• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 2,022 Views, 39 Comments

A Prophecy of Worlds to Fall - Diespitris

"After all their crusades, all the failures from which they walked away, it was easy to forget they weren't invincible. Fate was a cruel mistress to take one of them from us at such a young age..."

  • ...

Chapter Seven : "Now, I will pass them on."

It was the accumulation of our worst fears, but we took no severe actions against Spoiled Rich. She had come to us willingly and seemed genuinely apologetic for her crimes. So, we saw fit to grant her only community service for her crimes, as well as a required apology to Zecora.

With one problem out of the picture, we focused our attentions on the main problem at hoof: Applejack. There was no way to tell for certain how far she was willing to take her vengeance. How could we protect the fillies from an ire-fueled earth pony wielding the Alicorn Amulet?

Princess Celestia's solution was to send Scootaloo and my sister to Canterlot, where they'd be under the protective wings of Princess Luna. The thought of sending my dear Sweetie Belle away tore my heart in twain, but Rainbow Dash's willingness to part from Scootaloo for the little one's own safety gave me the strength to do the same. Canterlot was safe, Ponyville was not—simple as that, yet it didn't lessen the pain.

“Rarity, I don't want to go!” my sister cried, her eyes watering. “I wanna stay here with you!”

I bit down on my lip as I gently lifted her into the carriage, harnessed to a pair of pegasus guards, where our mother and father carefully took her from me. “I know, Sweetie,” I replied. “But, it's only for a little while!”

Mother pulled her into a hug. “Oh, don't cry darlin'!” she cooed. “It'll be okay! Just think of it as a vacation with your folks!”

“Precisely! Don't worry about me. You'll have plenty of fun in Canterlot.”

At my side, Rainbow Dash ruffled Scootaloo's hair. “Yeah! I bet Princess Luna will have all sorts of fun things for you to do!”

Though the fillies remained unsure, there was no stopping their journey to the capitol. We waved them goodbye as Princess Celestia's guards flew off with the gilded chariot in tow. I stood there, watching them, until they vanished into the distance.

We then returned to Twilight's castle, for there was nothing more to do than plan our next move. Together, we conjured a plan to sweep the Everfree Forest, from which the curious beasts fled with tails tucked between their legs. It was Fluttershy's idea, surprisingly. Only something as horrific as an ancient-evil-wielding mare could frighten so many creatures from their home. If there was anyplace more suitable for Applejack to hide, it was amongst the dense foliage and wicked trees.

No sooner than we began gathering up supplies did the most terrible thing come to pass. One of the pegasus stallions charged with my family's chariot stumbled in on our preparations with a busted lip and crooked wing. “Your Highnesses!” he gasped through panted breaths. “Your Highnesses, the chariot was attacked!”

My blood ran cold, my head filled with numbing fog. I recall not being able to speak, even as Princess Celestia and Twilight lunged towards the guard to question him. “What happened?” they asked. “What of the children? Their guardians?”

He stammered over many of his words, but revealed my mother and father to be unharmed. They had fallen from the chariot when it was struck down. They were taken to the hospital, yet they suffered only minor cuts and bruises. The stallion's comrade, however, was crushed from the impact of the chariot upon the ground. While he lived, his condition was grim. “The fillies were taken,” he continued. “The Everfree—it just came alive and took them!” He bowed low, despite his injured wing. “Forgive my failure, Your Highnesses...”

I hardly registered the panic that ignited around me. My sister and Scootaloo were taken. She had taken them, I knew, despite our best efforts to keep them safe. I blamed myself as my mind reeled with what-ifs: what if I didn't send Sweetie Belle away, what if I had gone with them, what if I had persuaded Twilight or Princess Celestia to escort the chariot?

I could no longer stand by and do nothing. I turned to Rainbow. “Let's go,” I said, my voice strained. She simply nodded at my semi-order. While the others were engaged in petty arguments amongst themselves, I let Rainbow carry me out one of the windows. We made a beeline for the Everfree Forest, Tartarus-bent on getting our sisters back.


Even in broad daylight, the forest canopy made it impossible to both see what went on beneath it and to see through it from the top. It was a place where my knowledge of basic light spells came in handy. I hastily navigated our path to Zecora's house; nopony in Ponyville knew the Everfree better than a mare who depended on it for her livelihood.

I rapped frantically on the door until she answered. “Rainbow, Rarity?” she breathed. “For what reason have you visited me?”

We delved into the terrible, brief tale. She didn't hesitate to lend us her aid. “If Applejack has already sunken so low,” she said, donning her cloak, “then there is only one place in the forest for her to go. Follow!”

I and my pegasus friend chased after her into the arcane darkness—no futher communication between us. She was nimble and quick, yet she moved slowly enough so we wouldn't lose sight of her. I simply ran, I never questioned her leadership. My concern for Sweetie Belle outweighed my dread towards getting mud on my hooves and debris in my mane.

When we passed through a break in the sea of seemingly neverending trees, I finally saw our destination: the ancient Castle of the Two Sisters.

I hardly recognized the ruins. So, overgrown with vines and foliage were they, even Zecora showed trepidation in regards to the ease of our entry. Nevertheless, we carried on—tearing through the offending foliage with teeth and hooves. The things seemed to have a mind of their own, as we witnessed them rejouvenate themselves almost as soon as we disposed of them. We barely made it across the bridge.

That was when I heard a scream. But, it wasn't from a stranger. The high-pitched scream belonged to Sweetie Belle.

“Did you hear that?!” I cried. It didn't occur to me my voice could alert Applejack to our arrival. “We need to hurry!”

The entrance to the castle, as well as all the crumbled walls, were overgrown. Speed was impossible. At least, it was to me. Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, was not to be dissuaded. “I'm comin', Scoots!” she shouted. Her prismatic trail was visible as she did a lap around the ruins before using her own body to force an almost-perfect hole in the barricade of vines. Zecora and I leaped through before they grew back together, and we continued to follow after Rainbow without care.

I vaguely recalled the path to the chamber where the ancient Elements of Harmony once slumbered. A part of me knew that's where we were heading. Rainbow got there first, of course. I heard a vicious shout as she, I assumed, made a move to attack Applejack. Yet, Rainbow was on the ground when Zecora and I finally caught up to her.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were wrapped in her protective embrace. Standing over them was Applejack. But, in that moment, she was a mare I hardly recognized. Her coat was a darker shade of orange than I remembered. Her mane, undone from its normal style, seemed to float around her head as though it was exposed to too much static. More unusual were her eyes—narrowed and crimson with hate.

Fastened around her neck was the Alicorn Amulet.

Zecora was the first to leap to Rainbow's side. “Enough, Applejack!” she snapped. “What is this empathy and kindness you lack?”

For a moment, a look of surprise crossed Applejack's features. There one second, gone the very next. “And just what the hay are you doin' here, Zecora?” she questioned. She sounded agitated. “This ain't your buisness!”

“It's my business when two innocent children are so cruely taken.” She looked over her shoulder at us whilst I aided Rainbow and the fillies back up onto their hooves. “Look at the poor dears, so clearly shaken!”

And Applejack sneered. “'Innocent?' Do you even know what they did to me and mine?!”

“Two wrongs never make a right, and you shame your sister by exorcising such misplaced might.”

Quiet! You know nothing!”

Anger boiled in my heart. “Oh, so you know everything?!” I hissed. I pulled Sweetie Belle against me. “You thought it best to send Spoiled Rich to do your dirty-work, harm Zecora, and torment Ponyville?! Just so you could get your so-called 'revenge'?!”

She raised a brow. She didn't seem alarmed in the slightest. “So, ol' Mrs. Rich finally snitched, huh? Ah, well, doesn't matter none to me.” Eyes flashing crimson, she pointed to the nest of tangled vines hanging above our heads. They moved at her silent command—snaking down to snatch us up.

Zecora produced a bronze-colored dust from her cloak, which she promptly blew onto them. To our surprise, they shriveled up and hung limp. Why she didn't use it to clear our path earlier, I do not know. My only guess at the time was that her supply was limited. “Your trickery will not work on me,” she said. “I've lived in this forest far longer than you, you see.”

Applejack's eye twitched. “Last chance, Zecora. I don't have a problem with ya. Leave.”

Our zebra comrade stood her ground. “As long as you pose danger to us, your chances of getting rid of me are a bust.”

Fine.” The sclera of her eyes darkened. “You want to stay on their side, then die there!” In a fit of speed, she rushed Zecora.

“Back off!” growled Rainbow Dash. She sped from my side and she tackled the earth mare. The two of them tumbled together across the cold stone floor. Rainbow threw the first punch. Applejack's head snapped to the side, causing the pegasus to shout, “That's for breaking my muzzle, nut-job!”

Applejack retaliated by sinking her teeth into Rainbow's shoulder. No blood was drawn, but it was more than enough to make Rainbow move off of her. “That's for betraying me,” she cruelly retorted. “In fact, I'm sorry I didn't break more of ya!” The amulet flashed, and the floor began to quake. Something sprouted from the stone, creaking and flailing.

It was a tree—gnarl-barked and twisted. Its branches swung at all of us. Rainbow took to the air. I gathered the fillies in my magic and ran to avoid the onslaught. Zecora disappeared from sight when she ran off in a different direction. All the while, Applejack screamed, “Y'all will pay for what ya done! I swear on the Apple Family, I'll make ya pay!”

I was scared out of my wits. The tree tore at the floor, knocked down walls. Debris was added to the list of things I had to avoid as I ducked beyind a fallen wall with the girls. “Are you all right?” I asked. It was a stupid question. As scared as I was, I couldn't imagine what Sweetie and Scootaloo felt.

And the poor dears trembled as they nodded. “She thinks we killed Applebloom!” sobbed Sweetie, causing me to hug her again.

Despite the tears in her eyes, Scootaloo attempted to put up a tough front. “She's nuts! She was going to kill us!”

Anger gnawed away at my fear. “She's not going to hurt you—nopony is going to hurt you. I promise.” Cautiously, I peeked over the crumbling wall that served as our only defense. Rainbow and Zecora possessed Applejack's full attention. She seemed to be controlling every movement of the summoned tree, continuously switching her gaze between the two opposing mares.

I was to become a third contestant, because her erratic movements gave me an idea. A dangerous idea, but I was willing to risk anything for my sister and my friends. “Sweetie, Scootaloo,” I whispered. “I need you to stay here, understand?”

My sister immediately latched onto me. “Where are you going?!”

“I need to stop Applejack, dear, and I think I know how.”

“No, don't go out there! Don't leave me again! Please!

“I'll be fine. Everything will be fine. Have faith.” I pulled her into one last embrace, then I emerged from hiding. Applejack didn't notice me at first, but she would, and she did as soon as I threw a rather large rock at her head. “Leave them be, you ruffian!” I yelled.

She dodged the projectile. “That the best you got, Miss Prissy Pants?”

I said nothing, because, yes, it was the best I could do at the moment. I rolled out from underneath a bludgeoning branch—officially joining Rainbow and Zecora in the chase. I didn't know if either of them had a plan, but mine required only one of us. Me. Even then, I prayed it wasn't selfish, especially since I didn't try to talk sense into Applejack anymore.

Instead, I instigated. “Is this how you chose to honor Applebloom's memory?” I asked, my voice loud. “By harming others, including her beloved friends?”

“Shut up!” she growled. “They weren't her friends! If they were, they wouldn't have left her to die!”

“She loved them! She sacrificed herself so they would live!”


Her ire incensed, I had to pick up my pace as her determination to destroy me also grew. As I dodged blow after blow, I thought I wasn't going to make it. I'm not athletic, like Rainbow Dash, nor am I as experienced with magic as Twilight. The stamina I never knew I had was my only physical advantage, as Applejack seemed confident enough in her abilities to remain in one spot.

It was a perfect scenario. Once I caught the devout attention of her bizarre tree, I did what any sensible lady would do in my situation. I ran right for Applejack, and before she even realized what I was doing, her creation struck us both.

The pain was immediate, as was the sensation of flying. Or, rather, falling. The world spun around me. It was either Zecora or Rainbow's voice I heard shouting my name, and I faintly recall seeing both a blue and an orange body somewhere in the distance. There was definitely debris. Pieces of the castle rained from the sky, for Applejack and I had been sent flying from the ancient castle.

For a moment, before everything went to black, I was just happy Sweetie Belle was safe.


Twilight and Princess Celestia, I was later told, found us soon after our fall. “Us,” being me and Rainbow Dash. Apparently, my friend had caught me in time to prevent me from tumbling into the dangerous Everfree. We were buried by rubble in the process, only to be dug free by the Princesses.

As soon as I saw daylight again, my first reaction was to look around for Applejack. I was relieved to see she wasn't in sight, yet I was unnerved to not know her location. Zecora saw her fall where Rainbow Dash and I had not fallen. Twilight and Princess Celestia went on without us to look for her, while the rest of us returned to Ponyville.

I carried Sweetie Belle on my back, despite the others' attempts to talk me out of it. I insisted, since no one seemed opposed to Rainbow carrying Scootaloo, and I carried her all the way to the hospital. After a much-needed reunion with our parents, the fillies were given a clean bill of health by the resident doctor.

As for myself, however, I was badly bruised—the worst injury being a few bruised ribs. I was expected to stay at the hospital for a day or two. That was fine. What wasn't fine, however, was the news I received as I lay in a hospital bed some few hours later. Twilight, joined by her mentor, came into the room—surrounded by a silent air I didn't like.

They didn't find Applejack, but they did find the Alicorn Amulet—abandoned in the brush.

Author's Note:

Alright, it's over. Nothin' more to see here. Everypony go home.

Comments ( 6 )

Author's Note:
Alright, it's over. Nothin' more to see here. Everypony go home.

Uh, yeah, no, I don't think so. You can't really tell me that's the end, right?

Convention of the genre "You don't see a body they ain't really dead -and they WILL be back"

Eh, could really use an epilogue. I'll leave it unrated until then.

Oh come on:flutterrage:! I wanna see more!

ICR who said "Some stories leave room for a sequel. Other stories leave a hole the size of a sequel."
This is one of them

Hymn of Breaking Strain - Poem by Rudyard Kipling
THE careful text-books measure
(Let all who build beware!)
The load, the shock, the pressure
Material can bear.
So, when the buckled girder
Lets down the grinding span,
'The blame of loss, or murder,
Is laid upon the man.
Not on the Stuff - the Man!

But in our daily dealing
With stone and steel, we find

The Gods have no such feeling
Of justice toward mankind.
To no set gauge they make us-
For no laid course prepare-
And presently o'ertake us
With loads we cannot bear:
Too merciless to bear.

The prudent text-books give it
In tables at the end
'The stress that shears a rivet
Or makes a tie-bar bend-
'What traffic wrecks macadam-
What concrete should endure-
but we, poor Sons of Adam
Have no such literature,
To warn us or make sure!

We hold all Earth to plunder -
All Time and Space as well-
Too wonder-stale to wonder
At each new miracle;
Till, in the mid-illusion
Of Godhead 'neath our hand,
Falls multiple confusion
On all we did or planned-
The mighty works we planned.

We only of Creation
(0h, luckier bridge and rail)
Abide the twin damnation-
To fail and know we fail.
Yet we - by which sole token
We know we once were Gods-
Take shame in being broken
However great the odds-
The burden of the Odds.

Oh, veiled and secret Power
Whose paths we seek in vain,
Be with us in our hour
Of overthrow and pain;
That we - by which sure token
We know Thy ways are true -
In spite of being broken,
Because of being broken
May rise and build anew
Stand up and build anew.

That’s quite an ending. Quite the story, as a matter of fact. I can’t say I can fully picture Applejack doing such things, but I can certainly imagine it more than Rarity or Rainbow Dash, what with her bullheadedness and history of not listening to her friends or family, as well as the ability to pull the wool over her own eyes. Still, it’s kinda tough seeing her go down this path, but... well, grief can make monsters of good people.

A lot of people probably see it differently, but I rather admire the ending. I’m not sure I’d go as far as liking it. It could use some more interaction, some dialogue, something like that. You could probably find a way to deliver that wham line with more wham and making it feel more like an ending, but I do appreciate part of what it seems to convey. Applejack left the Amulet behind; to me, that signifies that she’s starting to move past her revenge plot, leaving it behind. I see an open end that also has a hint of hope for the future.

Maybe that’s just me, though.

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