• Published 5th May 2018
  • 12,316 Views, 203 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year One - Doug Graves

Seven years before the events of MLP:FiM, a human appears in Equestria, meeting Applejack and other ponies of Ponyville.

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21 Time Management*

May 4th, 993

Applejack glances outside, a long sigh at another finished day. The evening sun is about to set, and yet she still has yet to see much of the stallion of the herd. True, Doug has been hard at work at the farm for most of the day, but she still misses working with him. Part of the reason she hasn't seen much of him was the appointment she, Rarity, and Rainbow had just finished with Doctor Horse. The unicorn is one of the more talented doctors in Equestria and made the temporary move to Ponyville in order to deal with their highly unusual case. Some of the Ponyvillian doctors are unfortunately apprehensive about working so close with Doug, practically begging the controversial doctor to make the move. Doctor Horse, however, sees the case as a true test of his brilliance, or possibly because nopony else really wants to work with him. He also mentioned something about getting out of ‘clinic hours’ but hadn’t elaborated.

The appointment had gone well. After all, Doctor Horse is an excellent doctor. Just as long as you don’t tweak him the wrong way, which both Rarity and Rainbow have a tendency to do: Rarity because she keeps on focusing on his attire, or the lack of attention to the aforementioned, and Rainbow because the mare just can not pay attention when he is trying to explain what he thinks are basic concepts and instead fly right over her head. Then later with trying to get good images of Rainbow who just would not sit still! Even she was getting a little tired of the mare’s antics.

At least the foals are developing, well, like foals. There don’t seem to be many, if any, human physical characteristics like hands instead of hooves. There was only so much the doctor could tell this early in the pregnancy, and they have several follow up appointments scheduled. Doctor Horse also recommended that Applejack either bring Doug to the hospital for him to donate blood or take one of the enchanted storage units if he felt comfortable doing it at home. That way if something unfortunate happens to him they would have a store of his blood ready to use. Since it is unlikely pony blood would be compatible, and highly unethical taking that risk, Applejack agreed, and Doug seems comfortable with doing the procedure at home.

Applejack thinks back to how many of their days go as she wanders around the house. They start off early, before the sun rises. Doug goes for a quick jog around the farm, more often than not with a sleepy Rainbow following behind, before taking a shower and preparing breakfast. He makes a mix of pancakes with nuts for himself and pieces of apples for everypony else. Juice, oats, and maybe some leftovers from dinner round the meal out. He scrambles a couple eggs for himself, often with a pinch of salt. He doesn’t care for making hay, so their food expenses are a little higher, but the mares still munch on it when they remembered to pull it out.

He had told Applejack about his meat requirement. He could get enough protein from eggs, nuts, and assorted other products, but his request on how else to use the chickens had frightened her. She thought about asking Fluttershy her opinion on this, but was unsure on how to broach the subject without making Doug appear like a complete monster.

Applejack glances towards the bedroom door. They had moved into the master bedroom shortly after Rainbow and Rarity joined the herd, but only Rainbow spends the nights here. Doug alternates, two nights of the week at Rarity’s and the other five here. Applejack sighs as she recalls memories of what they did together before the whole herd incident. Doug is happy enough to make out or get somewhat physical now, but tries to refrain from doing anything to them more intimate than heavy petting. And it isn’t because there are two mares in the room; the same happens if it is only her. When she asks Rarity it is the same story.

Currently, Rainbow Dash is fast asleep on the bed, lightly snoring. The mare looks completely bushed; she is keeping up with her weather patrol and attempting to keep her body in shape. Applejack shakes her head; after Rainbow introduced Doug to weather scheduling he spends most of his free time studying with her. Applejack misses spending the free time together, just swapping stories and learning more about each other. She still has a hard time believing some of them, especially the ones about the sheer size of their cities and farms.

Applejack walks over to the office area Doug has commandeered; he is sitting down in a chair he built for his tall frame, reading a weather textbook. Papers are scattered around the desk and several reference manuals are propped open. She can see evidence of the weather schedule he is working on and notes about experiments he wants Rainbow to perform.

Seeing Applejack, Doug smiles and stands up, still holding the book. He moves over to a more comfortable couch for the two of them to recline in and lays down, leaving an obvious hole for Applejack to spoon. The couch creaks as she obliges, slowly letting her body lean against him. One of Doug’s hands moves to her head, scratching behind her ears as his other hand holds the book out in front of him. They lay together for several long minutes before Applejack brings up what she, Rarity, and Rainbow have been discussing.

“Hey, Doug, the girls brought up something, well, two somethings, that I thought we should talk about.”

Doug closes his book, continuing to scratch at Applejack’s neck. “Oh? You know you can tell me anything.”

“Well, it’s not that Ah think you’ll get mad at us or anything, it’s just… Doug, are you happy working here at the farm?”

Doug ponders the question for several long seconds, causing Applejack to pivot her head to face him. Seeing him deep in thought, she turns back away, a small frown on her muzzle.

He finally answers, “Well, I do enjoy working on the farm, and I enjoy working with you. But, I don’t think that’s what you are getting at, is it?”

Applejack motions to the book Doug is holding. “It’s just, Ah see how much you pour yourself into studying that weather material, and Ah wonder if that ain’t your true calling instead. What you were meant to do, ya know?”

Doug looks at the book before placing it on the floor and using both arms to squeeze Applejack around the barrel. “Well, two things about that. Maybe three. First, I think I told you, is that humans don’t really have a true calling or cutie mark, not like you do. Maybe I enjoy one activity more than another, at least temporarily, but that doesn’t mean I have to stop doing the first one. I do enjoy working with you on the farm and I don’t want to stop doing that just because I found another interest.”

Applejack’s smile returns as his hug loosens, and she swings her head around to kiss him.

After the kiss finishes Doug continues, “Second, I tend to throw myself into new things, sometimes to the detriment of the things I was working on before. I do this with games I play, books I read, and, apparently, the different jobs I have available. I don’t mean to, and I certainly don’t want to miss any obligations or such that I might have made. I do hope my lead mare can keep me in line in regards to that, help make sure I don’t forget.”

Applejack turns her body so they are muzzle to face, “And you know Ah don’t like having to remind you. What’s the third thing?”

Doug looks back to the book he had put down. “Well, I guess I see this whole weather scheduling as a challenge. A game, if you will, that I want to learn the ins and outs of. That was the other thing that, if I had a cutie mark, it would probably be of. I love deep, complex games, and figuring out the best strategies, ways to optimize and eek out every little efficiency there is. It’s like my old job; I had to figure out what was the most efficient way to get lots of different people to where they wanted to go without them getting in each other’s way. This is way more hands on, where I’m the one coming up with the strategies and plans that others will implement. I’ll be able to see what works, what needs tweaking, and what other factors matter that I might not have considered. Like-”

Applejack puts a hoof on his chest, “Ah get it, though you might want to gush about this with Rainbow instead of me. Although your second point relates to my second question, Ah suppose,” Applejack turns her head, as if she was afraid of his answer, “Doug," Applejack pauses, her voice catching in her throat, "Ah want you to be honest with me.”

“Of course, Applejack, I would never lie to you.”

Applejack smiles, but her muzzle turns more serious as she tries to read his expression. “Doug… are you happy with the mares in your life?”

Doug looks blankly at Applejack. “Um… I don’t know if that is an accusation or an opportunity.”

Applejack snorts, “Trust me, if it was an accusation, all three of us would be here, and Rainbow would be a lot angrier. It’s just, us girls each noticed that you seem a bit more withdrawn from us than when we first got together, and Ah don’t want to believe the honeymoon is over already. Ah don’t know if Ah should blame the studying, the work on the farm, or just the fact that we are getting bigger and less attractive to you.”

Doug gives Applejack’s belly a reassuring squeeze, “Oh, you don’t need to worry about that. I still love each of you, no matter how big you get, and I don’t find you all any less attractive. I think it’s, and I might be wrong here, but shouldn’t you avoid, you know, contact like that while you’re pregnant?”

Applejack peers at him, “Where in tarnation would you get an idea like that?”

Doug looks away sheepishly, “Um, it might be something that’s true with ponies back where I come from.”

Applejack gives him a deadpan stare, “And just when are you going to stop comparing us to those animals?”

Doug gives a halfhearted shrug, “I guess it’s harder to get rid of that connection than I thought. Please don’t be mad at me.”

Applejack sighs, nuzzling Doug in the chest, “Ah'm not mad, though Ah think Rainbow misses the contact the most. She ain’t gonna break in your hands, you know?”

Doug nods, holding Applejack close. “Was there anything else with that you wanted to ask?”

“Well,” Applejack looks at her hooves, “Ah suppose it might not be an issue any more, but Rainbow was worried that with your lack of interest in us-” Applejack shushes Doug’s attempt at reassuring her, “Ah know you are, quiet. She was thinking that you might be interested in adding other mares to the herd. Specifically, she was thinking about her friend Fluttershy.”

“Hmm. Are we talking about the same Fluttershy? I think I met her once, but she seemed so afraid of me at the time. Hiding behind her mane, though she did seem a little better once Rainbow pushed her into me, but she was still so skittish. Next you’ll tell me Pinkie Pie is interested as well.” Doug shakes his head, as if worried it might be the case.

“Eeyup, that’s the one. Rarity mentioned something about Pinkie; she might be down for a double date. If you’re looking for somepony with more energy, or is really good with foals, you couldn’t go wrong with her.”

Doug’s face is covered by his hands, somewhat dreading the thought of dealing with the hyperactive mare. He did have a good time interacting with her when she isn’t too crazy, and she seems to be catching on to that. “Great. Sign me up.”

Applejack catches a hint of the sarcasm and nuzzles him, “Hey, we don’t want to force you into doing anything you don’t want to. Rainbow just thought Fluttershy would enjoy being with you. You’re both very quiet, introspective types a lot of the time, and she is so shy she has trouble even thinking about dating a stallion, much less actually getting the courage up to ask one.”

Doug nods, but adds, “Well, I do feel like I’m already stretched a little thin; I don’t see Rarity as much as I would like, what with her Boutique, and I know how much you and Rainbow like to spend time with me.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. Ah think it was mostly the lack of physical contact that was bothering us; we’re actually quite independent, and don’t need a stallion holding our hoof all the time. Just another thing to get through that skull of yours.”

Doug catches Applejack’s hoof before it can tap him on the head, bringing it to his mouth and giving her a kiss. “Well, if you think it’s a good idea, I’ll give it a shot.”

Applejack gives him a smile, “Ah’ll talk to Fluttershy about it, and Pinkie Pie as well, see if she’s interested. Now, how about we go give that new bed a test run? We haven’t broken it in proper-like.”

“Won’t that wake Rainbow up, make her jealous?”

Applejack snickers, “Well, she’ll just have to deal with it.”