• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 4,256 Views, 243 Comments

From Savage to Civil - Discorded SheepcityUSA

While on a wildlife expedition with Fluttershy in the uncharted Windless Woods, Rarity comes across a young Pegasus foal living in the unexplored wilderness. Being the element of Generosity, she feels it is her duty to teach him to be a gentlecolt.

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Awkward Sleeping Arrangements

Seeing a young foal that supposedly was the missing child of Canterlot nobles, Rarity could believe. Also seeing said foal knock out a raging manticore that’s many times his size, was also not entirely out of the realm of possibility. But also seeing that foal cuddling up to a Timberwolf, one of the most dangerous creatures in Equestria?! This colt was just…how could this colt even exist?!

Although, also with the feelings of not believing her eyes in the slightest, Rarity also couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous that Timber was giving all the cuddling to the Timberwolf and not her. She couldn’t really blame him for it though; after all, he had grown up with these animals and he had only just met Rarity.

Still, even if Timber smelled terrible after this, would a simple hug and maybe a nuzzle be too much to ask?

After a few minutes, the Timberwolf stopped nuzzling Timber and looked him over a little. Her glowing, green eyes widened at the sight of the injuries that Timber had sustained from the battle with the manticore, especially his broken wing. She took her sight off of it only for a moment to glare back at Rarity and Critter, letting out a low growl and starting to walk slowly and menacingly towards them. The other Timberwolves behind her followed suit and were preparing to surround them.

“U-Umm, Professor? What’s going on?” Rarity asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

“If I had to guess…I think mommy here believes we did that to Timber…and if I had to make another guess, I’d say she’s pissed off about it and is telling her pack to kill us.” Critter responded.

Rarity’s ears folded back and her pupils dilated in fear. “…Oh…”

Before the Timberwolves could move another step forward though, Timber ran in front of Rarity and Critter, flaring out his wings wearing a firm look on his face. He didn’t look like he was in a fighting stance, but more of a authoritative and stern one as he stood before them.

“Rargh! Rargaghrag!” Timber barked to the pack, his Timberwolf mother included. The wolves flinched slightly at Timber’s defense of these creatures, and his mother gave her own response, appearing quite confused.

“Rarg, raghrahra?” she growled in a questioning tone, accompanied by a tilted head. In replying, Timber shook his head and got into a stance that resembled the manticore’s and put on a ferocious face.

“Reoooow!” Timber growled, sounding a little more like a kitten than a manticore. The pack of Timberwolves all backed up in shock as Timber imitated the manticore, appearing to be explaining the situation to them. He then got back into his normal stance and trotted back over to Rarity, pointing a hoof at her.

“Rag! Rarghaghra!” He continued to growl.

Rarity herself, could be considered just as confused as the Timberwolves were; still not being able to understand Timber’s strange way of speaking. “Erm…I’m afraid I’m quite lost right now.” She said.

“You’re not the only one Ms. Rarity…” Critter said as well.

A few more moments of Timber’s explanation to his Timberwolf brethren and mother, and the pack seemed to be less tense then they were before, noticeably easing up a little. Timber’s wolf mother looked back down at her adopted pony son and spoke questioningly again.

“Gragrow?” She asked.

In response to whatever it was that she asked, Timber nodded furiously. “Raragowr” he said.

The female Timberwolf nodded calmly, walked past Timber and up to Rarity and Critter and quietly looked the two over with her glowing, green eyes. She then held out her large, wooden claw to them expectantly, to which Rarity flinched and cringed a little.

“E-Erm I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m afraid I don’t know where that claw has been.” Rarity said with a slightly sheepish smile, obviously a little nervous from close contact with a Timberwolf, especially one of this size. Unfortunately, this statement also earned her an annoyed nudge from Critter.

“Rarity, there’s a freaking huge Timberwolf here that’s willing to play nice. Don’t push your luck.” Critter growled through his teeth. He then reached out and lightly shook the Timberwolf’s claw. “Pay her no mind ma’am. She’s just unbelievably snooty.”

Rarity’s brow furrowed and a slight scowl grew on her face. “Hmph. I haven’t gone anywhere you know.” She said.

Before Critter could voice a sarcastic comeback, a rustling was heard from the trees nearby, gaining the attention of Timber as well as the rest of the pack. They all looked suspiciously toward the trees as the rustling got louder and louder, and several steps could be heard beyond the trees.

Many moments of staring the trees down passed and out of the darkness of the deep jungle came the gigantic form of a spider-monkey with several bandages wrapped around its abdomen. As one could imagine, the Timberwolves were not very friendly in the company of most other animals, so they growled slightly at the sight of the new animal.

The spider-monkey appeared undeterred by the Timberwolves though and craned his head to look behind him. Out from behind him trotted out Fluttershy wearing a slight smile. She then proceeded to pet the spider-monkey’s head, making some sort of purring sound.

“Now you take it easy for a little while and try to keep your distance from those dangerous animals.” She said softly to it. The spider-monkey nodded and took one last look at the Timberwolves, who appeared to still be growling at him, Timber’s wolf-mother included. This earned her a slight tap on the wooden claw from Timber. She looked back down at him in confusion, and saw that Timber was giving her a disapproving stare accompanied by a head-shake. Timber looked back at the spider-monkey and jerked his head towards the trees. It nodded again and scurried back into the deeper parts of the jungle.

“Sorry if I scared anypony. He wouldn’t let me go back through the jungle by myself” Fluttershy said. By now she had noticed the presence of the pack of Timberwolves and let out a small squeak of fear and darted behind Critter, shivering a little.

“Fluttershy, it’s alright. They’re not here to hurt us. They were just looking for Timber.” Rarity said reassuringly. Fluttershy meekly looked back to the Timberwolves, who were all looking at her curiously.

“U-Ummm…nice to meet you.” Fluttershy mumbled, still hiding behind Critter. Critter rolled his eyes at this and trotted back over to the camp, observing the damage that the Timberwolves had caused in their search. From the look on his face, it wasn’t looking good.

“Rrgh. Timber, your family really knows how to tear stuff up. My tent is bucking shredded.” Critter said. Still not being able to really understand the pony language, Timber just looked on awkwardly with a tilted head.

“At least YOU didn’t lose much. My tent was so large and beautiful before! Now look at it!” Rarity wailed, pointing to the shredded mass of fabric that used to be her tent. Critter groaned, still slightly annoyed at how Rarity only paid attention to this frilly nonsense.

“Rarity, these guys also tore right through all our food. We’re not gonna be able to stay here for more than another night.” Critter said. The sheer bluntness that Critter put into his statement made Rarity’s ears fold.

“…You mean…?”

Critter nodded. “Yeah. I have to cut this expedition short. We have to leave tomorrow morning.” He said.

In truth, Rarity should’ve been happy about this. This jungle was very hostile, destroyed a lot of what she had brought in, and worst of all, was nothing short of filthy. But there was one thing that made her very uncomfortable with the thought of leaving.

Whether Timber would come with her or not. Seeing how well Timber had taken to jungle life and his level of affection to his Timberwolf mother made her start to think he didn’t have much reason to leave, and that scared her to death. She really wanted Timber to come back to Ponyville with her, but she also wanted him to be happy. This scenario started to make her believe she couldn’t have both, and she started to tear up at the thought.

“Umm…Rarity, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked concerningly. Not wanting to worry her friend right now, Rarity sucked up her tears and put on a rather fake-looking smile.

“I-I’m quite alright Fluttershy I’m just erm…a little worried about my sleeping arrangements. My tent is well…destroyed and all.” Rarity said, trying her best to sound genuine.

“Oh, I know. Professor Critter’s is destroyed too…but um…mine is still standing. You two could stay in mine with me if you want to.” Fluttershy said, gesturing to her tent, which happened to be the only one still standing.

Rarity’s façade fell almost instantly when she heard that. “You mean…I have to share a tent with HIM?!” Rarity yelled, gesturing toward Critter. Of course, Critter was not pleased with this development either.

“It’s either that, or sleep on the ground. Take your pick.” Critter grumbled.

Rarity blushed a little and puffed out her cheeks. “Mmmph…fine. But don’t you dare try anything mister!” Rarity yelled accusingly at him.

At first, Critter didn’t seem to understand Rarity’s accusations. “Umm, just what are you impl-“ After a moment of letting Rarity’s comment sink in however, his face flushed red. “Oh don’t flatter yourself! I can’t believe you think I’d actually-“ Fluttershy immediately pushed herself in between the two and put them at foreleg length.

“Can you two stop fighting for one minute please?! We’re all sleeping in the same tent and that is final!” Fluttershy yelled firmly. Both Critter and Rarity both crossed their forelegs and pouted, both of them blushing.

“Mmmph…whatever.” Critter grumbled.

“I suppose I don’t have much of a choice.” Rarity also grumbled. She started to trot over to Fluttershy’s tent, but stopped for a moment to look back at Timber, and the pack of his Timberwolf family. Timber appeared to be talking to his mother in a pretty heated discussion.

“Rarghra! Ragrgara!” Timber said. The Timberwolf looked back at Rarity and then back to Timber, with a slightly questioning look.

“Ragreag?” she asked.

Timber nodded furiously. “Ragrar.” He responded. The mother Timberwolf let out a long sigh and nodded a little and gestured back towards Rarity. Timber gave a big smile and galloped toward Rarity, holding onto her foreleg and nuzzling it happily.

Rarity surprisingly looked down to Timber and smiled a little at how he was being so affectionate toward her. “Awww, Timber. Do you want to sleep in our tent with me?” She asked. Rarity knelt down to his level and slightly nuzzled his ginger mane…

Only to once again get a whiff of his mother’s Timberwolf smell that had rubbed off on him.

“Erm…” Rasrity hesitated for a second and then mentally slapped herself.

Rarity, don’t you dare! I know he may not smell his best right now, but Timber loves you unconditionally and…you may not be able to see him after tonight.’ Rarity thought gravely to herself.

Tomorrow was going to be a very difficult day for everypony.

Author's Note:

Awww poor Rarity. :raritydespair:

Anyway, these sleeping arrangements are pretty awkward for everypony involved aren't they? :rainbowlaugh: Take Rarity and Critter's reactions to them with what you want~:trollestia: