• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 3,204 Views, 172 Comments

Product of Friendship - AzuraKeres

With the defeat of Chrysalis and her allies, peace was finally achieved amongst many creatures. All creatures were given the choice of happiness, except for one creature that was stolen of her mother.

  • ...

15: Monster Brawl

Author's Note:



A self-proclaimed witch that attends the School of Friendship for the promise of the whereabouts of her mother, Poison Peck.

Luster Dawn

The star pupil of Princess Twilight. She attends the School of Friendship to learn and embody its values.


A wild young feline that is the daughter of Hop.

Full (Commissioned) Character List - Here

Trixie found herself oddly tranquil at the train station. She sat beside her best friend, Starlight Glimmer, among a throng of creatures waiting for the train’s arrival. The creatures bantered amongst each other as if it was another normal day in Ponyville.

Honestly, Trixie found the whole thing boring. Patience was a value Trixie used sparingly. Trixie was in the midst of an intriguing romance novel before Starlight dragged her out from her cozy bedroom. If she weren’t such a generous friend to Starlight, she would have plotted a way out of this predicament. It was one of many inconveniences of friendship Trixie had to add to her bucket.

Well, Trixie supposed she could wait a few more hours given the blatant anxiety washed on Starlight.

Starlight’s constant tapping from her hooves gave away her unease. She frequently swiveled her sights from the train tracks towards town.

Trixie was practically forced to share her concerns. Trixie wasn’t particularly in the mood to be a therapist at the moment, but sadly, Trixie had left behind her book to distract herself.

“Will you relax?” Trixie urged Starlight. “She’s not even here yet and you already about to break down.”

Trixie’s well-endowed encouragement earned her an ire glance from Starlight. Such a disingenuous look was appalling to The Great and Consoling Trixie.

“Relax?” Starlight emphasized. “You do realize this will be the first Abyssinian in history to enroll in our school, right? This is a big deal!”

“Then why not put on a smile?” Trixie lifted Starlight’s lips to make a smile. However, it immediately dropped back into a frown when Trixie removed her hooves. “Trixie figured you would be happy about this.”

“Oh, I should,” Starlight agreed. “But that’s rather difficult when that’s going on.” Starlight pointed towards Ponyville where a pair of bugbears ascended atop the rooftops and dropped back down with their stinger at the forefront.

The sound of monsters roaring and spreading chaos about Ponyville was nonstop—Timberwolves leaping from rooftop to rooftop, an enormous snake peeking about buildings to skim the area, and a winged pig of all things gliding over town.

“You act like this is out of the ordinary," Trixie argued, earning another ire from Starlight. “Okay, okay, okay, Trixie understands your pain. This isn’t exactly the best first impression you want to give her. So, why not fix this now?”

“Pixie is going to be here in a few minutes,” Starlight answered. “Mandy specifically requested me as her escort. I can’t break my promise on short notice.”

“Then how do you plan on explaining the monsters raiding town?”

“Ugh, who am I kidding? Today is completely ruined.” Starlight frowned.

Starlight hid her face behind her hooves in shame. Her melancholy vexed her Trixie, so much that Trixie felt compelled to bop on Starlight’s forehead. “Stop looking so pitiful,” Trixie scolded. “My friend Starlight is far stronger than this.”

“But I really want this to work out,” Starlight said. “But it’s not like I can’t hide the fact that monsters are invading the town. No doubt Mandy will think this place is too dangerous for her child.”

“Trixie will admit Ponyville has a pension for danger. But you forget that it has special creatures to save the day. Isn’t that why you entrusted the monsters to Fluttershy and your students? Trust them, Starlight.”

Starlight dropped her hooves and glanced at Trixie with teary eyes. “I don’t doubt their strengths, Trixie. But I don’t think they’ll fix things fast enough before Pixie arrives. If only there was some way to hide this from them… that's it!”

Starlight clapped her hooves in excitement as her horn harnessed in the aura of blue. However, before Starlight could cast her magic, Trixie grasped upon the sides of Starlight’s face.

“Hold on,” Trixie hurriedly said. “Before you do anything crazy, why not tell Trixie what you’re about to do?”

“We may not be able to stop the chaos in time, but I can probably hide it long enough for the others to do so.”

“I need the specifics,” Trixie urged; however, Starlight unleashed her mysterious spell that infected Trixie with anxiety of her own.

Trixie guarded her body against an imposing light that consumed the area in its entirety. Trixie waited a moment for any pain to register in her body. When Trixie felt nothing, she finally dropped her hooves and noted nothing had occurred. “Ugh,” Trixie rubbed her eyes. “Was something supposed to happen?”

“It already has,” Starlight confirmed. “As long as we stay in my bubble.”

“Bubble, you say.” Trixie couldn’t trace where Starlight’s bubble was, however, Trixie realized the monsters at Ponyville were no longer in sight. “Well, that sounds like nothing can go wrong.”

“For Equestria’s sake, Trixie,” Starlight said defensively. “I’ve grown out of my freak-outs. What did you think I was going to do?”

“Something that might have backfired and escalated the problem,” Trixie plainly admitted, which made Starlight twitch at her friend.

“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but this spell is more laid-back. As long as we keep them in this bubble, Mandy and Pixie will only see Ponyville for the relishing environment it is. There won’t be any giant monsters or destroyed buildings to give them a fright.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Trixie questioned. “What if one of those monsters happens upon our bubble? We wouldn’t see it coming.”

“My eyes can see through my illusion. But just to be on the safe side, we’re going to take the scenic route around the chaos. Now, do you have any other lists of doubts that you would like to address?”

“Hmm,” Trixie tapped her chin and then raised a hoof. “Just one more. And it’s probably the most concerning one.”

“Fine, let’s hear it.”

“It has to do with Wist. Are you sure you want her at the center of our monster problem? Trixie doesn’t doubt her capabilities, but we both know she’s a whimsical kind of bug.”

“She won’t do anything bad. Not when she involves protecting a colt she happens to like. Besides, she won’t be alone.”

Their discussion came to an immediate end when the train finally arrived at the station. When it came to a complete stop, its door slid open. Ponies and creatures flushed out the train like a leak within a dam. Among them leaped out a small pink Abyssinian.

She waved her arms out as if she were about to give the world a big hug. “Hello, Ponyville! Pixie has finally arrived!”

Trixie blinked shockingly at the kitten as if she saw something unreal. “Trixie is surprised,” she admitted. “Trixie imagined Abyssinians to be a bunch of sly and classy cats.”

“Pixie.” The voice came from an adult white Abyssinian who exited the train and grabbed Pixie’s paw. “I specifically told you not to walk off from me. Please don’t make your mother worry.”

“But it’s Ponyville, mom,” Pixie responded excitedly, swinging her arms wildly like the tail of a happy dog. “It’s where the magic of friendship came from, right? There’s got be so many things to see.”

“In more ways than one, right?” Trixie whispered to Starlight but then realized Starlight had already walked off before the two Abyssinians.

“Hello,” Starlight greeted them. “You must be Mrs. Mandy and Ms. Pixie, correct?” All the anxiety she exerted before had entirely vanished from her. All replaced with a professional gait one would expect from a prestigious principal.

“Yes, I am Mandy,” the white Abyssinian confirmed. “And you must be Principal Starlight, yes? The mare I’ve talked with over our letters.”

“Indeed, I am. But you can call me Starlight. I’m honored that your daughter is interested in our school. I assure you that her time here will open her to many things about the world.” Starlight raised her hoof toward Mandy to shake with. Mandy reconciled the gesture with a smile.

“And a humble one as well. Though I shouldn’t expect less from the pony who runs the School of Friendship.”

“Hi!” Pixie blurted between Mandy and Starlight. Her cheery voice made Starlight flinch, making her ill-prepared for the sudden pounce Pixie made for a hug. “Thank you so much for inviting me here! This is going to be so much fun!”

Starlight’s shock calmed into a smile as she hugged Pixie back. “I’m glad to hear that. This is certainly becoming an exciting year for everyone.”

Trixie voiced her presence with a cough upon her hoof. Starlight looked at Trixie and then back to her guests. “Oh yes,” Starlight said. “I should introduce you to Trixie. She is our school’s counselor.”

“You will find there is none quite like The Great and Powerful Trixie,” Trixie boasted. “Rest assured that Trixie will be open to any problems of any kind you have.”

“A bold claim,” Mandy said. “But perhaps that is preferable. My Pixie is an optimistic kitten and I do hope she stays that way.”

“That almost sounds like a challenge.” Trixie guffawed. “Then Trixie wholeheartedly accepts.”

Pixie slipped from Starlight’s grip and rushed before Trixie with curious eyes. She then confused Trixie when she strode to her side and touched her cutie mark.

“Ms. Trixie,” Pixie said. “Can I get a cutie mark?”

“What?” Trixie said, baffled. “Well, no. That’s a pony thing.”

“Aww,” Pixie frowned. “That’s not fair. I want a mark of my own. I bet it would’ve looked pretty. Maybe pink flames with a ghostly touch like my sister’s.”

“Then we can make our own,” Starlight said. “But I hope you understand that our school does not guide you to a singular path. The School of Friendship hosts classes of all sorts of practices and cultures. You’ll come to find many hobbies that you never considered and meet creatures who will become longtime friends in your future.”

“Wait, so I can have more than one cutie mark!?” Pixie wondered. Her eyes sparkled so brightly that Starlight feared it might blind her.

“I guess so,” Starlight confirmed. “Nobody is subjected to just one thing. There are far too many possibilities in the world to allow that.”

As Starlight found joy in Pixie’s excitement, a quake suddenly shook their surroundings. Creatures around teetered on their feet as they looked confusingly at their surroundings. Well, all except the creatures plainly entering the train station.

“What was that?” Mandy asked.

Starlight’s smile cracked. Though her transparent bubble could hide the presence of the chaos outside, that was pretty much all it could do. She cursed herself for not learning to fortify the spell to account for geographic interference.

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Trixie spoke. “We just so happen to have an animal sanctuary in Ponyville. Its caretaker has recently shipped in a mass of large animals that are getting settled in their new environment.”

“Oh my,” Mandy gasped. “I’ve heard of this famous sanctuary, but I didn’t think its animals would be that exotic. For it to shake the grounds here of all places must make them quite the sight.”

“It will die down soon enough. Our caretaker is quite unique like Trixie.”

“Mom,” Pixie voiced as she grasped her mother’s dress. “I want to go to see the animals.”

“Maybe another time, dear,” Mandy responded and clutched on her daughter’s paw. “For now, we have a tour around your new school, isn’t that right?”

“Right you are,” Trixie said as she nudged onto Starlight. “We should definitely get our orientation on the way, shouldn’t we?”

“R-right,” Starlight said with a restructured smile. “Come right his way. I’m sure the school will be all to your liking.”

Starlight guided the group out to the train station. As she led them through the streets of Ponyville, her eyes flicked upon the distance where the chaos ensued.

Trixie walked to Starlight’s side and whispered in her ear, “Maybe you should focus on our scenic route. Fluttershy and the others have it covered, right?”

“Yeah,” Starlight mumbled. “I know they do.”

Lil’ Cheese let out a joyous chortle as he rode atop a leaping bufogren. A giant toad with six eyes and a horrid mouth of a leech. Residents gazed astonished at the little colt as he rode the creatures through the streets of Ponyville.

However, his joyride came to a swift end when Wist swooped above and swept him from the bufogren’s head. “I got you,” Wist said as she secured the colt in her hooves.

Lil’ Cheese kept his stupor, cheering loudly at his ascension above Ponyville. He stretched his hooves out to cut through the air.

“Glad someone is enjoying this,” Wist grumbled. She continued her ascension above the buildings but came to an abrupt halt when she felt something icky pulling down her hind hoof.

She looked and found the bufogren’s tongue wrapped around her hind hoof. Its warm saliva trickled onto her skin, making Wist tremble. “Ew!” Wist shouted. “Get your boggy swamp tongue off of me!”

Wist lit her hind hoof in emerald flames. The green fire came upon the bufogren’s tongue fast, searing its soapy tongue of its moisture. The bufogren quickly reeled its tongue back and whirled it wildly within itself to regain its dampness.

Lil’ Cheese glittered his eyes upon the Wist’s flames like it was a shiny trinket. He tried to reach for the fire, but Wist snatched his head onto her pectoral.

“Are you stupid?” Wist asked as she undid her flames. “You can’t touch that.” Lil’ Cheese only rubbed his face on Wist’s skin and then stared at her with his verdant eyes. Wist was so spellbound by his innocent glance that she couldn’t help pinching his cheeks. “Why do you have to be so cute?”

“Wist!” Wist perked to the sound of Luster Dawn’s voice. Wist found her galloping down a street with a face screaming of urgency. “Get down!”

As Wist glided through the air, confused by Luster’s warning, she finally noted the sound of a large buzzing. She looked above and realized a bugbear descending upon her fast. Its crimson eyes glowed with bloodlust; its stinger aimed upon Wist.

Wist didn’t have time to dodge it. She would need to rely on her hex to save her. And Wist grinned at the horrid curse she had in mind for this insect.

“You chose the wrong one to trifle with,” Wist claimed as she harnessed her horn in wispy blue flames. Her hex was near completion until a sudden occurrence disturbed her retaliation.

It was a giant roc, donned in black armor Wist could only recognize as obsidian. The armored roc tackled the bugbear, slamming it harshly to the ground where it left a noticeable crater.

The roc’s copper eyes shifted from the bugbear to Wist, though she wasn’t concerned. The roc became consumed in emerald flames and left behind a single changeling in its incineration, Pharynx.

“Take the foal somewhere safe,” Pharynx advised. “He’s a liability on the field.”

“He’s going to be on the field regardless,” Wist argued. “You do realize that all the creatures are here because of him, right?”

As Wist finished her sentence, she instinctively shot her body downward. A pair of tongues had shot above her. They retracted back to two bufogrens standing atop a building from afar.

The bufogrens launched their tongues again. However, their tongues were caught by the claws of Georgia before they could reach Wist. She held a tight grip upon them, having a tug-o-war against the two bufogrens.

“Ugh,” Georgia cringed. “This feels so gross.”

“Just hold on a bit longer!” Luster shouted as she harnessed magic into her horn. She blasted white beams upon the tongues that surged into the bufogrens.

When the light entered them, their eyes became clear white, and fell unconscious. Their bodies rolled down the rooftop of the building and fell over. However, before their body could crash on the ground, a lush bed had randomly appeared below to soothe their fall.

Georgia dropped the tongues that returned to the bufogrens and shook her claws about. She then noted Pharynx zooming towards a location far in Ponyville and gave chase to him.

As Georgia and Pharynx disappeared within the distance, Fluttershy emerged from across a corner. She looked upon the bugbear laid unconscious in its crater.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy gasped and flew to the bugbear’s side. She examined the bugbear’s body and found multiple bruises. “Discord, I need a spray and bandages.”

Discord suddenly appeared into existence beside Fluttershy in a doctor’s shirt. He pressed a stethoscope on the bugbear’s body and listened to its breathing. “She seems alive enough,” Discord said. “She might go a day without flying, but by the looks of her, she could use some cardio.”

“Spray and bandages, please,” Fluttershy repeated. Her eyes were fixed upon the bugbear’s wound and searched its body for more.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his finger. At the sound of his flick, a spray and roll of bandages popped into Fluttershy’s hooves. As Fluttershy tended to the bugbear’s wounds, Discord let out a groan. “Why is it that I have to play the healer here? There’s so little action with this role.”

The healer is the most significant part of the party,” Luster argued as she slid inside the crater. “There’s only so much magic we can use to manage the creature entering the town. Only you have the capacity for this.”

“Not entirely true.” Discord snapped his fingers again and summoned Wist and Lil’ Cheese atop his lion-paw. “Might I remind you that we have another member with a nuclear-size magic?”

“Hey!” Wist shouted as she quickly jumped off from Discord. “How about asking before you go teleporting someone.”

“Wist doesn’t know basic magic,” Luster argued. “She can’t even do a levitation spell properly.”

“I don’t need basic magic to put you in your place,” Wist retorted. “Just one hex is all I would need to make you subservient.”

“That’s not the point, Wist,” Luster said. “Discord is the only one here with enough magic to take however much creature coming our way back home. Hence why he is the healer.”

“Be that as it may,” Discord said. “I can at least take joy in all the delicious chaos brewing across town. And I have you to thank, Luster. My, to think that Twilight’s star pupil could raise such chaos. She never disappoints.”

“It wasn’t on purpose!” Luster shouted, defensively. “I only looked away from Lil’ Cheese for only a mere moment and he disappeared.”

“Will you quit with the excuses already?” Wist said as she cradled Lil’ Cheese in her hooves. “Just face the fact that you screwed up.”

“How was I supposed to know that looking away for a mere second would result in a horde of monsters invading town!?”

At the sound of Luster’s delirious voice, Lil’ Cheese giggled. Luster glared at the joyous colt beaming a smile amid the chaos. A chaos set by the colt’s innocent machination of which he had no control of.

Luster sighed, “Why does something so adorable have such terrible power?”

“I’d call it a blessing,” Discord commented. “Maybe I should enroll him under my tutelage.”

“I’d call it a hassle,” Wist argued. “I don’t want to be fighting monsters every time I have to babysit this cute little thing.”

“Let’s take solace that their attention is fixed only upon us,” Fluttershy said after wrapping the bugbear with bandages. “From what I’ve seen, their eyes are set on Lil’ Cheese and those who are stepping in their way.”

“Which is kind of weird,” Wist commented. “It’s like they all have a hive mind to let them know who to take out.”

“Trying to understand it is more trouble than it’s worth. Right now, we should continue calming the creatures.”

“And how much more are we going to take out?” Wist asked. “We’ve already been at this for two hours now.”

Pharynx and Georgia suddenly descended into the crater with the others. Georgia stepped before Fluttershy and informed, “Ms. Fluttershy, there looks to be another round of creatures coming out of the Everfree forest. We need to get ready.”

“This time we should set up some traps,” Pharynx suggested. “Wist, do you have any hexes in mind for that?”

Wist raised a brow at the changeling. “You’re oddly happy. Don’t tell me you’re having fun.”

“Go easy on them,” Fluttershy urged. “They’re not acting out of their own volition. Until the Cheese Sense ends, we’ll have to continue rounding them up.”

Fluttershy approached Wist and grabbed hold of Lil’ Cheese. She cradled him in her hooves, and the colt let out a yawn. Fluttershy smiled. “He’s falling asleep. That means we’re near the end.”

“You sure you want to be holding him?” Wist asked. “You’re pretty much asking for all the monsters to jump at you.”

“I can handle myself,” Fluttershy assured. “And I also have all of you to rely on.”

“Your funeral.” Wist shrugged.

“Mr. Pharynx,” Luster said. “What exactly are we dealing with this time around?”

“Multiple cockatrices, a cragadile, and a maulwurf,” Pharynx listed. “They’ve completely ignored the residents, but I still evacuated from the premises as a precaution.”

“Wait, did you say a maulwurf?” Fluttershy asked, confused. “They usually live in the badlands. What is one doing here in Ponyville?”

“Their hides are really thick,” Luster said. “Magic won’t work on them so easily.”

“Don’t worry about the maulwurf,” Pharynx. “That one is mine and mine alone.”

“You got a vendetta against maulwurfs or something?” Wist asked. “Whatever, I guess I can use this as an opportunity to test out some new hexes.”

“You have new ones?” Luster asked.

“Mommy,” Pixie said. “Do earthquakes happen this often in Equestria?”

The young feline asked this question as Starlight guided them around the edge of Ponyville. Despite Starlight’s endeavor to elude the chaos, the land around constantly threatened her ploy.

“The creatures must be going through mood swings,” Trixie suggested. “It can’t be helped, given they breaking into their new environment.”

Pixie perked her ears to the rumble from afar. Trixie and Starlight even noted her looking back to the source of the noise.

“So Pixie,” Trixie said. “What was it that made you interested to enroll in our school?”

“Oh, well,” Pixie started. “Honestly, I was just feeling a bit lonely at home.”

“What?” Mandy gasped. “But you have me to keep you company every day. Oh no, please don’t tell me you’re going through your teen phase?”

“Why do you feel lonely?” Starlight asked.

“It’s because of my big sis,” Pixie answered. “I always had her around to play with. We would play pranks and games every day. Some folks would call her wicked, but they don’t know her as I do.” Pixie drooped her ears and glanced at the ground. “But sometimes I wonder if I ask too much from her. She’s now gone off somewhere without telling me anything. It makes me wonder if I pushed her away.”

“Gone off, you say?” Trixie said. “Perhaps she went on a journey to learn more about herself. Trixie had done the same during my younger days.”

Pixie stared at the ground and rubbed her arm that was held by Mandy. “I wished she had brought me along. I know she always wanted to be a witch, but I didn’t think she leave me behind.”

“…Did you say, witch?” Starlight asked.

Suddenly, a large eldritch flame emerged high into the sky. Its emerald light shone brightly across the town, dazzling the eyes of onlookers.

Mandy gaped at the flame. “Was that I think it was?”

“Why does she always have to showboat?” Starlight grumbled.

“I know those flames!” Pixie shouted and then slipped her paw off from Mandy. She rushed and climbed atop and building.

“Pixie!” Mandy called to her. “Wait! Come back here!”

But Pixie continued forth, jumping through the building to the building to reach the origin of the emerald flames. And as she neared it, she held hope she would find what she yearned most.

A cragadile chased Applebloom down the street of Ponyville. She looked back at its sharp jaw opening wide to snatch her legs.

She cut into another street and briefly disappeared from the creature’s sight. It followed her to the next street but paused when it stepped upon a glowing glyph on the ground.

A black flame consumed the cragadile and disappeared as soon as it appeared, leaving the cragadile unharmed yet dazed. It sprawled to the ground, limp and lethargic.

“That was some fine work there, Wist,” Applebloom commented, emerging from a barrel leaned against a building.

Wist descended from a building and joined Applebloom’s side. “Like it? I could show you how it works. But only if you’re willing to share something in exchange.”

“Not a chance,” Wist frowned at the voice of Smolder who descended next to her. “You haven’t earned it yet.”

A maulwurf then suddenly emerged from the ground. Smolder was quick to breathe flames However, what did the maulwurf in was a large tentacle that drew the maulwurf back into the hole. Smolder and Applebloom stared aghast at what they had witnessed.

“What was that?” Smolder asked. “I don’t want to take about Pharynx’s odd hate boner for maulwurfs,” Wist interjected. “What you and Diamon have me doing is going to take forever. Isn’t there like a quicker task you could have me do?”

Applebloom laid a hoof on Wist’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Wist. I promise, it’ll all be worth it.”

“Why? I’d think I proved my worth already. With all the chaos over the week, I should be compensated with something.”

“Well, it’s not your worth they’re looking for. And if you want to talk about compensation, what about that cute little thing over there.” Applebloom pointed her hoof behind Wist.

“What thing?” Wist asked and followed the direction of Applebloom’s hoof. Her eyes gaped at her pet ursa minor, Snowflake, rushing over to her.

“Snowflake?” Wist blurted. Snowflake jumped up to Wist’s chest and gave her those puppy eyes that always found a way to break through her wicked heart. She hugged him and stroked the back of his head. “Why are you here? Didn’t I leave you with Ms. Autumn?”

“Not to ruin your reunion,” Smolder said. “But we have another bugbear coming our way. A big one at that.”

A bugbear had emerged from an intersection and flew towards the group. It let out a roar that rung through their ears.

“It must feel confident because of its size,” Wist said. “Well, how about I sap all of that away.”

Wist’s horn lit a green light and shot into Snowflake. The ursa minor became consumed in green light that expanded high and wide upon the street.

When the light dissipated, Snowflake stood gigantic in its original size. The bugbear came to a complete halt, horrified by the sheer size of Snowflake. And when Snowflake let a screeching roar, the bugbear scurried away fast.

“Hah, serves you right,” Wist rejoiced.

Snowflake then rubbed his head onto Wist. She clutched onto him and rubbed his head. “I knew you’d be the perfect familiar.”

“Bugbears, cragadiles, bufogrens,” Smolder listed. “Just how many more are going to come out to the woodwork?”

“Well, there’s a hydra over there if you’re looking for something new,” Applebloom said, pointing towards a large hydra skimming through town.

“When did that get here!?”

Wist ascended atop Snowflake for a higher view of the hydra. She discovered the creature chasing Luster, who was dashing through the streets and teleported whenever it lunged one of its many heads at her.

“Heh,” Wist darkly chuckled. “Looks like you’re biting more than you can chew.”

“What’s going on over there?” Applebloom asked from below.

“I got it,” Wist declared.

Wist soared off from Snowflake and zoomed through the air towards the hydra. Nearing the creature, she found Pharynx, Georgia, and Ocellus fluttering around the creature.

Ocellus saw Wist and shouted, “Wist, get Luster out of there. We’ll distract the hydra.”

Wist groaned at her command. “She’s a big pony. She can handle herself.”

“Please just do it,” Ocellus urged.

“Okay, fine!” Wist growled.

Wist harnessed her horn and glitched out of existence. She reappeared before Luster, crashing into her.

Luster craned her head to collect herself. When she realized Wist atop her, she gave a poisonous glare. “What are you trying to pull?”

“Ugh,” Wist groaned. “Okay, not my best performance. This teleporting is a lot more complicated than I thought.”

The many heads of the hydra lunged at Pharynx, Georgia, and Ocellus. However, a pair gleamed their golden eyes at Luster and Wist.

Luster quickly grabbed Wist and teleported before the heads lunged at them. Their large fangs clamped on the space where Luster and Wist were moments ago.

The two heads look about, trying to find where its prey had disappeared to. However, a rough tackle from an armored Roc Pharynx earned its furious attention.

Luster and Wist appeared atop a nearby building, hiding behind a thick railing.

“How’d you do it like that?” Wist asked. “You didn’t even look over here.”

“This isn’t a game, Wist,” Luster retorted. “Every week we cause all sorts of problems for Ponyville. We’re supposed to be learning about friendship, but all we’ve been doing is fixing problems made by our own hooves. Doesn’t that bother you?”

Wist rolled her eyes. “Oh, don’t be such a killjoy. We’ll get through this, no problem.”

“What’s joyful about monsters raiding town!? I’m supposed to be the protégé of the Princess of Friendship and all I’ve done so far is contributed to near destructions of Ponyville. How am I supposed to look at Princess Twilight in the eyes aga—?”

Wist stopped Luster’s tirade with a swift slap across her face. She then pulled on Luster’s should peer at her with glimmering emerald eyes.

“Nobody will hate you for this,” Wist argued. “Regardless of a stickler for the rules you are and how weird it is you worship Twilight as if she’s a god, we still want you here. At least I do. “Luster gazed incredulously at Wist. It wasn’t often she witnessed the wicked witch speak in such a serious tone. “…Are you trying to cheer me up?” Luster questioned, confused.

“You sure you want to look at it that way?” Wist questioned back. “Don’t you think it’s pathetic to have your own rival trying to encourage you?”

“You think of me as your rival?” Luster gasped. “Wist, I had no idea you had that much respect for me.”

Wist pushed Luster away, hard enough to throw Luster on her back. “You are reading too much into this,” Wist growled. “Are you going to help me or not?”

Luster raised back on her haunch, rubbing on the back of her head to smacked on the ground. “I hope you know I’m getting you back for that. This rival is one to hold grudges.”

“Hah, I like to see you try.”

They shook at the sound of the hydra’s roar. They looked upon the monster and saw it staring at them. It came rushing for them, despite the others’ effort to garner its attention via beams, slashes, and slams from heavy forms.

“How about after we’re finally rid of the hydra?” Luster suggested.

“Fair enough,” Wist agreed. “I don’t like giant creatures like that flexing their weight to everyone. Someone needs to take it down a peg.”

“Would happen to have a hex big enough for this?”

“Was that rhetorical question? There is no creature in this universe that can resist my hexes.”

“Good,” Luster said, standing on her hooves. “Give it the most traumatizing one possible. I’ll draw its attention.”

Wist blinked at Luster’s response. “Wow, you and Pharynx are really taking a turn for the dark side. And here I thought I was supposed to be the bad egg in the group.”

“It’s a group effort,” Luster quipped. “Learn to share sometimes.”

Luster disappeared and reappeared by the hydra’s side. She called for its attention with a beam upon one of its eyes. The hydra roared and gave chase to her.

“So now we’re sharing our mistakes now?” Wist chuckled. “Alright then, don’t go complaining if this leaves a mark.”

Wist harnessed a dark aura that surged around her body and funneled upon the tip of her horn. A barrage of black wisps erupted from her horn, circling around her like fireflies.

She then gathered the wisps together, forming a giant ball of flame. However, it then condensed to a tiny wisp. Wist held the tiny wisp on her hoof and gave a light blow to send it off.

As the hydra continued its chase for Luster, it failed to notice the tiny wisp Luster happened to pass. Luster however took note of it and waited for the hydra to lunge again before teleporting away from its course. The hydra failed to catch its prey again, however, the tiny wisp was now where Wisteria wanted it to be.

“Pray that an indigestion will be your problem,” Wist said before her horn emitted a flash of green light.

The hydra’s body suddenly shone green before a mass green flame consumed its body. The eldritch fire towered over Ponyville, appearing as a malevolent skyscraper that briefly glimmered the town in emerald.

When the flames dissipated, the hydra fell limp to the ground. Its orange scales were now a deep pink like a shaved dog. Snowflake then appeared from the side of the rooftop where Wist stood. Applebloom hopped off from the ursa minor and whistled at the spectacle.

“Good job y’all,” Applebloom congratulated. “We make a good team.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Wist rolled her eyes. “Can someone just get Discord to flick all these creatures away already? I know he can do it.”

“I think he’ll get around to it once Ms. Fluttershy bandages them all up.”

Wist then fell on her back. She took a breath and stared at the blue sky. Applebloom sat next to her.

“You doing okay there?” Applebloom asked.

“Why is there never a dull moment in this town?” Wist asked. “I swear, it’s always something crazy going on around here.”

“That’s just the magic of Ponyville.”

“You describe like it’s a good thing,” Wist laughed. “But you what, I can’t complain. Compared to Abyssinia, this is still light.”

“Big sis!”

Wist shot back onto her hooves and took a defensive stance. Her eyes darted across her surroundings.

“Woah there,” Applebloom said. “You lookin tense there.”

“Pixie, I know that’s you!” Wist called. “Wherever you are, I hope you remember to respect my personal space!”

“Too late!” Pixie had pounced upon Wist, knocking her body over the railing and falling over. Snowflake had rushed beneath them and caught them in his thick white fur.

Wist gaped upon Pixie laying atop her. The small abyssinian rubbed upon Wist’s face, the purring resounding across her cheek. “Big sis!” Pixie cheered. “I finally found you.”

The love fuming from the pink cat was dangerously intoxicating. So much so that Wist’s head lightened and her vision blurred sporadically.

“Wait, Pixie,” Wist pleaded, trying to push Pixie away. However, Wist could feel her strength escaping her. “Let me go.”

“How could you leave me like that?” Pixie hugged Wist tightly. “You didn’t even tell me goodbye. Well, I won’t ever let you out of my sight again!”

“I’m sorry, okay. Just please, let me go.”

However, her vision blurred even further. Her body went numb and then her vision shrouded in complete blackness.

Wist heard a voice within the darkness. It echoed in her ear, soft yet desperate. Wist tried to find its source, but all she found was an endless wasteland of black.

But then noted two orbs of light within the distance. They were shaped like eyes, observing her from the distance. Strangely, it felt familiar to Wist. As if this was not the first time she was met by those eyes.

“Who are you?” Wist asked, but it did not respond. Annoyed, Wist tried to soar towards the eyes.

However, when Wist drew near, she was met by a flash of light. Wist shielded her eyes from the light.

And when she looked from behind hooves, she found herself no longer within the blackness.

Instead, she found two abyssinians watching her from the side of a bed. Wist raised from the bed, shocked by the pair before her.

“Mandy?” Wist said.

Mandy smiled. “She gave you an overdose, didn’t she?”

Mandy slid a cup of water rested on an end table beside the bed. “Here, drink this. You sound parched.”

Wist glanced at Mandy for a moment and then grabbed the cup of water. She took big gulps and then laid the cup back on the table. Wist didn’t even realize how thirsty she was. In fact, she could go for another cup of water or two.

“I’m sorry big sis,” Pixie apologized, her face droopy. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You’ve got a lot of gall claiming you hurt me,” Wist stated and tapped her hoof on Pixie’s nose. “I’m more resilient than you think.”

“So,” Mandy said. “I’ve heard that you’ve been attending this school for some time now. I didn’t expect you to venture out into Equestria of all places. I thought their talk about friendship disgusted you.”

“I told you she was a pony, remember?” Wist said. “I had to look for her. I couldn’t stay in Abyssinia forever.”

“I’m sure Hop has searched for her,” Mandy said. “Though perhaps the task proved far more difficult than expected.”

Wist gave a serious glance at Mandy. “Does he know I’m here?”

Mandy blinked. “No, none of us did. Why do ask? Is there something I should know?”

“Just please don’t tell him,” Wist pleaded. “He wouldn’t understand.”

“…I don’t know to understand why you ask this of me, but I will honor your wish. I wouldn’t want to disappoint my stepdaughter.”

“You’re still calling me that?” Wist laughed. “You do know I view Hop as a business partner, right?”

“Sorry, but if I’m expected to clean after you and ensure you held a healthy diet, you might as well be my daughter."

“Hey, I’m not that messy!” Wist defensively claimed. “Tell her, Pixie.”

“Hmm?” Pixie turned her head.

“Don’t act coy with me. You’re the one that ransacks my room all the time.”

“Don’t go shifting the blame,” Mandy said. “Your room is your responsibility. I hope you’re taking proper care of your room. I don’t want your roommate thinking I raised a dirty daughter.”

“It wasn’t me!!”

From the other side of the door into the infirmary room, Starlight and Trixie had their hoof inches from the doorknob. The constant shouts within the room prompted a debate as to whether they should intrude.

“Maybe we should give them time to catch up,” Trixie suggested.


“Starlight, as much as I understand your thirst to get some dirt on our little witch, we should respect her boundaries.”

“I-I know that,” Starlight snapped, offended. “You think I would go around snooping on my students’ privacy.”

“Then to lay down your hoof from the doorknob. We can ask Mandy for details when they’re finished.”

Starlight frowned, recognizing the merit in Trixie’s suggestion. She lowered her hoof and walked past her friend.

“You know,” Trixie said. “If you really want Wist as your pupil, all you have to do is ask. It’s obvious she is fascinated with you. She did call you her mom after all.”

“I—what?” Starlight beamed at Trixie, a thick blush on her cheeks. “I never said anything about making her my pupil.”

“Trixie saw that board at the castle library,” Trixie revealed. “You’ve been brainstorming the perfect scenario to recruit her.”

“I made that days ago,” Starlight blurted. “When were you going to tell me?”

“Uh, never,” Trixie said matter-of-factly. “At least until you considered snooping in your plan. Just be upfront with her. Trixie is sure she would accept.”

“Do you really believe that?” Starlight asked. “She tends to do things on a whim. She could reject me just to get a reaction out of me.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Trixie assured. “Something tells Trixie that she has a soft spot some creatures.”

“Why are these two here!?” Wist shouted at Starlight, pointing at Pixie and Georgia dropping their luggage into Wist and Luster’s bedroom.

Their bed had been redesigned as a bunk bed where Georgia and Pixie laid their belongings on the top.

“Mandy specifically requested for Pixie to be kept under your watch during her tenure at school,” Starlight answered. “I think it makes sense.”

“Then why is she here?” Wist pointed at Georgia. “Doesn’t she already have a room?”

“My roommate had to go home for the rest of the year,” Georgia said. “Complications at home. Principal Starlight thought I’d be lonely without a roommate, so she recommended me to move here.”

“Don’t be a spoiled sport, Wist,” Luster said. “The more the merrier I say.”

“Anyways, I call for the bed on Luster’s side,” Georgia declared. “I don’t trust having Wist under me.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Pixie cheered as she jumped atop the top bed on Wist’s side. “Then I get to share this side with big sis!”

Georgia approached Pixie, confusing the kitten with her observation. “I’ve never seen an abyssinian up close,” Georgia said. “Definitely didn’t know y’all can be pink.”

Pixie poked on Georgia’s beak, baffling the griffon. “Wow, it’s thick. Hey, can I see your wings?”

“What, never seen a griffon before? Well, if you let me see your ears, I think that’ll make a fair trade.”

“This is an utter infringement to my privacy!” Wist complained.

“Don’t worry Wist,” Starlight said. “There’s always more joy to a bigger group of friends.”

Wist looked behind her and see Pixie getting chummy with Luster and Georgia. The little kitten harassed their many features as Luster and Georgia relished in her curiosity.

“Fine,” Wist sighed. “But don’t you think it’s unfair I’m being drowned with so much responsibility. When I’m finally going to get something in return. And no, I don’t just mean Snowflake.”

“Well,” Starlight started. “I could offer you some lessons in magic. I see that you’re still struggling with the basics. If you like, I could give you a better insight.”

“Deal!” Wist immediately said. “I’ll show up tomorrow morning.”

“Wait, really?” Starlight said, astonished. “You’re not going to ask why I’m offering this to you?”

Wist surprised Starlight again when she pulled Starlight’s collar and pulled the unicorn near her face. “You’re the reason I’ve been dragged around town with all of these endless tasks I never asked for. It’s about time you took responsibility for it. Besides, who’d make a better teacher than the principal?”

Starlight paused at Wist’s forwardness. She knew the changeling to be elusive with her intentions. There may be some truth in her words, however, Starlight held intuition there was more to it than just a tradeoff.

Starlight smiled and patted Wist’s head. “Fair enough,” she said. “Then I hope to see you at my castle tomorrow.”

“Good,” Wist said and released her grip on Starlight. “It’s about time you did this. I can’t believe it took you this long. What fool sits around when there’s a creature full of potential.”

“You wanted my attention that badly?” Starlight asked. “Oh, I’m so sorry to have neglected you for this long.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Wist shouted. “For Abyssinia’s sake, what is with you ponies in reading too much in my words! I hate it here!”

Comments ( 5 )

Thank you for updating this fix! I wonder how many illegal things wist has been doing while at friendship school? Maybe she's making a bunch of drugs and is waiting until she can go to a city to sell them!

Wow!! The Words of it all! If I were this story, I’d be reviewed!

Nah. She doesn't care enough about Bits to sell drugs as a side hustle. The Devil Dust she keeps on hoof is simply for emergency purposes only. :pinkiecrazy:

As frustrating as a long wait is, it makes the payoff all the more rewarding. Always glad to see a new chapter.

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