• Published 14th Nov 2014
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A Prophecy of Worlds to Fall - Diespitris

"After all their crusades, all the failures from which they walked away, it was easy to forget they weren't invincible. Fate was a cruel mistress to take one of them from us at such a young age..."

  • ...

Chapter Six : "I kept all the secrets deep inside me."

I didn't leave Fluttershy until I was absolutely sure I was leaving her in a comfortable place amongst the birds she rescued. I returned home—adamant about losing myself in a project for a few hours. Sleep came easily enough afterwards, though I was wide awake as soon as my clock's shrill alarm went off at sunrise.

I stepped outside to retrieve the paper, and I immediately wished I had remained in bed.

In addition to my own boutique, almost every building and house in sight had... vines crawling over them. They were horrid in appearance, with their jagged thorns, withered leaves, and obsidian-colored stalks. Twilight was already flying about, cutting them down with her magic. I wrapped my robe tighter around myself as I watched her. “What's happening, Twilight?” I called.

“I don't know!” she shouted, the panic evident in her eyes. “These things just appeared out of nowhere!”

Yet, it wasn't long before the entirety of Ponyville was cleared of the weeds. As was her nature, Twilight didn't rest all the while, for it was the day Rainbow Dash was finally discharged from the hospital. It was a sudden decision on behalf of her doctor, who surmised she was well enough to leave if she was well enough to throw tantrums regarding the length of her bed-ridden state.

Needless to say, Pinkie planned a party down at Sugarcube Corner. I took Sweetie Belle with me, so she could play with Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara. Despite the hectic morning, it was a breath of fresh air for us, as well as the townsfolk who showed up. I was happy to see Big Macintosh and his grandmother attend as well. Although, with so many ponies attending we couldn't keep gossip from reaching Rainbow. That, unfortunately, included word of the previous day's bizarre phenomenon.

I made sure the fillies weren't within earshot before Rainbow made a spectacle of herself. “What the hay has been goin' on lately?” she demanded through clenched teeth, leaning over the table.

Beside me, Twilight fiddled her hooves. “We're... not entirely sure.”

“What have you heard?” whispered Fluttershy.

Rainbow glanced over her shoulder. “Oh, I dunno, just that a flock of birds flew right into the castle yesterday, and don't think I didn't see those creepy vines workin' their way up the side of the hospital this morning. That's all everypony's been whisperin' about since I got here. Anything else?”

The table vibrated as Pinkie Pie began trembling. “Zecora was attacked and someone stole the Alicorn Amulet,” she blurted in subdued exclamation.

What?! Is she okay?”

“She's fine,” I replied. “And, no, we don't know who's responsible yet.”

Twilight's ears folded against her head. “I sent some guards to Zecora's place, but we didn't find anything...”

Rainbow's feathers bristled. “Does Princess Celestia know? That stupid amulet has caused us enough trouble already—”

It's fine! We can handle this!”

Pinkie all but submerged beneath the table. “Are you sure? I don't mean to be a bubble-burster, but that weird stuff happened as soon as it was stolen!”

I nodded. “Pinkie's right. I think we should seriously consider bringing in reinforcements before fire starts raining from the sky or toads start appearing on our doorsteps! Spike can get a letter to the Princess in the blink of—”

Twilight slammed her hooves on the table. “I'm not sending a letter!” she hissed, earning our small group more than a few wayward glances from the other party-goers.

“Why not?”

“I'm not going to bother Princess Celestia over a few strange circumstances.” She turned her head to glare at me. “I can handle the amulet's power if the thief shows up to use it.”

I felt my temper bloom. “Can you? I don't know if you've noticed, but we are one Element of Harmony short! What if you can't handle it, Twilight? What will we do then?”

Her eyes widened, and my agitation wavered ever so slightly. “Twilight, darling, please. I think it's time to submit to the fact we need help. Applejack isn't here and Rainbow just got out of the hospital.”

The pegasus across from me snorted. “I can fight...” she grumbled.

I refrained from pointing out the long series of stitches across the top of her muzzle. “Nevertheless,” I continued. “The fact the Alicorn Amulet is out there somewhere is cause enough for concern. It's not only a threat to us, but to anypony foolish enough to wear it. Look what happened to Trixie. We cannot have another power-crazed villain on the prowl for innocent ponies!”

Twilight broke eye-contact—her gaze lowering to the floor. “I... I guess it couldn't hurt.” She sighed. “You're right, Rarity.”

I placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I wish I weren't, but thank you.”

A small smile graced her features. “I'll send it as soon as the party's over.”

I raised my glass. “Then, let's enjoy it while it lasts.” I took a swig of punch. It was a mouthful, however, I nearly expelled as the front door was thrown open with such ferocity the walls quaked. My peripheral vision made out orange fur, causing my pulse to spike, but the larger stature and brown vest revealed the pony to not be Applejack.

It was her cousin, Braeburn.

A ragged gasp came from Granny Smith. “Braeburn, child, what are you doin' here?”

The stallion, whose wide eyes and heavy breathing gave him a frightful appearance, ran up to her and Big Macintosh. “I'm awfully sorry, Granny,” he said, and the strain in his voice made it painfully obvious he was trying to keep his volume under control. “But, we need to have words. Right now, if ya don't mind.”

The trio of Apples hurried from the store, but not without giving Twilight and us a look that said we were to follow. We instructed Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to remain under the watchful eyes of the Cakes, before we took after them. We met in the alley beside the building. “What happened?” questioned Big Macintosh.

Braeburn took off his hat, holding it against his chest. “I-I'm so sorry, y'all, but I failed ya.” He hung his head. “Applejack's gone...”

We shared a collective gasp, and Big Macintosh stepped forward—standing tall and ominous before his cousin. “How?” he snapped.

“She... She ran off. Had to've been sometime durin' the night. Her bed was empty when I checked in on her this mornin'!”

Granny Smith, her appearance suddenly exhausted, leaned against the side of Sugarcube Corner. “Oh, Celestia...”

I couldn't help myself, I nervously nudged Twilight. To my relief, she immediately understood my trepidation. “Don't worry,” she declared. “I'll send a letter to Princess Celestia right away!”


Stars bless her kind heart, Princess Celestia answered our call for aid sooner than we ever expected—leaving her sister to oversee her duties back in Canterlot. Unfortunately, with two Equestrian Princesses in our midst, they got to work right away and we were pretty much left out of their “royal business.” I wish that was an overly-dramatic summary, but it's true.

Thankfully, we had the Apples to keep us updated. I made a point to visit Granny Smith in the marketplace every morning in the days that passed since Applejack's disappearance. Twilight and Princess Celestia followed leads from Los Pegasus to Manehattan. It was only logical to surmise our missing... comrade would seek shelter at one of the many Apple Family farms. The Apple Family was, of course, one of the largest families in Equestria. There was a lot of ground to cover.

The others and I, however, remained behind as a safeguard for Ponyville. As much as I hated being kept in the dark, it was for the best in the long-run. Though their severity lessened to a certain degree, Ponyville continued to endure bizarre phenomenon. Flower and vegetable gardens wilted beyond recovery, the park's water fountain dried up without warning and, more concerning, ponies' pets began acting uncharacteristically on-edge. My poor Opal refused to let anypony anywhere near her and there were moments where she would hiss at random spots in the boutique.

No one was more affected by this than Fluttershy, whose animal friends fled from her home and went into hiding.

It took a turn for the worse when the unnatural fear infected the more monstrous creatures lurking outside Ponyville's borders. Whatever the source, it caused many a beast to evacuate the Everfree Forest. They stampeded right through our little town. An Ursa Major trampled the marketplace, businesses found the signs knocked off their buildings, and many ponies were petrified by frantic Cockatrices. Thankfully, nopony was gravely injured, and the damages and stone-turned were a quick-fix in the eyes of Princess Celestia upon her return.

It was a day of unpleasant surprises, but even more surprising was the arrival of a most unpleasant pony: Spoiled Rich.

I didn't now what triggered her need to visit, yet when I answered the door I was stunned to see her in a most disheveled state. Her hair was done up in a messy bun, her clothes were wrinkled, and the bags under her eyes betrayed her lack of sleep. “Um, greetings, Rarity,” she coughed, her eyes darting around in a nervous manner. “Would... May I come in?”

I made room for her to enter. What kind of lady would I be if I turned her away?

I escorted her to the throne room, where everypony else was seated. “Twilight, dear, Mrs. Rich is here,” I announced.

Princess Celestia politely took her leave into another room as I lead Mrs. Rich to one of the thrones surrounding the Cutie Map, where she promptly took a seat in Applejack's vacant chair. “How may I help you, Mrs. Rich?” asked Twilight, who sat beside her.

Spoiled Rich shifted uncomfortably in the chair. “I'll be frank, Your Highness—”

“Please, Twilight is fine.”

“Twilight. I'll be frank, I have information regarding these recent... disturbances around town.”

Rainbow Dash nearly dropped the pastry on which she was nibbling, and Pinkie Pie jumped onto the table with an excited, “Alright!”

The news was exciting, but I had my doubts. It was, after all, Spoiled Rich. “What kind of information?” I pressed.

Her breath trembled as she inhaled. Then, squeezing her eyes shut, she blurted, “It was Applejack! She's the one that's been making these things happen!”

My heart hammered away in my chest as the others went silent, their eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets. “That's a bold claim against the Element of Honesty,” spoke Princess Celestia suddenly, emerging from wherever she had gone.

Spoiled Rich bowed. “Forgive me, Your Highness! It's all my fault!” She threw her hooves over her head. “I'm the one who sent her that stupid necklace!”

“The Alicorn Amulet?!” gasped Twilight.

The fur on the back of my neck rose. “You're the one who attacked Zecora,” I said.

To my anger, she nodded. “It was never my intention to harm her, I swear! She wasn't supposed to be there! Applejack said she spent mornings out gathering herbs and the sort from the Everfree.” She looked up at Twilight. “Then, I saw you and your dragon leaving her home. I thought I could sneak in and take it, but she startled me!” Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. “Please, forgive me! Have mercy on this poor mare, I had no other choice!”

Princess Celestia stood over her, exchanging a look of concern with Twilight. “Why did you deliver the amulet to her?” she asked, her visage regressing to its natural neutrality.

Slowly, she pushed herself up into a sitting position with a sigh. “Applejack sent me a letter a week ago, asking me to retrieve it for her. That was how it began, anyway... When I refused, she threatened to cut business ties with my husband as soon as she gained complete control over Sweet Apple Acres. Do you have any idea what that would do to us? I-I couldn't risk it, but now...” Again, her eyes closed. “It wasn't worth it! My daughter was turned to stone by one of those blasted monsters because of me!”

As my heart sank into my belly, I could ask only one question, “Why did she want the amulet? Did she say?”

I feared the answer, even more so when the older mare's eyes fell upon me, then Rainbow Dash. She didn't have to say it, really, for it was what I had feared all along. Applejack was coming for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Author's Note:

Up next, the finale!