• Member Since 20th Jan, 2017
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A 32-year old gay trans girl. Got back into the show thanks to a friend and bingewatching. I've got quite a few things planned...


On a pleasant summer afternoon, Sunset invites Twilight out to talk about a few things. But not all things can be said so readily, if at all, and that fact is ever present in Sunset's mind.

The seventh SYNCHRONY oneshot in the same continuity as Synchrony and Oathmaker.

Featured on 5/6/17!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

This was sweet and a very believable situation that the two would find themselves in. I've been there and it makes you want to slap your forehead when the truth comes out.

More please, and have a like and an upvote.

8143738 :twilightsmile: Thanks! It really makes me happy to hear that you liked it. There will definitely be more where it came from in the future.

I liked the way you worte both Sunset and Twilight, and like allykitty said faceplam all day lol
Can't wait for more sunlight :heart:

8145343 Thank you! Haha, yeah, those two girls are gonna look back on this one day and laugh I hope.

8145704 :pinkiehappy: Ah, such a detailed review...it makes me so happy, and so reassured about this story. And yeah, even when I was writing it I knew the bit at the end was gonna be a little...odd, all things considered. But in the same light, it felt odd not to include it - it's something that I wanted to make clear right off the bat with them. My next Sunlight story is going to continue what this set up, and that bit of information is something I would prefer my readers know going in to that story. Plus, as you said, it helps this story work better on its own.

Ah, and while I'm certainly happy for the follow, I should warn you that 'near future' in this case is probably about 1.5-2 months. I think I'm gonna make a blog post explaining what's coming more in detail, but...yeah, it's sadly gonna be kind of a while before I get to revisit my favorite ship.

I absolutely love this so much with how it's set-up <33 ahhhhh

“R-right, yeah,” Twilight said, taking a few deep breaths. “Yeah. Umm...” Sunset raised a brow as Twilight averted her gaze and pressed the tips of her index fingers together. “So. There, uh, there's kiiinda something I've been meaning to ask you about...” She noticed Sunset's puzzled look, and waved her hands in front of her. “N-not that I don't wanna talk about what you wanna talk about! It's just that there's something that's been bothering me lately,” she explained, averting her gaze again as she started to make a number of hand gestures that were more for emphasis than anything else, “and I don't know what to do about it. But Spike suggested I talk to my friends, and so I naturally thought of you . Is it weird that I'm taking advice from my dog? No? It totally is...” She put her hands on the edge of the table and slumped down a little. “And you're probably annoyed because I'm bringing this up now instead of earlier since you were probably looking forward to talking about whatever it is you wanted to talk about...” She sighed.

unless this dog can talk no its not weird.

“I don't know what to do about it,” Twilight continued, looking down again with her head in her hands and thus not noticing her friend's expression. “Timber's the first boyfriend I've ever had, and we haven't even been going out for a full month yet! I mean I can't just break up with him,” she said with a light scoff that was quickly consumed by uncertainty. “...right? Of course I can't,” she reasoned as an anxious smile formed on her lips. “What would people think? What if it ruins my reputation?” She put a hand on her forehead and waved the other about again. “What if-” she gasped- “what if nobody ever asks me out again because they think I'm fickle?” She sighed and covered her eyes. “Not to mention the fact that just because I'm not in love with him anymore, it doesn't mean I want to hurt him. But on the other hand, I don't wanna trap myself in some kind of... of loveless relationship! ”

If I were in her shoes right now I'd probably feel almost 100% the same.

“Well, I'm sure they had their reasons,” Sunset told her, resting her hand back on the table. “But look on the bright side. If your Cadance is anything like Princess Cadance from Equestria, then she's the perfect person to ask for relationship advice. Trust me.” Granted, Sunset hadn't exactly gotten along with Princess Cadance in the brief time they'd known each other, but Princess Twilight adored her and that was good enough for Sunset.

yep, Cadence is the one to go to with love advice.

Twilight grinned. “Oh, thank you Sunset, that sounds perfect!” she gushed, suddenly leaning across the table to give her friend a quick hug that left Sunset blushing and flustered. Not that Twilight noticed, immediately breaking contact and launching into another round of explanatory hand gestures as she detailed her new plan. “I'll get in touch with her tonight, tell her about my problem with Timber, and everything will be alright! I knew talking to you about this was the right idea.”

Looks like she's done her job perfectly with helping Sci Twi :twilightsmile:

The girls looked back at each other, and Sunset raised an eyebrow. “I... kinda panicked and forgot what I usually get,” Twilight admitted, hunching her shoulders and fidgeting with her fingers. “She just appeared so suddenly, my brain didn't have a chance to shift gears!”

That's Pinkie Pie for ya.

“And I was thinking we should rebuild your magic detector, too,” Sunset added quickly with the look of someone who was ripping off a bandage.

Didn't see this one coming.

Sunset stared into her eyes for a moment, then closed her eyes and began to laugh. “Honestly? Yeah, but only to prove that I was the superior one. And if she was anything like I was back then, I bet we would've gotten along like a of couple wet cats trapped in a paper bag.”

Yep or like sisters.

“Of all the girls to fall for...” she whispered to herself, letting her eyes stare off into space as she reflected on her Something A, the one thing she was certain she'd never be able to talk to Twilight about. After all, how do you talk to a girl about the crush you have on her? Especially when she obviously wouldn't reciprocate, because she obviously only liked boys. Even though her and Timber weren't working out Twilight had still been attracted to him, and despite having different tastes in men Princess Twilight had still fallen hard for Flash – and if the worlds really reflected each other as much as Sunset suspected, then that had to mean the two Twilight's preferences were the same. There's no way either of them would ever fall for her .

I had a feeling this was something Sunset wanted to talk to Twilight about.

The meeting with Sunset hadn't gone exactly as she'd expected, but she knew that was more because she hadn't been certain what Sunset wanted to talk about in the first place rather than any false expectation on her part. But overall, it had gone great – she'd gotten help figuring out her relationship with Timber, a few hints about her brother's love life, and although it had dragged up some bad memories she was now set to spend far more time with Sunset Shimmer than she expected when the summer started.

which is a good sign at the very least.

Twilight sighed. “Of all the girls to fall for...” she mumbled to herself.

Seems like she really does have feelings for Sunset.

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