• Published 16th Aug 2019
  • 8,560 Views, 474 Comments


Never in all my life would I ever imagine that I'd end up in a variation of my little sister's cartoon. For some reason I'm stuck in Equestria as Bizarro, except every"pony" looks like their Equestrian Girls counterparts with wings, horns, and tails.

  • ...

Sleepover Gossip.


The rain fell heavily outside, slowly flooding the small streets of Ponyville as the rain drops crashed into the ground, drenching everything in the storm's path as it rolled over our modestly sized town. The sound of thunder boomed across the darkened sky as the storm grew stronger with every passing moment.

“Trixie thanks you for letting her stay over her during the storm, Twilight. Trixie would have stayed at the hotel but it’s so boring without Bizarro there.” Trixie said as she hung up her purple cape and matching wizard hat on my coat rack.

“It was the least I could do for you Trixie. Especially after that Ursa incident.” I told her, remembering when I tried to pin the whole thing on Trixie. That was definitely one of my lesser moments, but it was a valuable lesson to learn about jumping to conclusions and judging those who didn't deserve it. I had treated Trixie so poorly when she arrived, scanning her with magic while she was preforming, blaming the Ursa incident on her, it was horrible. And yet, she miraculously forgave me and even became one of my new friends.

“Trixie has already forgiven you Twilight, it’s all water under the bridge.” Trixie said as the rain started to get heavier outside. As Trixie looked out the window of the library her expression hardened while she stared at the falling raindrops with a small sense of contempt.

“Trixie does not understand why the Weather Team would schedule such a heavy rain shower so suddenly.”

“Well that dragon smog yesterday shifted the schedule a bit so they’re trying to make up for it by having a heavy downpour today. It should also help give the plants a bit more energy after having no sunlight for nearly an entire day.” I explained to Trixie. “Not to mention that the weather team was already behind schedule even before the dragon incident. So this was bound to happen sooner or later. Do you know why Bizarro won't be at the hotel for the night?”

“Not really. Bizarro just told Trixie that he was going to ‘cover’ for Spike on something since Spike is on his way to Canterlot. He should be over at Bulk Biceps Gym with Big Mac and Snowflake. Trixie's not sure what they’re doing though.” Trixie told me as she sat down on my couch.

“Knowing those Janefillies, probably something extremely marely.” I responded as I took a seat next to her.


This is it, the moment of truth; if I fail this then Big Mac is going to die. It’s all on me to save the day. This has to be one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done since I came to Equestria. Thankfully, all my practice and training from back home will finally pay off and help me save my friend.


“…… AM NATURAL 20!” I shouted out as my 20 sided die landed on 20.

Snowflake skimmed through the contents of his leather bound book and begun to speak. “You managed to cut through the vine strangling the life out of Sir Biggum and, as a bonus, scared off the other plants in the area, clearing the path so you and the prince can head through the woods. YEAH!” Snowflake explained to us.

“Me am love Guy time!” I said happily as I threw both my hands in the air. Big Mac chuckled at my enthusiasm for Ogres and Oubliettes as he scribbled something on his character sheet.

I was having the absolute best time of my life. What can I say, I hadn’t played Dungeons and Dragons since I was in High school and I was in love with our current campaign.

“As you continue your trek through the forest of Mayfly you stumble upon a fork in the road that leads onto two separate paths. What do you do?” Snowflake asked after he was done explaining the scenario.

“I wanna do a perception check on ‘em.” Big Mac said as he grabbed the 20 sided die and shook his hands vigorously before releasing the die to see if his plan would come to fruition.

“12.” Big Mac said as he looked at his die.

Snowflake looked at his book as he scanned the pages. “You notice a faint smell coming from the right path but you can’t discern if it’s a good smell or a bad smell.” Snowflake told us.

Oh boy, this just got real!


“You’re probably right.” Trixie said.

As we were about to continue our discussion I heard loud shouts outside. After getting out of my comfortable seat and walking over to the window I saw Applejack and Rarity outside in the rain arguing.

“APPLEJACK! RARITY” I shouted out to them as I opened the door. “Come inside, it’s dangerous out there.” I told them. Rarity immediately rushed inside to escape the pouring rain to protect her mane, Applejack on the other hand was much more hesitant to join us inside as she stopped at the door and looked back at the growing storm.

“Wait a sec, Twi, is inside a tree really the safest place ta be in a lightning storm?” Applejack asked me.

“It is if you have a magic lightning rod protecting your home like I do. Now come on in.” I said, reassuring Applejack that everything would be alright. Applejack then walked inside and kicked off her muddy boots before she placed them on the welcome mat to dry, much to the disgust of Rarity.

“Really Applejack, you should have rinsed those outside before you just threw them about willy nilly.” Rarity chastised.

“Don’t worry about it you two, I was planning on getting a new Welcome mat.” I told them. “Anyway, the weather is pretty bad out there, so I don’t think it’s safe for either of you to go home. If you two want you can join Trixie and I in some fun activities.” I offered before I realized something incredible.

“*GASP!* It’ll be just like a slumber party! Oh, I’ve always wanted to do one of those!” I shouted with joy as Applejack and Rarity shared an uncertain look with each other.

I turned around and levitated a book off of the shelf. “Thankfully I have this great book. It’s called Slumber 101: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid to Ask.” I said while the thick book floated into my hands.

“That’s an oddly specific book.” Trixie commented as she peered over my shoulder to get a look at the cover of my book.

“I’ve been waiting for a chance to use this book, and today’s the day! Oh it’s going to be so great!” I said as I passed the book over to Rarity for her to skim through.

“Oh, it says here that one of the activities is makeovers!” Rarity said as she looked through the contents of the book.

“Come on girls, I believe that we’ll have everything we’ll need in the kitchen for our mud masks.” Rarity said as she walked towards the kitchen.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it right there. Ya’ll gotta problem with mah muddy boots, but mud on yer faces ain’t a problem?” Applejack asked.

“Silly Applejack, they’re two different things. Mud is filthy and gets in your pores, clogging them up and making you smell. A mud mask is made to refresh and rejuvenate your complexion by seeping into your pores. And while we’re letting it soak in we can gossip too.” Rarity explained as she led us all inside my kitchen. After grabbing the necessary materials we all covered our faces in mud masks and covered our eyes with cucumbers.

“Trixie must admit, this is a good way to just de-stress.” Trixie said reclined in one of my chairs.

“I agree. This is really nice.” I added.

“Meh, it’s alright.” Applejack commented offhandedly.

A comfortable silence washed over us for a few moments as we allowed the Mud masks to properly set. Trixie soon let out a content sigh as she felt the mud soak into her skin.

“So, what do we do now besides relax?” Trixie asked us.

“How’s about we talk about Bizarre. I’d like ta know more bout ‘im.” Applejack suggested.

“Oh my, he’s definitely an interesting stallion. Tell us Trixie, how did you ever come across Bizarro?” Rarity asked Trixie.

“Yeah, an’ where can I get one?” Applejack playfully added as she threw a cucumber slice in her mouth before muttering, "Wish these were apples."

“Well there isn’t much of a story. Trixie was walking through the Everfree when one of her wagon’s wheels gave out. Trixie was trying to fix it for a while before she heard a noise and saw Bizarro there. She asked him who he was and he said he was going to attack Trixie.” Trixie stated.

All of our eyes widened, causing the cucumber slices to fall off of our faces as Applejack, Rarity, and I shouted in unison. “WHAT!?”

“There’s no way Bizarre would jus threaten ya fer no reason. What’d ya do ta make the big lug so angry wit cha?” Applejack asked as she narrowed her eyes at Trixie.

“Trixie did nothing to provoke Bizarro, and Bizarro didn’t really want to fight. After defending herself from him he said that he didn’t want to fight. After he struggled to find the right words he told Trixie that somepony placed a curse on him so that he says the opposite of what he means.” I scowled when Trixie told me that.

I can’t believe somepony would be so evil as to place a lie spell on Bizarro, especially with Bizarro’s unique condition.

“So it was a lying spell then? I admit I have used them on myself more than once when attending parties so I could secretly insult the hostess but those faded away after a few hours." Rarity said as she took two more cucumber slices and placed them on her eyelids.

“Well I’ll be. No wonder it always feels like he’s lyin’. He needs ta lie ta tell the truth. Colt… That’s sad. Did he tell ya who the no good varmint that did it to him was? ” Applejack asked.

“He said it was the same stallion who sent him here. Somepony who called themselves the seller who was attending a Wizard party or something.”

“A stallion used that spell?" I asked. "I mean, I could see somepony like Starswirl the Bearded being able to, but those were different times where the stallion population was practically one to one with mares. Nowadays, stallions aren’t strong enough to do stuff like that. Granted there are some exceptions but a spell like that is just too much for one stallion in today’s society. The more I learn about Bizarro’s home country the weirder it sounds.” I said to the group.

“Could it be that the stallion population is a bit better in… Where did Bizarro say he was from?” Rarity asked Trixie.

“Pencilville.” Trixie wrongly stated, but I couldn’t correct her and let her know I was eavesdropping casually overheard them talk at the party. “And from what he told Trixie, magic is apparently different there as well and is mostly used for nefarious purposes. One of them apparently placed a spell on Bizarro to make him allergic to magic."

"That's dreadful!" Rarity exclaimed, once again causing the fruit to fall off of her eyelids once more.

"I'd like ta kick the stallion who done did that ta Bizarre in the teeth. That big ol' lug don't deserve that. He's too innocent, an' pure, an' dumb. He's just so helpless, he's like a foal." Applejack said.

"Actually, that's not true. Before Bizarro came here he was apparently going to college.” Trixie told her.

“Oh, so Bizarro is a scholar then?” Rarity asked, I leaned in a bit closer as my curiosity was peaked by this sudden and new information.

“No, Bizarro said he went for a year before he was sent here. Apparently whatever this ‘Seller’ did to Bizarro also caused him to become illiterate.”

“Lan sakes he can’t read? That’s an awful shame.” Applejack said as she took off her stetson and wrung it in her hands.

“And these spells are still affecting him?” I inquired. Trixie nodded in response.

“Trixie is not sure how, but she believes that Bizarro was also given his ability of flight by the Seller or somepony like him. It’s the only explanation that Trixie can come up with since he's clearly an earth pony and not a pegasus.”

That would explain his flight but not why he was given it. Why would a stallion torment another stallion by making them illiterate, placing a lying spell on them, and then teleport the across the globe with one of the most advanced flying spells I’ve ever seen? It wouldn't make any sense to hurt him and give him a gift. Then again Bizarro did say unicorns where he’s from were different, maybe there's some sort of sadistic twist to the gift like he can fly but he can never fly back home?

I could only imagine one of those evil unicorns crated the disease that caused ponies to become allergic to magic and become illiterate. I can't think of anything more evil than an illiteracy spell, such a spell is an affront to magic and shouldn't even exist!

“Wow that’s all mighty strange. Hmph. Guess Bizarre lives up to his name sake.” Applejack said.

“Indeed. Even Bizarro’s Cutie mark is odd. I wonder what a yellow and red diamond is supposed to mean.” Rarity pondered aloud as she tapped her index finger against her chin.

“What? Ain’t no way that’s a diamond, Rares. That there’s a shield.” Applejack stated firmly.

“Trixie thought it looked like a stream of magic over a diamond. What do you think Twilight?” Trixie asked me.

“I’m not sure. I’ve looked into every book that I have on Cutie marks and their various meanings, but I couldn’t find anything that even remotely resembled Bizarro’s.” I told her.

“Hmmmm. Maybe it relates to his sister’s talents then.” Trixie said.

“Wait, Bizarre has a sister?” Applejack asked in surprise. We all looked to Trixie for conformation.

“Yes, Bizarro told Trixie that he had a little sister who had a Cutie mark for Minotaurian art. Maybe Bizarro’s Cutie mark relates to minotaur culture where he’s from.”

“hmmmm. I might be able to get some books on the subject later. But I think the best course of action would be to ask Bizarro himself.” I said.

“Oh no! You can’t just ask a stallion how they got their Cutie mark darling. You have to ease into the topic slowly with them. Asking a stallion about his Cutie mark is like asking them about their length.” Rarity interjected.

I wouldn’t mind askin’ ‘im what his length is.” Applejack mumbled under her breath.

“APPLEJACK!” Rarity shouted.

“What? Don’t go ’n pretend like y’all haven’t thought of it, what wit askin’ him ta come over to yer shop so you could size ‘im up an get yer hands on ‘is abs.” Applejack accused.

“T-that was only so I could get him some proper clothing.” Rarity defended as she wore a heavy blush on her face.

“By the way, Trixie would be interested to know how Bizarro’s costume for his final performance is coming along.” Trixie asked, thankfully changing the topic before it went too far.

“It should be ready before you leave. I would have it done a bit sooner if it wasn’t for this dreadful weather.” Rarity replied as her blush slowly died down.

“Thank you, Rarity. Trixie would like to get on the road soon, so we’re going to try to leave early in the morning.” Trixie said.

“Yer leavin’ in about three or so days right? Got enough on ya fer the trip?” Applejack asked.

“Trixie believes she has more than enough for our adventure. It should only take two weeks, maybe two and a half at most.”

“That’s an awfully long time to be along with a stallion darling. Oh I could see it now, you and Bizarro will be so tired after you pulled the wagon and Bizarro prepared dinner for you, that you’ll both plop right onto the bed and then—“ I interrupted Rarity before she got into more explicit details.

ANYWAY. I think we’ve had these masks on long enough.” I said as I magically removed all of our mud masks.

“The next item on the list is ghost stories. Who wants to go first?” I asked our little group.

The rest of the night was filled with stories, snacks, games, pillow fights, and finally the obligatory sleep at a slumber party. Trixie and I shared my bed while Applejack and Rarity shared my spare bed. It was all going great.


I left Snowflake’s gym after getting a pretty good distance into the campaign. It was a shame I wouldn’t be able to continue it once I left for Canterlot with Trixie. Ecnad the warrior Orc would have to wait a while for his chance to do battle.

As I was flying towards the apartment building I heard the muffled sounds of Applejack and Rarity arguing about something from Twilight’s Tree Library. I stopped for a second in the sky as I wondered just how safe a literal tree house could be in the middle of a lightning storm.

Just as I was wondering about their overall safety, I felt something run through my body and course through my veins before I blacked out and plummeted towards the ground. I don’t know how long I was out for, but it didn’t feel like it was long as I soon felt the rain hitting my skin as I laid down in the mud. The next thing I felt after that was two pairs of hands on me as two ponies struggled to carry me somewhere.

Once we were inside and safe from the rain, I started to regain my hearing as I heard my friends around me start to panic.

“Oh my goodness, what happened to him?! He’s smoking!” Rarity asked.

“I think he was struck by lightnin’! This ain’t good ya’ll! We needs ta get him to a hospital or he'll di—“ Applejack was cut off as I let out a painful groan and sat back up.

“Owie… Bizarro face am feel funny.” I said as I slowly sat up. “What am happen?”

“You were struck by lighting, and Applejack and Trixie had to rescue you, Darling! You’re extremely lucky to be alive right now. Why on Equis would you go outside in such a ghastly storm?” Rarity asked.

I Looked down at myself, checking to see if all of my limbs were still there since I couldn't feel most of them. As I inspected my body I noticed a clear burn mark on my chest that tore through my stripped white shirt, revealing the reverse Superman symbol underneath my normal clothes. I figured it was caused by the lightning outside, which if Rarity was right, apparently hit me while I was flying.

“Oh. Uh, Thank Trick and Applejack. Bizarro no think lightning hurt.” I said as I rubbed the back of my head to alleviate some of the pain that started to build up in my skull.

“Now what would give ya a stupid idea like that?” Applejack asked.

“It no am hurt Superman.” I said as I was still trying to collect my bearings.

“What do you mean it wouldn’t hurt your father?” Rarity asked.

“Superman am Kryptonian. He am invis… in…. He tough.” I said, not thinking about the words as they left my mouth.

“Kryptonian?” Twilight asked.

I paused as I tried to think of what to say. I didn’t want to tell them about aliens and life out in space, let alone other dimensions and all of that stuff. But I couldn’t exactly lie like I did to Rainbow Dash and the girls before because now Applejack was there to catch me. Being in town for the past few days taught me that she was basically a living lie detector, which I found out after Trixie told Applejack seven of her backstories before she just gave up and said it was private. Interestingly enough, Trixie never told Applejack backstory number four, something I made a mental note of.

With no alternatives, I decided to tell them an incomplete truth and hope that it could get past Applejack's weird Spider sense powers.

“Superman born on place called Krypton long time ago. Superman little baby when parents sent away. They am never saw super again."

"Why is that? Surely your grandparents must have missed their little Super." Rarity asked. I looked down at the symbol on my chest in deep thought for a moment as I went over Superman’s origin story in my mind. I knew it was fictional, but for some reason it felt so real to me. I felt a deep pang of sadness rush through my body as I though of Krypton’s fate.

"Krypton go... big boom after Superman leave. Big green smarty lie, say all good on Krypton. But Kypton shake and shake more until it fall apart and go boom." I said silently and solemnly. There was an audible gasp around the room as they all listened to me. Rarity and Trixie were on the verge of tears, AppleJack held her Stetson to her heart, and Twilight looked at me with wide eyes.

"So, Krypton is..." she started to say, but I finished for her.

"Gone. Krypton go boom. Few live... Super's cousin live, Super's dog live, but bad meanies also live. General Zod was big meanie before smart green. And smart green also live. They follow Superman and family to new home and fight. Superman win many times and am make things good." I told the with a reassuring smile. My statement brought a new sense of hope to the room before I pointed at the symbol on my now exposed costume underneath my burnt shirt.

"This am Superman's symbol backwards. Other way, symbol am mean hope." I told them.

"So what does the reverse mean?" Twilight hesitantly asked. I took a moment to think about that. If Bizarro is the opposite of superman, wouldn't this symbol mean fear or hopelessness?

Bizarro was everything Superman wasn't, he was reckless, stupid, and was the villain on more than one occasion, but he always wanted to be the hero. What would it mean if Bizarro's symbol meant Hopelessness, that he was always destined to fail, that he couldn't accomplish anything?

Then again, I don't feel like that's right. And even if it was, I'm not just Bizarro, I'm Michael Goodman.

I looked at the group with a sense of new-found resolve as I spoke to them. "It mean change. Change am good and bad, and inev... ine... Change am happen no matter what.

"Hope always around and hope create change. But change am not always be good. It can be good, bad, big, small, and scary. But change happen. Bizarro am change for better. Become something new." I told them as I sat up a little straighter. This is it. Even when I go home this entire experience will have changed me. Because of my friends, I will change for the better.

Author's Note: