• Published 24th Mar 2014
  • 8,432 Views, 520 Comments

Titanfall: New Horizons - Necrogen Lord

Militia Pilot Joshua finds Equestria at war and decides to take names and assist ponies.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Joshua walked along the main hangar as Crows began to swarm about the outside of the Destroyer, keeping a watchful eye on the space around the vulnerable starship. As more of the ships passed by, the Pilot noticed one in particular that was making its way closer to him, specifically. A certain Crow with guests.

"Alright crew, listen up!" Joshua called out to the members of the Horizon.

Around him, uniformed officers and Grunts stopped their actions to listen to what their commanding officer had to say.

"In that Crow, are our guests. They are indeed members of the alien species we have chosen to ally ourselves with on this planet. I don't want any stares, threats, general fucking around, or anything to antagonize any of them. They are kind, peaceful civilians, and I expect you all to treat them as such. Clear!?"

"YES-SIR!" They chorused.

Joshua turned to his left as the crew around him began to prep the bay for the landing of one last Crow. When the Pilot examined the room once more, he saw several familiar faces approach him. One was in an officer's uniform, a female Pilot in CQC armor, a large man in an Engineering uniform, and a Gunnery Sargent with an LMG. The Pilot strode over towards the four before reaching towards the fellow Pilot and slapping their palms together.

"Rebecca, nice to see you. How are the rest of the Pilots holding up in Crew Quarters?"

The CQC Pilot shrugged in response.

"Eh, not too bad. Itching for a fight, though. Any ideas about when that'll be?"

Joshua shook his head before turning to talk to the rest of the group before him.

"Wesley, anything to report?"

"Actually, yes, sir." The Officer replied.

Wesley began to scroll through the datapad in his arm as he spoke.

"We have several sections of the ship that need to be emptied out in order to make appropriate repairs, and since we're over-staffed, I don't think we can just make everyone sleep in the hangar bays. We're also about to run out of the emergency surplus of MREs and all cryo-food."

"So basically, we're gonna need places for the non-essential crew, as well as a supply of food?"

Wesley nodded.

"Basically, yes, sir."

Joshua sighed as he shook his head.

Before any of their conversation could continue, however, a Crow hovered into the center of the bay before slowly descending onto the ground. The Pilot motioned for the group to follow him as the doors of the dropship began to open.


When Shining Armor finally got out of the seat, the side of the metal, flying... thing, began to lower onto a metal floor beneath them. The unicorn looked around the expanse of space before him with mixed emotions. There were aliens all around, walking on top of hanging walkways and moving around large crates. Some had different uniforms on than others and didn't carry one of the strange things that the three he was with were holding. Before he could try and put the pieces together, one of the aliens went straight up to him, followed by several more.

"So, we've got an extra visitor, huh?" It asked from behind a strange helmet.

Shining Armor puffed his chest out and spoke to the alien.

"I'm Prince Shining Armor. Former Captain of the Royal Guard, and head of the Crystal Guard, currently. What about you?"

The alien extended an arm towards him.

"Captain Joshua of the Horizon."

Armor looked at the appendage carefully before slowly raising a foreleg to meet it. The small digits wrapped around his hoof before it was brought up and down once before he let go.

"Welcome aboard."

Before anyone else could make a statement, there was a flash of blue behind the group and revealed a familiar midnight-blue Princess.

"Princess Luna!" The ponies all exclaimed before bowing.


The Militia near the flash raised whatever weapons they had on them and pointed at the unknown guest. Just as the figure had come out, however, the guests bowed to her. Joshua noticed how similar this new one was to Celestia, exceptions being having a coat that was a dark blue, a smaller frame, and hair that flowed with the look of the night sky. The Pilot saw the way his comrades were aiming what weapons they had and turned to face them.

"Stand down!" He barked. "It's just another guest."

The Pilot turned to meet the eyes of the new pony as she spoke.

"Are you the one that my sister told me about? The one known as Joshua?"

Joshua nodded.

"Yes, I am. Joshua." He stated, extending a hand to her.

She examined the appendage for a second before smiling and placing her foreleg into his grasp. They shook firmly and let go.

"Princess Luna." She stated.

"What brings you here?"

"I wished to discuss the terms of our future cooperation in place of my sister. She's working on trying to calm the ponies of Canterlot, the city on the mountain nearby. It would seem as though they thought your ship coming down was the end of the world."

"Sorry about that."

Luna chuckled a bit.

"Please, don't worry about it. It's actually kind of funny to see them run around like that. 'The sky is falling! The sky is falling!' Hehehe."

Joshua smiled inwardly as he reached for his helmet. He unlock some of the lower parts of the helmet before reaching towards the back to pull it off entirely. After pulling it off, he looked at Princess Luna and spoke.

"May I say, it's a pleasure to be able to work together." He stated, hooking his helmet to his belt.

Luna smiled at him before he noticed something about their party.

"Wait... where are Smith and Juarez?"


"And I'm telling you, it's probably just in the Hangar somewhere!" Juarez yelled.

"No, I remember leaving it somewhere near the seats!" Smith replied, searching through the Crow's interior compartments.

"And if I recall correctly, you're an idiot, and we should probably just check over by the crates, where you noticed the rifle was gone in the first place."

"How about we just keep looking here so we don't have to waste time going back over to the same crates, huh?"

Juarez shook his head as Smith continued searching the Crow. The Grunt reached for the seats and activated the unlocking mechanism for their inner space. When he opened it, he found not his rifle, nor any Militia supplies. Instead, he saw three pairs of eyes staring back at him.

"Uh... hi, mister alien?" A voice came as an appendage was waved.

Smith froze, his hands at his side, and he stared at the three figures inside the compartment.

"Oh... my... God..."

The three sat in the dark compartment of the ship, unmoving as the soldier processed the situation. Slowly, he reached inside towards the three, extended his fingers, and began to pet the one with the red hair and bow.

"YOU'RE SO ADORABLE!!!" Smith squealed in a high-pitched voice as he fluffed the tiny pony.

"Smith!?" Juarez called from outside the Crow. "You alright? I heard-" Juarez practically dropped his rifle when he saw what the Grunt was doing. "What the Hell, man."

Smith looked between Juarez and the three little ponies as he had a gaping smile adorn his face.

"Are you seeing this!? They're so cute!"

"Did you really steal a trio of small children when I wasn't looking!?"

"Hey, these three were here before I found them! And besides," He reached in and pulled out the yellow one with red hair and a bow, "LOOK AT THEM! THEY ARE ADORABLE!"

Juarez raised a hand and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I swear to God, it's like I'm working with a five-year old." He murmured under his breath.

"Um, excuse me?" The small yellow pony started.

Smith turned her around to face him, a smile plastered as subtly as a nuclear strike.

"Oh my God, you even have a cute little accent!" He squeaked.

"Hey! We are not cute!" The orange one exclaimed, buzzing her wings for effect.

Smith looked between the one he was holding and the other two before gently setting the first one down with the rest. He backed up slowly and breathed deeply in an attempt to calm himself.

"I'm sorry, it's just... you're all just so..." He motioned towards them with opened hands.

Juarez lowered his hand and approached the three small ponies.

"Alright, looks like I'm going to have to be the responsible one here. Who are you three and why are you here?"

The white one raised a leg.

"I'm Sweetie Belle!"

The orange one flapped her wings.

"I'm Scootaloo!"

The one with the bow raised a leg.

"And Ah'm Apple Bloom!"

"And we're..." They all stated together before drawing in a large amount of air.


Author's Note:

Sorry that's where it ends, but I've got SAT and ACT practice to do and you've all been wanting this. It'll get a lot better later, don't worry.