• Published 8th Mar 2015
  • 4,619 Views, 810 Comments

Blooming Talent - Griffin Productions

Apple Bloom wants to become a great martial artist. There is only one being in the entire multiverse who can teach her the best: Son Goku. (Dragonball/MLP Crossover)

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"I Hate Magic!"

Piccolo and Trunks hit the ground as the seven-star ball erupted into fragments and an explosion rocked the field. What had just happened? Dragon Balls are supposed to be near invincible. What kind of force would it take to cause that much damage to one of them that they exploded.

Piccolo suddenly became aware of one other thing, as the bellowing cry of Shenron could be heard all around like a theater room. One of the Dragon Balls had just self-destructed, and that meant Shenron was dying.

The mighty green dragon thrashed and howled as his body was overcome with an ungodly amount of pain before he finally froze; his eyes extinguishing before he exploded away in a magnificent blast. The force leveled even the trees on the far ends of the field, an Piccolo had to hang on to Trunks who was hanging onto Vegeta's body while hiding hem all to he ground with what little grip he could get.

When the winds finally died down, the namekian looked at the remaining six Dragon Balls. Just as he had expected, they were stone orbs no longer useful to anyone anymore.

"Goku...King Kai..." He said, not quite sure what to say. "w-what happened..?"

* * *

"What do ya mean the Dragon Balls exploded?!" Apple Bloom shouted, accidently scaring Goten off his chair by the couch she lay on.

"Well, only one of them exploded, and it was the seven-star ball." Goku told her again. "The only problem is I have no real idea how or why. Piccolo is looking around for anyone who might have possibly broken it from afar, but there's no other energy levels at all in the area..."

King Kai looked as though he were brooding; a serious expression upon his features

"You don't know, because you don't understand magic, Goku." He said finally.

Goku and the others looked over to King Kai in confusion. Magic definitely was not a strong point of Goku's, but he knew it existed. What was King Kai talking about?

"Sapphic comes from Equestria, Goku." the kai explained. "Even though he isn't an alicorn or a unicorn, the fact he has bipedal features due to his saiyan blood means he may not have to follow he same rules as other ponies from that dimension."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Are you sayin' a non-unicorn used magic to destroy your Dragon Ball?"

King Kai nodded once.

"But...that's impossible.." Apple Bloom cut in, trying to stand up, but not being used to her new legs, she sat back down quickly. "If he didn't have a horn, how can he use magic at all?"

"In our dimension there are beings called sorcerers and wizards." King Kai told her. "They study the magical arts, and some have to train for decades before they master it, and they can do it without horns. Seeing as how Sapphic is the son of Chrysalis, who was able to use magic, it's only natural he would be adept in the ways of wizardry. He probably mastered some high level spells and curses in the time he took here in our dimension."

So, magic was present here too, and not just in the form of Dragon Balls.

"Do....do you think Sapphic put a hex on the seven-star ball?" The young mare turned young woman asked.

The kai contemplated this, and finally nodded after a few moments. "I believe that must be it. A timed spell or maybe a trigger spell; something to stop it from being destroyed until he could use them...or maybe the trigger was his own wish, and it juts had a timer on it. We can't really know for sure."

There was silence, but then Goku snapped his fingers; he had apparently thought of something.

"I know a way to find out." He said. "If Baba is in Otherworld, I can go find her and ask her what's up with the remains of the Dragon Ball! She'll be able to tell us for sure if it was cursed."

"Who's Baba?" Apple Bloom asked, now once again having another name with no face to it.

"Baba is a witch who's a friend of mine." Goku told her. "She can do all sorts f crazy magic stuff, and see things with her crystal ball. If I tell her to go down and see the shards of the ball, she can tell us what's up."

"A smart idea, Goku, but ultimately, it doesn't matter. What's done is done, and the only one who can fix the ball is Dende; and sine Shenron just died, I assume he already knows of what's happened." King Kai said matter-of-factly. "Besides, you said you had a plan for these three here."

"Oh, that's right." Goku remembered, turning to Apple Bloom, Goten, and Applejack. "Though I only have a plan for Apple Bloom and Goten here...sorry Applejack, but I can only bring these two where I'm headed; Supreme Kai's rules."

Applejack waved a hoof to signify it was alright. Apple Bloom on the other hoof...or...hand...was curious about why Goku could only bring her and Goten. Why couldn't her sister come along? What was keeping him from taking all three of them?

"Goku," She spoke up. "why only me and Goten..?"

Goku looked down at Apple Bloom with a confident smile. "Now that you have a new body you can transform into and out of at will..."

She can change back at anytime? She needed to practice that.

"...your power can be properly honed by it. But we have to escalate your pace of training now that Equestria is in danger...I don't know how once we're done that we're going to get there without the Dragon Balls though...Dende would need at least fifty days to recreate the seven-star ball, and the Namekians on Namek have used there's recently, so they're stone as well. We don't have time to wait for those balls to shine again."

Apple Bloom looked down in thought. So the training was being accelerated, and Goku was planning some high speed stuff it seemed.

"But while we're figuring that out, I have a couple ways we're going to make both you and Goten stronger in less than three days. It's a multi-step plan, but if it goes off without a hitch, it's foolproof!"

Bothe Apple Bloom and Goten's faces shot up in surprise. Only three days, and Goku thought they'd be strong enough to fight that monster Sapphic. How in the heck were they going to get that strong in three days when not even Goku, who'd trained for decades, could do it.

Then another thought occurred to Apple Bloom...would Equestria be able to survive for three days while she honed her so-called hidden power....

* * *

"You're royal highness'!" One of the royal guards shouted breathlessly as he galloped into the throne room of Celestia and Luna.

The two sisters looked down at the their soldier, and motioned for him to speak. The poor stallion seemed completely out of breath, and his eyes were pinprick pupils. Something awful must have happened.

He bowed before them hastily as he spoke. "I bring horrible news...the son of Queen Chrysalis was sighted not far outside of Appaloosa!"

Celestia and Luna gasped in unison, and exchanged worried looks.

"I thought...I thought we had finished him years ago after Shining Armor and Cadence defeated his mother.." Celestia breathed.

Her younger sister nodded. "So did I."

The princesses turned back to the unicorn guard, who still bowed before them.

"Do we know what he wants?"

The white stallion in the gold armor stood. "We aren't sure yet, your majesty. But we can only assume it isn't good."

Celestia looked thoughtful for a moment, her mind trying to decide what to do. Surely it was up to them to deal with Prince Sapphic in the end, but they would need time to prepare; it had been many years since they had to fight someone of Sapphic's caliber.

Levitating a scroll and quill to her, she began to write.

"My dearest Princess Twilight Sparkle; it seems you and your friends will be needed once more..."

Author's Note:

You were all pretty quick to jump on the Shadow Dragons topic haha but let me reassure you, that was not my plan at all.

I don't like the Shadow Dragons except for Eis, Nuova, and Syn/Omega, so I wouldn't be able to write them as well. And besides, I already have an antagonist, anymore would make my head hurt haha but as always, I still enjoy your thoughts and theories in the comments. I hop you continue to enjoy the story :)

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