• Published 6th Feb 2015
  • 9,148 Views, 579 Comments

Sentinels of Equestria - Lightning Spear

(A CoD: A.W. crossover) A year had passed after New Baghdad, a team of Sentinel Task Force operatives led by Gideon and Jack Mitchell are stranded in Equestria, where they must work alongside the Equestrians to prevent the birth of war.

  • ...

Connecting the Dots

After hearing the word "Wolfpack," the Sentinels fell silent.

"Is there a problem, Major?" Celestia asked, jerking Gideon from his trance.

"Um, forgive me Your Majesty." Gideon shook his head a bit. "Your Majesty, if it’s possible, I would like to request a meeting with you and your most trusted advisers. I know I sound very presumptuous, but this is highly sensitive information to talk about remotely. At what time will you be available?"

Although Gideon's request was a very abrupt one, Celestia sensed his seriousness and concern. Besides, her schedule for the day was signing more and more paperwork. So, she made up her mind to clear her schedule for the day.

"Very well, but it would not be necessary Major. I shall come to Ponyville with my advisers," she stated. "I will see you soon." With that, her visage disappeared from the Sentinels' HUDs.

"Looks like we have more work on our hands," Marcus said as mumbles surged among them.

"A hell lotta work, kid," Joker responded.

"Excuse me ta interrupt, but what the hay is goin' on here?" Applejack asked with a confused stare.

"Lets just say this is a matter of national security," Mitchell said. "We have to return to the castle ASAP."

"Then let’s wrap this all up and RTB," Gideon declared before switching to his comms. "You too Ilona."


Celestia and her advisers arrived at Twilight's castle via teleportation shortly after the Sentinels' returned from Applejacks', and they quickly set up a war council in the castle’s newly finished war room. A room nopony never hoped to use. The war council consisted of human and pony officers with Celestia representing the ponies and Gideon representing the humans. They were all seated around a massive war table with the map of Equus engraved on the surface.

"Before we begin, I would like to explain the background of the situation," Celestia declared and she stood up from her seat. "Recently, our neighboring country, an empire known as Gryphonia, is embroiled in conflict due to an uprising known as the Firehawk Rebellion led by General Eurythius Firehawk who defected from the empire with a large portion of the Griffon Imperial Army in order to create a new nation in an opposing move against Emperor Nofus, current emperor of the empire, whose reign they deemed filled with tyranny and corruption. Which is why their motive on the Ponyville attack is still unknown as we have nothing to do against them."

The Sun Princess stopped a bit to let the attendants process the information. After a while, she continued.

"Both sides have been fighting for so long that they are now currently at a stalemate. However, it seems that the Empire has obtained human aid as well. According to our sources in the Gryphonian ranks, there are only six of them, but they seem to be very well trained as they re-captured Falconhamn from the rebels, one of Gryphonia's largest mining town in just one night. In addition, they also have a giant armored contraption as their transportation. As for our diplomatic ties with Gryphonia, we are currently on neutral terms. However, there are words spreading among our informants about the empire's impending attack on Equestria and it’s very likely that these soldiers will join the attack as well."

She stopped again to let the information to sink in to the attendants of the war room. Seeing there were no confusion whatsoever, she continued.

"Our sources stated that they are busy quelling the rebellion, so it is not likely that they will attack us soon. Despite that, we are going to put defensive protocols in effect as soon as possible to prepare ourselves from the potentially upcoming war. Finally, it is imperative that we make the civilians' safety, and moreover, the safety of the Element Bearers our top priority as our informants also stated that they will be going after the Elements of Harmony. That is what we know for now, perhaps you know something about these 'Wolfpack' soldiers, Major?"

"Fuck...” Gideon muttered under his breath.

"I beg your pardon, Major?" Celestia asked.

Gideon sighed. "Your Majesty, Wolfpack is the best asset of ATLAS Corporation's special forces task force, known as ATLAS Tactical Security Service, or abbreviated as A.T.S.S. Specifically trained as a black operations unit, they conducted numerous and infamous black operations behind enemy lines. Only a handful of people knew of their existence, going so far that most of ATLAS' employees considered the unit as an urban legend...most of them."

"Can you tell us more, Major?" General Gleaming Shield inquired.

"Before the war with the rest of the world, they are usually tasked to deal with situations that may put ATLAS' reputation in jeopardy, such as assassinations and destroying evidences of ATLAS' ‘morally questionable’ activities. After Jonathan Irons, the CEO of ATLAS Corporation himself declared war with the rest of the world, ATLAS Tactical Security Service Unit sky-rocketed into a whole new level. Their operations were so covert that it was rumored they have agents operating inside our task force. The best of the A.T.S.S. operatives are assigned to the Alpha Team, call-sign 'Wolfpack.' They have the best gear ATLAS could offer which they are free to customize and triple the paycheck. After Jonathan Irons' death, his distant cousin, Mark Irons, seized all of ATLAS remaining military assets including the A.T.S.S. and Wolfpack along with it."

"I see. What do you think of the odds, Major?" Commander Iron Sword inquired.

"It would be very difficult to predict, Commander. Unfortunately, our intel is very scarce at the moment, which is why I recommend to execute preventive steps, gather more intel about them before we can pinpoint their next move. And for security, I recommend you to double the guards on your castle and borders. I will also send Phantom and Hunter teams alternately to back you up," Gideon said.

"I believe that would not be necessary, Major. I’m sure my guards are more than capable of dealing with infiltrators in the castle. The borders too are patrolled every day."

"Commander, please. We are talking about the most lethal of ATLAS' ranks, they could strike like thunder and disappear like smoke. If we are not careful, they could cause damages so severe that not even us could do anything about it," Gideon said sternly.

The ponies were quite taken aback by his tone, going from his usually calm and collected demeanor to a very distressed one. But nonetheless, they nodded in acknowledgement.

"Major Gideon is right, Commander. I believe the Major and his soldiers are more well versed in this matter than any of us here. I suggest you listen to what he has to say," Celestia said sternly.

"Yes Your Majesty," Iron Sword replied with a bowed head, realizing his overconfidence.

"Do we know anything else about them?" General Gleaming Shield asked. "Such as who their members are, perhaps?"

"I do," Ramirez, the former NSA agent said while getting up from his seat and accessing his tablet. "I am sending the data to your HUDs and tablets...it should be up right about...now."

The data was distributed through their HUDs and tablets quickly, and every attendant in the room began to scan through the newly received information. Ramirez had everything they need to know on their potential adversaries...from the members, the Storm Fortress, Mark Irons...everything. But for Gideon, he found something else...

"They can't be...t-they can't be," Gideon stuttered as he saw the images of Major Alexandra Pearce and MAMBA. His estranged sister and presumed-dead protégé. Normally, if he discovered someone holding a vital information away from him, he would probably break that person's nose. But this time, he was too shocked to do any form of violence.

"I... need some time. Excuse me everypony," Gideon said before quickly walking out from the room and into the castle's hallways. Following him, were Mitchell, Joker, and Ilona. They quickly walked to a nearby balcony where Gideon collected himself and calmed down.

"You were there...we buried him ourselves," said Gideon.

"I know..." Mitchell said. "We carried his casket ourselves."

"Yet here he is, now a member of Wolfpack." Joker shook his head.

"I guess life is not always what it seems," Ilona added. "Speaking of which, what are you going to do with her?"

"I don't know...yet." Gideon sighed. "But what I know is this, we still have a lot of work to do and hopefully, we won't run into them anytime soon."

The rest nodded, and they walked back to the war room.

"Welcome back." Celestia greeted them as the group returned "May I ask what was that all about?"

"It is not every day that you see your dead protégé coming back to life," Gideon said while projecting MAMBA's image from his tablet. "And, having your sister coming up on opposite sides with you in a war," he said again and did the same with Alexandra's.

Again, mumbles surged among those present in the room.

Celestia raised her hoof and all voices went out. She gave herself a moment of silence to let Gideon's claim to sink into her head. The Sun Princess knew very well what it was like to have a sibling to be on the opposite side of a war, moreover she banished her's into the moon for a thousand years. But she did not end her sister's life. However, Celestia knew that Gideon's case may and potentially differ from her's.

"I completely understand the situation, Major," Celestia said after contemplating for a moment. "However, what course of action would you suggest should they attack?"

He internally frowned after hearing the same question, but in his conscience, he knew the answer - uncertainty. But nevertheless, he decided to answer the question.

"Our best assumption is that they will not cooperate with us, as A.T.S.S. operatives are not known to negotiate with words. Which is why we will act with extreme prejudice should any signs of danger appear. However, if there is a chance for negotiation...a peaceful negotiation...we will talk with them. Both the A.T.S.S. and Gryphonians. For as much as possible, we should try to avoid any unneeded fights with them," Gideon said. "But if they insist, we give them hell. Si vis pacem, para bellum!"

Series of applause rang throughout the room. Although all negotiation attempts with ATLAS have died before the attack of New Baghdad, the Sentinels wanted peace after so many years of fighting ATLAS forces who probably after many years of fighting the Sentinels also wanted the same. However, there were no guarantees that diplomatic channels will work.

"Very well, Major. General Gleaming Shield, Commanders Iron Sword and Hurricane, I want all of you to put our soldiers at full alert. Double the guards and patrols at our borders, the castle, and any other vital sites throughout Equestria, effective immediately. Is that understood?" Princess Celestia declared.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" they replied altogether.

"Are there any questions before we conclude this meeting?"

"Your Majesty." Mitchell raised his hand.

"Yes, Captain Mitchell?"

"You kept mentioning you have your 'sources' in Gryphonia, correct?"

Celestia nodded.

"How trustworthy and secure are they?"

"I have complete faith in them, Captain." Celestia smiled. "I believe they will not betray us whatsoever. They will not be easily compromised as their positions in Gryphonian ranks would be the last to be suspected."

"And who are they if I may know?" Gideon added.

"For security reasons, that is classified. But I am sure that you will meet them someday, Major Gideon." Celestia smiled again. "Now, I have a question for you, major."

"Go ahead, princess."

"I am wondering about the meaning of that phrase you said earlier. Could you perhaps enlighten us?"

"If you want peace, prepare for war."

That evening in Ponyville Hospital...

Bolt woke up from his afternoon nap, with a slightly throbbing head and aching body. Last night, his doctor told him that he was making some progress but his body still needed time to recover from the venom effects and injuries. The first thing that popped into his mind was Ilona...he began to think about her since yesterday. Plus, they nearly kissed.

"So that's gotta mean something, right?" Bolt thought as he lay on his bed. "Come on Grant, she is your commanding officer for Christ's sake!"
His mind was caught in a crossfire between pros and cons until his door swung open, causing him to sit on his bed. For a moment, Bolt was hoping it was Ilona since he hasn't seen her all day long, but it was just Nurse Tenderheart.

"Good afternoon," she greeted him with a warm smile. "How are you feeling today?"

"I am fine, thanks." Bolt smiled. "And you?"

"As fine as I could ever be." Tenderheart smiled as she moved closer to his bedside. "Don't mind me, sir. I’m just going to change your IV bag and I will be out of here in no time."

"Take your time ma'am," Bolt said while changing his position to face her. "Hey, do you have any idea where Ilona is?"

"Oh, Miss Ilona left early this morning with Miss Fluttershy. My apologies, sir. I don't know when she will return," Tenderheart said while replacing Bolt's empty IV bag with a new one.

"And it is getting dark..." Bolt sighed. "Where could they be?"

And then, the door swung open with Ilona on the other side.

"Speak of the Devil," Bolt muttered "Hey."

"Hey." Ilona smiled.

Bolt always loved her smile.

That, and the fact that she was not wearing any combat gear made her look more feminine and less threatening.
Seeing this, Tenderheart excused herself and left the room, giving the two some privacy.

"How are you feeling?" Ilona asked as she took a chair and sat in front of Bolt.

"I’m good, I guess," he replied. "My body's in hella pain right now, but nothing I can't handle."

Ilona smiled.

"So, what did I miss today?" Bolt asked.

"Oh, you won't believe what happened today. This will be a long story," Ilona replied.

"Um, I think we have time for that." Bolt smirked.

And then Ilona talked about the things she went through that day in detail, from her morning activities with Fluttershy, which were mostly searching for flowers and taking care of her pets until the sudden meeting with Princess Celestia in Twilight's castle. An hour had passed; the talk went surprisingly well and relaxed. Ilona wasn't in her usual aloofness and seriousness, complemented by Bolt who had his full attention on her during their chat which they both seemed to notice.

"So that's what happened today," Ilona concluded before taking two glasses of water for her and Bolt to drink. He thanked her, and they both drank from their glasses.

"I still can't believe on what hit Gideon today. Although from what you told me he handled it well, this is not something that you can just get over with in five seconds," Bolt said.

"Yeah, but he better get over this quick. We may find ourselves fighting in another war if shit hits the fan."

"Oh dear God, I hope not, or my plan of making a sandwich shop would be for naught," Bolt said dramatically. "That's my plan after the war with ATLAS is over."

Ilona couldn't help but to laugh at his statement. "You're joking, right?"

"Nope, I’m dead serious." Bolt smirked. "Oh, you haven't got a taste of my specials?"

Ilona shook her head in response. This surprised her, truly.

"After I get myself off this hospital, I'll make as many as I can for everybody and pony. Speaking of which, what's your plan after the war is over?"

"I want to be a florist, I think. I don't know...I can't really think of life outside the war."

"I think that will suit you just fine, Ilona." Bolt smiled.

Ilona blushed at his compliment and smile. Frankly, Bolt's got a cute smile...just like Vladimir's, her late fiancée.

"Ilona? You okay?" Bolt asked, snapping Ilona from her trance.

"Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you, by the way." she smiled.

But then, the door swung open with Nurse Tenderheart on the other side.

"I am sorry ma'am, but visiting hours are over now," Nurse Tenderheart said. However, Ilona wasn't planning to leave.

"Is it okay if I stay here? to look out for him just in case." Ilona said nonchalantly. This caused Bolt's heart to burst like wildfire.

"I think that would be fine since there is nopony else here," Tenderheart concluded. "But he is not allowed to stay up late."

"I understand," Ilona replied.

"Good night," Tenderheart said before closing the door.

And then the chat continued late into the night before Ilona eventually fell asleep on a sofa they were chatting on. Seeing this, Bolt got up and slowly walked while wheeling the IV stand with him to a nearby cupboard to grab a spare blanket and pillow for Ilona. He put the blanket on her and gently lift her head to put the pillow underneath.

"Good night, Ilona," Bolt whispered while gently brushing some locks of hair from her face.

Rockfeather Canyons, Gryphonia

During their stay with the Gryphonian ranks, Wolfpack crushed every Firehawk rebels in their path with ease. What could take years for Gryphonia Empire to accomplish, Wolfpack did in nearly two months. This caused them to be the spearheading force of the empire's army, alongside Prince Solarwing's personal army.

That day as Solarwing's army commenced a diversionary assault at the last of the Rebellion's field headquarters, Wolfpack was tasked with infiltrating the castle to capture or kill a rebel field marshal known as Blacktalon.

According to Solarwing, Blacktalon is General Firehawks' number two. Aside from an abundance of scars, massive build, and blood-red feathers, the field marshal has a set of large black talons as his name implied. Blacktalon's reputation was so legendary that it was said that the color of his talons came from the blood of his victims who lost their heads to him from an unspeakable amount of killing he committed.

But aside from their reputation, the talons were also very poisonous. The field marshal possessed a deep knowledge on toxicology which he also applied in combat, specifically his claws to ensure that if his blow did not kill his opponent, the poisoning will. So, it was imperative to not come into contact with his claws at all costs.

"Go go go!" Alexandra ordered as she and her team breached the ceiling of the field HQ war room.

Wolfpack eliminated the room's resistance with little effort.

"Clear!" Victor shouted as he scanned the room with his Tac-19 pointed out front, his suit's overdrive subsiding
"Now it's clear," Monsoon said as he stabbed a dying rebel on the throat with his sai. "But no Blacktalon."

"Target must've bailed," Caroline said, wiping off some sweat from her forehead.

"We'll get him later," MAMBA said while loading a round into his RW-1.

"Solarwing, we have arrived on site. There is no sign of Blacktalon, I repeat, there is no sign of Blacktalon," Alexandra said.

"Understood Wolfpack, collect any information you can. If he is not there, find out where he’s going."

"Copy that."

Suddenly, thick clouds of smoke exploded among the team. In the ensuing confusion, a blood red blur zipped past the operators...knocking them swiftly to the ground. They quickly recovered from their disorientation and reached for their fallen weapons - only to find a horrifying sight.

"Ah shit! Twelve o'clock!" Victor said while drawing his sidearm and pointing it at...Blacktalon - with Caroline pinned under his left claw. Regardless of any escape attempts she made, the grasp was very strong and firm. Instantly, the rest of the team pointed their sidearms as well.

"Impressive." Blacktalon chuckled darkly as he grazed Caroline's face with his talon, causing her to grimace in pain. "You killed my soldiers as if they were nothing more than walking meat-pockets. You must be the new soldiers Nofus enlisted into his dying ranks."

"Let her go! Or I will blow your brain out from your skull!" Alexandra said sternly while having her sidearm pointed towards the field marshal's head.

"Oh no need for such threats, creature." Blacktalon smirked. "Catch!"

With one fluid move, the rebel field marshal threw Caroline across the room like a rag doll. Victor instinctively leaped and caught her mid-air.
But this, distracted the team.

With a powerful flap from his wings, Blacktalon streaked out from the war room and into the sky above. Seeing this, Heinrich dove for his machine gun and opened fire, but none of his rounds hit Blacktalon.

"Scheisse!" the former German special forces captain cursed. "Now ve lost him!"

"No," Monsoon said. "In fact, he left us a big fuckin' clue."

A message was carved into the stone walls and written in blood.


Alexandra quickly took a picture of the message with her suit's camera before walking over to Victor who was tending over to a barely conscious Caroline.

"How is she?" she asked.

"Not good, her body temperature's burning. This must've got something to do with this fuckin' scratch," Victor said while sterilizing and dressing the graze on her left cheek, before picking Caroline up in his arms. "We have to get her back to the camp, ASAP."
Alexandra nodded and activated her comms.

"Solarwing, we have the intel. But Ice is incapacitated, Blacktalon grazed her face."

"Understood, return at once for her life is at stake!"

Wolfpack ran like they never did before. They covered the distance back to their encampment in minutes before rushing to the Storm Fortress. Solarwing, Thundertail, his second in command, and Rhea, his adviser, followed them.

Victor put an unconscious Caroline at the Storm Fortress' infirmary hi-tech operating table dubbed as PANACEA. It, and alongside all of the advanced medical equipment the room has to over could cure any injury, disease, and other medical ailments known to mankind using the principles of radiation therapy. The PANACEA however, was isolated on a separate lead-lined room within the infirmary to prevent any unwanted radiation-related accident from happening.

Victor quickly left the room and joined Alexandra at the controls.

"IRENE, scan and sterilize!" Alexandra said.

"Scanning..." IRENE said as a medical scanner vertically scanned Caroline's body from head-to-toe with its blue rays. "Warning, severe blood contamination detected...immediate decontamination recommended."

Alexandra quickly fiddled with the controls and pressed the decontamination button.

A low hum was heard from the overhead linear particle accelerator and a few seconds later, a bright blue light zapped from the optic and enveloped Caroline's body. The graze on her face quickly disappeared as PANACEA repaired the damage on her body...a few moments later, the process was done.

"Decontamination procedure complete, vital signs stable."

"Now she's sleeping," Alexandra said as they entered the PANACEA chamber again. "Vic, could you please take her to her room?"
Victor lifted Caroline to his arms again and carried her to her room with Alexandra in tow.

"How is she?" Rhea asked as Victor and Alexandra walked down from the Storm Fortress' hover-bike hangar ramps. Heinrich, MAMBA, and Monsoon were also there, cleaning their weapons.

"She is fine, sleeping as we speak," Victor replied.

"Thank the clouds." Rhea smiled.

"Do not worry, we will get him at Havengard. This is the last field headquarters the rebellion has, after this we will go straight to the citadel," Solarwing said.

"Good," Alexandra said. "The faster we get over this, the better. Do we have any plans?"

"We do. But we will discuss about that later, right now, I need all of you to rest. You've earned it, well done." said the griffon prince.

But suddenly their comms came to life.

"Wolfpack, this is Prophet. Do you read me, over?"

"Reading you loud and clear Prophet."

"It's good to hear from you again Wolf Mother. What's your mission status, over?"

"Primary mission is nearing completion, over."

"Complete it ASAP. A year and a half has gone by since you left, the Sentinels are making a slow progression here but we need you to hurry, over?"

"Understood, we will keep you posted."

"Prophet out."

"Slow progress? His tone veren't that convincing," Heinrich said.

"He sounded...afraid," Monsoon added.

"Knock it off lads," Alexandra intervened. "We must focus for the mission ahead, not making wild arse interpretations." And then, Alexandra turned her head to the griffons once again.

"We will move out at daybreak," said Solarwing.

Wolfpack saluted the prince and returned to the Storm Fortress, calling the day off.

It was then when Solarwing took flight away from the camp with Rhea and Thundertail flanking him. A few moments later, the trio landed on a plateau overlooking the former rebellion field headquarters and their camp. They stared at the scenery before them, contemplating their next move.

"We should warn them, yes?" Rhea asked.

"I agree with Rhea," Thundertail said, voicing his agreemen.t "The winds know they will need the time to prepare."

"Very well..." Solarwing said, turning to his friends. "Alert Princess Celestia and her allies.”

Author's Note:


Didn't see that coming didn't ya?! And I promise, this won't be the last.

I know you're all kinda pissed at me, so here's a pussy pic!

Not enough? here's a song of awesomeness!

Maximbady, if you eva find this I jost want to let you know that you are awesome!

Disclaimer, I don't own any of the respective medias.

Right! All jokes aside, time to get serious.

First, I want to talk about the all healing Panacea machine...

Panacea, a mythological substance named after the Greek goddess of universal remedy Panakeia, Panacea, also known as panchrest, was supposed to be a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. It was sought by the alchemists as a connection to the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone, a mythical substance which would enable the transmutation of common metals into gold. -Wikipedia

This is some real research, ladies and gentlemen (combined with a whackjob of imagination!).

And second, I want to talk about my condition...about why I am taking so goddamn long to update.

The word "busy" would be an understatement for me. You see, I am on my final year in senior high school...that means a f*ck ton of tests and projects are waiting to be done, so I can only write sporadically and not routinely. I hope you can understand :twilightsmile:.

Right, now I am getting back to type my other stories. In the meantime, feel free to comment, leave a like, you know the drill! And I will see you in the next one, peace!