• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 4,301 Views, 414 Comments

Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 50: Penultimate!

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. Happy Holidays. Let the title suggest this is the second to last chapter of the story. See you at the finale.

(Last Intro.)

Shenron overlooks the lush lands of Equestria. A moment later, his body turns golden as the Dragonballs disperse. The light fades into Goku's bright smile as he displays his martial arts skills. He lands on the ground and begins walking forward. In the background, Goku's battles with Frieza and Cell play out before it gets to Vegeta. The Saiyan prince smiles confidently with his arms crossed. He flies up and throws several punches and kicks before firing a Ki blast and landing with Goku.

Chrysalis catches the Ki before shifting it into her magic. She smiles wickedly as her magic flares. Her past battles with the elements and the princesses replay before the image settles on the smiling face of Ocellus and the rest of her hive. The evil smirk softens as she lands by the Saiyans but turns away from them in a huff. Rainbow Dash comes flying by the group. Beside her were memories of Scootaloo racing with her and the Wonderbolts, where the two would always tie for first place. She lands with the group, flashing them her cocky smile. Pinkie burst on the scene with an explosion of confetti. She smiles and waves broadly toward the camera as she pulls the edges of the screen to show her in a vigorous eating contest with Goku and friends, with only her and the Saiyan left standing. She draws everyone in a big hug as she stands by Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy peaks her head from behind Vegeta. She gives a meek wave as memories of Discord and their various tea parties play out. She walks next to Rainbow as her smile grows more certain. The group strolls by Applejack, who is relaxing on the field. We look to her right to see each of her family members bringing in the latest batch of apples with Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin. But Yamcha stumbles as the bucket lands on his back. Applejack lifts her hat and winks at the group before joining them. Rarity strolls into the group displaying her latest dress. She starts regaling how she made them with Sweetie Belle as the judge. Diamond and Sliverspoon draped themselves on Gohan's shoulder while all three wore fancy outfits. As a bouncer, Piccolo was standing at the door, carrying Master Roshi away. She positions herself by Fluttershy.

A purple flash of light goes off in front of the group as Twilight appears with a journal in her hands. Twilight notices them and greets her friends with a warm hug. The group catches up to her to look into the journal. Inside the book was a detailed retelling of the elements' adventures. The encounter with Nightmare Moon. The return of Discord. Chrysalis and the royal wedding. Goku's arrival with Sombra's return and Tirek's reemergence. Everyone shares a laugh save for Chrysalis and Vegeta. The group stops in front of the castle of friendship, where all the friends of Equis and Earth eagerly await our heroes.

[Land of the Kai's - Third Person POV.]

Our heroes and Gera landed on the soft grass. They looked around to see lush, vibrant greenery and vegetation. Clear skies, one vastly different from the Earth or Equis, as far as the eye could see. Along with fresh running streams and beautiful mountain ranges. However, no one could take in the scenery. Everyone save for Gera. She found the surroundings intriguing. She went to take a step, only for Shin to appear before her with his arm outstretched immediately. He leveled a stern glare at the woman as he spoke. "You will remain right here in my sights at all times!"

Gera puts her hand up in a placating gesture. "There's no need for any hostilities. I am in the same situation as everyone else,"

"You are only here by pure circumstance. Rest assured, we have not forgotten your role in aiding Babadi, and you will get the punishment you deserve!" Kibito stated.

"I was a victim as much as anyone. Babadi had me under his control," Gera argued.

"You pride yourself on being intelligent, correct?" Old Kai asks as Gera nods. "Then, please do not insult ours. Even Babadi died, you continued to align yourself with Buu afterward,"

"Buu had a strange connection with those around. There was no telling how he would react if I left. Besides, I wasn't the one that was manipulating them once he was free. I will admit that Buu was an interesting creature, but he is far too destructive. Which is why I saved everyone in the end--"

Chrysalis appeared in a flash before Gera as she gripped her by the neck. Her horn and eyes glowed with a fury that could match a Super Saiyan. "You saved us on for your gains, not ours! You said as much already that our interests align. Yet, how can any of us trust a snake like you!'

"A changeling arguing about trust issues? How quaint," Gera remarked. If she was uncomfortable, she did not show it. That's one reason Chrysalis did not trust the woman in her grasp. She hid her emotions well, too well.

'It's almost as if I am holding an inanimate object! Where is her fear? Where's the desperation? She should least be choking from my grip?' Chrysalis snarls as she increases the pressure but gains no reaction. Chrysalis lets go of Gera's neck. "It should have been you that died to that monster, not the nymph! And you!" Chrysalis turned her ire to Goku, who was looking at the ground. As she hoists him up by the collar, Chrysalis' rage wouldn't have that. She wanted to look him in the eyes. "For all your power, you did nothing to prevent that catastrophe! It would help if you killed that monster when it reared its ugly head. Instead, you left the task up to mere foals! They were not warriors! They did not feel hunger for battle like you Saiyans do. Now, look where that blind naivety has gotten us! Look at what we have to work with!"

Chrysalis gestures to the ponies and Hercule. All the elements were in varying stagings of grief and despair, barring Blueblood, who was just confused while dusting off his suit. Hercule was lying face down on his belly as he looked confused. "Oh! Where am I? I died, didn't I?" He said.

"..." Goku didn't respond.

"You saved these weaklings instead of your sons! Have you lost your mind!? Even either of your students would've been better!"

"..." Goku kept his gaze away from Chrysalis as he took every one of the visceral scoldings.

"Chrysalis," Dende said, earning Chyrysalis's attention. "I'm sorry. None of us knew things would turn out like this--"

"Don't make excuses! Not after what just happened!"

Just as she reared back her fist, a small voice spoke up. "...Stop..."

"What?!" Chrysalis whirls to see Flurry's heart glaring at her. The tears in her eyes also display her turmoil, but she holds it back with her glare.

"Fighting each other isn't helping. You didn't save Ocellus despite being in your hands. I could blame Auntie Twilight for not keeping my mom. But what does that do other than hurt each other? It doesn't help. It doesn't fix anything! My mother always told me it's okay to feel sad just as long as we don't make others sad because of it,"

Chrysalis held her glare on the filly before scoffing and letting Goku go. "Hey, over here. You all might want to see this..." Old Kai said.

Everyone shuffles over to the crystal ball. Inside the display, the void of space with specks of debris float around. The sight only made a specific princess recoil. "...Is that where the Earth was...?"

"Yes. There's nothing left of anything that once resembled the Earth,"

"Would it kill you to sound like you'd care?" Rainbow said hotly.

"I've seen many planets flourish and perish throughout my tenure as a Supreme Kai. It hardens your soul, as is required, for the universe has many horrors that would cripple you. But, we are not devoid of compassion,"

The prismatic mare winces at the tone and backs off. "Forgive me, darling, what are we supposed to be looking at?" Rarity asks. A moment later, something began to shift in the void. Tiny pink blobs formed into a small ball until Kid Buu burst out with a triumphant yell. Everyone flinches back as if the monster is right before them. "I, what- How did - What!?!?"

"He's back? He blew up a planet, and he's back! Just like that!?" Rainbow said in disbelief.

"He is immortal," Twilight mutters.

"Why is he looking around?" Pinkie asks before Buu vanishes from sight.

"W-where did he go?" Fluttershy asks.

"Hold on...!" Old Kai said, holding out a hand toward the crystal ball.

The image of Buu came back with the Majin on another planet. Before the inhabitants could react, Kid Buu gathered his Ki and destroyed everything again. Our heroes watched in horror as Buu regenerated and repeated the process of destruction over and over. "H-He's evil. Pure evil!" Twilight said with a shudder.

"What sort of madness is this?! Destroying your body along with the planet!? What kind of creature revels in senseless destruction of this magnitude?!" Supreme Kai asks.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was looking for us," Vegeta comments.

"Yes, that appears to be the case. No doubt Buu will continue this pattern until he finds you," Old Kai summarised.

"We have to stop him!" Flurry exclaimed.

"How?" Twilight asks. "We've tried everything. Fusions. Sealing spells. Fighting. We never had the chance to use the elements, and now they're gone!" Twilight clutches the side of her head. "A whole planet is gone. A-And he keeps destroying others. There's nothing we can do!" Twilight's mane began to unravel as panic sets in, and her tears flowed. "The princesses failed! Scootaloo and Spike. My students. Us! We tried everything, and we all failed! We--" Twilight's downward spiral ceased when Flurry grabbed her free hand. Twilight looked at her niece with tears in her eyes. "Flurry, I'm so sorry--:

"Auntie, breathe," The little princess stated.


Flurry held her hand to her chest, took a breath, and waved her hand while exhaling. A practice her mother and Twilight's foal sitter taught. Twilight sat still for a moment before repeating the motion and calming down. "Better?"

Twilight closes her mouth before looking away from her niece in shame. "I'm sorry. I don't think even calming down is going to work,"

"So, are you giving up?" Vegeta's voice suddenly said. The Saiyan prince marches to the prone alicorn and glares down at her. "And what of your family? Your mentor? Are you going to sully their memories by quitting because it's too hard?"

"We're not you, Vegeta. We're not warriors. Even if we had the elements, what guarantees they'd work?"

"Tch. When faced with a battle to the death, it'd be foolish to think of anything besides absolute victory! You are still alive. That means you can still fight. It means that victory isn't a fantasy. But if you submit now, then everyone that's fought and died before will perish for good! That is what defeat is; do you accept it?!"

Twilight recoils at Vegeta before Rarity speaks up. "He's right, darling. We can't stop now. I will admit that all our previous victories have made us overconfident. But that changes now,"

"She's right; we can't go feeling sorry for ourselves now. That varmint ain't going to stop unless we do the stopping!" Applejack said.

Fluttershy drapes a wing on Twilight's back. "We can't let Buu keep hurting every creature in the universe, even if it's bigger than all the problems we faced on Equis. We have to be brave!"

"Yeah, we're down. But we're not out. Buu is long overdue for a flank-kicking. And we're the heroes to do it!" Rainbow said.

"B-but, what if we're not enough? What if we lose for good this time?" Twilight asks, still unsure of everything.

"This meanie may be worse than we're used to, but we'll still come out on top. Do you know why?" Pinkie asks as Twilight shakes her head. "Because we're still the best of friends. And friendship is magic!!!"

An explosion of confetti bursts behind Pinkie as she finishes. Twilight felt a warmth in her chest at her friend's convictions. Looking back to her niece, Twilight brought her hand to her chest, breathed, and exhaled while waving her arm. Flurry beams at this and embraces her aunt in a tight hug. "Thank you, girls. I'm sorry I lost heart for a second there,"

"Eh, classic Twilighting," Pinkie said with a shrug.

"Hehe, you made me a verb?"

"Well, you have your anxieties often, not that it's a big issue or anything," Fluttershy said.

"Urgh, I am going to be sick," Chrysalis commented, turning away from the display.

"Isn't this good for you since you feed on love?" Goku reminded.

Chrysalis turns away in a huff while softly igniting her horn and absorbing the love in the air. "Shut up!"

"Regardless, are you all ready? Because I have the plan to end that pink menace finally," Vegeta said.

"Yes, and thank you, Vegeta. You're right. We're all still here, so that means there is still hope. When you stop and think about it, fighting Buu was a lot like facing Nightmare Moon the first time,"

"What do you mean, Twi?" Applejack asks.

"Babadi believed that he destroyed the elements of harmony. I did too. But the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here. Honesty. Loyalty. Generosity. Kindness. Laughter. And it's not just you girls that represent them either," Twilight turns to Goku and the others with a smile. Goku smiles back with a thumbs up while Vegeta scoffs. "The day I realized I had friends to depend on was the same day I discovered that friendship is magic. So, whether we win or lose, I wouldn't want to be with any other creature in the universe!"

As the elements embrace each other again, a shroud of rainbow colors develops on each element's bearer neckline. The light took on the shape of each cutie mark before forming a transparent sphere around the girls. The shining of the spheres became brighter until the girls were completely gone from sight. A moment later, all six spheres disappeared, revealing the element bearers in a new state. Flurry Heart was the first to see them and approach her aunt and friends as they gathered and recovered. Each of their manes was longer, with a stripe of rainbow highlights running down the length. Those with wings had accented feather tips while their hooves sparkled with magic diamonds.

(Best example I could find)

"Whoo...!" Flurry said in awe.

"Darlings, this is--"

"--The elements!" Twilight finished for Rarity.

"But, I thought the elements were gone," Fluttershy said.

"And I don't remember the elements giving us makeovers like this," Applejack said, holding the green ribbons up.

"The answer is obvious. You said as much earlier, dear," Old Kai said. "Though you lost the physical aspect of your little trinkets, the spirit of the lesson and their power has always been inside of each of you,"

"Ha. It just shows that you can't keep a good hero down!" Rainbow said.

"Don't get cocky! We still have to deal with Buu. And your powers - as amazing as they are - cannot hope to stop him," Old Kai scolded.

"Besides, with my idea, we won't need your seizor-inducing light show. The Dragonball will suffice," Vegeta said.

"The Dragonballs? You mean the ones on New Namek?" Dende said.

No, not now, not ever!" Old Kai suddenly shouted. "Removing those balls from their natural habitat will--"

"Disrupt the delicate ecosystem and potentially destabilize the universe?" Pinkie said.

"Yes? How do you know that?"

"It happened to Earth in the last story,"

The elder Kai stared blankly at Pinkie Pie before Vegeta spoke again. "We're not moving the dragon balls off of Namek. Dende is going there to use them to bring back the Earth and Buu's victims,"

"Not to sound crass, darling, but won't Majin Buu destroy it again?" Rarity pointed out.

"He won't attack the Earth. He'll be too busy fighting us. We'll raise our power levels as much as possible. He won't be able to resist. Contact us once you get there, and let me know when you have the Dragonballs. We have to do this accordingly," Vegeta said.

Shin removed his earrings and presented them to Goku and Vegeta. "Here, Buu won't be an issue if you two fuse again!"

Goku and Vegeta shared a look as Goku spoke. "Thanks, Supreme Kai. But, we won't need them," Before anyone could stop them, Goku and Vegeta crush the earrings in their palms.

"Oh! What have you done!?" Kibito exclaimed.

"Yeah, even with scoots and the others inside him, Vegito was one serious bad flank!" Rainbow reminded.

"Spare me. An eternity in hell is preferable to fusing with Kakarot!" Vegeta said.

"Besides that, Buu isn't a fused fighter anymore. It wouldn't be fair," Goku said.

"Fair!? You would risk our lives on fairness?! Could either of you be any more pompous? I'd rather deal with their sick platitudes of friendship than the idiocy of battle-hungry Saiyans!" Chrysalis stated while pointing to the ponies.

"Why not use this Dragon to separate yourselves after Buu's defeat?" Gera said.

"There is no way I am risking another permanent union on a wish the dragon might not be able to perform. It's a miracle we separated the first time!" Vegeta denied.

"Can I go to see the dragon? You only told me stories about it. Can I go, please?" Flurry pleaded.

"Sure, you can go. I'd rather you be safely away from this upcoming battle. I am sure your mother will want to hear about it when she comes back," Twilight said as the two hugged.

Flurry rushes over to Dende as the three Kai moves into position. "Are you sure this is wise to allow them to fight Buu on our world?" Kibito asks.

"Nonsense. These mortals are saving the universe. It's the least we can do. Besides, this planet is far sturdier than anywhere else. It will endure," Shin said. "We'll contact you once the balls are ready,"

"Good luck to you all," Dende said as the group vanished.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Goku said.

"Then, allow me to start us off," Chrysalis said.

"Hmph, I don't think your meager power level will gain even a glance from Buu," Vegeta taunted.

"Foolish little prince. You should never underestimate a queen imbued with the love of her subjects..." Chrysalis took the pedant Ocellus gave her and held it close to her chest. The beetle-like jewel emitted a golden light before it engulfed Chrysalis form like the rainbow power of the elements. However, instead of a sphere, a cacoon forms before it opens up like a flower blossoming. Chrysalis' shining outline emerges from the light as her features return. Her chitin was no longer a charcoal black but vibrant gold. The holes that line her forearm and legs are closed as if they were never there. Her mane and tail were a lush spring emerald, unlike its previous swampy and worn look. And her wings resembled that of a butterfly with rainbow spiral patterns. Chrysalis opens her now blue eyes as everyone gasps in awe.

"B-Beatiful..." Rarity gasps.

"I'll say. Vegeta, you feel that?" Goku whistles.

"I do. Now, let's help her along. HAAAA!!!"

"Right! HAAAAA!!!"

[Meanwhile, in Otherworld.]

Krillin and Yamcha grit their teeth in frustration as Majin Buu stands in the field surrounded by other world warriors. Despite being dead with sturdier bodies, none of them could touch Buu. Seemingly bored with the showing, Buu raises his hand above his head and forms another death ball. Yamcha and Krillin watch on in horror as the energy attack grows in size.

"Krillin, if we die again, we..."

"Yeah, I know...!"

Suddenly, the attack vanishes as Buu looks off into the distance. "Hehehe!" Buu laughs as he flickers out of existence.

"Ah, he's gone!" Yamcha exclaims.

"We should talk with Grand Kai. I feel I know where he's going," Krillin said.

[Land of the Kai's.]

Kid Buu reappears in the air as he spies Goku and Vegeta. His gaze shift to the others as confusion builds from the appearance of the Element bearers and Chrysalis before a broad smile forms. "He does resemble a foal now..." Twilight said.

"Yet, he's far more vicious and..." Gera spies the wild and manic look in Buu's eyes. "Decidedly more prone to instinct. I doubt he can even form coherent words, let alone his usual broken sentences,"

"I guess it doesn't matter if the result will be the same," Goku stretched. "So, how should we--"

"He's mine!!!" Chrysalis roared out, instant rocketing toward Buu. Kid Buu smiled broadly at the enthusiasm as he met Chrysalis's charge. Buu and Chrysalis' forearms met with a violent shockwave. Chrysalis narrows her eyes as Buu begins to push her back. However, she opens her mouth and spits out acidic goop into Buu's eyes. the Majin recoils at the attack, allowing Chrysalis to morph her hand into a scythe. With three slashes, Chrysalis bisects Buu in three places. Before Chrysalis could end the pink menace, Buu's antenna flicks to her face. Chrysalis's eyes widen briefly before her horn lights up, and she morphs into a breeze, narrowly dodging Buu's attack. Kid Buu pulls himself back together as he searches for Chrysalis. The changeling-turned-breezy flies above Buu's head before returning to normal. Kid Buu looks up just in time for Chrysalis to blast him down. Chrysalis hovers in the air while carefully scanning for Buu when his arm shout.

The elastic limb quickly wraps around the Changeling queen's neck and body. Buu starts to reel her in before a flash of red cuts through his arm. Buu looked confused before Gera appeared with a red Ki blade around her hand. Buu was ready this time and easily dodged out of the way of each swing. However, when Buu went to the counter, his fist stopped short of Gera's face. "Oh? That's an interesting reaction. Let's explore this new development, shall we?" Gera plants her heel into Kid Buu's stomach as she knocks him back. Buu dug his feet into the ground as he formed trenches. Gera points the finger at him and fires a red beam through Buu's stomach. The Majin snarls in annoyance as the hole heals. He rears his leg back while gathering his Ki to his foot before kicking the Earth. Multiple rocks infused with his energy shot toward Gera, who responded with a barrier. The empowered rocks struck her shield with tremendous force while Gera gritted her teeth as she thought. 'He chose to attack indirectly from a distance!'

Chrysalis reenters the fight with a beam of magic barreling toward Buu. The Majin smiles at this and vanishes to her position. Surprised by this move, Chrysalis attempts to brace herself as Buu delivers an upside-down axe kick. Chrysalis grunts in pain as she falls to the ground. Unfortunately, Chrysalis landed near Blueblood and Hercule. The pair jump in each other's arms before looking at each other and separating. "What are you doing lazing around? Get back up there!" Blue Blood commanded.

"Yeah! You, uh, got Buu on the ropes. Unless, of course, you need the help of a champ! Ahaha!" Hercule boasted. Chrysalis sends them both a sharp look of hatred as the pair stiffens. "You're doing fine,"

In front of the downed queen, Buu lands with a heavy thud before charging forward. However, Buu stops at the sight of Hercule and Blueblood. Pine stands guard in front of the pair while the two look at Buu quizzically. "Uh, hey, we're not dead," Hercule said.

"Yes, I'd like to keep it that way, so silence yourself," Blueblood hissed.

"Well, why is he just standing there all menacing-like? Wait. Wait! Haha, that's it. It all makes sense now!" Hercule stated.

"Qhat? What are you talking about?" Blueblood asks.

"This is all a dream. Yep, it's all mind games. First off, no one is stronger than me. Aliens and purple gods don't exist. There may be no magical world of talking mythical creatures. I probably injured myself training; this is all one big fever dream. And if that's the case..." Hercule walks up to Kid Buu as he takes his stance. The Majin looked on in confusion as Hercule spoke again. "I can end this monster with one good punch; a Megaton Punch!!!" Hercule's fist smashes into Kid Buu's face with all the force he can muster. The pink terror confusion morphs into a frown as he lifts a finger and flicks the champion's head. The force knocks Hercule back to Blueblood, who sidesteps the Earth's hero as he crashes in a heap. "Ow, dreams are not supposed to hurt! This must be a nightmare!"

"Oh, I assure you this is a pleasant dream for me," Blueblood chuckles. Unbeknownst to the prince, Buu was staring at the hand he used to flick Hercule intensely. A dissatisfied look was present on his features before holding out a palm toward Blueblood. Kid Buu launches a blast that sails toward Blueblood. However, it diverts its path at the last moment as the prince turns around. "Eep!" Blueblood instantly fell to the ground with his hand over his head, cowing in fear.

"So, I was right!" Buu looks back to Gera as she vanishes and appears in Buu's face. She threw a series of punches and kicks that forced Buu onto the defensive. "You could've easily dealt with most of it by now, yet each opportunity, you hesitant!" Buu grits his teeth while catching one of Gera's punches. He tries to retaliate, but his fist trembles, causing Gera to smile. "Despite your new primal nature, you still retain memories of us as your companions. Thus, you cannot bring yourself to harm us!" Gera broke free before summoning her Ki blade again. She began rotating in a perfect circle while driving Buu back. The Majin staggers before Gera sweeps Buu's legs and stomps on his chest. "Then again, why did you eliminate Cozy when she was closest to you? Did you secretly despise her? Was it because you intended to destroy the Earth, and she was in the way? Or perhaps your forms have a sapience of their own. Regardless..." Gera holds out her hand as a red sphere of Ki forms. It sparkled with black lightning as Kid Buu's vision took on a scarlet hue. "I enjoyed the rotund iteration of you!"

The attack entombs the Majin as a pillar of energy shoots upwards from several fissures. Gera leaps back as a blast of green magic strikes Buu's position. The changeling queen kept the attack going for several seconds before landing next to Gera. For a moment, the battlefield went silent until the ground began to shake. Kid Buu burst out of the Earth with nary a scratch on his person. Kid Buu performed some exaggerated stretches before he landed back on the ground. In a taunting manner, Buu wags his finger at his two opponents, gesturing them to continue. Gera frowned while adjusting her glasses, whereas Chrysalis wore a fierce snarl. However, before the two can do anything, Goku lands before them.

"Hey, that's hardly fair, Chrysalis. You flew in without any warning and hogged Buu all to yourself. We usually have an order to these things, you know," Goku said.

"We're not here to indulge in your fighting addiction!" Chrysalis spat.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I should take over from here. You can tell Buu's not affected much by your attacks. Although, it was impressive. And I wasn't expecting those moves from you, Gera. You science types like to hang back and let your minions do the fighting,"

"It is an effective means of misdirection. However, I would recommend we assist you. Buu is hesitant to attack those he considered friends, likely an influence of Buu's first incarnation. We could perform a hit-and-run strategy that could effectively render Buu incapable--" Gera's plan was cut off before it started as Kid Buu tilted his head back and spat something out. It hit the ground with a puff of smoke before the original Majin Buu appeared.

"Well, there goes that course of action..." Gera mused.

"Hey, isn't that the big Buu?" Rainbow asks.

"Anyone else feeling a bit of deja vu?!" Applejack said nervously.

"Don't tell me we must contend with both of them now!" Rarity exclaims.

"I don't think so, Rarity. Come on, girls!" Twilight said before flying over to the prone Buu. The rest of the bearers quickly followed. Twilight extended her magical hands over Majin Buu's form and began a healing spell.

Kid Buu saw this and gave chase. A renewed sense of malicious delight adorns his features. With the other Buu expelled from his body, Kid Buu can fight without his counterparts hindering influence. However, when Kid Buu gets close, Goku appears in his path and lands a roundhouse kick across Buu's face. Kid Buu goes careening into the ground before he rights himself. Kid Buu responds by firing a Ki blast, which Goku sidesteps and fires back. Kid Buu tilts his head to the left and fires again. Goku hops over it while returning fire. Kid Buu eats the attack before ending the back-and-forth by kicking Earth hard. Goku charged forward before Lid Buu's foot caught him in the jaw. Goku staggers back as Kid Buu begins a flurry of kicks. Goku grits his teeth as he stomps down on his foot and flickers to his position. However, Kid Buu shoots his arm and wraps it around Goku's neck. He slams the Saiyan onto his back.

Goku grunts in pain as Buu goes for another slam. However, Goku plants his feet and hoists Kid Buu above his head for a blow of his own. Still holding onto Kid Buu's hand, Goku gives it a yank as the pink terror comes flying to him. Although, Kid Buu counters with a beam shot out of his mouth. Goku's eyes harden as he charges a blast with his free hand. The two attacks collided as the landscape shifted and split apart. Two figures jump from the smoke. Goku stood defiantly with scoff marks on his face and Gi. At the same time, Kid Buu looks at him with a manic gleeful smile. A deep frown adorns Goku's face as he clenches his fist.

"Darn you, what's your weak point? You've come back even stronger than before; your speed, your power!" Goku mutters to himself. Kid Buu makes a taunting gesture with his finger again as Goku growls. "HAAAAAAA!!!" in an instant, Goku powers back up into a Super Saiyan 3. Kid Buu looks thoroughly unimpressed before smirking again. Meanwhile, Twilight was frantically using every healing spell to revitalize Majin Buu. Hercule and Blueblood hovered over them with Pine.

"Hey, come on, can't you go any faster?" Hercule rushed.

"Unless you got a Senzu in that ugly Gi, keep quiet!" Rainbow barked back, leaving Hercule to balk at her words.

"Perhaps this will go faster if all the unicorns supply their magic to the princess?" Blueblood snark, casting a stink eye on Rarity.

"Hmph, Twilight is more adept at healing spells than I, and we're already harmonized. Your ignorant suggestion would throw us all off balance!" Rarity corrected.

"Listen, now ain't the time to be at each other throats. We're all here, so we all got to do our share, so stop all this squabbling!" Applejack sternly said.

"Yeah, he's pulling out all the stops! Now he can join the flowing mane club," Pinkie claimed.

"Pinkie, I need to focus," Twilight said with her palms glowing.

"Still, are we sure we want to help this Buu? What if he spawns another monster?" Rarity asks.

"Well, he did fight against that skinny version when it came out. I don't think he'll like this one very much since he's tried to hurt his friends," Fluttershy reminded.

"That's right! This Buu is nothing like the others. He is our friend through and through. He was helping us even inside that monster!" Hercule said, looking down at his friend. "Come on, pal. We need your help. I know you can pull through!"

"Yes, it is unbecoming of a member of high status to allow this imposter to damage your reputation. Your very honor is at stake!" Blueblood saif

Twilight smiles at the display of the typically boastful champion of Earth and the royal pain in the flank prince. Although they would never admit it in plain terms, they have come to care for this Majin Buu. So, her duty was to ensure this bedding friendship did not end there. Another tremor nearly broke her concentration as she looked at the sky. Goku and Kid Buu were exchanging a furious series of blows. She looked back down and continued her task. However, a part of Twilight had to chuckle at the fact that she could now shrug off two natural disasters.

"Focus, Twilight, we can all laugh when this is finally over..."

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