• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 3,811 Views, 32 Comments

Diamond's Derby - deadpansnarker

Set after the events of Cart Before The Ponies, what would happen if Spoiled Rich had been watching the derby, and was less than thrilled at Diamond Tiara's performance? If you read it, you're about to find out...

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Diamond's Derby

The day was over. The once postponed Applewood Derby race had been completed. All rosettes had been distributed to their lucky new owners, the captive audience had dispersed back to their dwellings, and despite initial setbacks (as in a major crash that had destroyed everypony's first vehicles) everything seemed to have worked out just fine.

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash had learned the error of their ways, by taking a much needed step-back to allow their sisters and honourary sister the chance at constructing their own racers, on their own terms. Instead of causing a massive fender bender as they had when their ambitions got the best of them to totally dominate their siblings' projects, now they'd simply taken it easy for the duration of the event, sipping cool lemonade and relishing the experience of being a spectator.

Although Dash couldn't resist yelling encouragement when Scoots was seen speeding past them in her extravagantly orange-painted cart, the rescheduled race was strictly a neutral affair. Nopony really cared who won or lost that day, it was all about the roar of the crowd, the enthusiasm of the cheerleaders (led by the aptly name teacher, Miss Cheerilee) and most of all, the fillies and colts just enjoying themselves.

Of course, there is always an exception to that rule. The three Elements Of Harmony present may have realised that winning isn't everything, but there was at least one mare in attendance who had always held the firm belief that finishing first was all that mattered. Nor was she ever likely to change her mind on that staunchly held ideal.

Spoiled Rich was absolutely livid. She'd shelled out an absolute fortune in the construction of her daughter's jewel-encrusted vehicle, allowed her the loan of Randolph for the day when he could've been cleaning the house from top to bottom and had even taken the day off from purposefully sabotaging the less fortunate in her current occupation as head of the school board to see her offspring's glorious triumph...

To see only two first place awards?! What a disgrace! What an outrage! She'd never live this humiliation down!

She didn't care that Diamond Tiara had just driven the race of her young life, to finish a literal hair's breadth in front of Apple Bloom's speedster. She didn't give a damn that the pink filly's flashy cart had just beaten Scootaloo's entry in the creative design stakes.

The fact Tiara hadn't managed to nab the 'best recreation of an original cart' prize meant that, as far as her mother was concerned, she might as well have not participated at all.

Now, having sent their ailing family butler home to prepare Spoiled's hot steam bath (she'd decided to take a break from the spa, too many undesirables there) the displeased mare was giving her daughter, from the older pony's point of view, a well deserved tongue-lashing.

It was as the Crusaders and their guardians were going home together that they heard Mrs Rich's whining. This wasn't much of a surprise, considering you could probably make out her complaints from the other side of Equestria and back. Passing right behind the bush where the verbal admonishment was taking place though, the mixed group couldn't help but catch the brunt of the tirade.

"...It was bad enough that I let you enlist in this ridiculous charade, after you rudely turned down the invitation to Fancy Pants' croquet tournament! As I've stated many times before, a rough event like this is simply not the environment for elite ponies such as us. I mean, just look at what those commoners have done to my brand new hat!"

"...Mother, it's just one speck of oil. It'll come off easily, just give it to the maid when you get back..."

"That's not the point, Diamond. If you were hammering balls through hoops by now, this never would have happened. I'd be enjoying a grass cocktail with true upper-class ponies, while you as my daughter would be helping me impress them in that special gown I imported for you. How could you have been so selfish?!"

"I don't like that dress, Mom. It feels all itchy and starchy. Plus, I have this feeling it's too big for me..."

"Nonsense, child. It's all the rage in Canterlot at the moment, and that was the smallest size they had in stock. You'll soon grow into it. I'll see that you do anyway, with the new regime of muesli and stretching I'm putting you on, starting tomorrow..."

"But, mommmm..."

"...That's another thing I've been meaning to discuss with you. All of this backtalk I've been hearing of late, you never used to be this opinionated when your only friend was that Silver filly. Now, I catch you hanging around with ponies who are so below us on the social scale, it isn't even funny. You cheek me outside the school, force me to spend our hard-earned bits on playground equipment for ungrateful brats and even have the audacity to moan about me to your father?! How could you, after all done for my..our future? It took an entire night of shouting to get him back into line! I had to gargle seltzer water all morning afterwards. I hope you're proud of yourself, forcing me to make those embarrassing noises at work!!"

"H-he had a right to know, mother. The way you were treating me wasn't n-nice..."

"Oh, and I suppose those new friends of yours taught you that, did they? Let me guess, was it those three low-lives I saw you with after the school meeting was adjourned, the day you suddenly became a delinquent? I'll tell you something for free, daughter of mine... if you start following their example, your future is going to take a sharp turn into nowhere, to use a racing analogy. I can't believe my own flesh and blood would rather heed the advice of a dirty farmer, a tone-deaf unicorn and some sort of flightless..."


The yelled proclamation there didn't come from the browbeaten Diamond or her hugely overbearing mother, but Applejack, who even now was trotting up towards the mother-daughter duo, a large scowl set on her face. She was flanked either side by a not-exactly-happy-either Rarity and Rainbow Dash, while their younger relatives remained at the rear, wondering what exactly was going to happen next.

Diamond Tiara seemed quite surprised to see her new friends and their big sisters appear, but Spoiled Rich's stern expression didn't waver at all, almost as if she'd known they were eavesdropping all the time. She scrutinised each adult pony there with utter disdain, before glancing over the taller equine frames to look at their smaller sisters, with a special glare reserved for Sweetie Belle, who was holding something blue and circular in her hooves.

"I see you're clutching that first place rosette for 'best cart recreation' like your life depended on it..." Spoiled sniffed, her oversized nostrils curled up in utter contempt. "Better treasure it forever, because it's the only thing you'll ever win. Unless, of course, there are any competitions for worst singer out there. My dear, I've heard you torture the Equestrian national anthem from my office each schoolday, and you sound like a sick cat! How you ever got that musical cutie mark, I haven't a clue. Just like how your big sister stays in business, with such mediocre fashion designs. The world is indeed a mysterious place..."

"Mediocre?! Why... how dare you...and being so rude about my little Sweetie like that, as well!" Rarity gasped, instinctively shielding her younger sibling from this vile mare's abuse. "She has a voice like an angel, and I'll have you know I happen to own a cat who's recovering from a rather nasty case of influenza, and they sound nothing alike! For that unprovoked attack on my darling sister, and that outrageous slur on my sartorial skills, you are no longer welcome in any of my boutiques, Mrs Rich! Don't ever darken our doorstep again with your uncouth mouth, if you'd be so kind!"

"Uncouth, eh?" Spoiled seemed unperturbed by Rarity's threat, and put a hoof to her mouth to cover up an arrogant giggle. " You'd know all about that wouldn't you dear, considering the company you keep. I mean, just look at that redneck standing next to you, and think about the way she conducts herself. 'Tarnation' this, and 'darn tootin' that, I think it would take at least nine straight years of elocution lessons until she's in the least bit coherent. Why my husband chooses to trade with the likes of you I don't know, but I suppose we've all got to do our bit for charity..."

"Why, you pompous, prissed up snob!" Applejack growled, looking like she wanted to buck more than just apples at that precise moment. " I hope you realise it was us Apples that made your family their fortune in the first place! Filthy sure does, I think Diamond over there has seen the light too... and don't think I don't know who put all those horrible things she said about Granny Smith in her mouth, neither. Now, I hear you harassin' her in public again, for not getting getting a full set of awards? You're as bad as me, that time I competed at the rodeo..."

"Applejack, she doesn't need to know about that..." Rainbow Dash, for once, tried to be the better pony. "She's not worth it. Let's just go..."

"Ah yes, the new Wonderbolt..." Spoiled's smirk continued, as she turned her fire onto the pegasus. " I suppose you'd like to give me a lecture on being over-competitive too. Well, isn't that just like Luna calling the kettle black. I heard about what happened at the Running Of The Leaves a few years ago, when you and your rustic friend over there were so desperate to win, that you made quite the public spectacle. What about that report I heard as well, about you having to be rescued by a slimy turtle when you were showing off during a race? Pathetic, truly pathetic..."

"What was that you said about Tank?!" Rainbow was clearly not impressed about hearing her beloved pet spoken about in such derisory terms, and went nose-to-nose with Spoiled there and then (although, in that department at least, it was a bit of a mismatch).

Mrs Rich remained unphased at what she regarded as predictably aggressive peasant behaviour, and simply brushed past Rainbow as she trotted towards, oddly enough, Sweetie Belle. It was here that the older mare's real agenda became apparent, as she carefully sat adjacent to the young unicorn, put on her most convincing of phony smiles and spoke in the most syrupy of tones.

"You don't really want that rosette do you, my dear?" She said in a honey-sweet voice, while attempting to ruffle the uncooperative filly's mane. "I mean, you'll just add it to all the other junk you already have, and never think of it again. I, on the other hoof, would put it in a special glass case with the rest of the set, so anypony can admire them when they come and visit Rich Mansion. So, how about it? I'll make you an offer for it here and now, and maybe you could even afford those singing lessons you so desperately need! Now that I'm no longer to be a regular customer at your big sister's boutique, and I plan to tell all my other friends to boycott it, she isn't going to be able to give you so many bits, so if I were you, I'd..."

"... Turn down the offer, whatever the price, and tell her to get stuffed! Oh, and don't worry about your sister's business Sweetie, because as I've said before... she doesn't have any friends." A loud, angry voice piped up from behind Spoiled, and for once the usually confident mare looked a little shaken.

It was Diamond Tiara, who'd finally reached the limit of her mother's nonsense for a second time in her life.

That's right. It was operation Call The Old Nag Out, part two.

"It's bad enough you've subjected me to years of your impossible standards..." Diamond narrowed her eyes, her face a picture of tranquil fury. "But now, you're trying to involve my new friends too?! Well, I've got news for you... I never even wanted to win an award today. All I desired was to have a fun time with my classmates and Randolph, who by the way, treats me with far more respect and compassion than you ever have! When you showed up today to 'cheer' me on, I genuinely thought that you'd just come to watch me perform... who was I trying to kid?! All you've ever seen when you've looked at me is a walking trophy, or somepony to show off at snooty society balls, and I'm fed up of it!!"

"D-dear, you don't understand..." Spoiled tried to control her daughter, but most of her usual venom appeared to be missing. " O-our family has certain traditions to adhere to..."

"Oh, yeah?" Diamond said, with a half sneer. "Well, as a member of this prestigious family, I'm starting a new 'tradition' right now... and that is, the days of working my flank off to inflate your humungous ego with worthless awards are over! Well done, Scootaloo! You're the new winner of the best designed cart! Congrats, Apple Bloom! You've been promoted to first place in the finishing line! Nice job to you too, Sweetie Belle! I'm sure you three will appreciate those rosettes far more than my mother ever could! As for me, I've already got what I wanted all along... a classroom full of friends. I'll see you all there tomorrow. Come on Mother, we're going home. Later on, you can write an apology letter to all the ponies you've offended today while you're soaking in the tub, but try not to stay too long in the water this time. It really does make your skin wrinkle, especially around the neck area..."

After hoofing over her prizes and giving each filly a quick hug, Tiara bid everypony present there goodbye, before simply turning around and walking casually in the direction of her mansion.

As for Spoiled, perhaps it was because she was still unused to being spoken to in that manner, also possibly aided by her daughter's cutie mark talent of 'getting other ponies to do what she wants'. In any case, it was all she could do to follow Diamond home like a little lost puppy, her once formidable skills of communication now reduced to simple huhs and whats.

A few minutes after watching their silhouettes fade, the Crusader's stunned expressions quickly turned to joy, as they danced around with wild abandon, deliriously happy at their unexpected awards but also for their new friend, who once again, had proven how far she had come in such a short space of time.

In the meantime, Applejack looked at the celebrating fillies close by, then at the equally nonplussed Rainbow Dash and Rarity standing next to her, before saying what was on everypony's lips: "What in tarnation was that? I'll be darn tootin'... "

Author's Note:

Just a little something I whipped up after the latest episode, inspired by a couple of comments I saw on the message board... :pinkiehappy:

Don't EVER accuse me of not being up-to-date :flutterrage:

Comments ( 32 )

Normally don't like to say this, but yeah, THIS is what the episode should have been about.

well done diamond well done

halfway through the story:
of all the...how is that pony not in jail yet!?
after finishing:
shock and awe aside, someone get Nurse Redheart: Spoiled Rich just got BURNED!!!

What if a certain gentledragon took the CMC, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon on a tour to Canterlot?

Going by this story, it's clear Spoiled Rich was dropped on her head as a foal and the resulting injury has resulted in her suffering a severe case of "evil, rich, bitchy pageant mother" disorder. How else could you explain her berating Diamond right out in the open and then turning on the crusaders and their older sisters(despite said older sisters being national heroes and being more than able and willing to knock Spoiled the hell out, which they likely would of had Diamond not spoken up). Also it's sad that Filthy has the backbone of a twinkie since it seems only Diamond's words have any effect on her pitiful excuse of a mother.

7458796 Well, that's exactly what she did in 'Crusaders Of The Lost Mark' to the sisters of said national heroes, her own daughter and lots of other innocent colts and fillies... in full view of their teacher, too. She's also apparently got away with treating Diamond like **** for years, right under the muzzle of her husband.

So, I think we can call your headcanon a definite possibility. :twilightsmile:

The only thing I disagree with a little would be Apple Bloom's and Scootaloo's excitement about the ribbons. More because they would feel like they did not fairly win them than anything. Although they would probably keep them as a remind of Diamond Tiara standing up for them.

7458895 Even so, the initial rush of receiving something like that out of the blue when they'd come in second would surely inspire a bit of excitement.

But, as I pointed out in my story, they could also be seen as a memento of Diamond fighting in their corner for a second time. Truly remarkable, considering all that had happened in the recent past.

Plus, they were doing her a favour, by taking away some of the power her mother held over her. So, it's win-win on both sides, I guess... :twilightsmile:

Instead of causing a massive fender

The way that race track was set up, it was inevitable.

"To see only two first place awards?! "

You think even Spoiled Rich wouldn't be THAT insane! Considering that a lot of the categories are mutually exclusive. (Tradition -> Fastest -> Creative.)

7459186 Based on the evidence we've seen so far, and until it's proven in canon, I refuse to think otherwise. :raritywink:

To think...I used to swear Diamond Tiara was the worst...yet now I find myself applauding her.

Well done, you young filly! And well done to you, deadpansnarker.

7459203 Thanks, I do my best... except, when I'm doing my worst. :moustache:

"Apple Bloom! You've been promoted to first place in the finishing line! "

Technically, that's a matter of facts rather than option, unlike the creative.

7459216 Give Diamond a break. She's just a filly... she probably doesn't think that technically this early on in her life... :eeyup:

While Spoiled Rich needs it hammered into her head that she can't treat Diamond Tiara like a soulless blob of clay, those ribbons were DIAMOND TIARA'S. SHE earned them, NOT her mother! She should be proud of what she can accomplish, she shouldn't give away momentoes of having done a good job just to spite her.

That being said. Interesting short story. Thank you for writing it.

7459222 I would tend to agree with you, but she's had a lifetime of dealing with a mother who's inserted herself into almost every aspect of her life.

She didn't even really want those rosettes... to her, they just reminded her of the 24/7 pressure she was under before the day she made her big turnaround. All she was after was a day of fun, and she got that. If she'd held onto them, from her perspective, it would only be an excuse for Spoiled to jump on the bandwagon again and demand more and more of her, like in the past.

Removing them from the equation was like a cleansing, in a way. She showed herself, like she did in the presidential vote, that she didn't have to be top dog filly to be happy, and she also demonstrated to her mother that such trinkets no longer meant as much to her as they did to Spoiled. Hopefully both now can move on, and pursue a healthier relationship.

And thank you for reading it. :twilightsmile:


A friend pointed out that Diamond Tiara is actually in a better position than before with that. Pipsqueak KNOWS who he owes his retaining his president status to (without her he wouldn't have been able to keep his campaign promise), and the foals know whose really responsible for their new equipment. She's not doing it maliciously and the difference is that she isn't rubbing it in or saying 'Oh you remember how I-,etc' like some straw versions of Rarity have done. It could be seen as her realizing there are more effective and less direct means of attending charisma and favor. After all, her cutie mark is leadership.

Geez, Spoiled can't possibly so be thickheaded as to belittle her daughter in front of not only her friends but her friends big sisters? I mean, does Spoiled even realize any one of those ponies could probably get her arrested?

7459315 As I said in a previous answer, considering the boneheadedness she's displayed throughout the series so far, I wouldn't put anything past her, so don't give her too much credit...

Oh, and P.S your story should be ready by tomorrow, if that's alright. I've had a very busy week, but I'll make it my No 1 priority Sunday, guaranteed. :scootangel:

How was Diamond Tiara's cart more creative than Scootaloo's phoenix-hawk cart thing? All Diamond had was a plain red car with diamonds for fake headlights. :applejackconfused:

7459712 I don't know, opinions are subjective. Maybe the judges saw things differently, and preferred precious stones to magical birds? I hope you enjoyed the story, anyway. :twilightsmile:

7459750 Maybe Spoiled bribed the judges. :raritywink:

7461529 Well she didn't do a very good job... her daughter didn't win all the awards. :twistnerd:

Comment posted by Blast deleted Aug 9th, 2016

I would love to see Spoiled Rich try her shit on the Canterlot royal guards. For all their ineptitude, they would not have a second thought about tossing her out on her flank. And imagine just how pissed off Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, or (gasp!) Prince Blueblood would have been.

Does Equestria have an equivalent to Child Services in their world? Because I'm pretty sure they should pay Diamond Tiara a visit.

7464153 Guards may be useless, but even they won't tolerate Spoiled Bitch!

for not getting getting

Whoops, double double.

Guard may be useless but even they won't tolerate Spoiled rich they would just sent her to Tarterus in a cage next to lord Tirek it would be a Fate worse than death or sent her in the everfree forest and not even queen chrysalis would drain the love from spoiled rich or king sombra and storm king would just stay dead rather being torture by spoiled rich annoying voice

If anything she'd try to kiss up to Blueblood or the Princesses like Rarity did in S1. Of course, she'd be in for a very Rude awakening on account of the very same attitude of superiority that has ahem "endeared" her to the Ponyville populace. I'd almost be willing to pay to see the look on her face getting a taste of her own medicine or better yet getting a ROYAL dressing down by the only one's in all of Equestria who Spoiled Rich might respect besides herself.

Equestria might be a fair bit more forgiving than our world, but it's clear that they have a long way to go in regards to classism, tribalism, and cronyism.

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