• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 18th



Celestia had truly believed she was right in her decision. Too bad belief in being right did not actually make you right.

Author's Note: Before you read this, please be aware that this story runs on the basis that the world reacts in a wildly over-exaggerated way to the idea of Cozy Glow being imprisoned in Tartarus. This is a parody just as much as it is a vent-fic.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 41 )

The aftermath of Cozy Glow’s plan really needs to be addressed next season. She stripped away the magic of nearly everyone in Equestria and was in communication with a know enemy of the state without anyone being aware.

Yes she is shown to have several screws loose but there was so much about her that wasn't covered it looks like she was meant to become the next major villain. Still the point is when the Elements activated through the actions of the student 6 that Harmony it self judged her as severely lacking.

Tartarus, as we've seen it is less the pony version of hell, where one is eternally punished for sins, and more or a maximum security prison for monsters and serious offenders. Children who commit crimes can and do go to prison after being tried as adults when the crime is severe enough. I think think that she should have had some sort of trial, jailing her is far from inexcusable. Of course, if she had gone to trial, she would have walked. If Cozy Glow could hold a princess in the frog of her hoof, she'd win a jury's heart before opening statements. In a regular prison or a psych ward, what's stopping her from lying and coaxing the guards to let her go?
Additionally, we don't know what her Tartarus sentence is. It could be for a century, for a decade, or for life or for a week.
(And even then, she doesn't seem that unhappy to be there. It wouldn't surprise me if it had been her endgame the whole time)
Cozy 100% knew what she was doing every step of the way. She wasn't misled, and she wasn't unaware of the consequences of her actions. It's possible that she operates under a differing opinion of what right and wrong look like, and it's more likely that she simply didn't care.


Humanity on the other side of the mirror proved magic isn’t necessary to survive and thrive

You mean the side of the mirror where the sun naturally raises on its own, weather isn't made in a factory, and plants aren't cultivated by earth ponies?

Anyone crazy enough to support Cozy Glow has no business near power

It went on to describe the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, why she was imprisoned, and how Celestia had ignored due process based on the actions of artifacts that were not even sentient.

Thank you! Do citizens of Equestria not have Habeus Corpus?

Good Sun Butt is getting her ass handed to her for what she did. Good Job

No. The true reason everything had fallen apart had been Celestia’s decision to sentence a nine year old filly to Tartarus, right next to Tirek in fact.

I like it, half of the future downvotes will probably come from those who think it's right to put her there.

I agree with that opinion.

“The Want-It Need-It incident,” Twilight interrupted, making Celestia wince. “Should have landed me in Tartarus. I took from ponies their ability to reason, a crime far more severe than a lack of magic in the world. Humanity on the other side of the mirror proved magic isn’t necessary to survive and thrive, so Cozy Glow’s actions can, at best, be described as extremist.”

Celestia wilted under the scrutiny of her fellow Princess. “I understand how you feel, Twilight, but…”

I just like that, no matter if it's really your opinion or if I agree with everything Twilight said, it just sounds right enough right enough to take it as one of the possible truth people will want to see.

Celestia wilted under the scrutiny of her fellow Princess. “I understand how you feel, Twilight, but…”

Oh and even if it is a bad situation for her, good job to actually let Celestia act like that. I really have not seen enough stories where she isn't exactly the best and does only the right thing and probably have still only seen 1/4 of the same amount that usually shows her as perfect.
(I hope that makes sense, I'm not so sure about that last sentence.)

I mean if I try to think about the other stories I mentioned, I can only think about celestia doing something extreme that I would call an as***** move.

“Cadence has sent a formal letter to the Diarchy that the Crystal Empire is no longer permitting interaction with Equestria. She’s terrified you’ll lock up Flurry Heart because of her powerful magic outbursts.

Okay as much as I like it that looked even slightly odd to me, then again if when I try to see this out of this Twilights and Cadance eyes, I can understand a bit off that fear.

Or I thought you were.” Twilight shook her head. “Goodbye Celestia. Do not contact me or my family.”

Does she not want to have anything to do with her anymore or just till she fix it? I guess some news would let Twilight guess if it is under control again.

Celestia had tried to visit, but had been confronted by three Alicorns, an entire royal guard, and many Thestrals that were willing to go to war if she tried to interact with anyone from the Crystal Empire.

Wow, I'm still on their side here, but in the last sentences it somehow got out of hand.

instead made her the first inmate of a softer jail, where doctors would attempt to determine the cause of Cozy’s maniacal behaviour.

That sounds like something some of us Cowzy Glow supporters/defenders ?, thought of in the first place.
I remember writing about that in a youtube comment and getting at least a few positive comments on that.

First off, I want to say a few things. The major one being that I only actually saw the end of this episode. I apologize if I got some facts wrong because of this.

Well I saw the episode in english instead of german but I still got the impression they could have tried to "help" her instead like you mentioned it here, so evereything seems fine to me.
There are just some people who already like to call her a demon and that she should die or whatever I have heard so far.

It's kind of the same as when I saw the tree melting the fake main six which depending on how you look on it, were still living, had a live in that moment and got killed.
Your reasons even without having watched the episode, sound pretty similar to my own point of view.

For all we know all of the Alicorns were in on it, though I severely doubt Twilight would agree.

I'm not so sure what to think about that or if I remember it right, but I guess in the show she is still kind of kissing Celestias feet no matter what she does so meh...
I like what you did here however, it's nice to see her in a different position no matter what the reason is.
Like I mentioned it already, it sometimes even rubs the the wrong way sometimes how she is written in some stories which makes me liking this much more.

edit: you would get an upvote from me.

and they should be allowed to vote it. The premise of a story affects it's quality

Will there be a follow up story to this?

If Luna and Twilight protest the plan, then what did they do in canon? Luna officially locked up Cozy Glow, and Twilight states implications that the didn't object. Unless this is an AU?

Well their be a squeal

Considering this was just a method to vent my frustration with the season finale? Probably not, but who knows. I may come up with an idea one day.

As I said to the above User, this was just a means for me to vent my frustration with that episode. That said, this is not strictly an AU, and can technically be considered adherence to canon.

Luna may have delivered Cozy Glow to Tartarus, but we never saw a scene of her thoughts on the matter. For all we know she did it under protest and because she currently lacked a better idea.

I'm not gonna say that's actually the case, but yeah. It's kinda a headcanon in my head. Luna protested but ultimately wasn't sure what else to do, especially with the memories of the last time she went against Celestia still troubling her. Even if she forgave herself, I imagine she may find it very difficult to justify in her own mind defying Celestia.

She didn't exactly look reluctant, but it works for me

The major problem I have with Twilight in this story is that she actually is wrong in a lot of it her needed wanted spell only infected a town not an entire country or world. Also cozy glow is literally insane sociopath she barely sees friends as tools to just throw away after they're not useful anymore cuz in her own words there's always more people out there in the world. And while she may be a Philly she's obviously too far gone to help her from evil in my opinion she's the opposite of Discord where Discord had no friends she had friends and yet she found them more as tools while Discord values his friends. so I think cozy glow being in Tartarus is quite the fitting punishment for her she just shouldn't have had her cage so close to tirek's cage. In the end cozy glow is evil through and through and this is the writers trying to prove evil can come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. Also quite a few pegasi probably died from falling from a great height as a result of them not having their magic. The whole point is at cozy glow has committed several cases of murder and they don't want people trying to defend her she's an evil little child she's basically like a mini Hitler.

Never said her actions should be defended. I won't even argue with the sociopath comment. You're right. She did something that had severe consequences, like you said, and deserves to be punished... but the fact remains that she's a child, and children don't have the necessary development to know when they are wrong, leading to the fact that they can't be held to the same sense of responsibility as an adult.

My bone with the whole thing is that Cozy was treated as an adult criminal instead of a child criminal. Maximum security prison, next to the person who enabled a lot of her actions, wasn't the answer. She should have been put in a high security mental hospital to try and help her become a better pony, as well as serve the time necessary.

Most of all, her parents, the ones who have absolute authority over her in most cases, should have been looked at as well. Either because they needed to be involved in the decision regarding her punishment, or because they may very well be a part of the problem.

Comment posted by Zach_Dragoon deleted Nov 19th, 2018

They charged her as an adult because that was the severity of her crime and she knew full well what she was doing she knew the power of friendship and she manipulated it. Don't hide behind the child claws there are children that are tried as adults no matter how young they are it's the crime that matters. Also bring me up the human world it is just b******* literally you go and bring up the human world but you forget a big part of it they didn't have magic originally equestrians always had magic in other words I really don't think Equestria could survive without magic. What cozy was doing was quite possibly dooming their entire world. I honestly think that would pretty much guarantee you being tried as an adult.

Look, it's clear to me we aren't going to agree on this. So instead I'm just going to walk away before this turns into a fight. I'm sorry if I antagonized you somehow. That was not my intention.

We may not agree but you have to understand I really don't like her I didn't like her when I first saw her on screen she gave me this I don't know how to describe it but she just didn't feel right I mean. I mean she just felt wrong to me as if she didn't belong in the MLP universe and she came off as a psychopath I really don't think she be in any other place other than Tartarus for what she's done but I agree we won't agree on this. To me she just feels like one of those characters that literally cannot be redeemed even if she is a child.

A bit heavy-handed here, but still a story we needed.

First time I've ever seen a Rating Disabled story. Given its a "Oh, how could they lock Cozy Glow in Tartarus!" fic, I shouldn't be too surprised.

I'm a guy that makes a habit out of defending villains. I LOVE "Villain Wins" fics.

I have never defended Cozy Glow nor I have ever wanted to see a fic where she wins.

That should summarize my thought on this matter.

PS Fittingly, the only other person to get similar treatment from me is Tirek.

I agree with you. I thought sending a kid to a prison in hell is messed up. But should of the episode reveal the dark side of the magic of friendship. It can corrupt others, should that be a warning that villains can be created by friendship.

I disabled the ratings because this story is nothing more than a way for me to vent my frustration with School Raze. I don't want to be seen as the guy that gets his fame or infamy by stirring up trouble.

Ok quick question. How has events changed because Starlight never had her village discovered until now? It feels odd that here is Starlight being held for her crimes in the village when that should have been long ago? Did I miss some things or is the timeline all wonky becuase she screwed with the time stream?

This takes place before the season 5 premiere which Luna apparently just prevented from happening.



The author completely missed the theme of the entire season : friendship can make good people to do bad things.

Starlight goes camping even though she hates it cause the Mane 6 are her friends. Twilight tries to cover up Celestia’s bad acting skills cause she’s her friend. And how did Cozy Glow beat Neighsay and the Young 6? Superpowers? Ambushing them? No, she simply convinced her friends that it was the right thing to do. The only plot hole is how she beat Starlight and that can be waved away as necessary due to time constraints.

Cozy Glow was right. Friendship is magic. Who needs powers when people will do what you want them to do willingly?

People can’t understand the views of people who see it. I like your story, no matter what anyone say. Here’s a 👍from me.


Essentially, yes. Celestia knew of starlight through looking through the archives, but not because of what she did with cutie marks. Remember, she was only looking for Cozy Glow. Luna's the one who realized Starlight and the mare that was trapped in celestias Vision were one and the same, and went to investigate, completely heading off The Cutie Re-Mark in the process unknowingly.

This, of course, means Starlight will not be Twilight's student, but that's okay. I have plans for her.

Honestly, this seems like the sort of thing where Luna’s actions could have consequences later on.

Well good to see that Twilight is thinking. Then again I am concerned that Celestia has a bad habit of over planning many different things.

Yeah u r still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy: I so agree that Cozy Glow's name is weird when she has a chess piece for a cutiemark. With a name like hers u think maybe a pillow or a warm glow or a heart with a pair of hooks hugging it. Can't wait for more.

Celestia smiled here. "Happily teaching classes in my school about Cutie Marks and how they affect Ponies. I have tea with her every other day to discuss the happenings of the school and possible improvements. She asks about Sunburst every time, and I've remained as open and honest as I can with her. She knows we found his home but not him yet."

She should have erased her memory and put everything back to the way it was before Luna intervened. Like I said before, the way Celestia and Luna are handling the situation with Starlight will just lead to a bad outcome later on.

Don't mistake "Youthful Selfishness" for "Genuine Malice". Nobody isn't kind-of-an-Asshole by their early Twenties. And if they actually weren't: they were probably Sociopaths. -Alucard, Hellsing Abridged

I have no issue with vent stories, some of my favorites are those that deal with the aftermath and ruminations of Celestias' choices in the context of the story: it gives her that fallible quality that would make her feel more relatable to the readers. Works like Past Sins, Parting Words, Lullaby For a Princess, The Night the Magic Died and even Fallout Equestria all deal with this particular quality that makes it along with her own Pride a significant Vice.

wouldn't be the first time that Starlights' own story took a different turn without Twilight's direct involvement: The Great Alicorn Hunt by Ralph "Reality Check" Hayes Jr. had her secret found out by the other members of her township and had her arrested and usurped by Double Diamond who sought to continue the work himself. Sunburst had already decided to get back into contact with Starlight again and actually saved her and the two of them fled to the Crystal Empire together, reconciling with one-another and planning to get married the following year.

That's not completely true my friend genuine psychopaths are usually found during childhood that is when they are the most dangerous because they can get away with almost anything and people would shrug it off as them being kids

invariably, the timeline has already been severely altered beyond internal recognition due to the confluence of events and outcomes happening differently than intended: while indeed Starlight Glimmers' removal from the timeline wouldn't affect much in the short-term due to how isolated her community and philosophy entirely was, it still would change character interactions later due to the fact that now Trixie and Twilight will probably still be a bit frosty with one-another without Starlight acting as the middle man... however there are a few Fics out there where Trixie manages to reach out to Twilight Sparkle and see her as a friend: Trixie's Gettin' Back on Her Hooves quickly comes to mind and is set before the events of Season 3: de-canonizing the events of Magic Duel and turning the epitomized duel into an entertainment exhibition between the two of them.

The bigger issues that will be facing Equestria in the coming year: The Dragon Lord's Call, Flurry Hearts Birth, Chrysalis' Second Attempt, and The Storm Kings' Invasion are all still going to happen regardless of whether Starlight is indeed part of the story or not, but due to the changes that are slowly happening in the story as it unfolds: anything is possible or likely to happen. With the plans for a Null-Magic Prison and the recent attack on Canterlot by Tirek, and the Coup Cozy Glow was attempting in her vision: Celestia might start to slowly consider the potential threat of the Changelings returning once again and start to plan accordingly by devising Anti-Changeling Protocols; we might even see the involvement of Zecora again due to the fact that in one alternate timeline Chrysalis managed to take over Equestria and Zecora led a Resistance stationed within the Everfree Forest that used a method of uncovering disguised Changelings.
This might even lead to the Changelings growing agitated at Chrysalis' growing incompetence as the leader of their Hive: resulting in what would likely be the beginnings of a Changeling Civil War with the various Drones, Gatherers, Infiltrators and Proto-Queens of the Hive splitting apart into smaller collectives and spreading out across the land with different philosophies and world views regarding how they would interact with other Ponies: amongst the more benign groups I think we would quickly find Thorax, his brother Pharynx, and a Proto-Queen nymph Ocellus: the daughter of Chrysalis and Pharynx that the two of them had shortly before the Canterlot Invasion. I can only imagine due to the effects of the Changeling Civil War, that Ocellus would quickly become a target due to her possessing Royal Blood that the other Proto-Queens might try to exploit for their own personal gain in power and influence over the now-fractured Hive. And that instead of the usual familiar antagonistic attitude Pharynx showcases in the show, he might have an entirely different personality more akin to Kratos from God of War (2018).

But, these are just my own musings.

Yeah it’s the bigger stuff I was referring to.

Humanity on the other side of the mirror proved magic isn’t necessary to survive and thrive

Except that many things that happen automatically in the human world, like the day/night cycle and the change of seasons, are done manually in Equestria, almost always with some form of magic. Also, magic is most likely what's keeping Cloudsdale together, and the magic of the Crystal Heart is preventing the Crystal Empire from freezing over.

I hope this gets updated soon.

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