• Published 10th Sep 2022
  • 3,090 Views, 777 Comments

A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 31 – Zero Hour

Canterlot Mountain


“Woooooow! What’s this, Twilight?!”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at Pinkie’s giddy optimism. It was contagious, and she had to admit, that contagion was spreading among all within T.I.T.A.N. HQ. That rejuvenated life that filled Twilight’s throne room now began to fill the mountain facility, T.I.T.A.N. agents from all ranks turning and smiling to see the pink ray of sunshine make her presence absolutely clear. Maybe it was her aura. Maybe it was her antics. Maybe it was that special Pinkie Pie magic that nopony could ever understand, but love nonetheless.

The clock struck twelve at midnight, but nopony was tired anymore. Not when the heroes of Equestria, the Council of Friendship, blessed the agents of T.I.T.A.N. with their presence. Most of them, anyway.

Though missing the yellow Pegasus, the Element of Kindness, the remaining Elements were present and accounted for. Every able-bodied T.I.T.A.N. agent knew of Twilight’s plan to utilize the Elements of Harmony to end this destructive conflict with Godzilla, and seeing them was like a breath of fresh air, something they had been dearly missing being cooped up in Canterlot Mountain.

Within seconds, there were already cheers and hooves stamping on the metal, a small crowd growing larger as Twilight led the Elements, Spike, and the Directors Celestia and Luna deeper into the cavernous facility. Hooves stamped in hardy approval of the Elements of Harmony, some even being bold enough to reach out and shake the hooves of Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.

Not really used to the spotlight, Applejack accepted their hoofshakes as respectfully as she could, tipping her hat courteously to the remaining crowds cheering her name. Rainbow and Rarity, however, simply shined under the spotlight. Dash flew above them all, saluting to the masses and performing several air stunts, flexing as she did so. Several Solar Bolt pilots whistled and cheered even louder. Rarity gushed and bowed with every opportunity she was given, the stardom almost getting to her head. Very nearly, but she contained herself. They were on a mission after all.

“It’s okay; they’re cleared,” Twilight assured the burly, heavily armored agent guarding the catwalk. Turning his masked face over to the remaining Elements of Harmony, the stallion nodded without a word and stepped aside. He saluted to the directors as they passed, blocking the remaining agents from entering the restricted zone.

That didn’t mean they couldn’t see everything that was unfolding mere yards ahead of them.

This…” Twilight introduced proudly, her eyes shining under the mighty spotlights shrouding the great weapon, “… is Project Zero.”

Finally answering Pinkie’s persistent questions, even the party pony herself fell silent to the grandiose size and scale of the mighty weapon hanging high above. Within the mountainous facility, erected from on end of the rocky wall several dozen yards to their right and ending just in front of them, a cylinder-like cannon was displayed above. It was painted white, with black and silver tips on each end. Metallic support beams kept it hovering, and the ponies below noted the writing across the cylinder.

Type-3 Absolute Zero Cannon.

Twilight’s voice came out of the silence. “Bon Bon gave us the idea after the Crystal Empire. Seeing how the low temperatures affected the Titans, adding the freezing spells for good measure, she believed we could go one step further. And so, with Canterlot and T.I.T.A.N.’s brilliant minds united, we were able to devise this side project… and hopefully bring it to fruition!”

Her voice turned many heads among the scientific community, the scientists tied to Project Zero facing the approaching Princess of Friendship, as well as the mighty group that trailed her. The lead scientist for the project smiled, the unicorn mare in her long, white lab coat and heavy glasses approaching the princess.

“Ah, Your Majesty! Directors,” the lead scientist greeted, levitating her clipboard between them and checking off the last boxes. “Right on time! We’re ready for a final test phase. Would you like to do the honors and sign off on it?”

The sisters turned to one another, and with a shared nod, they were in agreement. Celestia smiled, bowing her head mildly. “You have our approval.”

Twilight joined her former mentor’s smile. “Let’s see what you’ve concocted,” the princess agreed.

With that final word of confirmation, the project specialists got to work for the firing test. Alarms began to blare and warnings lights flashed red. The ground level of the HQ was cleared out, workers and agents alike peering up to the cannon to see if it would actually fire this time. Across the facility, the intercoms came to life and announced the one and only warning.

Absolute Zero Cannon, final test commencing. Stand clear behind the appropriate barriers. Systems check: Magical power cores at 100% capacity. Temperatures reaching nominal levels. Exterior panels, activated. Preparing to fire in five… four… three… two…

As the voice spoke throughout the HQ, the cannon began to change. To the amazement of the Council, Spike, and even Celestia and Luna to a degree, three panels extended and started to spin rapidly around the end barrel of the cannon. The temperature gauges all dropped to an astonishing -273.15 degrees Celsius due to the intensity of the magical power cores—being empowered by the very same freezing spells used in the Battle of the Three Kings.

From the tips of each exterior panel, a bolt of bright blue lightning began to fire off to conjoin in the center, at the very end of the cannon’s barrel. A bright whiteness filled the HQ, forcing everypony to flinch accordingly, though it wasn’t enough to blind. From that light, a ball of raw, magical energy began to form, grow, and rapidly spin. The sphere of freezing blue energy grew so mighty that it could no longer be contained, and with a mighty roar from the cannon…

It fired.

Heads shot to the side to follow the beam’s trail, and they watched the stream of bright blue energy contact the target at the opposite end of the mountain wall. The target—a simple red circle painted on the wall—was doused in a blinding light, and everypony turned away at that moment. They waited until the light died down, and the ferocious growls of the cannon faded.

Eyeing the target, they witnessed nothing but a wall of ice replace the rocky surface, from top to bottom, sharpened crystal-like shards of ice jutting outward from every conceivable direction. Frost flakes rained down gently like snow, the temperatures dropping so suddenly that everypony within the HQ could suddenly see their breath. It was raw power incarnate, unleashed for a moment from the grand weapon they created, and in the end, it was a success.

A success.

Absolute Zero Cannon, test fire accomplished,” the voice in the intercom noted, and the HQ erupted in cheers.

“Congratulations, everypony!” Twilight exclaimed with a widened smile she couldn’t contain, eyeing the group of scientists already in the midst of celebrating. “I think we can chalk that up as a success!”

The scientists cheered and hugged one another, but even in their grand accomplishment, a dire state of mind fell over one pony in particular. The lead scientist raised her short-wave radio as she got a call, her smile dying once she brought the device to her ear. Trotting up to the princess, whispering something urgent in her ear, Twilight’s smile slowly deflated as well.

“So… Project Mecha really won’t be…?” the Alicorn asked, meeting the scientist’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I’ll let Task Force Risen Suns know immediately,” she responded, levitating her clipboard, her radio, and her bag close together as she started off down the catwalk and disappeared in the heat of the celebrating crowds of agents.

Twilight watched her disappear, and found the sounds of victory all around her to become dull. Soon, all she could hear was her own heartbeat, her panicked breaths growing more sporadic. Despite the intense shivers trying to overwhelm her, Twilight stayed strong. She desperately needed to stay strong.

Somehow, she managed to hear his voice over her own rising fears.

“Uhhh… Twilight?” Spike called, gently patting her shoulder and earning her attention. He tightened his lips, nervously looking to her, then to the cannon, and finally to the devastating aftermath of the ice wall it created. “I’ve been meaning to ask… we’re not actually considering using this cannon on Godzilla… right?”

She blinked. Staring only at Spike for several seconds on end, and then suddenly she darted her head back to the Absolute Zero Cannon. Frost particles flowed gently above and past her, the chilled air making her breath quiver. As well as her voice. “If all else fails…”

A tense moment of silence fell over the group. Even as the degrading cheers and resounding conversations grew among the T.I.T.A.N. agents, the stilled quiet was brought to the forefront of the Council of Friendship, as well as the Directors of T.I.T.A.N. They came together, Applejack standing close by Twilight’s side.

“So Kong, the Elements, an’ this ‘robo-Godzilla’ Pinkie’s been yammerin’ on about may not be enough?” Applejack asked. Noting how long it took Twilight to respond, she followed the princess’ gaze up to the cannon.

And then, Twilight said, “We didn’t know how long Mechagodzilla would have been out of commission. We theorized weeks, but that was just a guestimate. At the immense rate we’ve been working on the repairs, it’s looking like the Mecha won’t be ready until later tomorrow… so we’re going to have to launch our campaign without it for the time being.”

Both Celestia and Luna stiffened at that revelation, the latter seeming to relax after a moment’s realization. No Mechagodzilla meant no use of the Risen Suns, which meant the pilots could continue to rest and recover for more than what was deemed necessary. More so, Shatter Heart could continue on the path of recovery.

However, that also meant potentially losing Mechagodzilla, and one of their last shots of ending this conflict peacefully. Without any unnecessary death. Because if all they had was Kong, and he failed, and Godzilla could not be saved or defeated by the Elements of Harmony… all they had left was the Absolute Zero Cannon.

Luna stared at the ice wall, both the cold and a deep, dreaded fear making her shiver.

If Godzilla threatened their very existence, they would have no other choice.

Twilight continued, resting her hoof on the nearest railing that was already starting to frost over. “I wouldn’t have wanted Kong to be involved… and I’m sure Fluttershy would agree if she were here. But he wouldn’t have survived on Black Skull Island with that storm tearing it apart… and Godzilla’s already taken the first swing at him. We can’t stop the coming battle between Godzilla and Kong now. All we can do is fight alongside him the best way we can, unite the power of the Elements and save Godzilla before…”

“Before…?” Rarity asked, leading her on, but she already knew the answer.

Turning back to her friends, her eyes were heavy, almost wrought with tears, and Twilight choked out, “Before Godzilla may be too far gone.”

“Well, it won’t come to that,” Rainbow interjected, taking a firm stand and planting her hoof in the heart of the Council. “That cannon of yours isn’t gonna be fired again, ‘cause we’re gonna get that evil out of him no matter what!”

Her valiant smile was all Twilight could stare at, and her own smile came shortly after. She couldn’t fight, and she didn’t want to fight it, because Twilight wanted to believe. Just like Rainbow believed they were going to win this, save the Titan Savior of Ponykind, and end this war once and for all. Seeing Twilight’s returning smile was enough to revitalize the Council, and one particular party pony.

“I couldn’t agree more!” Pinkie Pie cheered, bounding over and wrapping her closest friends into the tightest, firmest, warmest, most assuring group hug she could manage. “Oh, Twilight! Could we maybe, possibly, definitely see the robo-Godzilla now? Pleeeeeeease?”

She gave the best puppy dog eyes she could ever manage, and Twilight couldn’t help it. Rolling her eyes with a smile, Twilight submitted and said, “Oh, all right. It’s about time you all saw our last trick up our sleeve.”

Breaking the hug, Pinkie hoof pumped into the air as her body shot up like a rocket, coming back down to the catwalk with a fiery crash and an explosion of confetti. “Come on, everypony!” she practically screamed, barreling down the steel catwalk and rushing to no particular direction. Definitely not the right direction, but she would figure that out eventually when her friends inevitably followed.

With a shared group laugh, the Elements trotted off to find and escort Pinkie to the correct location. The directors hesitated for a moment longer, their heavy stares locked with the Absolute Zero Cannon a second longer than they would have liked, and then they turned to join them.

As they left the testing wing of the HQ, Twilight peeked back one last time to see the Absolute Zero Cannon being equipped to the underbelly of the T.I.T.A.N. capital airship, the Radiance.

In the construction and repair wing of the T.I.T.A.N. HQ, the Council of Friendship were greeted to the grandiose sight of their most impressive achievement to date. And one that made Pinkie’s jaw fall flat to the steel floor, forcing her to drag it along, as her eyes grew like blown-up balloons.

The lights were bright inside the mountain facility, so it gave the ponies the clearest view possible of the mighty machine. They trotted alongside the vast and expansive series of catwalks, reaching the base of the machine and gazing up to its immense height. So much so, that they felt their necks craning back harshly just to capture it all. It was still hardly enough.

For they witnessed the metal beast being rebuilt, and Mechagodzilla stood as still as stone, eyes dark, lifeless. But not for very much longer.

Applejack whistled in astonishment, flicking her hat back so her eyes could capture the entirety and majesty of the Mecha. The tip of Rarity’s hoof had risen to cover her mouth, the unicorn simply at a loss for words. As for Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus wasted no time in jetting forward and performing circles around the machine. Even so, it took her a bit of time to circle the Mecha three or four times.

“JEEZO!” Rainbow exclaimed, her voice echoing off the sounds of construction across the cavern. The little blue dot flapped her wings just above the Mecha’s head, her widened eyes gazing down the spinal cord and wrapped tail in the darkness of the ground level. “How tall is this thing, Twi?!”

“About 400 feet!” Twilight answered loudly, her eyes falling back down to the catwalk and spotting three dark figures. Three particular ponies they were quickly approaching. “Our pilots can tell you everything you need to know!”

As for Mechagodzilla’s pilots, Peaky Blossom and Rotor Wrench turned accordingly to the familiar voice coming up on their right. They stood prepped and ready for flight in their black, armored jumpsuits, helmets nestled under their forelegs. Spotting the princess, Spike, and the directors, Task Force Risen Suns were almost taken aback by the others with them, but soon enough they were able to recognize the heroes of Equestria.

But Shatter Heart did not even turn his head.

He did not even flinch.

He could not even hear them.

Though he stood with his fellow pilots, he felt as if he was standing alone in the midst of their greatest achievement’s return. This momentous occasion was meant to be celebrated with those who contributed most to the Mecha’s creation, and two more ponies were meant to stand alongside Shatter for their day of victory. But they didn’t. They weren’t there to join them.

Moonshadow and the last of his family, his brother Cross, were taken needlessly. That was all Shatter could think of as he stared into the dark, dead eyes of his Mechagodzilla. His body was there, but his spirit was gone, trapped momentarily in the dark recesses of his fractured mind. A split spirit that warred against itself and the heart he tried to mend, but it was fruitless.

Darkness and shadow called to him and left his state of mind as an utter fog, one he could barely see through. One he could barely escape. One that suffocated the life out of him. And the only voice that called to him led him deeper into the dark, and there was no anchor to stop him. No anchor to hold Shatter to the real world. He heard nothing else but that voice call to him over the piercing, screaming ring deafening his ear drums.

“Commander Shatter Heart!”

And then he blinked. He was back. The dark red unicorn turned to the calling from Her Highness, and met the expectant stares from Princess Twilight, Director Celestia, Director Luna, Spike, Peaky, Rotor, and so many new faces just all staring at him. Ignoring the sinister quiver gripping the back of his neck, Shatter respectfully cleared his throat and faced the royalty and superiors appropriately, standing at attention.

“I’m so happy to see that you’ve made a full recovery,” Twilight exclaimed giddily, not at all acting in the manner of royalty, which surprised the task force. Her smile seemed a tad forced, but there was some genuine warmth to it. “Oh, these are my friends! Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash; the Council—”

“The Council of Friendship,” Shatter simultaneously interrupted and finished for Twilight. The Alicorn dropped her smile, eyes wide but not necessarily offended by the interruption. He turned to each one of them, nodding gently and muttering quietly, “Yes, I know.”

Peaky joined his nod, adding, “It’s an honor to serve alongside you for this coming mission.”

That was more than enough of an invitation for Rainbow and Pinkie to rush ahead with their burning questions. The rainbow blur, more straightforward in her approach, flew up to nearly bump snouts with Peaky, declaring loudly, “This… this has to be one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in my life! Coming from the coolest pony on the planet, what you guys managed to build is so awesome!”

She emphasized those words by squishing her cheeks, her eyes sparkling with childlike joy and wonder. Peaky couldn’t help but chuckle, Rotor smiling awkwardly as Shatter just stood there. And stared.

Suddenly jamming her hoof up to Mechagodzilla, Rainbow asked, “I gotta know, can it do everything Godzilla can?!”

Emerging from his silent state, Shatter quickly and fiercely replied, “He will do what is necessary.”

The tone of his voice almost immediately killed Rainbow’s enthusiasm, and the Wonderbolt’s smile fell in response. She met his eyes and almost expected another response, but received none other. Nothing verbal, at least, as the dead, glazed look in his eyes was enough for a frown to grow across the Pegasus’ face. It was as if there was a flicker of something in that gaze, something that darkened her fiery spirit and directly attacked her known personality, her righteous Element to uphold.

But she never spent long enough in his eyes to know for certain, because Pinkie was on her knees begging before the pilots. “Oh, please, please, please, please, please, pleeeeeeease can I help pilot the robo-Godzilla with you?! It would be the greatest and funniest thing I’ve ever done!” Pinkie cried.

Shatter’s eyelid twitched. “‘Robo-God’—?” he almost snarled, but Rotor thankfully chuckled and answered for him.

“Unfortunately, Mechagodzilla can only be piloted by unicorns. Highly skilled unicorns. Sorry about that, ma’am,” the burly unicorn responded to her pleas, offering his hoof to her instead.

“Okay!” Pinkie gleefully said, her bubbly personality reigniting fast as Rotor lifted her back up. She zipped quickly over to Twilight, whispering into her ear, “I call dibs on the next mech, though!”

Trying to understand if Pinkie was being serious or not was a battle in and of itself, so Twilight pushed it aside—for now—and addressed the burning issue. “I would… personally like to apologize for the delay in Mechagodzilla’s launch. I was told it would be mere weeks before we saw some finalized repairs, and then I was told it would be ready to fly with the Radiance, and now I was just told that—!”

Shatter raised his hoof, and Twilight found her voice suddenly lost.

“It is all right, Your Majesty,” Shatter responded, his voice and demeanor much calmer now, perhaps even Shatter realizing he needed to watch himself in front of the presence of so many superiors.

Sighing, adjusting the helmet under his foreleg and placing it on the steel floor, his hoof resting on top of it, Shatter said, “The lead scientist of Project Zero already gave us the grave news. It is unfortunate… but understandable. It would not be in any of our best interests if we were to launch the Mecha unfinished. It would be careless… and we would lose more than we would have ever gained. Until we can guarantee he is at full strength… we will remain here… and await your call.”

Rotor and Peaky both firmly nodded in agreement, standing proudly alongside their commander. Glad to see they had come to an agreement quickly, without the need of any unnecessary qualms, Twilight nodded in return.

Her smile came back and she said, “I can assure you all that call will only come if we desperately need it. Thank you… all of you… for your devotion, loyalty, and service to our world. We’re going to win this, I promise.”

Standing with her friends, Rainbow slowly turned to stare harshly at Twilight at the mentioning of that word: loyalty. As if there was another fire ignited inside her when she stared into Shatter’s eyes and felt something horrible. Like an omen that clawed at her heart, and one that cried to Rainbow but she couldn’t quite make out what it was saying.

But the dread she felt was real. The uneasy feeling she had for Shatter Heart remained, and her harsh stare never left that red unicorn stallion.

Even as he bowed to Twilight. Even as he saluted to the directors, nodded to Luna, and walked off with his pilots.

Rainbow eventually turned away, but never lost that feeling. Her eyes returned to the mighty Mechagodzilla, Applejack and Rarity continuing to gawk at it while Pinkie rambled on and on about what she would have done had she been piloting the machine. Spike jumped in at the opportunity and said what he would do behind the wheel. Twilight giggled and joined their conversation, Rainbow uncharacteristically silent for most of it.

Her eyes kept flicking back to Shatter Heart, and they lingered when Luna approached him.

“Oh, Shatter Heart, a word?” Luna called, trotting quickly up to the retreating stallion. Celestia watched her sister break off from the group, listening in to their conversation with a little magical influence.

Turning back to the approaching Alicorn, Shatter placed his helmet down and asked, “Yes, Director?”

“I would just wish to know…” Luna paused, catching her breath and realizing just how heavy and strained it had become. The previous and personal discussion she had with Heart was telling, and it was the last one they shared until this moment. Which made this all the more strenuous. “Tensions are growing. There is a certain unease in the air that I have felt, perhaps you as well? And your dreams…”

Shatter raised a brow. “You have been peering into my dreams again?”

With the knowledge of this dark influence somehow becoming more prevalent—and now the confirmation of Ghidorah and dark forces conjoined to wage war against the world—Luna’s own thoughts had gone into dangerous territory. Dangerous theories, terrifying prospects that she didn’t want to believe were possible. All of it had been building up and brought Luna to that moment before the unicorn. The unicorn who, at least to her, seemed to be at the heart of this darkness.

She didn't want it to be true, but that gnawing feeling wouldn't go away. Not until she knew for certain. Luna opened her mouth, realizing how dry her tongue had become. Her voice strained when she spoke. “I have trusted the judgement of your team after they cleared you for duty. I have seen the disturbance of your nightmares, but even those have dissipated recently. You seem settled. Outwardly, at least, but inwardly… I would wish to know what your intentions will be if you are called into action?”

His expression was unreadable, and the unsettling fear growing in the pit of Luna’s stomach was arising. Just as the Second Sister had said fear and paranoia would arise, as it had engulfed their nation and every nation already. A consequence of Ghidorah and the Bell’s power being utilized to plunge the world into chaos, and chaos would be the only outcome, no matter what.

Luna only hoped that chaos was something they fought against… and not something they fought within.

Shatter Heart already made up his mind.

“I will do what is necessary,” he answered, and Luna breathed again, quietly. “For the good of ponykind. For our survival. Most importantly…”

He picked up his helmet, and with a small smile—a rare occurrence from the unicorn—Shatter nodded to her. “I will fight alongside you,” he affirmed.

That answer was satisfactory enough. Just enough to get a small smile and a nod from Director Luna in return, before she turned to walk back to her sister. He, in tune, walked back to join the rest of his pilots. And Luna, casting one last glance to Shatter Heart, considered that he was fine after all. Maybe they would be able to accomplish this.

Maybe she was terrified of the prospects of believing otherwise, as a cold, dark shadow washed over her heart.

They escaped the catwalk.

They left the construction wing of the T.I.T.A.N. HQ and came together just outside the entrance to the mountain’s inner hallways, which led to their quarters, when Shatter Heart spoke to his team.

“Peaky, Rotor, I would like to tell you…” he began, voice softer than usual, more intentional, “… I am immensely thankful for your support in clearing me for duty. I have chosen you both specifically for your undying loyalty to our home, as well as the preservation of all life. But… you are also loyal to me… as I am to you. You did not have to be after what I did in Fillydelphia, yet you were… you are. It will be my greatest honor to serve with you again.”

And just like that, Peaky Blossom and Rotor Wrench saw their old commander, just like they had when they were first recruited. Soft, but well-spoken. Sincere, but direct. Loyal, and especially to his team. To his friends. It earned some much needed smiles out of the Risen Suns.

Rotor slapped his commander’s shoulder, grunting, “We owe you our lives, Commander. Your actions in Fillydelphia saved us, and we’ve seen you improve since then. Even when we’re not going into combat with Moonshadow and… your brother… we both decided and knew… you were ready. As were we.”

Hearing the name of the city, the names of his fallen comrades, twisted an ice-cold spike that was never removed from Shatter’s heart. So much so that he trembled when he responded, “What happened at Fillydelphia will not happen again.”

“Do not make us promises like that, Shatter,” Peaky retorted, and her smile was gone, replaced only with a harsh sense of reality filling her expression. Her eyes were growing heavy and wet, and it seemed the memory of that city broke something that was never fully repaired. “We have to be prepared for anything… including an event like Fillydelphia again. Only then can we overcome it… Only then can we…”

The tears came free, and there was not an ounce of judgement among them. Blossom shed her sorrow and made it evident, but the others remained silent. Remained by her side, but gave her the time needed to speak on her own terms.

Sniffling hard, opening her eyes, she faced Shatter with her tear-streaked face and told him, “You lost your brother… and I lost the pony I loved… I don’t want to lose either of you, too.” She turned to Rotor as well, and the acceptance in that look she received spoke volumes.

Shatter laid his hoof on her shoulder, bringing her gaze back to him. He said something that made her heart crack even further, and flood it with a warmth and a sadness she had yet to experience.

When he said, “He loved you. Never doubt that… I will gladly stand with the pony I am honored to call my sister.”

It was then the water works really flowed, Peaky releasing a gasp of air she had been preparing for her whole life, for as long as she knew and loved Cross Heart. A gasp she would have gladly relinquished had she seen Cross kneel to her and offer a ring.

Managing a smile through the tears, Peaky whispered, “Sister? Was he ever going to…?”

Shatter nodded. “He was intending so. There is nopony else he would happily spend the rest of his days with.”

There was the confirmation she had been waiting for, and it simultaneously completed her and broke her all the same. Peaky continued to tremble, continued to cry, but it was needed. There was a sense of peace to be found from that revelation. Pain, surely, but love most of all. If anything was to come of this tragedy, she was thankful to have gained a brother in the end.

Rotor laid his hoof on Shatter’s shoulder, as Peaky did the same for Wrench’s shoulder. “Let’s finish the fight… spend the rest of our own days in a world brought to peace… by our hooves,” Wrench fiercely declared. “For the Empire and for the world!”

And that was a call the Neighponese could all rally behind, and Task Force Risen Suns did so with dutiful honor to the very end.

“For the Empire and for the world!”

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla