• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 4,711 Views, 244 Comments

Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth - Azure Sandora

Rarity is forced to learn the truth behind Midnight, and her own horrible connection to the past.

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Floor II

Floor II – Why Am I Here?

As Rarity climbed the spiral staircase, her thoughts went back to her current situation. How long had she been here? Somehow she had lost track of her perception of time here. It was almost like time didn't even exist here.

She still didn't even know why she was here. That voice was dead silence since the last floor, and she hadn't run into any angels on the way up. Even if she had, it wouldn't have meant anything. Every time she had met an angel other than Princess Celestia all they did was fight her, calling her a "thief", and saying that her life "didn't belong to her".

When Rarity reached the next checkpoint she stopped and thought about what those statements meant. What did she steal? And how could her life not belong to her?

"It just doesn't make sense," she said to herself, "My life is mine. My identity is mine."

"Is that what you believe?" a familiar voice asked. It wasn't the voice from before that was ordering her around, nor was it the whisper like voice that was the angel from before. This voice actually sounded like a pony, and somepony she recognized. She looked forward, and saw the source of the voice. A pony with an azure blue coat, light blue mane and tail, and wearing a fancy silver witch's hat and cape.

"Wait..." Rarity asked stepping back, "Trixie?!"

"Life and identity are two different things," Trixie said walking up to Rarity with a serious expression, "Somepony's identity can belong solely to them, while their life can actually belong to someone else."

"Life and identity...?" Rarity asked, suddenly shaking her head snapping back to reality, "Wait, before that, how are you here? I thought you were-"

"Dead?" Trixie asked laughing a bit, "Your right, I am dead. Here though, I'm able to present myself as an Avatar."

"How are you able to..." Rarity then had a horrible thought, "Wait... am I...?"

"No, you're not dead," Trixie said, relieving Rarity, "But according to a few ponies here, you were never alive to begin with."

Rarity groaned in frustration, "What does that mean?! How am I not alive?!" Trixie winced a bit at Rarity's outburst, and all of a sudden Rarity felt guilty, "I'm sorry Trixie, I shouldn't take my frustration out on you."

"It's okay," Trixie said with a sigh, "I wish I could tell you everything, but the truth would be too painful, nor is that the reason why I'm here."

"They why are you here?" Rarity asked with a sigh, "Are you going to fight me too?"

Trixie laughed, "Actually it's the opposite. I'm here to help you."

"If you were really here to help me, you'd get me out of here."

Trixie looked down in sadness, and Rarity took note. She knew something.

"As long as the All Mother wants you here, you'll have to remain here," Trixie explained, "You don't have a choice but to proceed. My job is to make sure you proceed in the right direction."

"Proceed in the right direction?" Rarity asked.

"From here on out, things are going to get a little different for you as you climb higher," Trixie explained, "You may have to fight more, and you might even lose something important to you, but you have to proceed onward, no matter what. My job here is to make sure you reach the top."

"Will all of this make sense at the top?" Rarity asked, getting a sigh from Trixie.

"Sadly, they will."

What the hell did she mean by "sadly"? Was there something no one was telling her? If she did know the truth, would she turn back and run away? Could she run away? In the end, realism won over fear, and Rarity shook her head sadly.

"Okay then," Rarity said with a sigh, "Let's go."

"You're ready?" Trixie asked.

"Honestly, no I'm not, but you aren't giving me much of a choice. Just tell me, I do get to go home after this, right?"

Trixie didn't say a word. She just looked down sadly. Rarity's heart was leaping out of her chest. Why didn't she say anything?

"The All Mother gave me the memory fragment," Trixie said changing the subject, "I'll transfer it to you now."

"Trixie, wait. You didn't answer my-"

"Some truths are better left unsaid. Good luck Rarity."

She wanted to protest now, but it was too late. Trixie sent the memory fragment over to Rarity, and the second it touched her horn Rarity felt a sharp pain in her head. Looked like she'd have no choice but to trust Trixie now.

By now the effects of Midnight's spell had begun to take full effect, and the sun was shining brightly. They were almost at Canter Village, so Vale decided to ask Midnight a bit about what she had missed.

"You're royalty?!" Vale asked in shock.

"It's surprised me too," Midnight said sheepishly, "But when the villagers saw my ability to control the sun, and believed me to be of royal descent. They've been really nice to be because of it, protecting me from the demons."

"So why were you alone crying last night? It seems like it would be better for you in the village," Vale reasoned.

Midnight looked down in guilt, "The villagers have this image of me being a strong leader, but I'm not. Everything that they think I am, that's Azure. I can't live up to what they want me to be."

"Midnight, running away from your problems is never the answer. You need to tackle your weaknesses head on. Also, if you can't do it alone, that's what friends are for."

"Vale..." Midnight stopped, still looking at the ground, "I'm pathetic, aren't I? Everyone says I'm one thing, and I'm actually the complete opposite. I'm weak, helpless, a coward. I'm nothing like you."

"Oh Midnight..." Vale said walking over to Midnight.

"You were amazing back there. It reminded me that I'm still the same Midnight I was when we were kids while all of you have changed. Azure is the greatest mage in the village, Bayonet is a master carpenter, and you're stronger. I'll never be like you guys."

"You don't have to be strong like us. You just have to be you," Vale stated lifting Midnight's face to hers, "You'll get stronger."

"You believe in me?" Midnight asked.

"The first step is to become less dependent on others. Once you learn to stand on your own four feet, then you'll be on track to becoming stronger," Vale playfully flicked Midnight's forehead, "And no more running away from your problems."


Vale smiled and then began walking back to the village. Midnight ran after her to catch up.

"By the way, what kind of angel are you now? Did they give you a special directive?"

"Yes they did," Vale said proudly, "But I think I'd like to wait till Azure and Bayonet are here as well. I think you'll be happy with it."

It looked like Midnight wanted to know really badly. Well too bad for her, she'd just have to wait. Sure she wasn't exactly here for fun purposes, but she was still here, and that was cause to celebrate.

Vale and Midnight walked into Canter Village an hour later to see a lot of commotion. The villagers looked frantic and some of them were even wearing armor.

"Oh dear..." Midnight said looking worried. Vale was confused. Were they looking for Midnight?

"There you are!" they heard in the distance. Both alicorns looked out and saw a familiar blue unicorn walking up to them. She was wearing a dark blue and gold robe now, her magic wand Cutie Mark sown to the side, and her light blue mane and tail were much fuller, but Vale recognized her.

"A-Azure..." Midnight said looking down in shame.

"I was worried sick about you!" Azure fussed at Midnight. Even though both she and Vale were a foot larger than Azure being full grown alicorns, Midnight seemed so small in comparison.

"I'm sorry, Azure..." Midnight said, now biting back tears, "I know I'm not supposed to leave the village unattended, and I did get attacked-"

Azure freaked out, "Midnight! You didn't get hurt, did you?!"

"N-n-no..." Midnight said, "Vale found me and protected m-me..."

"Wait, Vale?" Azure asked, finally looking at the other alicorn. Her expression immediately became brighter, even though she still didn't smile, "My Faust! Vale?! Is that really you?"

"Yes, it's me old friend," Vale said smiling. Before Azure could say anything else, another pony ran up to them, this one being a yellow earth pony with a red mane and tail. Unlike Azure, this pony wore a white and blue dress like a farmer, but her Cutie Mark at the moment wasn't visible.

"Sky, we got a problem!" the pony said, "The demons are starting to break through the gate!"

"Damn it!" Azure Sky swore biting her lip.

"Demons? In the village?" Vale asked.

"Yeah," the earth pony said, "We've been fighting them for..." the earth pony looked at Vale, and immediate her eyes lit up and she smiled, "Vale?! Is that you?!"

Vale smiled and nodded, "Yes, but I get the feeling the celebrations will have to wait. You mentioned demons attacking?"

"Ah! Right!" Bayonet turned back to Azure, "A large scale demon is trying to burrow into the village underground. I think the shield is failing."

"That's not good," Azure turned to look at Vale, "I'm sorry to ask this right after you just got here, but we could really use the help of an angel. Can we count on you to help us?"

"Of course," Vale said nodding, "I may be from Elysium, but this is my real home. I'll do whatever I need to do."

Azure smiled and turned to Bayonet, "I'll take Midnight back to the castle. Can you-"

"Hold on, that's right!" Bayonet turned to Midnight, "You had us worried sick, filly!"

"I-I know..." Midnight said looking down in shame.

"Bayonet! Priorities!" Azure shouted, snapping Bayonet out of her moment.

"Right, sorry Azure," Bayonet said rubbing the back of her head. At least things hadn't changed that much.

Azure Sky sighed, and then continued, "I need you to take Vale with you to the gate and help protect it. I'll join you once I'm sure that Midnight is secure."

"Got it," Bayonet turned to Vale, "Follow me."

Vale nodded and ran after her enthusiastic friend, wondering the whole way how they had lasted so long without her.

"So, exactly what did I miss?" Vale asked as they ran.

"Well let's see, it started about a year ago," Bayonet started, "Midnight had come back from Tartarus, only this time she had control over the sun and moon. She demonstrated this and the people of Canter Village assumed she was an angel sent to watch over them. They built the castle over there just for her," Bayonet pointed to the side and Vale saw a black stoned castle sitting on the edge of town. It was small by most castle standards, but still impressive given the time.

"They built that in a year?" Vale asked.

"You'd be surprised what ponies are capable of when they work together," Bayonet said, "Midnight actually brought the entire village together in a way Azure and I had never seen. When Midnight was looking for attendants, Azure volunteered herself to be Midnight's personal servant. You should have seen the look on Midnight's face when she saw Azure."

"Assuming that was the first time in years, I'd imagine she cried?" Vale asked.

"Yep, she cried," Bayonet said, laughing a bit, "But we couldn't be mad. Honestly, I was crying a bit looking at them."

"Well, that still leaves a few things I need to ask Midnight, but that comes later," Vale stated, "What next?"

"Well, things were peaceful for about a year, until the beginning of this year. That was when the demons came. They started attacking the village in waves, always trying to get to the castle."

"Do we know why?"

"Well, a lot of us suspect they're after Midnight. You see, Azure and I didn't tell anypony that Midnight came from Tartarus, but all the demons seem like they're trying to get to her."

"I imagine it's to get their hands on control of the sun," Vale then thought about something Bayonet said, "Wait, you didn't tell anypony where Midnight came from?"

"And risk everypony thinking she was summoning the demons?! Buck that! I hate lying, but Azure said it's better to omit the truth for the safety of a friend."

Normally Vale would disagree with that statement, but at a time like this Azure had a point. Midnight was from Tartarus, but she was sweet, and fainthearted, nothing like the demons that attacked the village. Vale knew that, Bayonet knew that, and Azure Sky knew it too, but Vale also knew how silly mortals got sometimes.

"So you've been secretly protecting both Midnight and the village from the demons?" Vale asked as they slowed to their destination.

"Yep. Midnight helps out too, sometimes, but this one might be a little too much for her. Oh, we also have help from Morgana. You remember her, right?"

"Morgana? Where have I heard that name before?" Vale asked.

"She played with us a few times after Midnight left, remember?" Bayonet mentioned. Now Vale remembered. They had gotten so used to having Midnight around that when she left they went looking for a fourth member of their group. They found it in the form of Morgana, a unicorn from the orphanage who usually kept to herself. At first she was afraid of Vale for being an alicorn, but eventually she opened up and fell right into place as a member of the group.

"Right, she's still living here?" Vale asked.

"She just moved back," Bayonet said smiling, "It's like our whole group is coming back together. It's seriously great having you back, Vale."

"Yes, let's celebrate after we take out this wave of demons," Vale said as they stopped and looked at the gate.

"Right, priorities," Bayonet said shaking her head and slapping her cheeks, apparently getting ready for the fight ahead.

Trolls and demons that looked like ponies in black armor emerged from the ground. Just seeing them invade her second home made Vale furious. She hunched forward and stomped the ground, her eyes glowing green.

"Your kind is NOT welcome here!" Vale shouted angrily, "I will not let you defile this place!"

"I need something sharp and easy to weild!" Bayonet called out. One of the villagers handed her a sword, which she weilded in her mouth. She then rushed over to Vale's side.

The two friends split up the fight, Bayonet going after the demon ponies and Vale fighting the trolls.

Bayonet swung her sword around slashing at the demon ponies in a controlled yet wild manner. One of the demons cast a spell, firing a black beam at Bayonet, but she rolled out of the way making the spell hit one of his allies. She then clashed swords with another demon, who was also wielding a sword in it's mouth.

Vale was on fire, flying around the field and firing white beams out of her horn at the trolls, who were practically running away from the rampaging alicorn. She landed and began rapidly firing at the trolls, offing them one by one.

The fight literally ended too quickly, and before they knew it, the two ponies were alone.

"That was easy," Bayonet said.

"A little too easy, if you ask me," Vale stated. A rumble caught their attention as a villager galloped over to them.

"Bayonet, the sandworm has broken through the shield!" he said. Bayonet was wide eyed.

"What?! Does Azure know yet?!" Bayonet asked.

"One of the other guards is warning her now!"

"What about Morgana? I heard she's nearby," Vale asked.

"Morgana is preparing a spell to banish the sandworm," the villager said.

"Good, in the meantime we need to get to the castle!" Vale said turning to Bayonet, "Let's move!"

Bayonet nodded before running to the castle.

"Wait!" the villager called out, making Vale stop and turn to him, "Angel, thank you for coming to our aid."

Vale smiled warmly, "This place was once my second home as a filly. It's only natural that I'd do what I could to protect it."

The villager suddenly looked shocked, "Wait, are you little Vale? I thought you looked familiar. Thank the heavens you were sent down."

"There will be time for welcomes later. Go and help Morgana. Once she's ready send her to the castle."

"Understood Vale," the villager said. Vale gave a small nod and then ran off to the castle.

At the castle she saw Bayonet and Azure Sky standing in front of a giant black worm like monster with a big mouth and really sharp teeth. The monster charged downward, but both ponies jumped away from it, forcing it to burrow underground.

"Bayonet! Azure Sky!" Vale called out running up to them, "Is this the sandworm?"

"Yeah. It's one of the more dangerous demons," Azure said.

"They're blind, but they're really powerful," Bayonet said, "Usually we have Midnight helping us from the sky, but she's powering up the shield right now,"

Midnight fought? Vale decided to put that in the list of questions she would ask later and nodded in understanding, "I understand. You guys keep it busy from down here and I'll fire at it from the sky."

"Alright," Azure Sky began charging up her magic, "Let's hope Morgana gets done with her banishing spell soon."

"It's coming back!" Bayonet shouted bracing herself. Vale took to the skies right before the sandworm jumped out of the ground. Azure ran past it's open mouth and fired a lightning spell at it. The sandworm roared in anger and tried to tackle Azure, but Bayonet pushed Azure out of the way. At the same time Vale flew past the sandworm firing beams of light at it, angering it further.

Bayonet tried stabbing her sword in the side of the sandworm. It roared in pain, but otherwise it didn't seem like it went though anything vital. Bayonet backed away from the sandworm as it turned to her.

"Um... guys?! A little help would be nice!" she screamed.

Vale and Azure Sky turned back to Bayonet and rushed back to her side. Azure Sky stood in front of Bayonet firing bolts of lightning at the sandworm, and Vale followed up with firing a stream of light at the sandworms exposed mouth.

"This isn't working!" Vale shouted.

"We're hurting it, but unless we banish it to Tartarus are we're doing is making it angry!" Bayonet shouted.

"Damn it! Where is Morgana?!" Azure Sky shouted.

"Vale! Bayonet! Azure!" Midnight screamed galloping out. Azure, still firing her spell, looked at Midnight through gritted teeth.

"Damn it Midnight, get back in the castle!" Azure Sky commanded. Midnight was visibly trembling, but she shook her head.

"B-but I can help!" Midnight said, "Everyone else is fighting!"

"You're the one they're after!" Bayonet shouted.

"B-but...!" she looked so indecisive to Vale, like she wanted to help, but also wanted to run away. Either one would be good, but to just stand there...

The sandworm must have felt Midnight's energy, because it burrowed into the ground away from Azure and Vale's attacks, and then came out right in front of Midnight, who screamed and fell to the ground. The sandworm hovered over Midnight, who just remained where she was, lying on the ground whimpering in fear.

"MIDNIGHT!!!!!" Azure Sky shouted.

"MOVE!!!!" Bayonet shouted.

Vale looked around frantically until she saw sompony galloping over to them. They were a grey unicorn, with a really long and straight black mane and tail, and they were wearing robes similar to Azure Sky, only they were black and red, and the Cutie Mark sown to the side was a purple musical note surrounded by a magical aura. Realizing who it was, Vale turned to Midnight.

"Midnight, fire into its mouth!" Vale shouted. The purple alicorn didn't even think about it. Immediately she fired a burst of fire into its mouth, knocking the sandworm onto the ground. Following that, the gray unicorn ran into the scene and began casting a spell.

"Azure, help me!" the grey unicorn shouted. Azure nodded and ran over to the unicorn, joining horns with her. Under their feet, a red spell circle appeared under them.

"We banish thee to the depths of Tartarus!" the two unicorns shouted in unison, "Demon, BEGONE!!!"

Black hands appeared out of the ground under the sandworm, and began pulling it into the ground. Midnight backed away in horror watching the demon get pulled back into Tartarus, and Vale noticed she was crying.

When the demon was gone, the unicorn turned to Azure Sky, "We're not done," the unicorn said, her voice deep and sultry, "Azure, you need to cast the shield spell, just like I taught you."

Azure nodded and walked forward. She pointed her horn to the sky and began charging her magic. A few seconds later, a beam of light shout out, and the spread out to form a dome that enveloped the entire village. Vale looked around in confusion as the dome vanished.

"The spell works on intention," the gray unicorn said sauntering past Vale, "Anything that is both of Tartarus and has ill intention to the village is kept away," the unicorn looked at Vale with a sultry smile, her magenta depths meeting with Vale's eyes, "It's good to see you again, Guardian Vale," she purred.

"M-Morgana..." Vale said. For some reason, her heart was racing.

Rarity came to, feeling like she had fought that demon. Trixie's hoof helped Rarity up. As Rarity looked at Trixie, she had a realization.

"That one pony, Azure Sky," Rarity said, "She looked just like you."

Trixie laughed, "That's because she is me," Trixie stated, "I'm both Trixie Lulamoon, and Azure Sky."

Rarity nodded looking at her Cutie Mark, "It's the same, isn't it?"

"Oh, my Cutie Mark?" Trixie asked, "Yeah, Cutie Marks get transferred over through reincarnation. After all, she is me. It's only natural that I'd have the same special talent."

Rarity thought about that, and realized that she recognized quite a few ponies there. Bayonet really looked like Apple Bloom, and the comparison between Midnight and Twilight was so uncanny it was scary. There was one more though that stood out.

"That one unicorn," Rarity asked, "Morgana, was it? She looked familiar as well."

"You've never met her," Trixie stated, "but I'm sure you have seen her before."

"Really? Who is-"

"We need to keep going," Trixie said walking ahead, "I can guide you, but that's about it."

There she goes again, Rarity thought, dodging the question. Rarity sighed and galloped after Trixie. She had a feeling this was going to be a long day.