• Published 24th Mar 2014
  • 8,432 Views, 520 Comments

Titanfall: New Horizons - Necrogen Lord

Militia Pilot Joshua finds Equestria at war and decides to take names and assist ponies.

  • ...

Why we Fight

Author's Note:

For the record, I have looked on the Titanfall wiki, and have scanned all of the guide book I got from BestBuy, and I have found NOTHING about the actual scales and shapes of the spaceships in Titanfall, so f^ck it, I'm going to make it up, size and scale and all.

And I believe that a Destroyer looks like the Annapolis, because there are only 3 shapes for all the ships in Titanfall, and Destroyer is not labeled in any way whatsoever in the book or on the wiki, so I decided that the Annapolis looks like it would fit the description of a Destroyer and the other shapes were taken by other names. The flat ones are Brick, the ones that look like Frigates are Birmingham, and then they didn't bother to make more than three shapes because it's mainly multiplayer (it's all multiplayer) and so they couldn't go too in-depth about it, so yeah.

I say that it looks like a Destroyer, and since there's no f^cking size scale or anything anywhere, I have to make it up. Sorry if you don't like it, but I have to write something.

Celestia broke off from the rest of the group along with Joshua so that they may converse in privacy. As the seconds passed by, the Captain followed behind with his weapon still in its holster, and his Titan far behind in the town. They neared a tall patch of grass when Celestia finally stopped and stood still. Joshua saw her standing there and stopped as well. The two waited for the other to make a move for a few minutes, until Celestia turned to face Joshua, a stern look on her face.

"Why did you wait?" she asked distantly.

"Wait for what?" Joshua asked.

"Wait to save my little Ponies?" she asked, raising her voice slightly as she approached him. "Why did you let the Griffons attack? Why did you just let them spill my peoples' blood? Why did you let them kill the innocent Ponies of that town in cold blood?"

Joshua stared at her for a moment before even moving. With a deep sigh of regret, he reached up and removed his helmet, revealing short-scruffy brown hair and a pale face. He looked deep into her eyes before answering.

"So that you could trust us." he stated.

"Trust you?" she spat, moving closer to him. "How am I supposed to trust someone that would let the innocent die for no good reason? How do you justify their deaths? Tell me."

Joshua pondered her harsh words for a moment before shaking his head and sighing.

"Would you want to help someone that just out-right murders someone else for no good reason?" he asked, looking up to her.

Celestia peddled back a bit at the question, unsure of the angle he was going at.

"What does that mean?" she asked, narrowing her gaze at the Pilot.

"We did, in fact, know about the attack for a week before it occurred, yes. But, consider this from a different perspective. An alien race comes to a planet and sees multiple races that are just as intelligent as them, and sees that one intends to attack another. The ones the first aliens see is going to be hurt by the second one, and they have a week to prepare for it. The first one is oblivious to the attack, and if the aliens try to warn them, then they seem like the bad guys because they're accusing another race of an attack they haven't committed, and then the second species knows not to trust the aliens and knows how to prepare for their next attack. If the aliens were to attack the second species, then they look like they've just exterminated an entire species that hasn't done anything wrong, when in reality, they just saved the entire first species. If the second one is never seen to attack, and the aliens don't have proof, what's to stop the first species from accusing the aliens of being evil? Why would they trust a race that just wipes out others for no good reason?"

Joshua gestured to Celestia so that she may retaliate, but found her at a loss. He was right. If they just attack the Griffons, then her Ponies would see them as a threat, and never want anything to do with them. If they hadn't stopped the attack, then the Griffons would have looked to be the victims of a war-hungry race that only wanted to destroy. Instead, this Human had made a choice that let them see who was the enemy and who was to be trusted. The only question that she had now was...

"Why? Why do we trust you?"

"What does that mean?"

"You came here with weapons and soldiers, prepared for war. Why should we trust that you won't try to hurt us?"

"We just came from a massive war of our own in hopes of finding a source of fuel so that we can get back to fighting for ourselves. We have no quarrel with anyone outside our conflict."

"Then why do you fight?" she asked.

Joshua felt his heart almost stop at this point, thinking back to when he first signed up to be a Pilot. He had wanted to protect his family from tyranny and evil, and ended up becoming the very cause of their demise. He joined the Militia so that the IMC would pay back in blood, yet all he was met with were more that thought like he did, trying to be the best they could to protect the ones they loved. He was met with cold and unfeeling machines meant to kill the people of the Frontier before they could rebel, and sought out for one purpose now: to do something right, by just one.

He gazed back up to Celestia and spoke.

"Where I come from, there's a load of reasons why some men fight for the Militia. I first thought that they were all bandits and thieves and shit like that. I signed up with a military faction of the IMC, or Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, to protect my home and my loved ones. I thought that I was doing good, you know? Yeah, not the case. Turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life."

At this, Joshua looked to the ground and sat down to tell his tragic tale. Celestia was confused by the gesture, but found herself sitting down as well, listening intently to the story.

"It was a few years ago, on my home planet, New Henoi, I was on a mission to protect some Heavy Anti-Air Cannons that were aiming at a Militia fleet. I was told that we were fending off a raid attempt, especially since they had a big Brick-class ship over the nearby city. My hometown, actually. So, I fought for the guns' positions, and after they took down the Militia ship, I learned that they weren't raiding the city, they were evacuating civilians. My parents and my little siblings died on that ship because I made the mistake to sign-up for the IMC. Later, I learned that because of my actions in the field, over 500 civilian ships were shot down from the Militia fleet, and we didn't need to worry about any more reinforcements in that sector for years to come. I got a fucking Medal for killing millions of innocent lives."

Joshua scoffed and brought out his weapon, eying the chamber.

"After I watched my family die, I vowed to do whatever I can to make sure that I do right by those who need help. That the IMC can get off our territory, and that the people of the Frontier can be free, once again. So that I can do at least one thing right for the right people. Just once, I could be seen as a fighter for the good guys. Like my little sister always thought I was, when I first signed up."

He placed the Auto-Pistol back in its place, and then looked back at Celestia.

"I... don't know what to say about that..." Celestia managed. "But, what about the rest of your people? This, 'Militia'? What about them?"

"I fight for the same reason those men and women in that town, on my ship, and across the entire Frontier. For something that we hold above all else, in Human culture." Joshua stood up and held his helmet out in front of him, staring into the Star-burst pattern. "Freedom. The right everyone has. To make your own decisions, make your own mistakes. That's how we learn. That's how we grow. We fight, so that we can choose what we do with our existence. So that others can make their choices, make their mistakes, learn from them, and become better for it."

Celestia came up next to him and eyed his helmet.

"And you fight so that this... IMC, doesn't?"

"They chose to take away that right from everyone in the Frontier. So that one day, we can be free from oppression, and tyranny. So that one day, we don't have to fight anymore. That they realize that we have the same rights to live the way we want to that they have, and we are willing to die for those rights. I fight so that so many others don't have to make that sacrifice. So that one day, we can finally live in peace."

Celestia looked up to his face to watch as a tear escaped the Pilot's eye, and felt herself fighting back tears as well. She moved away from him and began to respond to his answer.

"I must say, I am speechless. I never knew that you fought for such valid reasons. I had no idea that your kind was willing to go so far for what you believe in."

"It's been a part of us since the beginning of our recorded history. And I'll be damned if thousands of years of practice and protection of our core concepts are going to be taken away from us because of the material needs of a mining company."

"And for those reasons, you truly fight?"

"Of course."

"Then let me say this."

She turned towards Joshua and looked at his face as he held his helmet to his side. Celestia then extended a hoof to him.

"It would be an honor to accommodate those who fight for such a valiant cause. And for the record of the entirety of the Militia, and hopefully Humanity, know that Equestria and I consider you friends."

Joshua smiled lightly as he reached out and grabbed her hoof once more.

"It's an honor to be welcomed, for once, ma'am."

They held the gesture for a moment while they exchanged their smile, just as two powerful leaders solidify their understanding. After a few minutes of silence, the sky began to rumble above them. The clouds began to part as a massive shape began to descend out into the fields outside Ponyville. And when Celestia and Joshua looked to it, their hearts filled with something that they both knew they needed at this time in their lives.

Hope for a better future.