking in my door!” He huffed as he put his pants back on. Angel put a hand on her hip and took in a deep breath to calm her nerves.

“I’m serious, so shut up and listen.” Angel then went into detail concerning the conflicting stories about Scootaloo’s aforementioned black eye along with the bruises she saw on the young flyer’s mother.

“That doesn’t sound good.” Cobalt said as he folded his arms over his chest. “You’re sure about what you saw.”

“They were scared to death. I know that look on Scootaloo’s face all to well.” Angel said as she leaned against the wall. “All I’m saying is that we should check it out. You okay to fly?”

“Yeah, I used some ointment on my wings. I can’t fly at full speed, but I can still make it to Cloudsdale.” He said as he got dressed and attached his sword to his belt before the two took off towards the home. On their way they ran into a certain rainbow haired flyer who had a sour look on her face due to her damaged pride.

“You-” Cobalt held up a hand to stop her.

“Dash, on any other day I would let you bite my head off until the cows come home, but for right now I need to make sure Scootaloo is okay.” That stopped Rainbow in her tracks. She saw the seriousness on their faces and raised an eyebrow.

“I think Scoot’s old man might be knocking her and her mom around.” Angel said before going on ahead.

“I’m coming too!” Rainbow quickly caught up with Angel.

“Fine, just don’t get in our way.” The trio touched down in front of the house Angel had come from.

“Scootaloo lives here?” Dash had never been to Scootaloo’s home and now she was wishing she hadn’t. The three could hear raised voices coming from inside the home. As Angel was about to knock on the door, a gun shot rang out. Abandoning decency, Angel and Cobalt kicked the door down and raced inside.

The two warriors got to where they heard the shot and saw a tall burly mad with dark orange wings holding a hand gun. Gale was on the ground clutching her bleeding shoulder in pain and Scootaloo was unconscious behind her mother. The orange winged man whirled around and pointed the gun at the intruders. Angel struck first by encasing the man’s hands in ice. Cobalt then rushed him and slammed him against the wall and stepped back before Angel encased his body from the neck down in ice.

The two then checked on Gale and Scootaloo. “She’s bleeding bad.” Angel said as she covered the cut with some ice to help hold the blood in. She then moved to Scootaloo. “She’s out cold, could have a concussion.” Cobalt looked back towards the doorway to see Rainbow standing dumbfounded wth tears in her eyes.

“Rainbow!” Cobalt yelled to get the girl’s attention. The flyer jumped out of her stunned state and looked at the man. “I can’t carry them both with my wings like this. Take Scootaloo and get her to the hospital. I’ll follow with Gale.” Cobalt said as he picked the woman up in his arms.

“O-okay.” She picked the wounded girl up and sped off towards Ponyville at breakneck speed. Angel pressed the tip of her rapier against the shooter’s neck.

“Angel, stop!”

“Why should I?” She yelled. “He’s scum! He deserves what’s coming to him.” She hissed a a little bit of blood showed on the man’s skin. “What kind of monster harms their own child?” She said in hushed tone.

“I know how you feel, but this isn’t how we do things.” He huffed as he looked down at the bleeding woman in his arms. “Do you really want his blood on your hands? Besides, you’re not a monster like him. You’re better than that.”

Angel paused and her arm started shaking. “Just think, what would Crimson do?” The ice mage bit her lip and sheathed her blade, but slammed the handle into the man’s nose, breaking it and knocking him out.

“Fine.” She said before leaving to fetch the police and Cobalt made haste towards the hospital.

Hours later, Cobalt, Angel and the rest of the CMC were waiting in the hospital. Angel had quickly explained what had happened and they hauled the man off. He wasn’t going to be seeing the outside of a cell for quite some time. Soon, a doctor approached the worried group, Rainbow was the first to jump from her seat. “How are they doc?”

“They’re both going to be fine.” The group let out a joined sigh of relief. “Gale has a minor shoulder wound, thankfully the bullet went all the way through and it didn’t fragment. Scootaloo only has a minor concussion, probably a knock to the head from the pistol judging by the bruise. All they need is some rest.” He smiled. Dash and the other two girls eagerly went to check in on their friend. Cobalt was about to join them but saw Angel leaving. He followed her out in front of the hospital and called her name.

“What?” She asked as she faced the man.

“You did good Angel, really.” Cobalt scratched the back of his head. “I know we don’t get along that well and we take shots at one another from time to time, but you’re a good person at heart.” Angel crossed her arms and refused to meet the man’s eye.

“I still think I should have killed him.” She huffed. “People like him deserve it.” Cobalt walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

“I know how you feel Angel, but” Angel smacked his hand away and spun to face him. Cobalt froze as he saw tears running down her face.

“What do you know about me?” She said as she wiped her tears away. Cobalt backed away defensively as he felt the air around the white haired woman was starting to get cold. Angel turned on her heel and stormed back towards the guild.


Later that night, Angel found herself subjected to the voice that plagued her mind every night. It spoke of dark things that would make the strongest men and women turn white with fear. She’d been fighting for so long and now she was almost out of strength. As she steadied herself on her hands and knees, a figure clothed in white shadows approached her.

“Just let go and all this pain will be over.” Angel spat in the apparition’s face and cursed a violent curse. The shadow clicked it’s tongue and shook their head. “That’s not very lady-like.” Something wrapped around the shadow and pulled it back as it screamed.

“Mind if I cut in?” A familiar voice echoed through the void. Angel looked up to see Crimson holding a chain that led around the demon’s neck and body.

“How are you here? I though I was asleep.” Angel asked as she got to her feet.

“You are asleep. I’m here because you need to talk with someone.” She was about to ask who as a bright blue light illuminated everything. Princess Luna appeared before them and the shadow hissed loudly.

“Interlopers!” Crimson tugged on the chain and threw it into a large cage. The demon shrieked as he shut the door.

“I suggest you keep your mouth shut.” Crimson said in a menacing tone. He turned his eyes to Luna. “Thank you for helping me with this.”

“Think nothing of it, it is our duty to ensure all are safe during the night.” Luna turned her gaze to Angel and gave her a smile. “Come let us talk.”

“About what?” Angel said as she frowned. Luna let out a deep breath and sat in a chair she conjured.

“I know how you feel Angel.” The Princess’ tone was somber. “Like you I have also been gone for over a thousand years with nothing but the harrowing voice of a dark being for company.” Angel laughed a dark laugh.

“You think you know me?” She shook her head. “You don’t know a damn thing.” Her glare shifted from Luna to Crimson. “Neither of you do!”

“Angel, out of everyone I know how you feel.” Crimson said in a calm tone. She pointed an accusatory finger at the red haired man.

“You became a conduit in an explosion! It was over in a flash, painless!” Her tone was filled with rage and sadness. “Mine was slow, lasting for hours and hours of nothing but pain.” Tears were rolling down her face now, but she wiped them away quickly. “Every night I can hear her voice laughing at me, waiting until I break.” She slumped down to her knees and wept. “You will never understand.”

“I don’t understand?” Crimson said with a half chuckle as he pointed to himself. “Are you kidding me? Of course I understand. You think my life has been an easy walk through the park?” His tone was getting louder and angrier as he turned to the shadow.

“You think this little half demon is a problem? I deal with a bigger demon than you will ever know! I see worse things than you can ever imagine and when I close my eyes,” He said as he clenched his hand into a tight fist. “I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count!” He was breathing hard now.

“And you know what I do with all that pain and anger? Shall I tell you where I put it? I hold it tight, until it burns my hands.” He held up both his fists that were now wet with his own blood. “And I say this: No one else will ever have to live like this, no one else will ever have to feel this pain, not on my watch!” He let his hands drop and he walked up to his student and crouched in front of her so their eyes met.

“In truth, you give me hope.” He said in a much gentler tone. “You’ve had to endure so much on your own and you’re still fighting even after all this time.” He wrapped his arms around her and brought her into a tight hug. Angel felt tears forming in her eyes and went to wipe them away, but Crimson stopped her. “It’s okay to cry every now and then.”

“It means I’m weak.” She sniffled. Crimson shook his head.

“Tears don’t mean someone is weak, tears show when someone has been strong for too long.” Luna stated as she placed a hand on Angel’s shoulder and gave her a smile.

“It shows you’re still human.” Crimson said as he rubbed her back. Angel buried her head in his chest and let everything she’d been holding inside herself come out. “Angel, I can’t give you what you want, only you can do that.”

“I don’t know what I want anymore.” She sniffled.

“Yes, you do. All you have to do is say it.” He said. Angel cleared her mind and bit her lip.

“I want to help.” She gulped. “I want to make sure that no one has to go through what I,” She paused. “what we’ve had to endure.”

“Neither of us have lead charmed lives, but it isn’t so bad.” Angel looked up at him to see him smiling. “We’re not alone anymore, we both have friends to watch our backs now.” There was another flash of light, this time it was green and Ivy joined next to the Princess. The dragon slayer crossed her arms and looked at Angel.

“You may piss me off ice Queen, but I think you’re a hell of a fighter and don’t tell anyone this because I will deny it, I trust you. Not blindly, but enough to let my guard down around you.” Angel stared at her blankly until Crimson poked her side.

“I think,” Angel searched her mind for something to say to Ivy. “you have nice hair.” Ivy put a hand over her hart and smiled.

“Awe, that might be the nicest thing you’ve said to me.” Angel opened her mouth to comment but quickly bit back her tongue before she could ruin the moment. “Thank you.” Ivy stated. With that, the dream started to collapse and Angel woke up in her room. She sat up and rubbed her head.

She got up and looked at herself in the mirror as she styled her hair in it’s usual ponytail, but stopped and decided to try something different. Later, Crimson and Ivy returned from a successful mission and Angel walked up to the green haired girl. “Hey,” She said as she crossed her arms.

“Hey,” Ivy said in a similar tone. After about of minute of awkward silence between them Angel spoke up.

“I was thinking on trying something different with my hair.” She stated firmly. “I was wondering if you’d be willing to help.” Ivy gave her a smile and a nod before following her upstairs. Cobalt and Rouge walked up to Crimson, mouths agape and gestured to the two women.

“Crimson, what just happened?” The changeling asked.

“Progress my friend, progress at long last.” He sighed happily.

Author's Note:

WOW It has Been A LOOOOOOOOONG time since I updated this one.
I'M SO SORRY! I hope you all enjoyed this overdue chapter.

Comments ( 41 )

While I am glad to see this update/live again, I'm afraid it's been too long for me to keep reading it; I'd have to start from the first chapter of the first story and I just don't have time for it these days.

Best of luck in writing it mate. :3

FOR SHAME!!! I wanna know what Crimson's mom was doing!!! :trollestia:

7520089 You will know.....but not now. :trollestia:

7520075 I am deeply sorry this took so long that you cannot continue reading it. :ajsleepy: If you ever want to continue reading it, you know where to find it and thank you. Good luck to you too as well.

I'm gonna have to re-read EVERYTHING now, but good chapter. Glad to see my favorite author still writes.

7520260 Actually you won't find out in THIS fic. *Hint, Hint*


...damn. :moustache:

Welp, guess you better hurry with these chapters then! :trollestia:

7520289 I'm going as fast at my inspiration allows me to. I'm already starting on the next chapter which will be centered around Crow and Crimson's parents when they were younger. Might be a good idea to brush up on some later chapters.


I have most of the main plot memorized.

*cracks whip*


7520378 Writer's block is not fun. It's what delayed this chapter for so long.

Yeeeeeeeessssss!!! Uppdate woooohhhhooo!! And its perfect great jobb:moustache:

now how long till the next chapter

THANK YOU!!!! :pinkiehappy: start at 4:00

I forgot this story my how long has it been?:twilightblush:

7521059 1 year and 4 months.

Holy crap, it's not dead.

Well... Hopefully there's no more super long periods of inactivity but I'm sticking with it.

I forgot who was who..........
Chapter 1 here i come :pinkiecrazy:


Fucking finally.

I love your story! So glad it's finally been updated!!
Are you going to make Twilight an alicorn in this story? Oh I do hope so :pinkiehappy:
I also want Twilight and Crimson to have a baby girl at the end of this series that's a little alicorn like Flurry heart is! A redhead with purple eyes and red wings. Just think about it :raritystarry:

7530153 Twilight will get become a Princess, although not in this fic. Also she wouldn't be an alicorn since mages don't have horns. She'd just sprout wings.

It was worth the wait keep up the good work.


“Crimson, what just happened?” The changeling asked.

“Progress my friend, progress at long last.” He sighed happily.

Chapter in a nutshell.

Man I'm having a hard time remembering this one. Do that thing where you compare your characters to anime ones, I already know Crimson is Naruto.

Sorry for bugging you but do you know when the next chapter will be posted???

no one gonna talk about the zygon inversion speech from doctor who? radiotimes.com/uploads/images/original/90880.jpg


7768021 i just watched the episode this morning

7768046 That speech fucking ruined me. I was like :"Oh doctor, I just want to hug you and say it's okay!"

7768070 i kinda like capaldi. its like... 9 and 10 hate themselves for the time war, 11 tries to forget it, and 12 just sorta tries to accept it and move on while helping people

Is the story done for cause it's been well iver a year since the last update and would like to know if the story if canceled or not.

Dude? Did you die?

You still alive bud?

Hey by any chance you doing okay? Just wanna know if you'll update any of these stories!

Well since this hasn't been updated since 2016 I'm going to leave the story at the end of the last one.

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