• Published 8th Mar 2015
  • 4,619 Views, 810 Comments

Blooming Talent - Griffin Productions

Apple Bloom wants to become a great martial artist. There is only one being in the entire multiverse who can teach her the best: Son Goku. (Dragonball/MLP Crossover)

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The Price of Pride

No more words were spoken. Nightmare Moon and Sapphic exchanged savage blows with each other at high-speed; the alicorn's Kaioken amped up to times four.

Sapphic was shocked by how much of an increase her power had leaped; it was as if she were a whole new pony. In a sense, she was a whole new pony. No longer was she the warrior Princess Luna, but the vengeful goddess of darkness, Nightmare Moon.

He side stepped a crushing blow from one of her hooves as it cracked the very ground it struck like glass. He tried for a haymaker, but she ducked her head, not able to be caught off guard so easily. She brought her rear leg closest to him up to bear, and kicked it out, landing a mighty blow to his chest. He flew back, tumbling as he did so, and grasped at the lawn, his exposed fingers digging trenches in the dirt as he was upright again.

His recovery did not last long, as Nightmare Moon was right on him again, the air whistling wit the sound of Kaioken as she rammed him away further with her shoulder. She followed up by materializing and tossing two magical spears in his direction; the pair twirled around each other as they seemed to lock on to the changeling prince's location.

As the became one, and jettisoned towards him, he barely lifted himself out of the way of the strike, but did not count on them exploding after sticking in the ground. The raw, dark, and malicious feeling magic was like hellfire; he couldn't stop it as it tossed him like paper in a breeze over the courtyard and into the garden.

He caught himself hard as he impacted the ground once more, his arms nearly breaking in two from the pressure of the landing. The crater he created spread out a good ten feet and animals ran as fast as they could from the area, fleeing for their very lives.

He stood and in a fit of rage, flung two ki blasts in Nightmare's direction. She easily avoided them, and appeared before him, bashing him skywards in an instant.

As h ascended, he planted a knee squarely into her chin, giving a howl of triumph as he did so, expecting her to be flung back.

The sharp teeth of her grin revealed it had done little to actually hurt her; there was some damage, but not much, and the beat down continued as the alicorn of legend flipped over his head, and smashed her rear end down on him, sending him hurtling back into the dirt before she landed all four hooves atop him like a living meteor.

Celestia continued to gather her energy together, ad watched as her sister continued to fight against the changeling tyrant. She was pleased to see the fight was now in Nightmare Moon's favor, but she still worried. For one, she couldmore than likely finish off Sapphic right now if she wanted to; the power of Nightmare Moon was one of those powers that very few beings could topple. That malicious and sadistic mindset that came with the transformation, however, was causing her sister to merely toy with him rather than put him down. She was enjoying his suffering, and Celestia would be lying if she said she wasn't relishing it a bit, too. But there was much at stake, and if Sapphic somehow found a way around the goddess before the Spirit Bomb was complete, there may not be any hope for Equestria.

"Please, sister, don't let the darkness take you over again...remember what we're doing here..." The sun goddess thought to herself.

Nightmare Moon levitated Sapphic's prone form in front of her by his hair. The limpness his body was showing was either a sign of his pain or exhaustion. He was alive, and not unconscious, she knew. Maybe he was thinking of a way to get through this. He could think all he wanted; there was no escape for the bug now.

"Let me see if my aim is as good as I remember." She chuckled evily, tossing him into the air.

As he soared over head, she fired a beam of raw, black magic at him, which hit his back squarely, searing a few more of his tendons away as he was flung forward by the blast and then pulled down hard by gravity.

She laughed loudly; a sound that many a pony had feared long ago. She took wing, and landed a few feet from where Sapphic was trying to get back up, and began to trot nonchalantly towards him as her Kaioken aura flared like wildfire.

As she neared, he whipped around, giving a battle cry, and landed a solid punch to the side to her face. She slid back a ways from the force, a little surprised at the strength, but not really hurt by it. He then gave many more short shouts as he bombarded the mare with blast after blast of high intensity ki. The cloud being created from the explosions was starting to cover the entire royal grounds.

After a good minute of this, he stopped, breathing heavy, and waited for the dust to settle. As he expected, the alicorn stood with little more than a few scratches across her slender and nightmarish body.

She spread her wide wings, and giggled darkly. "If that's the best you've got, I'm afraid you won't even touch me."

He put his hands down, a strange smile coming across his own features involuntarily. "No, I've got some more I me...but I am very impressed..the legends didn't overhype you at all..."

She began to walk towards him, a cocky smile present on her. "Of course not. The legend actually rather underhypes me, if I do say so myself. I am nightmares incarnate, and the bringer of darkness."

"Indeed." Sapphic acknowledged, regaining a little of his strength.

He could feel his saiyan blood flowing stronger through him with every move she hit him with, but they were miniscule power boosts compared to the entity which now approached him. He really was going to have to give it a bit more if he wanted to walk out of here alive.

"Go ahead." Nightmare Moon cackled, as if reading Sapphic's thoughts. "Power up as much as you need. I'llwait."

"Really?" The tyrant questioned, his grin growing a bit. "Why?"

"I want you to know that even at your best, you were nothing compared to me. That none of your own evil powers could vanquish the darkness I am to bring upon your twilight hours. I want o kill you at 100%."

"Sister, no!" The voice of Celestia rang inside Nightmare Moons head. "Don't do this! End him now!"

"You are building the Spirit Bomb, sister. Once it is complete, you can finish him. Until then, I want to keep playing with my little toy." She thought back in a sick and sadistic tone of voice.

"I thank you,Princess of the Night." Sapphic laughed, bowing. "I hope to not disappoint."

He gave a long shout as he hunched over, his power rapidly rising as his aura became visible and the very ground began to float up in pieces around him.

"Curses, Luna!" Celestia exclaimed internally. "Please, if there is anymore energy anypony can lend me, I need it now! Hurry!"

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