• Published 5th May 2018
  • 12,316 Views, 203 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year One - Doug Graves

Seven years before the events of MLP:FiM, a human appears in Equestria, meeting Applejack and other ponies of Ponyville.

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16 Deliberation

Both are positive. Including Applejack, all three are positive. Rarity has a hard time believing it. She knows magic is capable of many things but Doug does not have any magic, as far as she knows. She had discreetly checked before, when he came over to the boutique to help her design and build two free-standing closets for her works-in-progress.

She had been apprehensive at first about allowing the strange alien access to her store while she was alone, but his light-hearted personality had quickly won her over. He is unfailingly polite, at least with her, though she can see how he tailors his actions based on who is around him. She thinks back to how he interacts with Rainbow, joking around more often than not. Rarity sighs, looking forward at Rainbow and Applejack.

The sun brightly shines down as the three walk towards Sweet Apple Acres, and from Rainbow’s posture it is like they are heading to the gallows. Not that the death penalty has been in place for a thousand years, since before Princess Celestia took over following her sister’s banishment, but Rarity likes to read novels set in some of the older eras.

Applejack looks back to Rarity, seeing her friend lost in thought. She glances over to Rainbow and gives her a light nudge on the shoulder. “Head up, Rainbow, almost there. Don’t want our first impression to be too sour, huh?”

Rainbow gives Applejack a small smile before pausing. She starts shaking her head, then continues with her whole body and ending with her wings. After this display she starts walking with a bit more spring in her step though her eyes still betray her true feelings. “Applejack, you think he’ll be happy about this? About us?”

“Sugarcube, while Ah want to say yes, Ah really do, he can be a strange one. Ah think he’ll be happy, but he won’t act too enthusiastically. If that makes sense. He knows what this means for you especially, but also for Rarity. He’ll probably try to make the best of it, he always does.”

Rainbow nods knowingly; Doug always tries to find that silver lining, even with his bad eyesight. Rainbow glances back to Rarity, and they all pause outside the main house. She mumbles to herself, “Moment of truth, huh?” Applejack and Rarity both nod along before moving through the door.

Doug sits at the kitchen table, several books arranged around him, some open and others with multiple bookmarks. He is twirling a pencil in one hand while reading through what looks to be a book on common marriage law. He glances up, nodding at them, and places a piece of paper inside the book. He motions to the seats arranged around the table before asking, “Well, seeing all three of you here, I can only guess what happened.”

Each of the mares sit down, looking at the glasses of water arranged around the table. Rainbow grabs an apple from the bowl and starts munching while looking around.

“Want something stronger?” At Rainbow’s nod, Doug reaches under the table and brings out a bottle of cider and several empty glasses. He pours half the bottle into the glass before setting both before Rainbow. At Applejack’s questioning look he says, “I made sure it was the non-alcoholic ones. Just in case. Hope you don’t mind.” She gives a small smile before motioning for a glass herself. Doug pulls out another two bottles, looking at Rarity who declines, nursing her water. He shrugs, pouring a glass for Applejack and sliding it over.

Applejack starts, “Well, you guessed correctly. Managed to get all three of us. So we’re here to talk about what happens next.”

Doug nods glumly, looking over to Rainbow before patting her forehoof. She gives him a small smile before he looks to Rarity, who also returns a smile. He turns back to Applejack, saying, “Alright. So how do we figure that out?”

Applejack looks to Rainbow, then to Rarity. “Well, Ah figure we can talk over our options. Ah don’t particularly know much about herds or herding, never really thought Ah'd get into that just yet, but it looks like you’ve done some research.”

“Glad somepony is enough of an egghead to do that,” Rainbow remarks with a smirk.

Rarity shakes her head, saying, “At least somepony is putting forth some effort into this.” Ignoring Rainbow’s glare, Rarity continues, “As far as the social stigmas associated with an unintended pregnancy outside a herd, that is easy: it would cripple a mare’s social standing, making it hard to aspire to any position where the paparazzi and tabloids might want to dig. Obviously, that means no Wonderbolts for Rainbow and my fashion business would never leave Ponyville. For Applejack, were she not already in a relationship, she might have trouble expanding her network outside of, hmm, probably here, Appleloosa, and her existing contacts in Canterlot.”

Rarity pauses, taking a drink of her water. She continues, “Not to mention the potential damage it would do to the foal. With working dams and no sire in the equation,” she pauses, looking at Doug’s hurt expression and forestalling his response, “Or, at least, minimal contact between sire and foal, restricted to times without the mare? It would be, maybe not be crippling, but somewhat damaging and the foal would experience similar stigma to what the mare experienced. Not to say there aren't ponies that make good single mares, but there are generally extenuating circumstances, or bad blood between the stallion's lead mare and the potential dam that makes studding a necessity.”

Doug is taking notes, long lines on one sheet while another has short bullet points. “It sounds like staying single and going our separate ways is the first option, then.”

Rainbow looks over at the notes Doug is writing, “I don’t like that option, I feel it’s unfair to the foal, and probably the worst of the ‘solutions’ long term.”

Doug responds, as non-forcefully as he can manage, “While I appreciate the input, let’s get all the options on the table before discussing how we feel about each of them and which our favorites are.” He puts some finishing touches on the longer sheet of paper.

Rainbow remarks to Applejack, “He takes charge, don’t he? No wonder you like him.” Applejack nods at this.

Doug turns to the short list and then back to Rarity. “All right, so that’s one option. What about adoption, or… um… abortion.”

Rarity gives him a questioning look, “You mean… intentionally terminating the pregnancy?”

“HAY NO!” Rainbow slams her hooves on the table, leaving two divots in the wood. “There is no way we are considering that! Don’t even think about it!”

Doug holds up his arms in surrender, “I would be against it as well, just didn’t know how acceptable it was. Sorry I brought it up.”

Rainbow snorts, looking angrily around the room. “I need a break.” With that, she finishes the last of her cider and storms out of the room.

Doug looks to Applejack, “Should I go after her and talk to her, calm her down?”

“No, Sugarcube, she’ll be alright. Just let her unwind a little, this whole situation is hitting her harder than the rest of us.”

Doug nods, refills Rainbow’s cider glass, then opens the book he was reading. Rarity and Applejack make small chat about how the Boutique is doing before going silent.

A few minutes later Rainbow comes back into the room, looking noticeably calmer. She walks over to the table, sitting down again and taking her glass. “Now, we were talking about adoption?”

“Indeed we were,” Rarity says, “There would be two routes we can take with adoption. Option one: we, and by we I mean myself and Rainbow, give the foals up to an adoption agency. This can be done anonymously, the names of the parents being protected if they wish. Option two, Applejack and Doug adopt either or both of the foals. Either option is less stigmatized as single marehood; myself and my business would likely not be affected, while for Rainbow it would be a black mark but not disqualifying.”

Applejack adds, “If you are thinking about choosing adoption, Doug and Ah would be more than happy to take either or both foals. I know it would be a lot of work for Doug, especially, not being used to foals and all.”

Doug nods, adding, “It would be an adjustment, that’s for sure. What other options are there, Rarity?”

Rarity looks upwards in thought while Doug’s pencil continues scraping along the paper. Rainbow looks from Rarity to Applejack before saying, “Isn’t it obvious? We start a herd, or rather, me and Rarity join Applejack’s herd.”

“Wouldn’t it be my herd?” Doug says with a grin, writing on the shorter paper.

“Generally, no,” returns Rarity, “The herd titling and acknowledgment goes to the lead mare, who is almost always the first mare to join with the stallion. Though rare, occasionally a more… qualified candidate will be accepted in the herd and titles will be adjusted accordingly. Almost always the lead mare would be highest in the pecking order, with the best organizational skills and leadership. More outgoing, able to give orders, and it shows in how early and aggressive she is at choosing a stallion. For the stallion, it is something similar; since later mares that join his herd are going to be, how shall I say, less capable? Sometimes less attractive or with skills that are less desirable or marketable. Not that I think any of us think this about you, Doug.”

Rainbow and Applejack both have a glum look on their face, but Doug is quick to reassure them, “Oh girls, I don’t think less of you that you chose a stallion so low on the totem pole.” The two mares both shake their heads as he continues, “I’ll just have to do my best to prove you wrong.” He winks at Applejack who waves a hoof a him.

He turns to Rarity, asking, “Would there be any stigma about you joining at this time? I would think because we are adding you, how shall I say, late, or after the deed is done, that there would be some negativity associated with that.”

“Well, there is, but it would be fairly low. It would be seen as doing the right thing. That you are not a pony would be much more of an ostracizing factor.” At Rainbow’s quiet cough Rarity adds, “More likely to make us outcasts, or shunned. Very, very few ponies are involved in relationships outside of other ponies, and for some even going outside of your subset can be scandalous. Pegasi are especially prone to being more, how shall I say, old-fashioned or segregationist about that. Depending on how well Rainbow can spin it, you being in a herd with her could very well be a de-facto disqualifying factor when she tries to join the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow nods, adding, “Ya, a lot of the older pegasi can be like that, though Spitfire seems pretty cool. I have an interview coming up in a month or so, and while I dread trying to explain this,” she motions to her belly, “I don’t know what I would say about us.” She points her hoof at Doug, who continues writing furiously, trying to keep up.

He nods, saying, “I have a couple ideas for that, but they can wait. So, Rarity, any other options we have?”

Rarity shakes her head, “Well, Rainbow and I could herd, but that would be just as bad as single marehood, with how busy we both are. So, not that I can think of. We just have the, hmm, three or four, depending on how you split adoption, choices available. Staying separate, adoption, either with Applejack or not, or herd. All the choices would be available to either or each of us as we choose.” She looks to Applejack, asking, “Do we discuss what we want now or do you have anything to add?”

Applejack looks at Doug before saying, “While we can certainly live with any of the options, Ah want you to know that we would be happy to adopt your foals, should you choose that option. Ah think it’s better than trying to take care of them on your own, and of course you will be free to visit them, take them out any time for as long as you wanted, and that we will care for them like they were our own.”

Doug follows, “My preference would be for herding,” - Applejack raises an eyebrow at that as Doug continues - “It will be quite the adjustment for me, but I think it will be the best long-term for the foals. Rainbow, I’ve been reading up a bit on the Wonderbolts’ policies, and there are two things I think you can use in that interview. One, they can’t legally discriminate, or not accept you, based on either the fact that you are pregnant or that you are in a herd with a non-pegasi. Apparently, in fact, herding with non-ponies is so rare that there are no regulations against it in any of the law books I’ve read through, but I concede my search was not exhaustive; I am not a lawyer.”

Doug grins at this, but seeing no smiles in return he quickly continues, looking at Rainbow, “I think if you try to play me off as something exotic as opposed to something alien you will have a better time convincing your interviewer that this was purposeful, or intended. Also, if they do try to bring it up in a disqualifying way, make sure to hit them with the book. Not literally of course,” he adds as he notices Rainbow’s hoof slowly moving toward the thickest law book in front of her. She gives a exaggerated pout, but quickly smiles back at him.

Rainbow starts to talk, “Uh… you girls know I’m not the best with words, but I am awesome.” Rarity looks at her disapprovingly, but as Rainbow continues to stammer her gaze softens. “I don’t know what I want. I hate being so unsure of myself! I mean, I’m Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in Equestria, future Wonderbolt, only pony who can perform the Sonic Rainboom, and I can’t make a hard choice about this.”

Doug moves over and gives Rainbow a hug around her barrel as her two friends nuzzle closer, placing their forelegs over and around her. Rainbow sighs as they comfort her, holding the position for several long seconds.

“Okay girls, enough mushy stuff, lemme talk again.” They back off to their seats, compassion showing in their eyes. “Doug, I know this is tough, but I want you to be honest with me. Do you love me?”

Doug gives Rainbow a long, hard look before glancing to Applejack. He looks back to Rainbow, giving a slow shake of his head. “Rainbow, to be honest, I don’t love you, at least not the same way that I love Applejack. I enjoy spending time with you, I do, and I think you are a wonderful mare who will make an excellent Wonderbolt, if not the earliest captain ever. At the same time, I do find you attractive, I like you a lot, and I can see myself growing to like you more, maybe even loving you the same way I love Applejack.”

Rainbow ponders what he said while Rarity asks, “And what about me? Are you able to be as honest with me as you are with Rainbow?”

Doug looks over to Rarity, saying, “Rarity, unfortunately, I know you a lot less than I would like. I think you are also a wonderful mare, always willing to help out a friend despite the cost to yourself. I would like to get to know you better, but I can accept you having a difficult time being with me, or with Applejack as your lead.”

Rarity gives him a hard look, then turns to Applejack, “Well, I’ve made my decision. Applejack, with your permission, I would like to join herd Apple, sire Doug. Actually, that isn’t quite right. Doug, what is your last name, if you have one?”

Doug looks sheepishly at the ground, “It’s Graves.”

“Doug Graves.” Rarity ponders the name a split second before her face turns sour, “A little macabre, isn’t it?”

Doug shrugs as this, “Well, it’s the name I was born with, so there you have it. Though I don’t mind the sound of Doug Apple.”

“Well, I suppose that is marginally better. Might have to stick with Doug when making the announcements, since your full name would be Doug Graves Apple, which doesn’t sound much better.” Rarity smiles at Doug and Applejack, the pair now sitting close together.

Rainbow makes a disgusted face, “Eww, grave apples. Sounds worse than those fruit bats.”

Doug continues writing while Applejack responds formally, “Rarity, Doug and Ah are glad to welcome you into herd Apple.”

Rainbow sighs, still not sure of herself. She looks to Applejack; she starts to say something but stops, giving a frown, before turning to Doug, “Hey, big guy, go for a walk with me?” She slowly gets up from her seat, walking to the door.

Doug looks to Applejack who nods at him. He gets up, following Rainbow Dash outside.