• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 4,301 Views, 414 Comments

Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 32: Unrest!


High over the horizon, a long, serpentine-like dragon, Shenron, soars through the skies. Upon his head were the likes of Gohan, Goten, and Trunks enjoying the ride. Moments later, a portal opens. Flying past the dragon, Vegeta, and Piccolo enter the portal first as the trio looks on in awe. Shenron lets out a roar as he follows the two through it. The scenery quickly changes from Earth to Equis.

Celestia enjoyed a teacup on her balcony with her sister Luna as Shenron exits the background portal. Fluttershy was busy tending to the animals in her sanctuary as Angel bunny frantically points to the dragon above. The yellow pegasus looks up and gasps at the sight. Over in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack hauling in her product before a large gust of wind from Shenron's passing blows her hat off. The farm mare puts down her produce and gives chase. In Ponyville, Pinkie gasps as she hovers in the air while Shenron passes. A moment later, the party mare disappears, leaving behind an outline of smoke. Rarity struggles on a new line at the carousel boutique, featuring the combat Gi's Spike and Scootaloo wore before Shenron passes by her window. A look of inspiration hit the fashion mare as she quickly stretches something out before running outside. Rainbow Dash was resting on a cloud when she spotted Shenron in the skies. Looking at their destination, Rainbow shot off her perch with her signature sonic rain-boom. The trios of Saiyans leap off the great dragon while landing in front of the castle. There, Twilight is standing at the entrance, waving them over. The rest of the elements of harmony, Piccolo and Vegeta, were there to greet them.

Elsewhere, Dragonlord Ember was walking through a hellish landscape. The silhouette of a massive dragon was reaching toward her. She closes her eyes, only to open them again as Spike looks at her with concern. In a coliseum filled with cheering spectators, Scootaloo walks in with the EAT belt around her waist. Her opponent was a man in a brown and white Gi that sported an afro. She shoots her opponent a confident grin as the two charge one another. A second later, Scootaloo sends her rival out of bounds as two announcers - one blond human and Earth pony of similar features - declare her the winner. High above the castle of friendship, the Great Saiyaman floats above the structure as the sun rises. He smirks as he flies off into the rising sun.

The sunsets as the moon rising over a statue of Goku. Spike and Scootaloo stood there wearing somber expressions at the loss of their beloved mentor. However, the transparent image of Goku puts a reassuring hand on Scootaloo's and Spike's shoulders. They turn around in shock at his appearance. He smiles at his pupils before he fades away, with the two of them chasing after him. They don't get far as several figures cloaked in shadows appear before them. Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten land beside them as they all take combat stances. There was a staredown between the two factions before they collide in an explosion of light. Finally, the ponies and dragons stand next to the Z fighters in front of the School of Friendship. Goku lands between his wife while draping his arm over Gohan's shoulder. They both share wide grins for their friends and family.

[Earth - Capsule Corp - Third Person POV.]

The seven Dragonballs laid on the ground in the back of the capsule corp building. "Ok, we got the balls. Now, what? Do we rub them, and that genie come out?" Rainbow Dash asks. Pinkie and Discord snicker at the mare's choice of words.

"We have to call Shenron by his name. Before that, we need to work out how to make our wish. Phrasing is important," Twilight said.

"Come on, Twi. It is not like rock science or advanced magic theory. Let's bring back every creature that died today," Rainbow suggests.

"It's more complicated than that Rainbow Dash. Don't forget that Celestia isn't well. We need to account for her along with helping others,"

"Plus, we don't want any of those horrible brutes to come back and wreak havoc again," Rarity reminded.

"How about we wish for all the creatures in the tournament to come back, then free the princess," Pinkie offers.

"That might exclude all the humans' that died today," Krillin stated.

"Oh, and let's not forget that there were other creatures kidnapped before the tournament," Fluttershy reminded.

"Why don't you ask the all-powerful, wish-granting dragon to send all the baddies packing?" Discord said with a traveling suitcase.

"Shenron can't remove being that exceeds his power. And I think it's safe to say, Majin Buu surpasses that requirement," master Roshi stated.

"How about we wish for all the victims of that varmint and his cronies to come back that don't have a bone to pick?' Applejack suggests.

"Great thinking, Applejack. Then, we can use the other wish to free everyone under Babidi's spell!" Twilight exclaimed in excitement.

"Alright, we're all in agreement," Bulma says, walking up to the Dragonballs. "Eternal dragon - by your name, I summon you - Shenron!" The balls emitted a bright flash as the skies darken, and the luminescent form of a dragon shot forth. The light faded from the dragon form as Shenron peers down at our heroes.





"Um, Pinkie, maybe it's not a good idea to argue with a dragon the size of a planet," Rainbow stated.

"Oh, please, I don't see what makes this overgrown serpent so special. I can make things appear out of nowhere too, but ponies don't give me my due reverence," Discord pouted.

"We're getting off the topic," 18 stated.

"Right, sorry," Twilight said sheepishly. "Great Eternal Dragon Shenron--"

"Now she's adding more titles," Discord mutters.

"Shush!" Fluttershy scolded.

"--Our world, Equis, has constantly been under threat from an evil wizard and his minions. And many innocent lives were lost. I want all the innocent souls lost to Babidi and his cohorts that bear no foul intentions to be brought back to life for my first wish!" Twilight exclaimed.

There was a moment of silence as Shenron's eyes glowed a bright red. "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED!"

The elements immediately began cheering, save for Discord, who looked far from impressed. "That's it? This guy puts on a spectacle, has flashy red eyes, and says 'your wish is granted,' and we're supposed to believe it?" As Discord ranted, he morphed into a miniature version of Shenron while mimicking him.

"Really, Discord, envy is an ugly color for you," Rarity teased.

"A JEALOUS HEART WILL ONLY BEFIT MISFORTUNE AND SOLITUDE, SHORTY!" Discord frowned and went to snap his talon. However, Shenron's eyes flashed again, and a pie fell on Discord's face. Confused, discord snaps and the pie remains leaves. He tries again, and the same result happens—this time, with a pale of water splashing all over him. "I AM WELL AWARE OF YOUR CHAOS MAGIC, AND I HAVE DEVELOPED A MEANS TO CANCEL SUCH A SPELL WORK FROM YOUR PLANET,"

"That's amazing! Did you learn that from your time on our planet? Or, do you have a natural affinity to any magic?" Twilight ranted before Applejack stops her.

"Sugarcube now's not the time,"

"Yeah, you can start Twilightening after we're back home," Pinkie said as the rest of the group laughs.


"Oh, right," Twilight chuckles sheepishly before clearing her throat. "For our second wish, we--"

At that moment, Goku appears in the middle of the group, starling the girls. "Goku? What are you doing here?" Yamcha asks.

"I'm not too late, am I? Has anyone made a wish yet?" Goku asks.


"Whoa! Uh, thanks, Shenron. We don't need any more wishes today," Goku said, much to everyone's collective horror.

"VERY WELL..." The golden glow shrouded Shenron's form once again as he returns to the Dragonballs. The balls flew into the skies and split into several directions as the dark skies returned to normal.

"Goku! What did you do!? We still had a wish left. We needed that to help Princess Celestia!" Twilight raved, her mane already in a state of disarray.

"Easy there, Twilight. It's for a good cause, I swear,"

"It better be, Goku!" Bulma said, marching up to the Saiyan as Goku tries to defuse the issue. "You know how hard it is gathering those balls together. I had to dress up in a bunny outfit again to get the four-star ball!"

"Oh, you wore it well, darling," Rarity compliment, but Bulma shot her a death glare, making the fashionista flinch. "But, really, darling. You practically made all our efforts to waste. How shall we free the Princess now?"

"I assume you have some plan in the works that utilize the Dragonballs later?" Master Roshi asks.

"Yeah, which is why we need to head back to Equestria. The situation changed, and we need to hurry. Gather around,"

"But, the princess?" Twilight reminded again.

"We're going to help her. I Pinkie promise," Goku said while making the motions. Pinkie smiles brightly as Twilight became more at ease. Our heroes did as requested and formed a circle around the Saiyan warrior. In a blink of an eye, they all vanished.

[Former Crystal cavern.]

Kibito awoke with startled gasps as beats of sweat pours down his features. Taking in his surrounding, memories of what transpired came flooding back to him. The Kaioshin's assistant could scarcely believe it. He was alive once more. Standing up, Kibito began feeling out for the supreme Kai's energy signature. Another gasp escapes his lips, followed by a deep frown. "It would appear that Babidi has succeeded. Majin Buu is free, and the Supreme Kai is wounded. I must hurry!" Kibito flickers directly to his master's location and found the supreme kai in a medical bed as doctors worked on him. Kibito walks past the ones as he lays a hand on Supreme Kai, channeling his Ki through him.

"Gah! Who are you? What are you doing to my patient?"

"Do not intervene. Your heal capabilities are ill-equipped for this task," Kibito ignored the doctors raving as one of them went to notify the guards. However, Supreme Kai was fully healed, much to their shock. "Welcome back, Supreme Kai,"

"Kibito? I see; they must've used the Dragonballs. Come, we haven't a moment to lose. We must save him before it is too late,"

"Forgive my ignorance, but who requires saving?"

"You shall see once we got there," With that, the Supreme Kai and Kibito left the medical wing of Canterlot castle. The two reappeared near Babidi's ruined hideout to find Gohan barely alive. Supreme Kai sighed with relief that Gohan managed to cling to life. "Truly, Saiyans are quite resilient. Heal him, Kibito; we shall take him to the Land of the Kais,"

Kibito had a rare moment of shock adorn his features. "Surely, you are not thinking of taking a mortal to our scared world!?"

"We no longer have the choice. Majin Buu is free because I severely underestimate both him and the mortals we employed. However, Gohan has shown great potential. If we nurture that potential, I am sure he will be able to strike down Majin Buu once and for all!"

"And what of Majin Buu right now? Are we going to leave this planet to its fate?"

There was a silent pause as Kibito began healing Gohan. "Perhaps if this were the earth, it would seem crueler. However, this world is special for its magic. Majin Buu is a creature of magic. They may be able to hold off Majin Buu long enough for us to return. Now let us depart," Kibito nods as the trio disappears.

It was fortunate they did, as just a few kilometers away was Babidi and his minions flew overhead. "Wow, Mr. Buu. You did a stupendous job helping Master Babidi!" Cozy Glow stated.

"Um, hmm, Buu did good!"

"You are turning out to be a fascinating creature, Majin Buu. There seems to be no limit to your abilities," Gera said, her smile held a wicked gleam to it.

Babidi, now fully healed from Piccolo's assault, was far from having a festive mood. "Why are you two throwing out praises? Those lousy do-gooding miscreants have cost me everything! They have humiliated me and ran off with the Kai! Just when I finally had that rat right where I wanted him! Oh. They won't get away with this insult! Majin Buu!!!"

"Hmm?" Buu said.

"We're going to teach those bothersome little rats a lesson!"

"How are we going to do that, master. I am pretty sure they're long gone now," Cozy Glow reminded.

Babidi folds his arms behind his back while a sinister smile adorns his features. "It's simple, Cozy. I've run into their types many a time in my travels. They can not allow innocents to suffer. It's why that blasted Kai recruited them," Babidi's bands of malcontents stop their advance as they overlooked the ground below where several dragons were mitigating. "And what better way to draw mouth to the flame than with a bonfire. But, why should we have all the fun?"

[Back at Canterlot Castle.]

Sombra awoke with a sharp gasp. Looking around, he saw that he was in the medical wing of Canterlot castle. However, he had little time to fully gain his bearings as the sound of several swords being drawn caught his attention. "Don't move, Sombra!"

"Where am I?" Sombra grunted in pain. He looks down to see his body covered in bandages. He felt slightly sluggish and pressure around his horn. The sputtering sparks of magic from his horn confirm the presence of an inhibitor ring. The former king almost chuckles at the notion. His power had increased far past the point of mere magic. But he deuced it made the royal guard feel more secure about being around him. He was exiled after all. "What happened with Babidi and his monster?"

Instead of replying, the guards tightened their hold on their weapons. "We don't answer to you!"

"But you do answer to a direct order from your princess!" A new voice stated firmly. Radiant Hope came marching past the two guards stationed in the room. Behind her, a small unicorn filly with a grey-ish purple coat came rushing in. Her mane was a tone combination of her parents while her eyes matched her father's. The filly jumped into her father's bed, wrapping her arms around his stomach as Radiant hope pulls out a parchment. "Here is a letter signed b Princess Cadene and Princess Luna authorizing me to heal Sombra and to report to them once we are done. You two are also to report to the colosseum to assist in recovery after the revival event," The guards stutter before eventually leaving.


"Luminous!" Sombra said with a small grunt.

"Are you hurt, papa?"

"It is just some bruises, nothing life-threatening,"

"I can hardly back that claim considering the Princesses gave this to me," Radiant Hope sai as she tosses half a Senzu bean to him. "One whole bean can cure nearly all physical injuries. You were given two to mend your spine and clear the toxicity in your body!"

"..." Sombra turns his head in shame.

Hope walks up and pulls his gaze back to her. "Sombra. What is out there?"

"...A greater monster than I could've ever hoped to be, and possibly, greater than any monster Equis has seen," Sombra eats the bean as he felt his full strength return. Removing his daughter and getting up from the bed, Sombra takes off the inhibitor ring and allows his magic to flare. His form is soon shrouded in magic as his armor materializes. "I must go. I've no doubt the others are planning a counterattack,"

"To what end?" Hope stood up, scaring her daughter. "For you to wind up right back here, but within a tomb!? Please. Don't make me a widow!"

"Would you still love a coward? One that can't atonement for his past or runs away when it gets too tough?" Sombra walks up to Radiant Hope and embraces her in a hug. "I have something I seldom had the opportunity to do in my earlier years; be a force for good, be the stallion and father you see me as, and I am not going to let some pink blob hinder me!"

"Yeah. Papa is not a coward!" Sombra smiles down Luminous Shroud as she joins in the hug.

"Tsk. Two against one is hardly fair," Hope pouted.

"Indeed, but you both will need to remain safe. Let's go," Sombra said as they walked out the door.

[Land of the Kai's.]

Gohan's eyes shot open as a gentle breeze travels across his face. He looks around to see a luscious environment of plant life. The gentle kiss of the breeze was soothing as Gohan walks around. He stops before a large oasis where the sunlight glistens above the water's surface. In the middle of the lake stood a giant pillar made of rock. On top of the spire, a glint caught Gohan's attention. However, before he could investigate, a familiar voice called out to him.

"Good, I see that you are awake," Turning around, Gohan was shocked and elated to see Kibito hover down to him. "Your recover has happened faster than expect,"

"Kibito! You're alive! It's good to see again!" Gohan said, earning a slight smile from the Kaioshin's assistant. "Say, where are we? And if you're back, does that mean we won against Buu?"

"I wish that were the case, but sadly no. Majin Buu still lives and is no doubt at this moment terrorizing the planet of Equis,"

"What!? then we have to go right now!"

"Calm yourself. The situation has changed, and the supreme wishes to speak with you, but first..." Kibito holds up his hand, and sparkles appear around Gohan's torn Saiyaman outfit. A moment later, Gohan was now in a similar outfit to that Kibito and the Supreme Kai. "There. Now you look far more presentable for a meeting with the Supreme Kai,"

"Whoa. It fits pretty good,"

"Follow me,"

Kibito flew in the air toward the large spire rock as Gohan follows. "So, about this place, what is it?"

"This is the sacred land of the Supreme Kai's. Every single Supreme Kaioshin that is born lives and watches over the universe from this planet. Only those personally accepted by The Supreme are allowed to walk its soil. It is a prestigious honor for any mortal to receive,"

"Oh, um, thanks. I certainly feel, well, honored, hehe,"

"And it is my honor to have you here as well, Gohan," Supreme Kai said as the two landed.

"It's good to see you alright, Supreme..." Gohan looks downtrodden as he bows his head. "...You were right. I should've left sooner, the moment I felt Buu's power. Everyone depended on me, and I let you all down while almost getting killed!"

Supreme kai merely smiles at this. "The fault is not yours, Gohan. You did the best you could in a desperate situation. It is for that valor you displayed that we healed and brought you here. Tell me, what do you see here embedded in this rock?"

"It looks like a sword,"

"It is not just any sword. This weapon is known as the Z sword, the most powerful tool in the universe. It draws upon the latent potential of its master as the two become one, capable of cutting down even the mightiest of foes," Kibito stated.

"That is where you come in, Gohan. You must wield the blade against Majin Buu if the universe has any hope of surviving," Supreme kai said. "We are trusting this weapon to you, Gohan, provided if you can retrieve it.

Gohan looks at the Z sword in amazement. "Whoa! So, I have to pull it out?" Gohan grips the handle of the Z sword and begins to tug at it. He strained and grunted while his face turned red from the effort. Unfortunately, the task proved harder than Goan thought, and he fell back to the ground. He blew on his hands that were red from all that gripping and pulling. "Ow, jeez!!!"

"It is not surprising. The Z sword has been stuck within this rock for centuries. Even the Supreme Kai has failed to pull it out!" Kibito said with an air of smugness. Gohan stood once more as e steeled his resolve. Powering up to an ascended Saiyan, Gohan tries again. "Not even your Super Saiyan strength will be enough, I'm afraid," Despite Kibito's words, Gohan pressed onward as sparks danced around his hands. "If the Supreme kai himself couldn't free the sword, how can a simple mortal as yourself ever hope to succeed?"

Gohan was now crouched low to the ground as his Ki continues to flare. His feet began to sink into the ground as he extorted more strength. Then, the Z sword began to tremble. The earth surrounding the blade began to crack. Kibito's smug expression became one of awestruck while the Supreme Kai smile grew. Gohan pushed himself and the Z sword from the rocky tower with one last herculean effort while his aura bursts outward. "Gohan, you did it!" Supreme Kai said with pride.

"THE Z SWORD IS FREE!!!!" Kibito exclaimed in disbelief.

Gohan hovers in the, trying to catch his breath. He felt the full weight of his accomplishment. Especially as it started to drag him down as he returned to his base form, he faces planted in front of Kibito and the Supreme Kai. Kibito's facepalms while Supreme kai coughs into his hand. "Well, Kibito, It would seem you underestimated our young friend. No matter, it's time to begin your training,"

[Back on Equis.]

Goku reappears with the others back in Canterlot castle. Twilight quickly met up with Cadence and Luna as the two explained that the first wish was a success. That had, of course, lead to a new wave of confusion and mild panic. Thankfully, with the help of the other rulers, the situation was under control. However, that left a new conundrum to deal with; how to explain the recent events? Many audience members were unhappy with what transpired, believing it was a poor attempt to boost ratings or a ploy to involve the crowd more. An emergency meeting has been called to address several concerns.

"Our subjects are getting restless," King Squawk stated. "There's mass confusion with everything that happened!"

"It is quite strange indeed to have the dead return without heed," Chief Zomboyoy said.

"Yeah, well, something fishy is going on here. And I bet some ponies know what," Gilda said in an accusatory tone.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean, G!? You accusing us of something!?" Rainbow shot back.

"What the griffin consort means was that we set up this tournament to flush out the one's foal napping our citizens for years now. Not only did that plan fail, but we supposedly have two of Equestria's worse offenders - Chrysalis and Sombra - returning. One of whom was thought to be dead. A corrupted Princess Celestia and reappearance of Nightmare Moon," There was a subtle twitch in Princess Luna's eye at that. "And a member of the ambassador's race killing many of our subjects who are now back to the world of the living. One might gain the impression that Equestria is more involved with those foal nappers than any of us originally thought," Queen cream Puff said.

"We can assure you that the recent events as surprised us as well. However, we can confirm to you all that Nightmare Moon is no more," Cadence stated.

"And what of Princess Celestia, Sombra, and Chrysalis? We all saw them clear as day,' Squawk reminded.

"Many bad creatures appeared and caused harm to yaks. We want bad creatures to pay!" Prince Rutherford bellows.

"Sombra's return was something we did not account for in our plans," Princess Luna said. "Chrysalis as well, but Sir Goku can explain that little detail. As for my sister and Vegeta, it saddens me to say that they fell prey to an evil wizard's machinations..."

The room fell into shock at Luna's words before Cloven Hoof spoke. "The last thing we need to be doing is accusing one another. It's a mistake we can't recover from. Besides, I was once dead and brought back before. As were many of my kin back in Minos after a vile attack of an imposter. I've no doubts it was due to the ambassador's strange methods,"

"Yeah, you could say we had help from a good friend of mine. As for Chrysalis, she was brought back from the dead with me for a day," Goku chuckles sheepishly.

The other leaders blinked once, then twice before the yak prince spoke. "What spiky hair talking about? You're here in front of us, not dead!"

"Sure I am, see the halo above my head," Goku gestures to the golden ring hovering slightly above his nogging.

Pinkie being her curious self grabs the halo from Goku's head. "Whoa! This whole time I thought this was a shiny donut hat! Hey, look at this, girls..." Pinkie places the ring above her head in the same position as Goku was, and the halo hovers in place. "I'm a dead ghost mare, back from the grave to settle the mystery of my untimely death,"

The z warriors looked all wore looks shocked as Goku waves his hand where his halo was on his head. "Pinkie! how are you doing that?" Krillin asks.

"Doing what?"

"T-the halo is above your head!"

"What halo?'

"What do you--" Krillin stop mid-sentence as the halo was gone from Pinkie's head and back above Goku's. "...Nevermind..."

"I do not get her," Gilda said flatly.

"We are getting astray. What must we do to keep this evil wizard at bay," Chief Zomboyoy said.

"A name to our common enemy would be nice," Iron Hoof said.

"The wizard goes by the name--"

Before Twilight could finish, the doors burst open. Three people came marching inside. Or rather, two people and one unicorn. It was Prince Blue Blood and Hercule with Videl in tow. "Auntie Luna, you must address the public. The commoners are getting restless, and this one," The prince gestures to Hercule. "Is inciting a riot with the primates,"

"You better watch your tone, pretty boy, uh, horse, unicorn thing. Whatever! I don't know what kind of wacky tournament show you put on here. But, on Earth, we do things more professionally. Blowing up the spectator stands without informing you talent is reckless at best. Where were the safe zones or stunt doubles? I can understand wanting to boost your rating, but that's a good way to catch a lawsuit!"

"Dad! We're not supposed to be here!" Videl stated through gritted teeth.

"Now, now, baby girl, you let the champ handle this!" Turning back to the Equis leaders, who were all far from impressed, as he continued. "Now I want to know who is responsible for this!"

As if on cue, everyone clutched their heads as the voice of Babidi echos in their minds. "Hello, various creatures of Planet Equis. This is your new ruler speaking!"


"You might be wondering why you hear a voice in your head. If you want to put a face to the voice, you need to close your eyes. I can assure you that yes, you are all hearing the same thing. And, yes, you are all seeing this devilishly handsome face right now. You might also be wondering who I am and how on earth am I doing this? The short answer; magic. I am quite the accomplished wizard, you see. Who else on this miserable it ball can physically link the entire planet together, hmm? Me! The great wizard Babidi. However, I shouldn't be too harsh. This planet has been so kind to me these last few years. It's so rich in mana. I scarcely know what to do with it. Of course, a few ideas do come to mind, but that will come later. Right now, I require your full obedience!"

"Master Babidi. That's now way to ask for a favor," Cozy Glow scolded, the filly coming into view inside the collective minds of Equis. "How you doing every creature. I'm Cozy Glow, and I would like a huge favor. You see, this is my good friend Majin Buu," cozy went and hugged Buu around the neck to watch the pink terror glad returns. "He just came out of the world's longest naptime, and do you know what happens? A bunch of mean creatures went and attacked him! Then, they had the nerve to run away and not apologize!"

"Yes, thank you, Cozy. Right now, I am projecting an image of the perpetrators in question!" Babidi was quick to show images of Piccolo, Trunks, Goten, and the rest of our heroes to the minds of Equis. "I realize of these face you might recognize, but you shouldn't have any reservations in reporting their whereabouts. It is in your best interest to appease your ruler! And since I know, those miscreants are watching as well. I am issuing this ultimatum. The longer you wait to show yourselves and get the punishment you deserved, Majin Buu here will burn down and destroy every major populous we can find. Then, we'll move on to Earth and start anew," Babidi could hear the several confused murmurs of off.

"What is that thing?"

"Is this a part of the tournament?"

"Why is that thing looking for the princess and the champion?"

"I can tell by your chatter that you're all still confused. Not to worry, Majin Buu will now demonstrate why you should be cooperative. And, thankfully, we have the perfect volunteers. Majin Buu, why don't you say hello to the natives,"

Buu claps his hands enthusiastically at this. "Ahaha! Buu want to meet fire spitters!" Buu sails down to the nearest dragon as they tensed slightly. Buu stood before a large maroon dragon with his arms resting on his hips. The dragon leers down at Buu as though he was beneath him while Buu merely smiles back. Buu then started to point at the dragon as it arches a brow. "Buu like you. You are going to be Buu's pet!" The dragon snarls in angry as it hurls fire onto Buu's position. It kept this up for a solid minute before stopping to admire its work. However, the dragon was shocked to see its flames did not affect Buu.

"Ah-ha! Look at that. Brimstone's flames didn't touch the blob!"

Incent by the mockery, Brimstone rears back and slams his massive claw down on Buu. Moving his hand, Buu was as flat as a sheet of paper. However, Buu immediately assumed his natural shape while still retraining his smile. "Oh my, Majin Buu, it seems your new pet needs some obedience training," Gera suggests.

"Oh, ok!" Buu said. He cocks back his right arm and flickers to Brimstone's chest and thus forward. A shockwave erupts as the dragon is sent flying towards the others. The other dragons gasp up in shock as Brimstone's chest was completely caved inward. A small trickle of blood escaped his lips as the dragon let out an incent roar for their dead kin. Majin Buu faced a swarm of dragons ready to exact revenge. However, none of them was a match for the pink terror. One by one, each dragon fell. One dragon would try to spew flames on Buu, and the main would tank them and remove its head. Where one dragon tries to rip Buu to shreds with their, Majin Buu would blow them to pieces with his Ki. This slaughter continued as the world watches in stunned horror. But none more than our heroes. It wasn't until a massive turquoise dragon with black body armor and two tusk-like horns arrived did Majin Buu stop his rampage.

"ENOUGH!!!" The former dragon lord bellows.

"DAD!!!" Ember cried out.

"Aw. You big lizard pet! You won't break like other ones,"

"You won't get away with slighting us, dragons. You pink menace!"

Torch brought his hand down ono Buu. But the main cartwheels back and bats Torch's hand away. The giant dragon recoils as Buu laughs. Snarling, Torch tries to breathe fire, but Majin Buu inhales and blows out steam that douses his flames. The former dragonlord was quite surprised to find himself getting blown back by something barely a fraction of his size. It was equally put frustrating as it was admirable. Finally fed up with Buu's antics, Torch opens his maw and bites down on Buu, and allows. Although, Torch's victory was short-lived. Buu pries the mighty dragon mouth open and dislocates it for good measure with two heavy stomps. Torch squeals in pain while Buu casually jumps out of his mouth. Turning back to the downed dragon, a rumble went off in Buu's stomach. It was then that the world of Equis witnessed true horror. Buu's antenna lit up as he pointed to Torch. The former dragonlord could do nothing as a pink beam struck his form and morphs him into a cinnamon candy ball. The remaining dragons were helpless to do anything as Buu pops the candy into his mouth and turns his sight on them. With another flash from his antenna, Majin Buu turns all the dragons in the dragon lands into hot candies, his cheeks distended before swallowing them all in one gulp. Bu pats his belly in satisfaction as he spoke.

"Hmm, that was nice. But the candy was spicy. Buu is in the mood for ice cream. Or maybe cheesecake!"

"Well, you heard him, folks. Majin Buu's appetite is quite insatiable. I wonder what other morsels the rest of the world can offer? I recommend making up your minds soon about revealing yourselves in the meantime," Babdi cackles.

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