• Published 6th Feb 2015
  • 9,148 Views, 579 Comments

Sentinels of Equestria - Lightning Spear

(A CoD: A.W. crossover) A year had passed after New Baghdad, a team of Sentinel Task Force operatives led by Gideon and Jack Mitchell are stranded in Equestria, where they must work alongside the Equestrians to prevent the birth of war.

  • ...

The Battle for Havengard

Havengard Citadel, Gryphonia

Gryphonian trebuchets and other siege engines continuously lobbed hails of massive munitions in their attempt to destroy the solid walls of Havengard Citadel. Even after an entire week of siege, the defenses were yet to be weakened. They cannot attack from the sky as a powerful magic barrier was already cast upon the Citadel grounds, which according to Emperor Nofus' battlemage commander; cannot be broken by even the strongest of battlemages as the barrier was energized by an internal power source deep within the Citadel's complex. And thus, leaving them only one route: ground attack. On the ground however, the Royal Army were pinned down by the Firehawk Rebellion's most feared troops: the Steel Horns Berserkers which consisted of minotaurs and Black Talon Knights, elite griffon knights personally trained by the infamous Field Marshal Blacktalon. The Royal Army are the Gryphonian Empire's strongest fighting force, fierce in attacking and persistent in defending. However the Berserkers' sheer blood-lust and brutality combined with speed and precision from the Knights caused mounting casualty among the Royal Army's ranks.

Prince Solarwing, his army, and Wolfpack have so far been excluded from the attack since the generals think that Solarwing is too inexperienced and Wolfpack is not part of Gryphonia's forces but mostly their thoughts were centered on who's going to scratch the fortress first and win all the perks of honor and glory.

However when Emperor Nofus paid them an unexpected visit by teleporting with Shadow Specter, they quickly changed their minds and thus equalizing the ground of command once more.

On the same day, they convened to plan their next attack. The massive amount of Gryphonia's troops meant they were not going to run out of forces soon, but Solarwing had another idea. A swift attack that could crush the Firehawk Rebellion with one swift stroke.

"I will not need a large force, my Solar Knights and Wolfpack will suffice." said Solarwing to his father and all generals in the room.

"Forgive my impertinence, but I highly doubt such strategy will work my prince." said one of the generals, receiving a lot of approving nods from his comrades.

"A lot of experienced generals have tried to scratch Havengard Citadel, but none have succeeded. You have seen your fair share of battle, true. However, you are *ahem* if I may, too inexperienced at a battle of this scale." said the general.

"True, I am but a young prince and haven't commanded armies as you esteemed generals do every day. However, this strategy have never been tried before. The way I see this, our soldiers' morale are already low on the very moment they step into the battlefield as they always have the option to retreat. My point is, to close any options of retreating. Even if I do fail, your losses will not be much." said Solarwing again, this even gained him more disapproval. But Nofus, raised his talon and the tent went quiet.

"A very bold yet dangerous strategy, my son. Major Pearce, as Wolfpack is used to such high-risk strategy of warfare, what is your opinion on this?"

Major Alexandra "Wolf Mother" Pearce, the leader of Wolfpack who have been listening intently to Solarwing finally voiced her opinion.

"Your Majesty, in our world there is a saying from a legendary general. Sun Tzu was his name. He wrote in his book, 'when your army has crossed the border, you should burn your boats and bridges, in order to make it clear to everybody that you have no hankering after home.' and thus his army swept like wildfire in nearly every battle he fought, decimating his enemies. Prince Solarwing's strategy is very similar to General Tzu's saying and Wolfpack have fought against odds bigger than us, yet we always prevail. In conclusion, I am very approving of this strategy." she said.

"In addition, General Eurythius Firehawk himself will be there as I will be leading the charge myself. He was my mentor and an excellent strategist, however he has one weakness: that griffon is too proud to miss a personal challenge from the firstborn of Emperor Nofus as I also blinded his left eye. And I am sure Wolfpack also has a score to settle with Field Marshal Blacktalon who will also be there. Two birds with one stone." said Solarwing again.

Once again, the room fell into a deep silence. The generals with stunned reaction on their faces and Emperor Nofus in deep thought. Alexandra and Solarwing glanced to each other, wondering what Nofus' reaction will be.

Moments later, the griffon emperor lifted his head and said "It is my order for the Solar Knights and Wolfpack to capture Havengard."

"Hmph, so Solarwing himself will be leading the charge against us." said Field Marshall Blacktalon as he sipped on a goblet of wine in Havengard's war room. Next to him, General Eurythius Firehawk gave a silent nod.

"Let him come then, I will tear his throat out myself!" Blacktalon snarled as he threw the goblet against a wall.

"Watch that your tone does not get you killed. He may be young, but he is an excellent strategist and even a better fighter. He was the one who took my left eye." Firehawk said while removing his eye-patch, revealing a deep gash on his now blind left eye.

Despite showing calmness in his voice, he knew the fire in him started to rage again...matching his flame colored feathers. Despite being about the same age as Nofus, he was still very capable of fighting and even better at killing. In fact, he mentored a young Solarwing for a long time before his rebellion came to play.

"I have a score to settle with him. So I will be leading the charge against him tomorrow. No artillery strikes, no arrow barrages, only the clash of steels."

"Hmm, but what does he expect to accomplish with only 5.000 knights on his side against our 120.000 knights? And those human creatures with their massive cumbersome steel beast which as far as we know only serve as transportation?" Blacktalon mused.

"Whatever his reason is, Solarwing must have some sort of plan going in his head. You and half of your knights are to stay here and guard the citadel. That's an order."

The next day, five thousand golden plated Solar Knights under Solarwing's command formed up just outside of the Havengard's defenses firing range.

"This is what I would call madness...I hope you know what you are doing." said Solarwing's second-in-command Captain Thundertail.

"Yes, as do I. But sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith to progress in your life. Like our first flight, throwing ourselves from a cliff and all that." replied Solarwing.

"I guess you are right. By the by, where is Rhea and our battle-mages?" as soon as Thundertail asked, a gigantic wall of black clouds followed by strong winds, and continuous thunder strikes formed all-over the battlefield, encasing both Gryphonian and Firehawk forces in a massive storm-sphere.

"I guess they are up in the mountains, conjuring this storm." said Thundertail before speaking again to Solarwing "shall we?"

The prince responded by flaring his wings and unsheathing his greatsword, turning to his knights "To arms!"

The sound of unsheathing blades and war-cries thundered on the battlefield, Solarwing put his helmet on and drew his greatsword

"First wave, charge!"

With his command, the vanguards flared their wings and weapons and flew towards their enemies.

On the other side of the battlefield, General Firehawk's Steel Horns Berserkers and most of Black Talon Knights were also itching for the battle. They were fighting a force much smaller in numbers and in their minds, a good old-fashioned frontal assault will certainly finish the job. But as the general saw the storm sphere, he knew this would be a fight to the death as no one will leave the battlefield until the massive storm subsided.

"Hmm, a good way to dampen the morale of those fighting in the battle. But why would he close his own way of retreating?" Firehawk thought.

"Sir! the enemy has diverted their forces into a smaller force, about 2000 attackers." said a scout knight flying back to his line.

"What? he is diverting his already small force into a smaller group? Very well. Vanguards, commence a frontal assault. Crush their first wave to dust!" ordered the general, brandishing his halberd.

With deafening roars, a combination of both griffon and minotaur knights charged at their adversaries.

Within moments, the two forces collided with one another. Several knights from both sides were killed instantly in the moment of collision and soon the fight started to rage. However, Solarwing's forces were only hitting their enemies with hit-and-run tactics, commencing swift attacks without getting themselves too involved in the fight while quickly advancing to the main enemy forces. As the first wave were composed of light-armored attackers, they have all the speed and agility with them.

"Follow your Prince! Rrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaarrrrgghhh!" the Solar Knights roared.

"Ancestors! we are being pushed back!" said a Black Talon knight before getting cut in half by Solarwing's greatsword.

"Sir! the enemy is advancing towards our position!" said Firehawk's bodyguard.

"Do not panic, they are merely utilizing the speed of their light cavalry to harass us. Assault knights, commence attack from both flanks; Pincer Formation! What will you do now, Solarwing?" he smiled. With that, the assault knights began their attacks on Solarwing's flanks, closing on them fast.

However, Solarwing saw the Pincer Formation coming and ordered his knights to fall back to the main force.

"Move it! go straight through them!" Thundertail ordered. The stragglers in their retreat route were quickly eliminated by the withdrawing wave of knights.

"Heh! They are retreating! This storm will not disappear in time! All knights, charge! Slaughter them like swine!" And thus, Firehawk and his forces moved in to pursue the fleeing forces.

As the vanguards returned to their lines, Solarwing took off his helmet and faced his troops.

"This is it! Today is one of the greatest battles Gryphonia will remember in her history! The storm will not subside until the battle has ended, retreat is NOT an option! Repthar and our ancestors are watching our courageous deeds today! Victory or Cloud Sanctuary!"

Their spirits ignited, the knights let out an ear splitting war-cry yet again, ready to charge at their opponents.

The prince put on his helmet and roared"Charge!"

Solarwing brandished his greatsword and dashed forward, followed by his knights.

The prince swiftly annihilated numerous foes in his path, making his way to General Firehawk's position.

The general, seeing the prince blazing towards him, readied his halberd's axe in a cleaving motion. But, Solarwing saw this and blocked the strike, locking their weapons in place.

"Prince Solarwing himself leading a charge into battle, I am honored." said General Firehawk.

"It has been a long time, mentor. How fares your left eye?" Solarwing smirked underneath his helmet.

"Never let your arrogance get ahead of yourself, bastard."

Saying nothing further, the two released their weapons from the lock and swung them at each other again.

Meanwhile, Havengard Citadel's Entrance

Although most of the occupants have gone fighting, the citadel was still heavily guarded by half of Black Talon Knights who were ordered to stay and defend the castle against possible attacks.

"By Repthar's quills, this is dull." said a guarding Black Talon Knight to his companion beside him.

"Agreed. We should be out there fighting with our brothers."

However, their vision was cut to black as the Storm Fortress teleported on top of them; crushing the guards to death instantly.

"All systems stable and ready to go." IRENE said.

"Wonderful, lets get this over with. Forward!" commanded Alexandra.

As the Storm Fortress advanced to the castle's complex, a large number of Black Talon Knights began to converge on them from the battlements. Either firing their massive dragonslayer arrows, setting them on fire with tar, or raining them with large stones - to no effect at all. Instead, the bows and stones dropped like flies while the fire made the tank even more monstrous.

"Wolf Mother, permission to fire?" Victor asked from his gunner seat.

"Negative Warhammer, we wait until we reach the main courtyard." replied Alexandra "However, those three massive portcullises are expandable."

"Roger fuckin' that." Victor smirked.

Within moments, a thundering sound was heard and the portcullises were reduced to scrap metal. Panic was starting to ignite among the knights' ranks.

"I-I cannot believe this! E-even a dragon would be dead by now!" stuttered one of the knights on the battlements.

"Nonsense you fool! We will destroy this beast in the main courtyard!" said a higher ranking knight next to him.

Having destroyed their obstructions, Wolfpack arrived on the main courtyard with an endless wave of knights swarming on them.

"Warhammer, you are cleared to engage."

"Target saturation complete, firing anti-personnel missiles!"

Moments later, a barrage of anti-personnel homing missiles were fired from the Storm Fortress; reducing the griffons to chunks of bloody flesh and metal.

With most of the knights decimated, the minuscule fragments were cowering in fear. Have they seen their fair share of combat? true. Battle-hardened? true. Swore an oath in which they are never to retreat come hell or high water? true. But they have never, ever, seen anything like that before. Nor were they prepared. They dropped to the ground, weapons dropped, eyes filled with terror, covering their ears and heads - wishing none of this were happening.

"All targets eliminated. The survivors are...shitting themselves. Orders?" MAMBA spoke up.

Alexandra analyzed the situation, and seeing their opponents mentally incapacitated, she decided to spare them.

"Stand down Warhammer, they are...incapacitated."


"IRENE, scan this rock for any signs of Blacktalon. I want him found ASAP."

"You don't need to look far, he is right over there." MAMBA said. True, Blacktalon stood in front of the keep's entrance. Brandishing his great-sword at them.

"IF you have honor with you, fight me directly!" he bellowed.

"We have no time for this. Ice, you got a bead on him?" Alexandra asked.

"That I do." Caroline said while aiming her Raufoss Mk 211 loaded Lynx anti-material sniper rifle at Blacktalon's chest from one of the super-heavy tank's gunner hatch.

"Pop him."

Caroline's rifle thundered, and a split second later, the bullet have pierced the field marshal's breastplate. Combine an armor-piercing tungsten core with incendiary and explosive components, the result: overkill.

His head was blown clean off from his neck and his torso mangled. The lifeless heap of meat collapsed to the ground, spilling what's left of the former field marshal.

"That hurts doesn't it?" Caroline said in a low tone.

"Kill confirmed. You should have saved him for later though. Poke him with hot iron, tear his skin from the flesh, and all the fun." said Monsoon.

"Save your morbid fantasies for later Monsoon, now grab those flags and banners! We have a fortress to claim! IRENE, keep an eye out." ordered Alexandra.

Meanwhile, the clash of steels in battlefield outside have intensified. The berserkers have entered their blood-lust trance, causing hindrance to Solarwing and his knights. As both forces engaged each other in combat of the masses, their leaders engaged each other in one-on-one combat with some spectating knights from both sides unable to fight each other due to the amazing spectacle.

"What is the matter general? getting exhausted?" Solarwing taunted as he pivoted away from Firehawk's swing.

Despite their heavy armors, both griffons are capable of moving nimbly without any hindrance. While Firehawk preferred a more frontal combat style, Solarwing favored a nimbler one; pirouetting and dodging before exploiting weak-spots. However, both griffons have not landed a blow on each other just yet.

Strikes after strikes flowed swiftly, and it was not long before Solarwing and Firehawk began to slip. Solarwing managed to bash away his opponents helmet, and smashed Firehawk's pauldron while the general had pierced the prince's shoulder with his halberd's spear and also dented Solarwing's helmet; forcing the prince to discard it.

"Bastard. I slipped." Solarwing mentally scorned while adjusting grip on his greatsword, preparing to face another strike from the rebel general.

However, before Firehawk could execute his attack, five Solar Knights managed to break through the line and charged at the general.

"NO STOP! HE IS TOO STRONG FOR YOU!" Solarwing shouted to warn his knights.

"RRRRAAAAGHH! UNDISCIPLINED FOOLS!" Firehawk roared while whirling his halberd and readied it.

Despite their prince's warning, all five knights were cleaved as if they were made of butter. Enraged, Solarwing decided it was time to end this battle. And he acquired one tactical advantage he didn't have before: distraction.

As the general regained his focus on the prince, Firehawk charged at him with full force.


Solarwing used his wings to spew a cloud of dust to the general's face, obstructing his vision. He side-stepped from Firehawk's spear trajectory and slammed his greatsword with all his strength into the general's breastplate. Severely denting the steel armor and crushing his chest, much to the astonishment of both friendly and hostile forces.

Coughing blood and gasping for air, the general saw Solarwing standing over him with greatsword raised over his head.

"Never let your arrogance get ahead of yourself, bastard." quoted Solarwing before swiftly bringing down his blade to the general's neck.

As Firehawk's head rolled down on the ground, the morale of his troops shattered instantly. Even the berserkers were getting overwhelemed by their own blood-lust trance as the Solar Knights were toying with them and not easily slain like a regular griffon infantry.

Panicked mumblings began to spread among the rebels.

"We still outnumber them! Fight on!" said a rebel officer to his troops.

However before anything could be done, volleys of fireworks streaked from the citadel's battlements. On the walls, Emperial flags and banners were hoisted with Wolfpack and some of Solarwing's knights proudly stood.

"CRY OUT! LET THEM HEAR OUR VICTORY!" Solarwing shouted.

Instantaneously, cries of victory erupted throughout the battlefield. Reducing the rebels into a panicked mob of soldiers.

Rhea and the battle mages dispelled their storm sphere and so the way of retreat was cleared. Seeing an exit, the rebels began to withdrew from the region.


In the aftermath, around half of the rebels escaped. But that, was no longer Solarwing's concern. The rest were killed or captured. However, Solarwing offered them an alternative. Instead of going straight to the head-griffon's ax, they could choose to serve in his army for as long as he needs them to. The captured rebels gladly accepted his offer. Much to the upset of some generals.

That night, a moment of respite finally washed down upon Wolfpack and their griffon allies. Moments such as these were rare, and thus cherished by all. Despite Emperor Nofus offering his son an immediate lavish victory celebration, Solarwing refused and said that he'd rather go drinking with his friends. Remembering that he was needed back at the keep, Nofus teleported back home. Besides, Solarwing knew that there would be another parade and banquet when they return to Gryphonia.

They sat in the prince's tent which for the most part, were covered with fancy rugs and cushions. Except for Thundertail, MAMBA, and Monsoon all members of Wolfpack were present. Fatigue was their reason.

"Oh man that was awesome! Shame we can't be there though." Victor said while gulping down his tankard of ale as they discussed Firehawk's decapitation. Not exactly your drinking conversation material.

"Ve have our own parts mind you." Heinrich added.

"Heinrich is right, Vic. Speaking of which however, I did not know that the rebels had fireworks on the citadel." Solarwing said while draping his wing over Rhea who was leaning by his side.

"Well, lets just say that my pyrotechnics aren't only limited to warfare. Sure the rebels don't have fireworks, but they had a shit ton of gunpowder just sitting there, combine that with some other stuffs and voila!"

"By the way, how's that shoulder?" Alexandra asked "Spear wound's pretty deep."

"Do not worry, I have been through worse. Side note, I have also tended to it." replied Solarwing.

"You better." said Rhea before playfully poking her lover's shoulder with her beak, causing him to flinch a little.

"All jests aside, I would like to convey my deepest gratitude to everyone here. Without your aid it would be impossible for me to finish my task. You are all excellent warriors, and even better friends. To friendship and glory!" Solarwing said while lifting his tankard.

"Friendship and glory!"

Canterlot Royal Palace, Canterlot, Equestria

It was another day for Princess Celestia in her daily court. More letters to sign, listening to more citizen complaints, and so on. For her, the word "dull" sumarizes her daily activities. Except the moment where something such as an Equestria-threatening matter is afoot that is. She hoped something more exciting will come up today.

At that moment, a pegasi scribe flew into the room and gave her a quick bow. A letter was poking out from his satchel.

"Your Majesty! *pant* *pant* I-I h-have *pant*."

"Please catch your breath Quillscribe, take your time."

"Faust, more letters..."

A couple of minutes later, Quillscribe collected himself.

"Forgive me for the interruption Your Majesty, I have an important letter for you."

"Really now, my dear? Who is it from?" the princess nonchalantly said while signing another letter before placing it together with the signed letters with her telekinesis.

"Um *ahem* I can't rightly say, Your Majesty. Your eyes only." the scribe said while taking out the letter from his satchel.

Celestia levitated the letter and noticed there was a nightingale crest on the seal. A symbol for Solarwing's secret espionage corps. Her eyes widened, and she quickly read the letter...

"The Eclipse, has begun."

"Be careful what you wish for Celestia."

Author's Note:

With the Firehawk Rebellion destroyed, Wolfpack sets their eyes on their next prey.

Hey guys Lightning here, first thing's first I am sorry for being AWOL for so long. I am not going to babble long here as my other stories also needs work XD, I am a slacker I know.

Finally, here's a picture of how the Storm Fortress would be used in combat (as it is based on the T-740 Hovertank). But imagine the hovertank on steroids, as I also based it on the Nazi's legendary P-1000 Ratte super-heavy tank.

Comments ( 66 )

8175262 Yeah. The flames died out for me when BO3 came out. But reverting back to WW2? I dunno bud, it's just weird.

8175290 IW is basically Halo lol.

8175396 Yep, that's why I want to change that point of view. Please keep on reading and let me know of your thoughts!:twilightsmile:

8175456 Your smirk is returned. Glad to see an update from you, man. It's been too long.

Ah, it's a good day when this story gets an update. It's been too long friend, but it is always worth the wait. :twilightsmile:

8175908 It's always good being back :ajsmug:

They want war? We'll give them WAR!!!:flutterrage:
Awesome chapter!:yay:

I hope they make Advanced Warfare 2.

NOT in the near future! After like, three or four historical games.

But anyways, badass chapter!

8174461 Thank ya friend, an' Ah can hardly wait till that new chapter! Ah'm mighty excited to see what happens! :ajsmug::pinkiehappy:

Oh holy shit! Celestia ain't gonna put up with such a direct threat like that! And the Sentinels aren't gonna be happy about ATLAS forces being here!:rainbowkiss::yay::raritystarry:

8189894 We will see about that buddy :ajsmug::pinkiecrazy:

8190449 :rainbowlaugh: I can just imagine the looks on the Gryphon's faces when they come face to face with the Sentinels and their ASTs. The anticipation has been doubled!! :yay:

8191817 well they do have a MASSIVE ass tank at their disposal. but you'll see what I have in store :ajsmug:


Of course! :rainbowkiss:

Well, that happened during WW2...if you catch my meaning :ajsmug:

Ice-cream should be the world's staple food :pinkiecrazy:

I am telling you, wamen power!

Well, the wolves have a super-heavy tank on their disposal...:pinkiecrazy:

:trixieshiftright: can we get another chapter here ???...

Would love another chapter

so will this be updated or is it abandoned

Still alive. I'm just working with my other stories now.

In the time between posting that comment and now, I've found it. Sorry for the bullshit, all's good.

Eh it's got nothing on a Mammoth Tank or a mid-high or high mark Bolo.

Oh I shall never compare my brainchild to those majestic beasts, sir.

Which one the Mammoth Tanks or the Bolos or both?

Although it MIGHT stand a chance against a tank of my own creation.

She is definitely a beauty my friend.

Thanks even though she's still in the trial stages.

Thos is a really good story, whatever happened to it?

On hiatus my friend. I am sure I'll get working again soon enough though.

Please let me know, I love this story and cant wait for updates!

Of course my friend, the notification would be a new chapter update ;)

will there ever be an update? i'm kinda sad to see this story hasn't been updated in basically three years...

You say that friend, but when?

Unfortunately, I cannot give you a propper estimation yet. However, once I finished updating my Overwatch fanfiction (maybe 5 days tops, could be less could be more), I should be able to begin working on this one again. That's all I can say for now :twilightsmile:.

I've a question that I would like to ask Lighting Spear...

Will Major Alexandra Pearce, Lieutenant Victor Craig, Sergeant Caroline Wong, MAMBA, Monsoon and Captain Heinrich Heiddleburg talk about their childhoods and their history of their home countries? (Because it would be best if Wolfpack told the Griffon Royal Family about their past)

We shall see my friend, we shall see...I have a feeling things will change soon enough :ajsmug:.

I'm sure you must be wandering "Why do I want Major Alexandra Pearce, Lieutenant Victor Craig, Sergeant Caroline Wong, MAMBA, Monsoon and Captain Heinrich Heiddleburg talk about their childhoods and their history of their home countries?" well the answer is because I want the Royal Griffon Family to get to know them better and form a kinship

True enough, I believe that will be a good foundation. Thank you for the input :ajsmug:

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