• Published 16th Aug 2019
  • 8,560 Views, 474 Comments


Never in all my life would I ever imagine that I'd end up in a variation of my little sister's cartoon. For some reason I'm stuck in Equestria as Bizarro, except every"pony" looks like their Equestrian Girls counterparts with wings, horns, and tails.

  • ...

Bizarre Revelations.


Aaaand. That's fifty wins in a row fer that Bizarre fella. Honestly, I'm mighty shocked. Halfway thru at about round 30ish, Bizarre just let his arm hover about six inches offa his side before he would retaliate and start pushin' RD back.

Rainbow thought he was cheatin' somehow, but when I asked 'im ifin he were, he was honest and said he wadn't cheatin'! By golly, if that Trixie gal can get a bearded dragon in a dress and two headed pony I'd say she'd be on 'er way to startin' a circus show.

Trixie seemed a lil miffed that Bizarre was accidentally hoggin' the spotlight as she was talkin' about how she beat up an Ursa Major or somethin’. Tho she didn’t seem ta mind too much that everypony was watchin’ Bizarre. I mean, it’s not everyday a stallion can arm wrestle a mare to a standstill, let alone win.

I’m not sure where Trixie found this stallion, but I’d give my tail ta get one like ‘im. Speaking o’ Trixie, everypony pretty much ignored her, 'cept fer Spike, Snips and Snails along with a few adults in the crowd. Snips and Snails were definitely the most attentive listeners. Seems that they had a lil crush on that Trixie mare. Spike was also volunteerin’ whenever he could to be part of the act, though I’m not sure why. I hoped the little fella was havin’ fun. And speaking of fun.

I looked back at the little table box as Rainbow Dash FINALLY called a quits, by which I mean she passed out like my Great Great Aunt Hard Cider on her Birthday after goin' to the Opera... also drinkin' forty kegs o’ cider to ferget her age. That also helped too.

The crowd was already startin’ ta die down when they got ta round forty, and everyone else dispersed when Dash took the train to sleepy time junction. I picked up Rainbow and strung her along mah back, her two arms outstretched over mah shoulders and legs in mah arms. I looked over to Bizarre ta congratulate him.

"Congrats Bizarre. Not many ponies can keep up with RD like that. I should know, I tried and still only got tied in wins with 'er. Say, we could always use some help on the farm, and unlike most places we don't discriminate. So long as yer a hard worker we don't care if yer a mare, stallion, young, old, pegasus, unicorn, so on an' so on. So, what da ya say?" I asked as I held out mah hand to 'im.

Bizarre smiled at me. Gotta say, the teeth kinda creeped me out, but it was still better than Granny Smith’s dentures.

”Bizarro am happy for consid... consida... for trying help Bizarro. But me need to find way home to... to family.” He said as he looked at that stone slab hung round his neck.

“Trixie say her show am going to place called 'Camelot'. Ponies there help Bizarro find way home. But, me am thankful for words." He said as he shook mah hand. Colt's gotta grip I'll tell ya what.

Honestly, I was somewhat disappointed, but I get family. I'd sell all the apples on mah farm ta be with my family. "I understand ya partner. Hope ya find yer family soon. I'm gonna take RD over to Sugarcube corner. She probably needs the sugar after what ya'll did to 'er."

He nodded as I walked off with RD.

“Did I… Did I win?” RD asked as she was startin’ ta wake up.

“Sure ya did, Dash, now get some shuteye. I’ll wake ya when we get to Sugercube Corner.”

“Thanks AJ… I am the best….” She said as she passed out again.

Whowee. I gotsta say that I wouldn’t mind wrastlein with ‘im some time. I bet he’s got good hips for apple bucking. Both for bucking apples, and bucnkin’ this apple.~


I watched as Applejack carried Rainbow Dash away on her back. I thought that this experience had definitely knocked Rainbow down a few pegs and hurt her massive ego. I smiled at the idea of how pissed off she'd be when she woke up. With a warm smile on my face and a pep in my step, I made my way over to Trixie.

"So, good show Trick?" I asked Trixie as she finished folding up her stage and shoving into her wagon. She seemed to be struggling a bit, so I used some of my super strength to push it in for her.

"Yes, it was a wonderful show! Trixie's adoring audience all loved you!” Trixie exclaimed, beaming with joy.

“No me, We. Bizarro couldn’t do without Trick.” I said, patting her on the back.

“Hey you two!” Pinkie Pie bounced to us, the arch of her jump allowing her to be eye level with me for a few seconds as she hopped around us. “You did awesome out there! Are you guys available for parties?” Pinkie Pie asked. I looked over to Trixie to see what she would say.

“But of course! The Great and Powerful Trixie is available for Foal parties and other events.”

Pinkie Pie leaned over to Trixie, putting an arm around her shoulders and trying to subtly whisper to her. Unfortunately for her, she decided to whisper next to the one guy who has super hearing, so I heard every word.

“So, is your lovely assistant available for more… ‘adult’ parties. He just needs the underwear.~” Pinkie Pie said.

Okaaaay, what the hell? I thought this was supposed to be a kids show!

Trixie visibly blushed at Pinkie Pie's question. “U-um Trixie will only have Bizarro as her assistant until Canterlot. After that we are departing so Bizarro may go home to… Bizarro, what did you call it?”

“Pencil-Vania.” I said.

“Yes, that… “ She said, somewhat dejectedly. “But I’m grateful that you asked.” Trixie added on, as she slowly removed Pinkie Pie’s arm from her shoulder. I didn’t blame her after hearing about Pinkie Pie’s other types of parties.

“Okie-Doki Loki! Well I’d still like to invite you both to your Ponyville Party, I throw a party for everyone who comes to town!” She said, before taking a pencil and a notepad out of her pink mane. “By the way what’s your favorite color, what’s your favorite desert, when’s your birthday, and do you like me?” She asked at mach speed. Thank God for super hearing, I probably would have missed all of that.

“Bizarro favorite color am blue, me like chocolate, born day is April third, me am nineteen, and Bizarro think we can be friends!” I told her as she was jotting down everything I wrote. Meanwhile, Trixie just looked at me slack jawed.

“You’re nineteen?” She asked.

I mean… Technically? How old is Bizarro? Like twenty-five or something? Then again he was born that age, so would he actually be three or something?

“When Bizarro was home, yes. Me was just finished first year of college.” I told her, causing her jaw dropped to the ground.

“YOU WENT TO COLLEGE!?” She screamed. I should have felt insulted, but my limited vocabulary did make me seem… less intelligent than the average stallion.

“Yes. Bizarro am study to find good ca… car… good job in life.”

Truth be told I had no idea what I wanted to do. Nothing held my interest for too long, and nothing that I liked could really be turned into a career path for me. If all else failed and I came up with squat, I’d try to see if I could get a job as a paralegal. I had some experience since I had a part time job working for McAbe Spears. And if that didn’t take, then I was going to get a job at the nearby coffee factory. My Grandma had been working there for most of her life by the point I left. Part of me hoped that, by the time I got home, she’d finally retire and stop working there. It’s good pay, but she had to stand all day in a loud factory that’s boiling hot after making millions of coffee beans.

Trixie decided not to push the topic of college any further, probably so her head wouldn’t implode. And the listed off the answers to Pinkie Pie’s questions, which were: Blue, Vanilla cupcakes, December fourth, twenty, and in her own words, “Trixie thinks you are a very nice, and extremely energetic mare. We look forward to your party.” She said, as Pinkie Pie nodded her head and bounced off.

This was nice.


And then it all sucked…

Trixie teleported both of us into her wagon a few seconds after Pinkie left. Instantly, I fell to my knees coughing like a 20 year cigarette addict.

“Are you ok?” Trixie asked, with worry clear in her voice. I coughed a few times before I shakily got back up to my feet.

“Me.... Bizarro am good. Just… very fast. Bizarro am not used to teleport.” I told her.

“Sorry about that, Trixie usually forgets to ask permission before teleporting Non-unicorns. Anyway, Trixie wanted to know, how did you do those things earlier?” She asked.

“Bizarro am… different.”

“Obviously. First it’s where you come from, PencilVille, I’ve never heard of it.”

“Pencil-Vania.” I corrected.

“Then you say only the princesses can help you get back home, and now you do all these things like float and turn milk into a popsicle. It’s still frozen! Pinkie Pie bought it so she could have a snack! Bizarro… who are you. Can you please tell me?”

Well… Shit. Guess I should try to explain who Bizarro is instead of trying to explain who I am. But I definitely wouldn’t tell her about Bizarro being evil or anything like that. Those demons and lies can pop up to attack me or bite me in the ass some other day, thank you very much.

I sat on the floor of the wagon with my legs crossed, I didn’t trust myself not to accidentally rip her hammock in half by sitting on it. Trixie sat across from me, sitting on her knees.

“Truth is Bizarro is… hard. Bizarro am opposite of Superman.”

“Super what?”

“Man, like stallion.”

“Oh. ok. Please continue.”

“Ok. So me was made when Lex take part of Superman and—“

“Um, I’m sorry, but could we just skip over the birds and the bees talk, if you don’t mind.” She said while blushing. Well, guess I’ll save the fact I’m a clone for another day.

“Well, Lex make Bizarro after Superman and Lex have big fight. Bizarro made opposite of Superman. If he do bad, me do good.” Or vice versa, well, mainly vice versa but you don’t need to know about that.

“I see, so you did’t want to be like your dad then?”

“Yes. Superman is everything Bizarro am not. Even down to deadly weakness.” I reached for my yellow sash and took the lead ring box off of it.

“Inside this box am ring. Ring hurt Superman, but make me strong. It… It long story.” I told her.

“No, no…. Trixie… I understand. My parents got divorced too.” What? “I did keep Mom’s wedding ring when she chucked it at us, but I eventually sold it for props. Hmph. Interlocking Titanium rings are expensive, ya know.” She ended with a smile.

“That real Titanium?” I asked as I stifled a laugh.

“You know what they say, ‘Go big or go home.’ and… and since Trixie does not have a home to go back to, Trixie always has to go big.” She said, as she sat on the floor, hugging her legs to her chest and balancing her chin on her knees.

Geez, she’s basically homeless. I wanted to ask her why she couldn’t go home, but something told me that was a really sore subject. If she wanted to tell me, then she’d do it on her own time. But for now, I needed to do something to comfort her.

I placed a hand on her shoulder as I looked her in the eyes. “Then go biggest Trick can. And then, if Trick find new home… No, when Trick find new home, be happy with life. Slow down. No need go big when you am home. Me know you can do it.” I told her.

If only my vocabulary wasn’t so fucking limited and clunky. I wanted to tell her to take a break, relax, stop running away from the past and just walk away from it instead. If you’re running you’ll get farther faster, but at the price of your health and strength. I wanted to say something more inspirational than just, “Get a new house.” But I couldn’t. I don’t even know where I would begin.

But, it seemed like my words struck an accord with her, as she wrapped her arms around me. Instinctively, I returned the gesture as I started to feel tears his my costume. “Am ok. Trick will be ok.” I said to her as she nuzzled deeper into my shoulder.

“N-nopony has ever said they believed in Trixie. Nopony has ever helped Trixie like you have. If it weren’t for you, Trixie would have been chased out of town by that heckler. Thank you Bizarro. thank you…”

“You am welcome…” I told her. we sat there for a good ten minutes before finally separating. Once we both stood up, there was a loud knock at the door. I attempted to use my X-Ray vision, only to find out it didn’t work. I was confused for a moment until I looked down at the led Ring case and saw the ring inside. Apparently Bizarro can ONLY see through Lead.

After getting over my disappointing lack of X-Ray vision, I opened to wagon door and saw two pink envelopes on the ground. One had the symbol that is usually on Trixie’s clothes, while the other had my reverse Superman symbol on it. After picking the two letters up off of the ground I closed the door and handed Trixie hers.

“You expecting mail?” I asked. Trixie shook her head.

“No. I wonder what it could be. *GASP* Do you think Trixie finally got some fan mail?!”

I smiled at her enthusiasm. “Only one way Trick am find out.” And with that, Trixie unceremoniously tore the envelope to shreds to reveal a card.

“ ‘Trixie Lulamoon and Bizarro Luthor party at Sugarcube Corner 2:30pm. Food and snacks will be provided courtesy of Ponyville’s resident Party Planner, Pinkamena Diane Pie. Attendance is not optional.’ Huh. How did she know my last name? Also, your last name is Luthor?” I shrugged. Technically Lex Luthor was Bizarro’s dad, so I guess it makes sense for that to be his last name.

Wait, how did Pinkie know that?

For some reason I felt that was a question better left unanswered. I opened my letter, expecting a similar message written on my card, only to see squiggly lines dancing around the page. I squinted, trying to will the lines to stop moving so I could read. But the more I tried, the more my head begun to scream in agony. I threw the card down and held my head in my hands.

“Bizarro!” Trixie called out, trying to keep me standing upright and not fall over.

“What happened? What’s wrong?” She asked me with clear fear and worry in her eyes.

“Head am hurt. Try read but… No can do it.” I groaned out, the splitting pain in my head slowly starting to die down.

Fan-Fucking-Tastic. I’m opposite of Superman in the worst ways. I can’t read, I can only see through lead, my english is terrible, and for some reason, despite being designed to be the opposite of Superman, I’m still weak to magic like him. And I just so happened to be sent to a world where at least one third of the population has magic.

“Really? So you could read before then?” She asked after she moved away from me.

I straightened out my back and rubbed my head with one of my hands. “Yeah, me know what words look like. Bizarro know how spell, write, and read… Or, at least Bizarro did.” I buried my face in my hands and let out a groan.

Trixie then placed her hand on my shoulder to try and reassure me. “Hey, it’ll be alright big guy. It’s probably from whatever spell that ‘Seller’ you mentioned earlier used on you. But don’t worry, I’m sure the princesses will be more then willing to help you once they hear someone illegally used sleep magic.”

I took my hands off of my face and smiled down at Trixie before I nodded. “Thank Trick.”

“Oh, don’t thank Trixie yet, we’ve still got a ways to go to get to Canterlot. It’ll take about two weeks on foot to get there. Then you can thank me. Now come on, we’ve got…” Trixie opened the window and looked at the sky. “About an hour until the party. Wow, Trixie didn’t realize how long she was performing for. Normally Trixie only preforms for an hour or two at most.” Trixie turned around and looked inside a few cupboards near the back of the wagon. “Hmmm. Almost out of hay… Trixie would like to get some supplies for the trip to Canterlot before the party. Would you mind helping her?”

I smiled, this would at least give me something to occupy my mind with while we waited. I went back to the door of the wagon and held it open for Trixie, giving a slight bow as I gestured to the outside world. “After Trick.”

She giggled at that. “My, my. Such a gentlestallion. Tell me, do you do this for all the mares you meet?” She asked, as she gave me a sly playful smile.

“Only ones who am boss.” I replied as I followed her out the door. That really got her goat.


Ugh… I love Rainbow Dash. Really, I do. In a strictly platonic way mind you, but I love her nevertheless.

Really, she’s one of my best friends and I’d do anything for her. Anything except use my magic to enhance her muscle mass so she could, “Kick Bozo’s flank” when she challenged him to a rematch. Thankfully, Applejack was able to distract her long enough so I could discretely teleport back to my library.

I’ve looked through three cutie mark theory books, two cutie mark philosophy books, and a book titled Rare Cutie Marks Through History. But no matter what source I use there’s absolutely nothing that looks like Bizarro’s Cutie mark. I had played with the possibility that the symbol on Bizarro’s chest wasn’t a Cutie mark but rather a family crest of some kind, like how Shining Armor wore my Cutie mark on his armor. However, if that were the case then what could his Cutie mark be? Whatever it is, it has to relate to magic in some way.

I didn’t care what Rainbow Dash said, I know for a fact Trixie didn’t use any magic when she and Bizarro were preforming. What’s incredibly odd though is that while Bizarro was having his arm wrestling match with Rainbow, Trixie was using quick and small bursts of spells during her performance to hide the fact that she was doing magic. I asked Spike do keep an eye on Trixie’s performance and try to volunteer whenever he got the chance. Whenever he did a trick with him or one of the other audience members involved, she used small amounts of magic. But I sensed absolutely no magic coming from her horn when Bizarro was on stage. So for some reason she needed Bizarro specifically in order to pull off those tricks. The only questions are why and more importantly how.

I had a few theories floating around in my head, none of which were good. My first theory was that he may be a changeling, a creature that feeds off of the love and affection of others to power their magic. I thought it would explain both how he floated and how he was able to freeze that milk. But that theory was a bust because it appears changelings can only do rudimentary spells like levitation, teleportation, and magic blasts. Freezing spells and other things like that aren’t possible for changelings. Not to mention that a changeling needs the disguise to have a horn or wings if they want to either do magic or fly.

My second theory revolved around an ancient being of chaos I learned about in some of the older books in the library. Apparently some omnipotent God of Chaos named Discord had the ability to do anything he wanted, so transformation, floating, super strength, and the ice trick would all be child splay for Discord. Not to mention Bizarro could have been an allusion to bizarre, similar to how Discord's name means chaos. But after checking in with an old colleague of mine who became a teacher in Canterlot, she assured me that, “The creepy statue covered in bird poop is still here.” So that theory was also a bust.

My last theory, and the one I was most terrified of, was that he was related to Pinkie Pie. It’s the only thing that explains his abilities! They’re both earth ponies with insane abilities that I can’t rationally explain. Heck, Pinkie Pie has broken the laws of physics and my mind more times than I sanely feel comfortable to count! If Pinkie Pie and Bizarro ever fought or worse, got into a herd together… May Celestia have mercy on us all…

“Twilight, you ok?” Spike asked me, as I stared off into space.

“Yeah Spike, I’m alright. Just thinking about that new stallion. He’s so… so…”

“Bizarre.” Spike offered with a sly smile on his face.

I pouted a bit. Yes that was a valid answer, and yes it described Bizarro perfectly, but that doesn’t mean I was happy about it. “Yes Spike, he’s a bizarre stallion named Bizarro. I just don’t understand... and I’m not sure I want to…”

“You’re thinking about the Pinkie Sense episode you had, aren’t you?”

“How could I not?! The next day she kept complaining because I, ‘Did it 12 episodes too early.’ I don’t even know what that means!” I screamed.

“Easy Twilight! Calm down. Why don’t you just ask Bizarro himself?”

“Because… Because… “ I thought about that for a second. Why don’t I just do that? And why am I not doing it right now!?

“Thanksspike,gottagoaskBizzarosomequestions.Bye!” I said before teleporting out of the Golden Oaks Library.

Once I was outside, I activated my locator spell to lock onto Trixie’s magic. I bet wherever she is Bizarro isn’t too far behind.

I followed the magic signature to the market and saw Bizarro and Trixie at Golden Harvest’s carrot stand. It was gonna be a while before I got used to Golden’s green dyed mane and tail.

It looked like Trixie was haggling for a better deal while Bizarro was carrying a few bags of apples, edible flowers, hay, bread, and a few other essential things. I was surprised at how easily Bizarro was carrying so many bags, although I really shouldn’t have been considering his feats of strength earlier.

I was about to go up and talk to him when Pinkie Pie bounced in front of me, like the living pogo stick that she is.

“There you are Twilight, come on, you’re gonna be late for the surprise party!” She said.

“Surprise party?” I asked.

“Yeah! I sent Bizarro and Trixie an invite to Sugarcube Corner for a suprise, ‘Thanks for giving us a great show/Hope you enjoyed Ponyville’ Party.”

“Um… If you invited them then how can it be a surprise?”

“Because they’re expecting a normal party, but they’ll be super surprised when it turns out their ‘normal boring party’ was actually a surprise party all along!” Pinkie Pie explained. That… that made more sense than I’m willing to admit.

“I originally wanted to throw it at night like I did for you and Spike, but that wouldn’t work with the third act and I really didn’t want anything to interrupt the party. If I throw it earlier then Bizarro and Trixie will be at her wagon when the colts come back.” Aaaand just like that Pinkie Pie once again makes no sense. Thus, all is right with the world.

“Well, come on Twilight, AJ, Dash, and Rarity are already there. Fluttershy had to go out of town for the rest of the day though, apparently theres a super dooper convenient animal emergency outside of town and she needed to get there asap.”

“How could an animal emergency be convenient?”

“For conflict Silly Lilly.”

Conflict? What does she mean by… nope, no. Just need to nod my head and pretend everything makes sense.

I looked back over at Bizarro and Trixie who seemed to be done with shopping and were heading back to their wagon. “Alright, I guess I can wait until the party to ask Bizarro some questions.”

“And Trixie right?”


“I don’t know Pinkie. Something tells me that Bizarro is the real brains behind their operation.” For some reason Pinkie Pie was really struggling not to break out into a boisterous laughing fit after I said that.


I sneezed as we went back towards Trixie’s wagon. Thankfully I didn’t release a super sneeze and blow away half the town.

“You okay?” Trixie asked me. I nodded.

“Yeah. Am pollen in air. Make Bizarro sneeze.” I told her. Looking down at the bags were the things I was expecting we would need to buy like lettuce, bread, tomatoes, apples, carrots, and a small amount of fish. Although the other bags confused me a bit. The flowers made sense, she probably wanted to make another bouquet of flowers for her next performance. But the four pounds of hay was something that I couldn’t understand at all.

“Hey Trick?”

“Yes Bizarro?”

“Why you buy hay?” I asked. Trixie looked at me as if I asked why the sky was blue. An obvious answer that was hard to explain.

“Becaaause it’s good?” She hesitantly stated.

“Good how?”

"Well… Trixie likes to think that naturally farm grown hay is really tasty, especially when it’s on a flower sandwich. Trixie also knows a few spells to cook Hay Fries and Hay Burgers over a camp fire, but it’s not as good as Hay Fries from an oven.” She explained. I cocked an eyebrow at that.

“Trick eat hay?”

“Yes, Trixie tried going on a diet for a while but hay is just too good. Why do you ask?”

“Bizarro not know anypony eat hay.” I told her. Yeah, they called themselves ponies, had tails, wings, horns, and pastel colored skin, but they still looked human. And I didn’t remember any of the characters from Equestria Girls eating hay. Then again they also didn’t live in a small medieval village like Ponyville, so maybe this was another version of Equestria Girls or something.

“Really? So you’ve never tried hay before? Not even Hay Fries?”

“No. Bizarro have French Fries, but those made of potatoes.”

“French? Huh, that’s a really odd way of saying Prench. Does everypony talk with a weird accent like you do back home?”

“Um… yes?” I mean, everyone says French and apparently there’s a version of France here so maybe it’s like potato or potatoe.

“Funny. Pencilville seems like an interesting place. Trixie would like to see it some day.”

“Pencil-Vania. And me am sure that Bizarro’s sister would like Trick very much.” I smiled at the thought of Lilly meeting Trixie. Lilly would have a total conniption fit followed by a fangasm if she met a real Equestria Girl.

“You have a sister?” She asked.

“Yes. Lilly am only just turn ten, month ago. She little girl who am love magic and animals.”

“Interesting. Does she have a Cutie mark like the one on your chest?” She asked, as she pointed to the reverse superman symbol that was still partially covered by my stone medallion.

“Cutie mark?” I guess that’s what they call Birth marks here. “No, her no look like this. She have mark that look like Bull on her butt. She always get mad when brought up.” I told her, trying not to laugh. Lilly always hated that thing and promised everyone in the family that when she was old enough she’d get a tattoo to cover it up. A remark that made my parents very upset at her, which led to a long lecture about drugs, alcohol, piercings and of course, tattoos. They ended up scaring that idea out of her by showing pictures of people who tattooed their entire faces and saying Tattoos were addictive. I didn’t fully agree with my parents methods of scaring lessons into us, but it did get results. At least they didn’t make us watch those god awful D.A.R.E. PSA’s or Gun safety videos. Now those were legitimate forms of torture.

“Fascinating. So her talent relates to minotaurs then?”


“Yeah. I assume she helps protect the male minotaurs and their herds from bandits. Minotaur females can be pretty… well evil when they want a male to herd with.” My eyes widened at that.

Jesus Christ what the hell is with this world? Isn’t this supposed to be based off of a kids show or something? There’s no way in hell any of this would make it to air back home.

“What? No, Lilly not fight mino-tars.”

“Then what does your sister do?”

“She little artist of family. Draw nice pictures and paint good.”

“AH~. Now Trixie understands, her talent is minotaur art related. You must be really proud of your sister.”

“Yeah. Bizarro love Lilly. She always make Bizarro smile! Like When Lilly try help me make pranks on friends.” I told Trixie, recalling the time when Lilly was able to turn off Rob’s Tv with her computer. The little Brainiac found out that the tv allows people to connect their computers wirelessly so they could play youtube videos or just get a bigger screen to see what’s on their laptop. She kept turning the tv off whenever the commercials came on, completely confusing the shit out of Rob. I smiled at the memory, before I suddenly realized something really grim.

“… Me hope Bizarro can see her again… Me no know if princesses can help, but am hopeful they can.”

“Don’t worry, Trixie is sure that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can get you home, Bizarro. They can do anything.” Trixie reassured me as we started packing away our groceries.

I smiled, filled with a new sense of hope as I helped Trixie in silence. While I was putting away some more groceries I noticed that the inside of the wagon appeared to be bigger than the outside. When I asked Trixie she said that the Wagon had a space distortion spell placed on it that gave the wagon a few more feet in each direction. Apparently it was a pretty common spell that worked within the limits of the structure that it was placed on. I asked what was stopping her from just making it the size of a mansion and she told me that apparently the spell has some limits. For example, the wheels and ground outside could support the wagon if it was actually few feet bigger, but if it went for miles in every direction the combined weight would end up forcing the wagon to sink into the ground. Also there’s the fact that if the structure is damaged then so is the enchantment.

For example, if one of the walls gets a new hole in it then the enchantment will revert the interior of the wagon to it’s original size. Imagine what would happen if a building miles wide in all directions with a bunch of furniture and other things suddenly shrunk to the size of a normal house in an instant. Either all of the items inside would get destroyed or the structure would burst from built up pressure like a balloon filled with too much air and confetti.

It made me glad humans didn’t have this stuff back home. I knew too many people who would recklessly use this spell. All I’ll say is that they didn’t have the best reputation for keeping their backpacks, lockers, or even apartments prestige and tidy.

After we finished packing up the last of the groceries and reorganized some of Trixie’s props we left the wagon and went on our way to Sugarcube Corner. Trixie and I were pretty silent during our walk as we both noticed how deserted the streets became. The only movement we saw was from a tumbleweed that blew past us.

As we made our way to Sugarcube Corner my super hearing detected the sound of mares giggling and a few dozen hearts beating rapidly. All of it was coming from inside a completely dark Sugarcube Corner.

I hesitantly made my way towards the door with Trixie close behind me. The heart rates inside were growing exponentially faster. I slowly opened the door and walked inside.

As my eyes begun to adjust to the darkness, I tried to call out. “Hello?”

Author's Note:

Thank you Punzil504 for this image.
Art by Punzil504