• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 4,259 Views, 243 Comments

From Savage to Civil - Discorded SheepcityUSA

While on a wildlife expedition with Fluttershy in the uncharted Windless Woods, Rarity comes across a young Pegasus foal living in the unexplored wilderness. Being the element of Generosity, she feels it is her duty to teach him to be a gentlecolt.

  • ...

Wings AND a horn?!?!

The train to Ponyville came to a screeching halt into the train station as it stopped. Several moments after stopping, several ponies trotted their way out, coughing and hacking as they did so. Behind them, a big trail of smoke started to leak out of the train’s doors. Soon, the source of the smoke revealed itself in a very overdressed Moxxy stepping out of the train, her enormous fur coat slightly getting stuck in the door. As for the smoke, it came from a cigarette that she held tight in her mouth.

Pansy trotted out behind her, also coughing like the rest of the ponies. “M-Miss Moxxy. I-I’m-AGH- pretty sure you’re not supposed to-AGH-smoke on the train…” Pansy mumbled a little hesitantly in between her coughs.

“Hmph. If I need a smoke, I will do so wherever I please.” Moxxy huffed, slightly blowing some smoke from her nostrils into Pansy’s face, making her cough even more.

“Ma’am, t-there were foals aboard…” Pansy said, still coughing.

“And all of a sudden that’s my fault?...Now, I know you’re not questioning me…are you Pansy?” Moxxy growled through her smoke, making a slight scowl and looking down at her assistant. Of course, this made Pansy feel small and powerless compared to her boss and she cowered toward the ground a little in fear.

“N-No ma’am…s-sorry ma’am.” She mumbled. Moxxy seemed to relax a little at this, and her scowl disappeared and her face returned to her usual, high-class, unreadable expression.

“Good. Now, I suppose we should be off to our hote-“


“AAAGH!” Moxxy stumbled back in shock at whatever it was that startled her and fell into a nearby puddle of mud, getting the offending substance all over her fur coat.

The source of the loud screeching was a pink Earth pony with a pink, cotton-candy-like mane and tail, and had a trio of balloons for a cutie-mark. She was wearing an unnaturally wide smile and bouncing around both the fallen and dirty Moxxy, and a very frightened Pansy.

“Hi! You two must be new to Ponyville, cause I’ve never seen you around here before! My name’s Pinkie Pie! What’s yours?~” Pinkie asked with the same, huge smile. Pansy was at a near loss for words regarding how energetic this mare seemed, but that was not what was scaring her at the moment…

What was doing that, was the fact that her anger prone boss was now lying in a puddle of mud with a now very dirty fur coat thanks to Pinkie’s doing.

There was no way this was going to end well.

“U-Umm…Miss Pie…I should probably suggest that you go…”

“Awwww but I haven’t made friends with you y-“ Pinkie was interrupted as Moxxy shot up from the ground, covered in mud, and giving a look of indescribable rage at Pinkie Pie as she was so close to her that they practically touched muzzles. Her quick and angry breathes blew more smoke from her cigarette into Pinkie’s face.


“…Too late.” Pansy mumbled.

“U-Um, I-I’m sorry I made you get your clothes all dirty Miss-“

“SORRY IS NOT GOING TO GET MY COAT CLEAN NOW IS IT?!” Moxxy yelled again, making Pinkie look even more frightened. After a few moments, Moxxy put her hooves to her temples and rubbed them, trying to calm down. “…Just relax. You are too perfect to be angry.” She said to herself. Moxxy then turned back to Pansy, with a slightly watered-down, annoyed look.

“Come now Pansy. Pay no mind to this…mindless buffoon. I need to get my coat cleaned, so we must be off to our hotel at once before the stains set in…Eeeeugh.” She grumbled as she trotted past Pinkie, swatting her tail in Pinkie’s face for good measure.

Pansy hesitated a little, but followed her boss, turning back to Pinkie for a moment and mouthing the words “I am so sorry.” to her. Pinkie now sat by herself wondering what just transpired.

“Wow…I feel kinda bad that her coat got messed up…but…is it just me, or did she come across as viciously racist?” Pinkie asked herself.

“U-Urrrgh! Come ooooon!” Applebloom squealed.

“I-I’m almost there! I-I’m so close!” Sweetie Belle yelled back in response, letting out a pained grunt.

“Well can you h-hurry up? I-I’m not sure how much l-longer I can last down here!” Scootaloo also yelled.

“N-Nnngh, just a little mooooore!” Sweetie yelled again.

“You know, I could just levitate the book to you. It would save everypony a lot of trouble.” Twilight said, looking up at the Crusaders, who had climbed onto each other to try and reach the book on fireworks they so desperately needed in their latest endeavor for their cutie-marks, Applebloom at the bottom, Scootaloo in the middle, and Sweetie Belle making the reach for the book at the top. The shelves in the new crystal castle library were much too high for the Crusaders to reach on their own.

“N-No, i-it’s fine. I think Sweetie’s almost got it.” Scootaloo said.

“U-Uurgh, I am literally INCHES away from getting it! Curse my short little legs!” Sweetie squeaked in anger. She finally made one last reach for the book, and managed to actually get it off the shelf. “I finally got it!” Sweetie Belle said happily with a wide grin.

“G-Good. Cause Ah don’t know how much longer Ah can hold ya’ll u…A-A-Aaaaa…” Applebloom’s nose started to slightly twitch, and she started to draw in very quick breathes. Both Crusader’s eyes widened as they looked down at Applebloom.

“Oh no…” Scootaloo said.

“Applebloom, don’t!” Sweetie yelled, her voice cracking a little.

“AAACHOOO!” Applebloom sneezed, making her lose her balance, in turn making the tower of foals fall over, with Scootaloo landing on Applebloom, and Sweetie starting to fall to the ground.

“AAAAH!” Sweetie screamed as she plummeted towards the ground. However, while she expected to hit the floor, her body made contact with something a lot softer when she finally landed. Sweetie looked up in slight confusion just to see what she landed on, only to see a pair of blue eyes looking back at her. Attached to them was the curious face of a brown colt, craning his head to see if she was safely on his back.

Although a little confused at who this colt was, Sweetie was able to grasp the situation rather quickly; the colt had managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

“Heehee, nice catch darling.”

Everypony diverted their attention to the sound of Rarity’s voice, seeing that she had just entered the room, along with Fluttershy, Critter, and Spike, all of which were looking Timber and Sweetie.

“Oh my gosh, Rarity! Fluttershy! I wasn’t expecting you all back so soon! I missed you girls so much!” Twilight said with a big smile at seeing her friends again, trotting over and giving them a tight hug.

“Oh, we missed you too Twilight.” Fluttershy said with a smile, returning the hug.

The only one that seemed to be left out of this was Critter, and he didn’t appear to be taking it in much stride, as he looked to give a look that was a fusion of slight annoyance and forlornness. “…What? I don’t get a hug?” he asked, slightly looking like he had just been completely left out in the cold.

“Ooooh just come here will you?” Rarity said, laughing a little, also pulling Critter into it. Of course, the fact that Critter was now being hugged by three mares, one of which Critter was starting to admit did happen to look reaaaally attractive all of a sudden, made his face turn completely red.

“U-Umm…yeaaaaah…” Critter said, giving a nervous smile.

After a few seconds, the hug disbanded. “So, might I ask what happened to make you guys have to return so early?” Twilight asked the group.

“That’s…kind of a loaded question. The Timberwolf family of that one sort of cut everything short.” Critter said, pointing to Timber, who still had Sweetie on his back.

Sweetie looked down at Timber, growing a big smile and hugging around his neck. “Heee, thank you for catching me~” Sweetie giggled, nuzzling his cheek and continuing to hug him. Unlike the motherly affection he got from Rarity, Timber appeared a little uncomfortable at the kind Sweetie was giving him. It felt very unnatural and made him feel a little weird in his stomach. He didn’t seem to like it, as he squirmed a little bit.

“Yeah, don’t worry about us.” Applebloom said with a deadpanned expression, still lying on the ground with Scootaloo on top of her.

“Yeaaah we’re just fine.” Scootaloo also said with the same expression and a hint of sarcasm.

Twilight looked at Timber for a moment, trying to process what Critter had said about “his Timberwolf family.”

“…Timberwolf family?...you mean…you found this colt all by himself in the Windless Woods, one of the most unforgiving and dangerous jungles in all of Equestria?!” Twilight yelled, looking at the group in shock.

“It’s…a lot more complicated than that darling…Do you remember a few years ago? Some Canterlot nobles and their foal disappeared and were never heard from again?” Rarity asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes yes. Big Bucks and Flashbang. They just left on their air-boat and they never returned. What about them?” Twilight asked.

“Well…I have every reason to believe that Timber is their foal…” Rarity said, trying to read Twilight’s for reactions. It didn’t prove that difficult, because Twilight’s eyes grew extremely wide and her jaw dropped.

“…You mean you might’ve found a foal that’s been missing for ten years and may also inherit a very huge fortune……wait, did you refer to him as “Timber?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rarity smiled a little sheepishly. “I don’t think it sounds THAT bad. I mean…he’s been living with Timberwolves all his life, so it describes his behavior rather nicely.” She said, blushing a little in embarrassment.

“It’s not that…I’m just sort of surprised that you would…give him a name in the first place. He doesn’t really seem like the most “refined” colt that I would’ve thought you’d take a liking to…it’s kind of sweet actually.” Twilight said, smiling. Twilight then felt something poke one of her wings, making her tense up. She looked down and saw Timber, now with Sweetie off his back, poking her wing and looking really confusedly at her.

“Umm…hello there.” Twilight said, lowering her head to Timber’s level and speaking very slowly to him. “My name’s Twilight Sparkle. Can you understand me?” She asked. Timber’s face didn’t change, and he was still touching Twilight’s wing. Timber looked up at Twilight’s horn and touched that with his other hoof as well, still looking at her like he had no idea what on Equestria she was.

“U-Uummm…what’s he doing?” Twilight asked.

“Umm…if I had to guess…I’d say that he thinks you being an alicorn breaks the rules of what he knows about ponies up to this point.” Fluttershy theorized.

Twilight’s ears folded a little and she looked back at Timber. “You… haven’t seen many other ponies have you?...poor thing.” Twilight said with a slightly sad look in her eyes and started to pet Timber’s mane. Timber tensed up a little before he gave a bit of a goofy smile as he let Twilight pet his mane, slightly sticking out his tongue and leaning into her hoof a little more.

“Awwww, can I pet him?” Sweetie asked, smiling a little hopefully.

“Sweetie, he ain’t a dog. He’s a colt.” Applebloom said, with a deadpanned expression.

Looking at how Timber was reacting to Twilight petting him, Timber’s tongue still hanging out and smiling, Scootaloo, stifled a laugh. “Well he’s sure acting like one.”

“Close enough.” Sweetie said. She happily trotted over to Timber and petted him down his back. Timber tensed up again at the new feeling of the filly petting him and his face turned bright red.

“N-Nnngh!” Timber whimpered a little and his wings flew out making a loud ‘pomf’ sound as they did so.

The sight of this made the entire room go completely dead silent as they stared at Timber. Sweetie stopped petting his back and had a rather large blush on her face.

“…Well…this got awkward quick” Spike said, breaking the silence.

Author's Note:

“Heee, thank you for catching me~” Sweetie giggled, nuzzling his cheek and continuing to hug him. Unlike the motherly affection he got from Rarity, Timber appeared a little uncomfortable at the kind Sweetie was giving him. It felt very unnatural and made him feel a little weird in his stomach. He didn’t seem to like it, as he squirmed a little bit.

Let's face it. After Fluttercord45 drew this, I just had to do this.

Also, how is it that I created Moxxy, and even I think she's a selfish bitch whose heart is as black as her lungs?:rainbowlaugh: