• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 4,711 Views, 244 Comments

Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth - Azure Sandora

Rarity is forced to learn the truth behind Midnight, and her own horrible connection to the past.

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Floor V

Floor V: Did I Forget Something Important?

"It just doesn't make any sense," Rarity said to herself as they reached the fifth floor.

"What's wrong?" Trixie asked.

"Well, I can't help but feel like something is wrong," Rarity explained, "That last Avatar said that all that is born of nothing will return to nothing. Was she referring to me?"

Trixie sighed and looked away, "Why don't we stop here for a bit. We're halfway there now, and our pace is pretty good."

Changing the subject? Rarity was done suspecting Trixie, as she rationalized that Trixie was doing her job. It was still frustrating though, being the only one who didn't know the truth.

The two mares sat down near the door. Rarity didn't even realize how tired she was until she sat down. She even took the chance to deactivate her armor, returning it to its necklace form.

"I forgot how heavy that armor is," Rarity complained, "It feels nice to be able to take it off for a bit."

"Do you remember how you got here?" Trixie asked, confusing Rarity a bit, "I wasn't briefed on how you ended up here."

"Ahh," Rarity nodded, "Well let's see here, how long have we been in this tower?"

"Not long at all. It's only the afternoon on Equestria."

"That means Apple Bloom will be leaving soon," instead of dwelling on it she shook it off and continued her story, "I guess it started last night then. I had been having weird dreams for about a year, all of them pertaining to what I'm guessing is Vale's childhood. I asked Twilight what she thought about them, but she always dodged the question."

"How?" Trixie asked.

"Changing the subject, saying that she didn't know much about it, stuff like that. Eventually I just gave up," Rarity stated, "But one day, last night..."

~Yesterday Night

Rarity had just returned from the spa. Between the dreams she was having, and Twilight not being helpful, she just needed a night to herself.

Ever since Twilight went off to talk to the Princess six years ago, she had become really secretive. She started watching Sweetie Belle and her friends from the shadows, spending lots of time in the library away from everypony, and whenever someone asked about the times when she was Midnight, she would clam up and avoid the question.

"Damn it Twilight," Rarity said to herself, "All I want are answers."

As she trotted back to her boutique, she was becoming increasingly aware of the pony following her. They had been behind her since she left the spa, and she was getting sick and tired of them. Yes, she was beautiful, but she was taken now. Her flirting days were over, and she never let anypony pick her up on the street.

She led them to the outskirts of the town, closer to the Everfree Forest. Once she was sure she was alone, she turned around.

"It's rude to stalk a lady, you know," Rarity taunted. The pony following her was a stallion with a white coat, and a blond mane. They were wearing a white cloak, so she couldn't see their face.

"And who are you?" Rarity asked them, only getting silence, "You know, I haven't been in the best of moods these days, so I'm not really in the mood to deal with creeps. Now, am I going to get an answer out of you, or am I going to have to-"


"Huh?" Rarity asked. Did this weird stallion say that?

Return what you stole...

The stallion was walking to her. This was getting scary.

"Um, I think you have the wrong mare," Rarity said backing away from him, only to back into another just like him.

That life you have doesn't belong to you...

"Wh-what's going on?" Rarity asked, now getting scared as more of them appeared around her, "I didn't steal anything!"

The closed in on her. Unfortunately she had forgotten the Element of Generosity at her place. They had all started keeping the Elements of Harmony close to them, just in case they were needed again, but this was the one time she opted to leave it at home. If she survived this encounter, she'd never leave home without it again.

The one right in front of her started charging up his magic. He pointed his horn right at her and fired something point blank at her. She screamed as her entire world went white.


"After that I woke up here," Rarity finished, "Do you know what they mean by calling me a thief?"

Trixie sighed looking away, "Y-yeah, I do. Contrary to what they all think though, it's not entirely your fault."

Not entirely? Well, that was more than she had gotten so far. If she did steal something, at least she knew that it wasn't completely her fault. If they'd just tell her what she stole, then she'd gladly give it back.

Rarity got up and reactivated her armor, "I've rested enough. Come along Trixie," Rarity said walking to the door.

"Right, let's go."

The two of them approached the door, but Rarity stopped right before opening it.

"Is something wrong?" Trixie asked.

"The last few Avatars I fought, they were strangers, right?" Rarity asked, "Because I know that my friends are the Elements of Harmony, yet for some reason I can't remember who the Elements of Kindness and Honesty are, and those were the ponies I fought in the last two floors."

Trixie's expression was dark, and somewhat angry. What was that all about?

"I... Rarity... those two Avatars... they were-"

"No, nevermind," Rarity said, shocking Trixie.


"I shouldn't put you in that position. You were given a mission, and I shouldn't compromise that," even Rarity was surprised by how reasonable she was being. All of a sudden though, the answer didn't matter to her. She turned to Trixie and smiled, "So let's go, alright?"

Trixie gave Rarity a sad smile, "Yeah... let's go."

The two of them walked into the room, where they saw the next Avatar waitingn for them. This one being a cyan pony with a long multi colored mane and tail.

Rainbow Dash...

"Why don't we cut the chit-chat," Rainbow Dash asked arrogantly, "We all know at this point that fighting is the only way for you to really get it, and your not just going to give up willingly. We're just going to have to take it by force then."

"If you're expecting me to just keel over and die, then you're in for a big surprise," Rarity said hunching forward in a fighting stance, "Trixie, you'll help me, right?"

"Are you going to be okay?" Trixie asked, "I mean, she is an Avatar of your friend, right?"

"True, but just like the last two, this isn't really Rainbow Dash. They want to kill me, so I'll show them and the All Mother how strong I really am."

Trixie made an irritated sound and then stood next to Rarity, charging up her magic, "She and I use the same element, so I might not do that much damage to her."

"Then follow my lead."

Rainbow Dash laughed, "You really have no idea what's going on here, do you?" her entire body was engulfed in lightning, and her fancy golden armor appeared on her body, "Makes my job that much easier."

She charged forward, her entire body becoming a bolt of lightning. Rarity and Trixie jumped to opposite sides to dodge, and Rarity began firing icicles rapidly at Rainbow Dash, while Trixie ran around the room, creating runes all around the room.

Rainbow Dash flew around the entire room at high speed as Rarity continued to fire at her. She then dashed into Rarity knocking her into a wall.

"Rarity!" Trixie called out. She ran over to them firing bolts of lightning at Rainbow Dash, but she charged up her entire body to absorb the electricity, "Damn it! Like this she'll..."

Rarity kicked Rainbow Dash away from her and fired a large ice arrow at the Avatar. She then glared at Rainbow Dash, stomping her feet getting ready to charge.

"I don't care what you say!" Rarity shouted, "This is my life!"

"How cute is that?!" Rainbow Dash said, "The doll wants to protect "her" life!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity charged at each other and traded blows, even though Rainbow Dash did most of the fighting. Rarity just blocked and dodged.

Trixie fired another bolt at Rainbow Dash, this time knocking her away, "STORM AVATAR!" she shouted. A bolt of lightning came down onto her horn, charging up her entire body with electricity.

Rainbow Dash scowled, and then charged her body with electricity. Oddly, Trixie smirked.

"Trixie, she's getting ready to charge again!" Rarity called out.

"I know, I have a plan," Trixie stated, "Just trust me."

Rainbow Dash charged at Trixie, but Trixie didn't move or anything. She remained just as she was. When Rainbow Dash reached Trixie, she knocked her down, and there was an explosion of electricity, one that knocked Rarity back a bit. When the smoke cleared, Rarity saw Trixie and Rainbow Dash struggling to get up.

"Trixie, are you-"

"Now!" Trixie called out, shocking Rarity.


"Attack NOW!"

Rarity wasted no time. She bombarded Rainbow Dash with icicles, actually knocking her to the ground and freezing her. She then charged at Rainbow Dash and impaled her with her horn. The Avatar fell back as she faded away.

"Thanks... for the... memories..." Rainbow Dash's Avatar said with a sinister smile. When she was gone, Rarity just stood there confused.

"Thanks for the memories...?" Rarity asked herself. She was about to ask Trixie about what she meant, but the memory fragment was right there. She decided to ask her after the memory, instead focusing on Vale's memories.

It was worse than they thought it would be. They assumed that the Gates to Tartarus would be deserted, but the second they arrived they saw that the door was actually starting to force itself open.

"This is horrible!" Bayonet exclaimed.

"Why is it this bad?!" Azure asked.

"Apparently the door has been opening more and more overtime," Morgana reasoned, "This is the result of the gate slowly opening over the last two months."

"Will the Elements of Harmony still work?" Azure Sky asked.

"They should," Morgana stated, "But we need to act quickly. Otherwise the door will be opened enough for the King of Tartarus to emerge."

"Daddy..." Midnight said softly to herself. Vale silently took note, and then walked forward.

"My mission is to cut this place off from Tartarus, and destroy any demons that plague this world," Vale stated, "At this point, this is the only way. Quickly."

"Then let's not waste any time," Morgana said, making her way to the gate, "We must stand surrounding the gate. Midnight, dear, please stand in the center."

Midnight stopped and looked at Morgana in fear, "W-w-w-why me?"

Morgana shrugged, "Well, you are from Tartarus. We may need to draw from your energy to close the gate. Besides, they're after you."

Midnight was trembling, and looking away, "I c-c-can't..."

Everyone stopped and looked at Midnight in shock.

"What are you talking about?" Bayonet asked.

"I can't go to that gate... I can't face him...!"

Vale had all but had enough of Midnight's cowardice. They all defended her constantly from the demons, even running into a few on their journey to get here. Sure she fought a little, but mostly she just hid behind them, mostly Azure Sky. This was it, their last chance, and Midnight was about to run away?

"Midnight," Vale began, "How long are you going to keep hiding behind us?"

"You don't understand..." Midnight said softly.

"No, I don't. I don't understand how you can stand here with the power to save everyone, and refuse to use it. I don't understand how you claim to desire to be stronger, yet all you do is run away and hide behind others."

"Vale-" Azure Sky began, but Vale held up her hoof stopping her.

"The ponies of Canter Village are looking up to you. They view you as a symbol of hope and strength. When are you going to act like it? When are you going to grow up?"

As soon as she said that, she wished she hadn't. Midnight's eyes were wide, and Azure Sky was scowling at her.

"Midnight," Bayonet said, "Vale didn't mean-"

"Well I'm sorry I'm not as strong as you!" Midnight screamed at Vale, tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry I'm not a super powered angel from Elysium! Unlike you, I get afraid, and right now I'm terrified! So excuse me for actually having feelings!"

With that, Midnight turned around and ran off.

"Midnight!" Azure Sky called out. She turned to Vale with a serious expression, "Smooth," she said spitefully before running after Midnight. Vale just stood there in shock. Emotionless? Her? Yes she was stern, but never emotionless.

"She's just upset," Morgana said trying to comfort Vale, "She'll come around."

"I... I have to track her down!" Vale said running after them.

"Vale! Where are you going?" Bayonet asked.

"Stay here! I'll be back!" Vale called out as she ran. She hated herself so much right now. She had hurt Midnight, her friend. That was something she'd never wanted to do, and she had to fight back tears as she ran.

She didn't have to run for very long. She saw them probably only a minute later, and Midnight was leaning into Azure Sky crying. She hid behind a large rock to listen a bit before she stepped out.

"You know she didn't mean it," Azure Sky said softly.

'Yes she did!" Midnight sobbed, "and she's right! I'm a coward! All I do is run away and hide! I don't deserve to be Equestria's Queen!"

"Well, I don't agree with that," Azure Sky stated, "I think you're perfectly suited to be queen. I'd rather have a queen that's sympathetic but fainthearted, than a queen that's bold but uncaring."

"That's just you! You're supposed to say that because you're my servant!"

Azure Sky laughed a bit, "Do you really think that's the reason I'm like this? Why I support you no matter what?"

"Why else?!" Midnight got up and walked off a bit. Vale could see them perfectly now, but thankfully they still couldn't see her, "You're strong, just like Vale, Bayonet, and Morgana! You have the strongest magic in Equestria, you rallied the entire village against the demons, why else would you support someone as weak as me?!"


"Honestly, I don't even know why you wanted to be my servant! You could have become anything, but you waste your talent watching over a weakling like me!"

"I don't want to do anything else," Azure Sky admitted softly, walking closer to Midnight, who still had her bacck turned to her, "And I guess this is as good of a time to show you why."

"Why?" Midnight sobbed, turning around, "Why would you want-"

Azure Sky kissed Midnight dead on the mouth, shocking both Alicorn's watching the moment. When the kiss was over, Azure looked into Midnight's eyes sweetly.

"Midnight, all I ever want to do is watch over you. You're my whole world," Azure Sky said.

"Azure..." Midnight said, not sobbing anymore, but tears were still streaming down her face.

"When you were gone, I felt lost. I wasn't interested in playing with the other kids, using magic had lost meaning, I had even started getting into fights with the nuns at the orphanage. It got so bad that no one even wanted to adopt me.

"It wasn't until I saw you again that the meaning in my life returned. After more than a decade of seeing the world in black and white, the color finally returned. I knew that I had to be where you were, so I went to the castle and pledged my loyalty to you. I'll admit, I was nervous that you would have forgotten about me."

"No! Never!" Midnight said, "You were the reason I even wanted to come back! I missed you so much. I wanted to come back just so I could see you. You were the reason why I couldn't go through with my daddy's orders," she looked away, but that statement confused Vale, "How could I destroy the world that my best friend lived in."

Destroy the world?! What?!

"Midnight, if that's the case, then maybe you do need to face your father," Azure Sky said, scaring Midnight, "Show him that it's your life."

"But I can't! I'm not strong like you!" Midnight cried looking away from Azure Sky's gaze, "He's too strong for me!"

"Then let me be your strength," Azure Sky stated, "Anytime you feel weak, let my strength fill you. I may not be an alicorn like you and Vale, so I will die one day, but until that day comes, I'll be the strength you need."

"Y-you will?" Midnight asked, trying so hard not to start crying again.

"So you don't have to hold in your tears, or be ashamed of them. Whenever you feel like crying, I'll use my magic to make you smile, like I always do. I love you, Midnight."

Poor Midnight broke down when she said that, "I l-l-love y-you t-t-t-too!" she sobbed. Azure then leaned in, and the two mares kissed passionately. Vale, realizing that Midnight was in good hooves, turned around and flew back to the others.

"I wonder," she said to herself, "Is this what you meant?"

When Azure and Midnight came back, they were leaning into one another as they walked, both of them smiling.

"Don't you two look happy?" Bayonet taunted, earning a slight scowl from Azure Sky.

"Shut it," Azure Sky stated. Vale walked over to them with her head bowed.

"Midnight, I apologize for my words earlier. You're not weak, I am. I was raised to be unwavering, and to not show weakness, but it takes true strength to show one's weakness. I was in error for how I spoke earlier."

Midnight shook her head smiling, "No Vale, I was the one who spoke out of turn. You're not emotionless. I admire your strength against the demons. I'm just glad that I'll never have to fight you."

"So, we're still friends?" Vale asked.

"Best friends," Midnight said. She and Vale hugged, their bond growing even stronger.

"While I have no problem with public affection," Morgana said catching everypony's attention, "I feel that we need to get moving. The door is almost completely open. Midnight, if you want someone else to stand in the middle then-"

"No," Midnight said with a surprising amount of conviction, "I'll do it. I have to face him."

Morgana nodded smiling, "Then let's get set up."

The five of them got into position, Bayonet standing in the far right, next to her was Morgana, on the far left was Azure Sky, and next to her was Vale, Midnight standing dead center. The five mares all powered up their elements, looking up at the gate as it slowly opened.

"Here it comes!" Azure Sky shouted.

"Everyone, focus on your elements!" Morgana commanded.

"Girls, something stepping out!" Bayonet shouted. Everyone looked up, and saw what looked like a large Alicorn stepping out of the gate. It was as big as the gate itself, putting it at thirty meters. They had a long flowing mane and tail, and although they appeared as a shadow, they had glowing red eyes.

"D-Daddy..." Midnight said, trembling again.

"Midnight!" Azure Sky called out. Midnight looked at Azure Sky, who was giving her a reassuring smile, "I believe in you!"

Midnight smiled at Azure Sky, and then turned to Vale standing right next to her. She nodded, and the two of them faced the demon emerging with confident expressions.

Midnight... I am disappointed in you...

Why do you stand before me with an angel...

"This angel... is my friend, as are the other ponies with me," Midnight said looking down, and then she glared at the large figure, "I won't destroy Equestria!"

So she heard that right. Midnight was sent to destroy Equestria.

You have been poisoned by their light...

Unable to see how horrible the world is...

"This world isn't horrible! It's filled with wonderful ponies who value unity, and can even love a demon like me! These ponies know what I am, and they've welcomed me into their world! I will not destroy is, nor will I allow you to destroy it!" like when Vale's eyes glowed green when her full power activated, Midnight's normally lavander eyes began to glow crimson red, "You'll have to go through me first!"

This was the first time anyone had seen her display this much power. To Vale, it felt like she was just as strong as her, only in a dark manner, like Midnight's darkness was as strong as her light. Vale looked at Morgana, who actually looked worried for some reason.

You would turn on your father...?

The one who created you...?

You are made from my blood...

and the blood of my dearest friends...

All of them know my rage against the angels of Elysium...

Yet you turn on me and them...

"I'll never follow your will! This world is beautiful, and you will not destroy it! Girls, now!"

Everyone charged up their Elements, and fired them at the gate. The figure tried to step out, and for a split second Vale saw a dark gray leg come out of the portal, but then their necklaces all shot out lights at the portal, and forced the figure back into the portal.

"I think it's working!" Vale shouted.

"Yeah, we're almost done!" Bayonet shouted in agreement.

The figure stepped deeper into the portal as the gate closed.

It matters not...

Soon you'll be shown the truth about this world...

As the gate closed, he looked in the direction of Bayonet and Morgana.

And you, traitor...

You will pay for stealing my sword...

My power is not to be coveted...

With that the gate closed, leaving the five mares feeling a mix of relief, and confusion. Bayonet looked at Morgana in confusion as the mare in question looked down seriously.

"What did that demon mean by his power being coveted?" Bayonet asked.

"Demons like that speak nonsense all the time," Morgana stated walking off, "Why don't we get back to the village? I'm sure that the ponies there are waiting for us to celebrate our victory."

"Midnight, are you okay?" Azure Sky asked as she, Bayonet, and Vale ran over to her.

"I'm fine," Midnight said, "I've never used that power before. It was sort of like when you use your powers, Vale."

"Similar, yes, but not quite," Vale said, still wondering what that was all about. Did Midnight have even more power than they thought?

"Come on, everypony!" Morgana called out, "Let's get our tails in gear!"

"We're coming!" Bayonet called out, "Sheesh, what's got her so eager to leave all of a sudden?"

"I don't know for sure," Vale said, "but I have a few ideas."

As they trotted back to the village, Vale thought about everything she learned. Midnight was sent to destroy Equestria. That meant that she and Vale were truly polar opposites.

That wasn't all though. If that demon was to be believed, then Morgana was...

"Was what?" Rarity asked as she came to. These memories were getting more and more interesting, and she really wanted to know the rest.

"Was that memory interesting?" Trixie asked.

"They closed the gate, but something tried to come out, something big. It looked like a pony, but..."

"That must have been the King of Tartarus, Katastroph, also known as the Father of Darkness. He's been sealed away for now, but eventually that seal..."

"Is he trying to escape?! Is that what this is about?!"

Trixie looked taken aback by Rarity's sudden eagerness, and Rarity was too. Where did all of that come from? Rarity shook it off and instead decided to ask the next question on her mind.

"That last Avatar said something strange as she faded away. Do you know what she meant by thanks for the memories?" Rarity asked. Trixie looked away in sadness and walked off to the door, "Trixie?"

"We need to get going. I'll wait for you upstairs," she said going through the door. That proved it, Trixie did know something, but she couldn't say. Either she was told not to, or was simply unable to. One thing was certain though. The Avatars she fought were the connection, and she had to get to the bottom of it.

Even if she had to go it alone.

"Damn it! This isn't fair to her!" Trixie shouted to herself, "She deserves to know the truth! I don't care if it's to awaken Vale, she shouldn't have to give up her life!"

Trixie leaned against a wall and silently cursed herself for being so powerless. If she could save Rarity from this fate, then she would have. But now it was already too late.

Rarity was already...