• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 3,199 Views, 172 Comments

Product of Friendship - AzuraKeres

With the defeat of Chrysalis and her allies, peace was finally achieved amongst many creatures. All creatures were given the choice of happiness, except for one creature that was stolen of her mother.

  • ...

11: Animal Sanctuary

Author's Note:



A self-proclaimed witch that attends the School of Friendship for the promise of the whereabouts of her mother, Poison Peck.

Luster Dawn

The star pupil of Princess Twilight. She attends the School of Friendship to learn and embody its values.


A student at the School of Friendship that became fast friends with Luster Dawn.

Trixie Lulamoon

A counselor at the School of Friendship.


Owner of an animal sanctuary at Ponyville and wife of the lord of chaos, Discord.


The lord of chaos and husband of Fluttershy. He provides aid to Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary via managing the portals that connect to its numerous habitats.

“This way every creature,” Fluttershy announced to a group of young creatures entering through a luscious arch of greenery. What welcomed them was an amalgam of nature. Palm trees sprouted near small canyons and rainforests.

The young creatures stood dazzled at the menagerie of animals roaming the grounds and lakes. Toucans and flamingos perched around a bridge where rabbits and otters crossed. Giraffes feasted on treetops where koalas and chimpanzees were grooming each other.

A flock of red robins perched on Fluttershy’s back, chirping a tune. “Oh my,” Fluttershy said. “You all are so ecstatic to see me. Was I gone for too long?”

The graceful sight became sullied by a groan. “Seriously, why must Trixie devote precious time to this? Trixie had a spa reserved for today.”

“I’m so sorry for becoming an inconvenience,” Fluttershy apologized. “When Ocellus left to check on Thorax’s health, I was worried that would have to delay the event for the students. I appreciate it so much that you donated your time for this.”

Trixie let out a haughty chortle. “Yes, well, Trixie is a generous mare. Though Starlight may be callous of other pony’s time, Trixie does not make a habit of disappointing her students.”

Among the group of students, Luster gave wild coos at diverse critters dashing past her. Her eyes sparkled like a shining star. “This place has everything. Oh please, please, please, let there be a piglet.”

“Jeez,” a black griffon snickered at Luster’s side. “What is this obsession you have for piglets?”

“How do you not, Georgia?” Luster questioned her friend. “Don’t you understand the cuteness of their small size and dainty eyes that hunger for love and affection?”

“You probably shouldn’t ask that from a griffon. Something tells me you would start a complete revolution.”

“Okay, then what is that you see as a fitting pet?”

“Probably something exotic,” Georgia answered. “It’s got to be a creature that none of our classmates will get.”

“Ah, so you and Wist have the same thing in mind.”

Georgia arched an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

Luster pointed to a direction where Georgia discovered Wist picking through animals with her magic. The changeling scanned the critters with analytical eyes before tossing them aside with a disappointed grunt.

“No,” Wist said before tossing aside a squirrel. The critter waved its balled fist at the changeling before fleeing into a forest. “Come one, there’s got to be a good one around here.”

“Wisteria,” Wist dropped a raccoon when she heard Fluttershy’s call. “Please be mindful of their personal space. You’re startling them.”

“Yeah, Wist,” Luster said. “We just got here. There’s no need to rush to find your perfect familiar.”

“Familiar?” Georgia questioned.

“Ever since Wist heard about the adoption event, she’s been nonstop about deciding the ideal pet for a witch.”

Georgia snorted. “I doubt Mrs. Fluttershy has any animal that could match the chaos that is Wist. She should just settle for a black cat.”

Luster frowned. “Georgia, you at least have to give her a chance.”

“If you two are done with your little chat,” Wist spoke. “I still have evaluations to make.” Wist walked towards the entrance of a thick rain forest but was flanked by a teleported Trixie.

“And where do you think you’re going under Trixie’s careful watch?” The counselor asked.

“Finding something to adopt,” Wist answered matter-of-factly, passing her counselor nonchalantly. “Duh.

Trixie’s students gawked at her for a response. She simply shrugged. “Oh well, Trixie has done all she can.”

“Seriously?” Georgia questioned. “You’re not even going to try to stop her?”

“Oh yes, Trixie should definitely impede a creature capable of competing against an alicorn,” Trixie sarcastically said. “Trixie is certain that will go well.”

“Please play nice to them,” Fluttershy raised her voice for Wist to hear. The changeling waved back a hoof before disappearing into the forest.

“We all know she’s going to stir trouble around here, right?” Georgia said.

“Wist isn’t that much of a troublemaker,” Luster said. “… well, I doubt she will be here. She’s simply picking out through animals, what’s the worst she could do?”

Georgia grinned. “Wanna bet?”

“… No thanks.”

Wist continued her scavenge through the forest, lifting fleeting animals before her to examine. She skimmed through dens of snakes and colonies of bats and badgers. However, none suited her taste.

“No, no, no,” Wist grumbled, tossing aside a wombat. “Come on, I need something extraordinary, something that goes beyond the normal.”

The changeling stopped when she noted the animals hopping in out of many portals littered within the forest. A wobbly azure ring outlined them, shrouding black vortexes that look of space.

Mrs. Fluttershy had urged the students not to interact with them, but their bizarre presence fascinated the changeling. Just how and why do they exist here?

Wist shrugged and peered inside a portal. She couldn’t find much harm to it if the animals are gung-ho about entering.

Her head emerged to another side of the portal. The atmosphere showered an unnatural phantasm that weighed her heavy and fluttered her light simultaneously.

Her sight then fixed upon an odd creature sat on a recliner among an open yard.

“Honestly,” the creature grumbled as it thumbed through pages of a book. The creature wore the claws and talons of a lion and eagle. Its body riddled with contrasting pieces of animals that Wist wondered if some creature had designed it themselves. “Why did they have to make so many revisions to the magic system?” the creature continued, complaining. “There was nothing wrong with the old edition.”

“What are you?” Wist surprised the creature with her close presence at its side.

“Whoa!” The creature yelped and threw its hand up, knocking the recliner and himself to the ground. The creature warped back onto its feet and patted its head of grass. “Don’t you know any ethics, young lady? It’s rude to sneak up on someone when they're busy in their reading.”

“You look like one of those chimeras,” Wist commented. “Though I’ve never seen one of your compositions.”

“And I imagine that you never will. Well, that’s unless Fluttershy and I can fix the quirks.” The creature rubbed his tassel goatee, pondering the trials he must take. He noted the changeling still in wonder. “I don’t think I have introduced myself, where are my manners. You may know me as Discord, Lord of chaos, spouse to the spirit of kindness, and this week’s King of Ogre and Oubliettes. That last title I went through a lot to garner.”

“Lord of chaos,” Wist repeated, her eyes slit with hunger.

Discord failed to note this as he picked his recliner from the ground. “Now, if you don’t mind, I still have reading to attend to. You can see yourself out the door.”

Discord snapped his finger, intending to warp the changeling back into the sanctuary. Except that didn’t happen. Wist remained before the lord of chaos, sauntering around him and examining his features.

He snapped his fingers again, nothing happened.

Discord arched an eyebrow. “Well, that’s strange?” He summoned a magnifying glass in his paw and inspected his eagle limb. “This has never happened before.”

“Hmm.” Wist stopped in front of the confused Draconequus. “I think you will do.”

Discord raised his sight from his magnifying glass. “Do? For what exactly?”

“Congratulations, Discord,” Wist proudly announced. “I’ve decided upon you to become my familiar.”

Discord paused at the changeling’s declaration for a moment before descending to wild cackles. “Oh, ho ho,” Discord spoke in between untamed laughs. “That’s a good one. Do you think some random creature is fit to control the lord of chaos? Oh no, dearie, that is reserved to only one.”

Wist happily harnessed her magic and lifted the draconequus above her. “I can’t wait to show you to Luster. I can already imagine the sweet, sweet jealousy she will have compared to her silly piglet.”

“Hey now!” Discord yapped. “I never consented to this!” Discord tried to break out of the changeling spell, but his magic seemed unable to touch it. He summoned a portal beneath the changeling, but her body did not fall into its suction. It was almost as if she was immune to his chaos magic.

“You should feel honored,” Wist chuckled, making her way to the portal she came from. “I’m not your normal kind of witch.”

“Sounds nice, but unfortunately I’m already occupied with other commitments.” Discord snapped his fingers and summoned a large bucket above the two. It dumped gallons of water over them, forcing Wist to exert eldritch flames to singe the water to mist.

Discord seized the brief opening to break out of the changeling’s loose grip and slithered into a portal. However, his escape did not go unnoticed by the changeling.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Wist asked, pursuing Discord in the portal.

“Aw, you’re so adorable,” Luster cooed at a piglet she coddled in her hooves. She tickled at the small creature’s nibble upon her hoof as she rubbed its fur of brown and gamboge. “I’m going to call you Chester.”

Georgia scratched her cheek. “Not a name I would think for a piglet. Then again, I don’t make a habit of naming my food.”

“Just look at him.” Luster gestured the piglet before her friend. “Doesn’t he look like one big chestnut?”

Chester squealed at the griffon’s carnivorous eyes. Georgia snickered. “You’re lucky I don’t like chestnuts.”

Luster frowned, smothering the piglet in her embrace. “Georgia, stop scaring him.”

“Oh, I’m not the one he should be afraid of. I’m pretty sure Chester will figure that out fast when you-know-who starts the pandemonium.”

“She’s learning, Georgia. How do you expect her to change if none of you are willing to give her the opportunity?”

Georgia shrugged. “Yeah, well, I’ll consider that when she gives me a good reason to.”

The ground beneath Luster and her classmates rumbled when a sudden roar echoed loudly through the sanctuary. The birds flocked into the air and animals hid atop trees and dens.

Trixie hid behind Fluttershy, her body quivered wildly. “What was that? What was that? What was that?” Trixie swiftly repeated.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. “Calm down students, it’s okay. I will take care of it.” She attempted to ascend to the air but was weighed down by Trixie’s grasp. “Um, Trixie, would mind letting me go?”

Trixie caught herself when noting the befuddled eyes of her students. She pushed away from Fluttershy and coughed into her hoof. “Oh yes, Trixie can handle things here. You can go ahead and resolve whatever that was.”

Fluttershy veered from the group, earning concerned eyes from the students. “So, are we just going to let her deal with that alone?” Georgia asked. “That definitely sounded like something big.”

“Of course not,” Luster said, whisking the piglet on her backside. “I’m going to help any way I can.”

Georgia grinned. “Well, aren’t you the brave one. I knew I like you for a reason.”

Luster and Georgia followed Fluttershy into a forest she disappeared into, but then Trixie interjected, “And where do you think you two are going?”

“We’re going to check if Mrs. Fluttershy needs any help,” Luster answered, keeping her pace. “We’ll be right back.”

“You don’t get to make that decision.” Trixie harnessed her magic, ready to reel her students back in the herd. However, another roar shook the grounds and sputtered Trixie’s magic to a halt. “Trixie shall permit this only once but be quick about it.”

Luster and Georgia trailed behind the direction Fluttershy went, dashing through shrubs and rounding trees in their path. They discovered a clearing where a large cave carved inside a small mountain. Fluttershy had descended inside.

Luster climbed up to rocks to reach the side of the entrance. Georgia was the first to get a peek inside and her mouth hung and gestured to Luster to have a look. Luster shared her friend’s astonishment when she discovered Fluttershy with an Ursa Minor coated in white.

The curious piglet tried to climb over Luster’s head to get a peek, but Luster pulled him back with her magic. She could not risk any rash actions to startle the large creature.

“Woah,” Georgia whispered. “I didn’t think those rumors about an Ursa Minor being here would be true. Mrs. Fluttershy is kind of a badass.”

“Did you have another bad dream?” Fluttershy whispered soothingly to the Ursa Minor, rubbing its face riddled with angst. The Ursa Minor whimpered, shifting back to retreat from the sunlight. “It’s okay.”

Luster leaned her head further into the cave to keep her sight of the creature, but to her misfortune, she accidentally kicked a large, pebbled litter on the ground. The pebble launched bounced off the ridge of the mountain.

Georgia and Luster reared their heads back after noting a heavy puff from the Ursa Minor. “Don’t worry,” they heard Fluttershy. “It was just a rock.”

The two never looked back inside and held their position for minutes, fearful of making a sudden sound. They listened to Fluttershy’s calm voice to the creature and to the Ursa Minor’s heavy breathing that gradually smoothened. “Sleep tight, young one.”

Fluttershy emerged from the cave and discovered Luster and Georgia. She descended before the two and smiled. “I appreciate the two of you for coming here to help, but I’m afraid this young one does not react well to new faces.”

“Why is it white?” Georgia asked. “Don’t they normally have a darkish blue color with those starry things on them?”

“It’s an albino,” Luster answered. “The process is commonly referred to as albinism where the child creature inherits one or multiple mutated genes from both parents that alters its production of melanin.”

“Okay… and what’s–”

“Melanin is what determines the color throughout your body.”

Georgia rolled her eyes and gazed at Fluttershy again. “Where’d you even find something like this?”

Fluttershy’s wry smile turned melancholic. “That… is a long story.”

“The story of the discovery of an albino Ursa Minor,” Luster said, her voice oozed with anticipation. “I’d very much like to hear this.”

Her story was one of tragedy. It began when Fluttershy one day visited the Crystal Empire. A mysterious earthquake had occurred during her visit and because of her natural concerns for the animals, Fluttershy ventured the wintry mountains with Princess Flurry Heart for any rescues.

They found hares, deer, and foxes trapped in mounds of snow, buried under broken trees, and outcast above frigid water. They never suspected to come across a white Ursa Minor during their endeavor. The young creature cloaked in the snow, catching the two off guard when it felt threatened, and assailed the pair.

The matter became more severe when a pack of arctic wolves entered the fray. Fluttershy instructed Flurry Heart to deter the wolves away with her skilled magic as Fluttershy went on to calm the Ursa Minor she discovered to be frightened.

The Ursa Minor left a wound on Fluttershy’s barrel, but she persisted in her caring ways and calmed the feral cub. And when Flurry Heart scared off the pack of wolves, they followed the Ursa Minor that walked off the bottom of a cliff where they found its mother.

Its body was massive enough to be considered to be a ruin. Its body frigid as the snow, bones littered and piercing out of the body. Large chunks of its meat missing from what Fluttershy surmised were in the belly of the pack of wolves.

The Ursa Minor howled in a somber voice. Fluttershy could not leave it on its own. It was much too young to fend for itself in the wild. And so, she brought it back to her animal sanctuary, hoping to raise it with the instincts and love to return to its homeland.

But in her efforts, she felt she had unfortunately domesticated the creature.

“He hates to leave his cave,” Fluttershy said. “I think his traumatic experience has made him afraid of the outside. I provide him with food, but never can I get him to learn to forage on his own.”

Georgia quirked a brow. “You mean you were going let it hunt the animals here?”

“Of course not,” Fluttershy assured. “I was hoping to take it out to the open wilderness and spend months teaching all the necessary skills to survive. It was meant to be a project of mine, but as you can see, it won’t ever leave the cave.”

“Then why not force it out?” Georgia suggested. “You’re pretty much enabling the thing to be lazy.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “It’s not that simple. Because of the mental scars he has, it has to be his choice to leave the cave. Else, he will never have the courage to face the outside world. Also, he will more than likely go on a rampage.”

“From his size, he could do serious harm to the animals and habitats,” Luster said. “Unfortunately, I don’t know any other way to coax an Ursa Minor.”

“It’s okay, you two,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure I will figure this out in due time. You two should focus more on finding your own partners.”

Just as when the three began their exit, a portal suddenly appeared before the cave. Discord and Wisteria emerged out of it; the lord of chaos was pounced to the ground by the changeling. Discord wheezed heavy breaths.

“Hah!” Wist cheered. “Got you this time!”

“Will you please–” Discord wheezed. “–stop this already? This is already… getting out of… hand.”

Their ears perked when a heavy gust of wind blew upon them. Their eyes gaped upon the large snout of Ursa Minor and its crimson eyes looking down upon them.

Wist pointed at the creature. “What’s that?”

Discord slapped his forehead. “Well, this won’t end nicely.”

The Ursa Minor let out a piercing roar and swiped its claw at them. Discord grabbed Wist and teleported themselves out of its striking path.

The Ursa Minor gaped at the sudden disappearance, but his shock was replaced with another when a group of animals fell out of the portal and crashed upon the Ursa Minor’s face. The Ursa Minor yelped and jumped out of the cave, tearing down trees as it fled from the premise.

Fluttershy gaped at the destruction. “Oh dear, please come back.” Fluttershy flew in pursuit of the Ursa Minor, leaving Luster and Georgia alone in their shock.

Discord and Wist then reappeared outside of the cave, sprawled upon the rumpled grass. “I hope you're done with your little game,” Discord breathed. “Because now you have a new one to play.”

“Do you two realize what you’ve done!?” Luster shouted as she and Georgia stomped before them.

“See,” Georgia said. “I told you something like this would happen if you left her alone. She’s pure bait for trouble.”

Wist rose back to her hooves and looked upon the cave. “Where did that creature go? I got to know what that was.”

“That was an Ursa Minor,” Luster said. “And the two of you spooked it into a rampage with your shenanigan.”

Discord rose his paw. “In my defense, I was being chased around by this crazy bug.”

“I don’t care,” Luster said. “What matters now is that we work together to fix this mess.”

“That’s so cool, Ms. Trixie,” one of her students commented. Trixie had them dazzled by the pair of snakes on her person--wound around her hoof and neck like a long necklace.

Trixie grinned. “Oh, this. Trixie has held countless creatures in her shows. You might call Trixie their whisperer.

The quakes increased their rhythm, scaring the snakes off of Trixie. She frowned at the direction her students disappeared to, contemplating if she should go check on them.

No, no, Trixie, she assured herself. They have Fluttershy with them. Trixie is certain they are completely fine.

Her assurance was immediately squashed and punted when she heard the sounds of falling trees. From it, came a white Ursa Minor, emerging towards her direction.

Trixie let out a shriek as she and her students dispersed from the ground. To Trixie’s misfortune, the Ursa Minor trailed behind her.

Fluttershy emerged from the forest and flew next to the Ursa Minor’s ear. “It’s okay, young one,” she said. “You’re in a safe place. Just please stop.”

The Ursa Minor shook its head, knocking Fluttershy away with its large ear. She yelped as she became prey to her unbridled motion. However, before she neared a tree, Discord appeared beneath her and caught her in his hands.

She opened her fearful eyes and smiled at her savior. “Discord.”

“I would like to set the record straight that this was never in my intention,” Discord said. “But you do have to admit that this is some juicy chaos.”

“I forgive you,” Fluttershy said. “But first, I need you to help the young one. He’s going to hurt himself and the others at this rate.”

“Oh, Fluttershy,” Discord dramatically sighed. “You wound me to stop something so beautiful. Thankfully, I’ve already assembled a suitable trio.”

Discord points at the back of the Ursa Minor. Luster had teleported on its back alongside Wist and Georgia.

Chester squealed loudly on Luster’s back as squeezed its hold on her. Luster harnessed her magic and wrapped it on the piglet’s hooves.

“You should have left it behind,” Georgia said. “It’s bad enough we have her around.” Georgia gestured to Wist, who was inspecting the Ursa Minor’s body with her hooves.

“Are these stars?” Wist wondered out loud. “That’s so cool. I didn't know there were creatures like this.”

“Wist,” Luster called her. “I need you to focus.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m listening,” Wist said, continuing her examination of the creature’s body.

“I don’t think I have enough magic in my arsenal to stop the Ursa Minor on my own. So, Wist, I need you to tucker him out by sapping his love.”

“You might want to be quick about it,” Georgia said, pointing at the path before the Ursa Minor. “I don’t think Ms. Trixie has the stamina to keep herself from being flattened.”

“Do it now, Wist,” Luster urged as she summoned her magic upon the Ursa Minor. She tried to restrain the Ursa Minor’s movement, but its massive weight easily overwhelmed her.

“Okay, let’s see what you taste like,” Wist said before opening her mouth wide to suck a pink aura out of the Ursa Minor.

The Ursa Minor yipped and began rocking its body wildly like a rodeo bull. Georgia quickly sprawled over the two and clutched her claws into the Ursa Minor to hold them.

Georgia grunted at the wild force his body ached against. “Eat faster, Wist! I feel like my claws are about to tear off!”

As Wist sucked more of the Ursa Minor’s love, Luster noted tears forming down the changeling’s face. Her face filled with rhythms of fury and grimace.

Before the Ursa Minor, Trixie had found herself cornered by the walls of a canyon. There was no hole she could climb in. Not a tree or path she could flee in time before the Ursa Minor’s arrival. Trixie set her back against the wall, quivering at her coming end.

Trixie could see her life flashing before her. From a starry cape she got as a gift from her mother that set her path to becoming a magician. To numerous shows she held across Equestria, showered in cheers and jealousy from her audience. To her crowning downfalls in Ponyville that led her to new friendships and the future, she has come to love. And this is where it would end.

Trixie fainted, unable to bear the suspense of her predicament.

However, the Ursa Minor fell to its knees and Luster finally managed to reel the creature back before it could squash the counselor. Its snout laid only a few inches from the unconscious Trixie.

Luster and Georgia exhaled a breath of relief and slid off the Ursa Minor. Their body wobbled, strained from the task they endured.

Fluttershy and Discord had then descended in the area. “Is every creature alright?” Fluttershy asked, rushing over to examine each of them.

“I’ll live,” Georgia assured. “I just hope Ms. Trixie didn’t get a heart attack over there.”

“She’ll be fine,” Discord said. “A little cardio can’t hurt any creature.”

“Just to be safe, I'll take her to the infirmary.” Georgia trudged over to Trixie and draped Trixie’s body over her shoulder. “I leave the rest to you guys.”

Georgia ascended to the air and flew off with Trixie in her grasp. As Luster watched her friend depart, she noted Wist still standing atop the Ursa Minor.

Fluttershy joined Wist’s side and placed a hoof over her shoulder. “You feel his love, don’t you?” She asked. “Given his experience, I can’t imagine it being sweet.”

“I want to adopt him,” Wist declared, her tone serious.

“You want a pet Ursa Minor!?” Luster shouted. “Do you even realize how crazy of an idea that is!?”

“I’m happy that you care so much about him,” Fluttershy said. “But I’m afraid that is not possible. Not only is he too big, but he’s fearful of others. I don’t think he will adapt well in a school environment.”

“Then allow me to fix that,” Wist said. She and Fluttershy descended before the Ursa Minor. Wist summoned a green wisp that phased inside the Ursa Minor and lit its body in eldritch flame.

“What’re you doing!?” Luster asked but Discord an arm before her.

“It’s fine,” Discord said. “Just watch the show.”

When the flames had finally dissipated, the Ursa Minor was revealed small and fragile like a regular bear cub.

Fluttershy gaped at the mini Ursa Minor, astonished. “What did you do?” she asked.

“I’ve placed a curse on him,” Wist answered. “As long as the hex is in place, his size is all mine to manipulate.”

“Just how many hexes do you know?” Luster asked.

Wist grinned at her curious friend. “Now where would be the fun in telling you that?”

Wist crouched before the shrunken Ursa Minor and hurled a pink aura that infused inside the creature’s skin. Moments after Wist finished, the Ursa Minor fluttered its eyes open. They then gaped upon Wist; its body immobilized with fear.

Wist smiled upon the creature. A knowing smile fitting of a mother looking down on her child. “Life has been unkind to you, hasn’t it? I understand that pain so much.”

Wist held a hoof before the Ursa Minor. It growled and bit her, but she never wavered her hoof nor her smile. Its crimson eyes looked upon her again, confused and somewhat fascinated.

The Ursa Minor took a small step before Wist. And then another. And another.

It sniffed upon the changeling’s face and then licked her cheek. Wist chuckled, “Ugh, your breath is terrible.” But even so, she allowed the creature to slather her face while she rubbed its back.

Luster arched an eyebrow. “Did she just tame an Ursa Minor?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, she earned its trust.”

“So how about now?” Wist asked.

“He’s finally made a new friend,” Fluttershy said. “How could I possibly deny him from you?”

Luster raised a hoof, her other held Chester to her pectoral. “Wait, wait. Are you telling me I’m going to have to live with an Ursa Minor?”

“His name is Snowflake,” Wist said.

“What kind of name is that for an Ursa Minor?” Luster questioned. “Dang it Wist, why couldn’t you just get a normal pet?”

“Don’t be jealous.” Wist stood up proudly with the Ursa Minor standing by her side. “You should feel proud to stand near a rarity of a familiar such as mine.”

“This bug is just full of potential for some delicious chaos,” Discord said, smiling upon the delectable events to come.

“Taking care of Snowflake will be an enormous responsibility,” Fluttershy said. “I will teach you everything you need to raise him.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Wist admitted. “To be honest, I don’t know the first thing about an Ursa Minor.”

“And I help you every step of the way. Just as long as you promise me one thing.”

“Oh goody,” Wist sarcastically said. “So, there is a catch to this.”

“Promise me that you will always shower him with love. Treat like a precious family of yours.”

Wist widened her eyes, stunned at this simple request. “I… Yeah, I can manage that. What kind of witch would I be if I can’t take proper care of my own familiar?”

As Snowflake cuddled close to Wist, and Chester hid in Luster from the bear cub, they scavenged the sanctuary for the students to conclude their chaotic day at the animal sanctuary.